• Published 3rd Mar 2015
  • 7,823 Views, 1,387 Comments

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining - David Silver

After deciding to stay in Equestria and learn its ways as a unicorn colt, Silver Lining now faces Canterlot and learning how to be a unicorn with his former-OC and Trixie to watch over him. Will he master magic, or discover the cruel side of foals.

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28 - Back to Living

Silver's attempts to gain access to the spell portion of the book were a bust before they began. Trixie kept out the reference page he had made with Celine's help and insisted he just study that, refusing to retrieve the book again. The weekend passed well enough, ignoring that part, and soon Silver was trotting to school at Celine's side. When they arrived, he looked for Tumble's truck and didn't see it. Was he running late? He saw his other friends present, minus Soft Blush.

He approached them with one hoof up, and fell over. Walking with three legs was an advanced skill he hadn't quite got the hang of yet. Celine gently lifted him in her magic, setting him on his hooves, "Thanks. Hey guys."

Lily Jump smiled, "Hey Silver. Oh, my dad got me these tickets to this place, but I don't even like their food, you want it?" She passed him tickets and he accepted it, looking uncertain a moment before he remembered and bobbed his head.

"Thanks," he said, then looked to Meadow, "How's it going?"

Meadow shrugged in a pleasant way, "Weekend was cool. I got to see a hoofball game, major league! It was up in the nosebleed section but it was still pretty nice. Anyone see Soft Blush, or Rough Tumble?"

Celine raised a hoof, "Soft Blush went to work at Warneigh Brothers."

Meadow pouted a little, "Oh... I mean, congratulations to her."

Silver looked to Meadow curiously, "So what do you plan to do, after school?"

Meadow turned to display his cutie mark of a hurdle with a hoof just over it. "Leaping's my talent. I'm going to play in the Equestria Games!"

Silver bobbed his head, "That sounds good for, what is that, a week? What about the rest of your time?"

Meadow shuffled in place, looking thoughtful, "What... else can a jumper do?"

Silver tapped his chin in thought as the bell rang. He aborted the thought for the moment and went inside with the others. School began, starting with a lesson on newspapers, their rights and restrictions. The lesson petered off to a stop as a pony entered. Tumble shuffled up to his desk. He had clear bruises and one eye was a little swollen. He looked awful to Silver, but Butter just frowned, "You're late, Rough. Please be inside at the bell."

"Yes, ma'am," said Tumble, his head low.

When they were let out for a lunch break, Silver approached him, Celine at his side without being prompted. Tumble looked up when he approached, "Hey Silver."

Silver looked around, still not seeing Tumble's truck, "So, decided to walk today?"

Tumble grunted, "Yeah..."

Silver fidgeted in place, uncertain, "Want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" asked Tumble, sounding alarmed.

Silver gestured at Tumble, "You're kind... of a mess."

Tumble ran a fetlock over his face, straightening out some of the fur but doing nothing for most of the bruising and swelling, "Where?"

Silver rolled his eyes then, sitting on his haunches, "Everywhere. You look like you got into a boxing match with a bear. Was it your dad?"

Tumble went stiff.

Silver tilted his head, "Your mom?"

Tumble suddenly jumped at Silver, knocking him to the ground. Stars swam in Silver's vision as he was struck once across the jaw, but the attack was already over. Tumble was lifted into the air, wrapped in Celine's magic, where he sobbed.

Silver quickly scrambled to his hooves, rubbing at his jaw lightly. For a Tumble hit, it didn't hurt nearly as much as it should have. Did he hold back, or was he hurt that badly? Silver glanced at Celine. Celine gently set him back on the ground, but put herself between him and Silver. "Silver is trying to help you, you big dumb colt. You don't have any right to hit him, or anypony else," she said with a firm authority despite her small form and high-pitched voice. "This is your one chance to say what is wrong."

Tumble slumped in place, "They took it. They didn't believe it was a gift. They called me a liar! They wouldn't stop asking where I really got it from." He flopped to the ground, "I kept telling them."

Silver raised an ear, "What did... they do when you stuck to the truth?"

"They hit me," he said, "Each time I said it. When they got bored with that, they said..." He raised up onto his haunches, "'If you're not going to tell us, we're just getting rid of it.' And they took it to the side of Canterlot, and they kicked it over the edge."

Celine frowned, "That's illegal."

Silver shook his head, then looked to Celine, "Can we do something? His parents are, well, terrible, from what I hear."

Celine gestured at him, "He's too old. If he doesn't like his parents, he should have already moved out. He even has his cutie mark."

Silver huffed, "What good is that mark if they take away what he'd use! That truck was supposed to let him use his talent. Now it's pancaked on the side of a mountain."

Celine glanced up at Tumble, then back at Silver, "There is one other way a colt can move out, besides becoming an adult with a job. Well, two, really."

"Those are?" asked Silver curiously.

Celine held up her left hoof, "They go to a secondary learning school, like a pegasus going to the Wonderbolt Academy, or a unicorn to any number of magic schools." She switched to her right hoof, "Or if they marry, the colt or filly may move in with their partner. Other than that, get a job, and then you're free. If he were still a foal, which he is not, there would be other options." Celine approached Silver, snuggling up to his side and whispering in his ear, "We could save him."

Silver flinched a little, "But..."

Tumble had barely followed half the conversation, but it had his attention, "So what do I do?"

Silver frowned and looked at Celine, who just smiled at him. "Celine, do you think this is a good idea?"

Celine stopped smiling and seemed to put serious thought into it. "I think you'll be guilty if you don't. I think he really loves you, and I think--"

Silver pointed a hoof at Tumble, "I think he hits too much!"

Tumble fell at Silver's hooves, "I'm sorry!"

Silver sighed softly and reached, gently mussing up Tumble unkempt mane, "I'm not going to leave you like this, but you have to promise. No more hitting, ever. One more hit, just one, and you're out."

Celine took an imperious pose before Tumble's prostrate form, "I, first wife of Silver Lining, do extend invitation to you, Rough Tumble, to join our herd. Do you find this acceptable, Silver Lining, stallion of the herd?"

Silver hesitated before nodding, going with the flow, "I, Silver Lining, stallion of the herd, agree with your invitation, Celine, first wife." He looked at Tumble, "Do you accept?"

Tumble bobbed his head quickly, a smile spreading. Silver winced lightly, "Your teeth."

Tumble's smile shut quickly, "What?"

Silver shook his head, "No herd-mate of mine is going to be so neglected." He gestured up with a hoof, "Stand, come on. We have to finish the school day, then we're off to the hospital." He quietly hoped that Zecora's tooth-growing potion had equivalents here in Canterlot and wondered how long Tumble had been suffering.

Word spread quickly. A filly moved out from behind Silver without asking and Tumble ended up in the position. Butter Scotch made no comment on the adjustment, and the day slid to a close with everyone being released from school.

They trotted as a trio to the closest hospital, where they received raised brows before Celine, after much hesitation, flashed her royal flank and flapped her little wings. Unable or unwilling to argue with royalty, even one they didn't quite recognize, they took Tumble in for care.

Silver sat beside Celine in the waiting area, tapping on the tiling with a hoof idly, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Celine tilted her head, "As sure as I can be. He deserves a chance, even you think so."

Silver grunted. It was both reassuring and irritating how well Celine knew him. "He does, but I'm still not gay."

"Colt cuddler," corrected Celine, "And you are wrong. Before this day is done, you will cuddle that colt and you will like it."

A warm blush rose to Silver's cheeks. Just cuddling isn't so bad, right? He'd nuzzled and hugged Rough Draft more than a few times. "One hit," he said warningly.

"One hit," agreed Celine. "I will give him a chance, but you are more important than him to me. If he didn't love you so much I wouldn't even give him that."

"Then why did he hit me?" asked Silver.

Celine shrugged, "I have your memories, not his. We could ask him afterwards?"

They waited largely in silence until Tumble was brought out to them, looking a bit better overall, though clear to Silver that he was still recovering. Silver flashed his teeth, "Let's see yours."

Tumble returned the gesture, exposing bright and new teeth. Silver bobbed his head, "Much better." A doctor wandered up and set a note beside Celine. She lifted it in her magic and looked at it.

"A bill," she announced. "We'll bring it home."

As they departed the hospital, Silver confessed, "I kinda thought Equestria wouldn't have hospital fees."

Celine perked an ear, "Depends what for. Chipped or damaged teeth that isn't clearly a disease is considered a cosmetic, and isn't covered by the crown."

Silver huffed. Ah well, even pony land had to have a few flaws in it. He led his herd home. When he got inside, Rough Draft was scribbling something in the living room. He looked up at the three with a smile, "Come to play videogames?"

Silver shook his head, shuffled a little, "I, uh, kinda grew my herd."

Rough tilted his head, confused, "Where's the new bride, and isn't this fast?"

Silver hiked a hoof at Tumble silently.

Tumble went red, "I'm a bride? I... does that work that way?"

Celine gave a soft giggle, "I don't think Silver will consent to play bottom with another male, so, yes, you are the new bride."

Rough shook his head slowly, "The human I imagined has changed a bit."

Silver moved up to Rough and nuzzled his side, "The pony I imagined has changed a bit." He sat and looked up at Rough, "I still love him."

Rough reached and plucked Silver off the ground, hugging him gently, "I still love him."

Author's Note:

The herd expands, with the member some of you were waiting to happen.

Will this end in tears? Will this end in typos?