• Published 3rd Mar 2015
  • 7,823 Views, 1,387 Comments

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining - David Silver

After deciding to stay in Equestria and learn its ways as a unicorn colt, Silver Lining now faces Canterlot and learning how to be a unicorn with his former-OC and Trixie to watch over him. Will he master magic, or discover the cruel side of foals.

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8 - Let's Explore a Little

With the meeting concluded, Rough and Trixie both looked eager to return home. "I'm going to look around," said Silver. Because of the meeting, he had missed school. Exploring sounded more fun than laying around the house. "See you later."

Trixie nodded at him, "Be home in time for dinner. Do you have snacks?" Silver quickly plucked out one of his granola bars and Trixie smiled, "Good. Trixie will see you later." She turned and departed with Rough Draft, leaving Silver to his own devices.

He took off at an idle trot at first. As energetic as his new form could be, his confidence had not yet built to the level that he would brave a full gallop, especially on the cobbled streets. He happened by a few stores and poked his small snout in one. Interesting scents reached him as he looked around the incense store a moment before departing as quickly. His roaming eyes did much to calm the tension he felt, at least until he was barreled into, knocked into an alleyway and sent tumbling over in a disheveled pile. "Ow, what the?" He looked up to see a familiar large presence sneering down at him. Rough Tumble clicked his tongue and another pony stepped out of the shadow, a unicorn mare. She had a dull red coat with lighter pink and cyan mane and tail. Her cutie mark looked like a plate of carrots. What did that mean?

"Meet my main mare," said Rough Tumble, "She's going to make sure you fight fair this time." Silver quickly scrambled to get to his hooves only for a sudden lash from Rough to strike him across the snout and send him back to the ground, dizzied and sore. "Not so tough when you're not the only unicorn around huh? Where's your fancy magic now?"

Silver's eyes darted around. He wanted to be anywhere but here, in an alleyway with a pony that looked like he wanted to murder him. "I don't want to fight."

Tumble skipped up and brought down a hoof into Silver's belly, making him curl up in pain, "Wrong answer. You coulda gave up yesterday, but you had to show off to everypony that you were a big bad unicorn."

The mare strolled towards the two, "I thought you said he had strong magic? He hasn't done anything, yet. Do you need me here, hon?"

Tumble nodded at her, "Hey, just chill out. If he doesn't do anything, you get to watch your stallion rough him up." He nudged Silver with a hoof, "Well? Not even gonna try to fight?"

Silver rolled away from the hoof and staggered up all too slowly for his liking. Tumble must have allowed it, since he saw no way the bully couldn't have knocked him over again if he wanted to. "Come on," goaded Tumble, "I'll even give you a free shot." Silver trembled in place, not wanting a free shot. He silently bemoaned the fact that he hadn't learned any other magics, like teleporting! That would be useful!

He focused on his magic, conjuring his silver hand and reaching to grab Tumble, but it ran into a previously invisible field around him. "He did something," said the mare, "You're right, he does have some talent."

"Hope you enjoyed your shot," said Rough Tumble with a low snarl, turning around all too quickly and presenting his back end to Silver. Silver blinked in pained confusion. Why was-- His thoughts were interrupted as the earth pony bucked his hind legs out and sent Silver crashing further into the alleyway. The pavement ground painfully through his fur, rubbing some of it off as he slid to a stop, wheezing for breath.

"Please... I don't want to fight," cried Silver as Rough Tumble approached him at a leisurely pace. His mare strode a few steps behind him, watching through her half-lidded eyes.

Rough Tumble grabbed him by the scruff where he dangled, feeling violated instead of the safe and secure feelings he had the other times he was held in such a fashion. Tumble dropped him on his haunches, "Who is the boss?"

Silver looked confused, "Wha?"

Pain exploded over his left eye, throbbing and almost strobing. It took a moment for him to realize Tumble had punched him across the face. "Wrong answer. Who is the boss?"

Silver tried to marshal his power. If he couldn't affect Tumble, maybe... He conjured the silver hand under himself and tried to lift himself away from the bully. His focus was terrible, and he just fell out of the hand in a heap after the second inch. Rough Tumble exploded in laughter before an intense ringing filled Silver's ears with a new pain. He'd been cuffed across his ears, he realized.

"I'll make this easy for you," said Tumble. "I'm the boss." He lashed out a hoof, kicking Silver. "The boss of you. The boss of the school. The boss of everything." Each statement was punctuated with a harsh kick, tenderizing Silver's abused insides. "Don't you ever forget that! Come on, let's go." He turned away from the downed Silver, trotting away with his marefriend, "Did you see the way he cried like a little foal? Ha."

Silver tried to stand, but nothing wanted to obey. His muscles replied only with pain and agony, and he remained where he started, broken on the alley floor.

He heard something stepping closer and tried to focus on it, but saw little more than blurs. "My my my," came a familiar voice, "You really let them work you over." Discord.

"Are... you here to laugh?" asked Silver in a weak voice.

Discord shrugged his shoulders, "I do that a lot, but not specifically."

"Are you here to help?" asked Silver hopefully.

Discord crouched in front of Silver, "Once an apex predator, now being beaten up by a schoolyard bully. A prey schoolyard bully. My, how the mighty have fallen."

Silver closed his eyes, fresh tears flowing as the pain burned through his form.

Discord waggled a finger, "Did you think running away from your past would make everything just get better?"

Silver gave a soft grunt, and tried to rise again, barely moving a hoof.

"No no, don't get up on my account," said Discord with a mocking politeness. "I'm not all bad, I suppose I could help a little. Celestia would be ever so disappointed if I left you here."

With a snap of his fingers, Silver found himself somewhere dark. He was laying on a bed. Everything still hurt. "Where?"

Discord was suddenly leaning over the bed, "I was obligated to get you somewhere safe. Nowhere safer than here!"

"Where?" asked Silver again, trying impotently to sit up.

Discord shrugged softly, "Somewhere safe, and quiet."

"Discord... Please. I don't hate you. I don't... even dislike you, just, please, a straight answer," begged Silver. "Come on."

Discord reached over and mussed Silver's mane. the touches made his injuries howl in muted agony, but Silver endured it without comment. "Oh alright. You're in my home."

Silver blinked slowly, "I expected more... everything."

Discord shrugged, "Even I need a place to get some peace and quiet sometimes. Don't like it?"

Silver shook his head a little, "It's perfect... thank you." He reached out a hoof, "Thank you."

Discord took the hoof in a lion's paw, "Well, you're welcome." He didn't seem entirely sure how to react to being thanked without conditions or snide undertones. "I have to go," he said suddenly and vanished.

Silver surrendered to sleep, feeling safe once again in the curious void that surrounded Discord's bed.

Author's Note:

Not all bullies are put in their place after a single victory.

But typos are! Stand up to Typos!