• Published 3rd Mar 2015
  • 7,823 Views, 1,387 Comments

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining - David Silver

After deciding to stay in Equestria and learn its ways as a unicorn colt, Silver Lining now faces Canterlot and learning how to be a unicorn with his former-OC and Trixie to watch over him. Will he master magic, or discover the cruel side of foals.

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30 - As I Planned

Celine was taken for examination after her magical exhaustion, and Silver would not be parted from her. Tumble's parents were escorted away by the thestral and school began. Tumble himself was sent to school, with instructions to wait around afterwards to be picked up, though by whom, Silver knew not. Silver went with the paramedic ponies when they arrived and soon he sat at Celine's bedside.

The doctor had said she would be fine, just a little overstressed from her magic use, and trotted off, leaving them alone together. Celine was awake and smiled at Silver, who returned the expression. "Are you OK?" he asked, "Sorry I didn't help more."

She shook her head, "You took out a stallion on your own, that's plenty." She held out a hoof and he took it in his own, sandwiching her hoof between both of his. "I'm going to take a nap, but I'm fine. You don't have to watch me sleep, go do something fun."

When she faded to sleep, Silver plopped back down and waited. Sure, he could go somewhere else. Nopony would likely yell at him for skipping school after that, but he didn't feel much like leaving Celine's presence. Minutes passed as he mused on his new life. Thinking back on it, a lot of his little speech patterns had subtly altered over time. He was not the same person he was before coming here.

Was that bad? He looked over at Celine and gave a light smile. Nah, a little change just means you're still alive. A lot of change is an adventure, right? Having little better to do, he went through the symbols he could remember, pacing through them with patient flexes of his magic until the door swung open to reveal the thestral from before.

She wasn't wearing her night guard armor and had round glasses on her snout. "Hello there," she said in a soft and friendly voice. "You awake?"

Silver sat up and nodded at her, "Yeah, thanks for helping out."

She shook her head, "Thank you for your part. Without your help, they would still be beating up that poor colt."

Looking her over, she had to be about his age. She looked like little more than a filly without the armor. "What's your name?" asked Silver curiously.

Her leathery wings unfurled, covered in a soft-looking layer of the same greyish fur that covered the rest of her, though her wings were a touch more purple. "Oh! I'm being rude." She took a moment to adjust her glasses, "I'm Night Watch." She blinked her amber eyes, slit in that odd way that bat ponies seemed to share, "And you are Silver Lining. I've heard a lot about you."

Silver nodded hesitantly, "Nice to meet you, Night." She had a sort of geeky flavor to her that amused Silver and he smiled, "Good things, I hope?"

She stepped closer, wings folding back up, "Did your dad actually make Humanway?"

Silver bobbed his head, "I ran it at Manehattan Bipedcon."

She stopped, and tilted her head, "I heard about that. They said..." She trailed off and looked him over again before snorting softly, "The mistress didn't lie."

"About?" asked Silver with a perked ear, "What's gonna happen with Tumble's parents, and Tumble?"

She gestured at Silver, "There's more to you than I can see, but I'll root it out. That's what I do." She smiled brightly. Her face framed her glasses perfectly and Silver thought she was adorable in her enthusiasm. There was no malice in her tone or posture. He could see that she had some sharper, longer, teeth that peeked out in the smile. "Tumble will get help. He's a little old for foster care, so we'll go the other way instead. I heard they'll help him get started as an adult, and talk him through his problems."

Silver nodded lightly, "That sounds good. He deserves a chance, you know, to be happy. He's not..." he wobbled a hoof, "Bad, just... broken?"

She pointed at Silver, "Like you."

Silver jerked back in surprise, "Uh..." Then he sank, "Yeah... But my broken doesn't make me hit people or try to hurt anypony." He pointed at Celine, "I'm pretty happy being her stallion, and learning more about magic."

Night looked past Silver to the slumbering Celine, then back at Silver, "I can't imagine too many would be upset with an alicorn for a partner." She flushed softly in her cheeks, "Speaking of that..."

Silver tilted his head at her, "Hmm?"

Night extended a wing, pointing it at him, "I was told to get to know you, so, if you don't mind, I'll be hanging around."

Silver shook his head slowly, "Uh, I guess that's alright? You didn't say what's going on with Tumble's parents."

Night frowned, "If Luna had her way, they would be punished severely to make an example out of them, but it is in Celestia's court that they will be judged." She sat down lightly, "If I were to guess, there's a thirty percent chance they will be made to cry and be forgiven. A forty percent chance they will be made to perform some menial task for a time, and a twenty percent chance they'll do something stupid and she'll give them something really hard to do."

Silver did quick math in his head, hooves moving as if he still had fingers to count with, "What's the other ten percent?"

Night shrugged, "Call it Discord's odds. Something crazy could happen, for their good or bad, and throw the whole thing on its ear."

Silver pointed at her, "Speaking of ears, and don't take this the wrong way, but you look... different."

Night recoiled a little, looking defensive as she frowned and curled back, "Does it bother you?"

Silver shook his head, "It's pretty cute, actually. What are you?"

Night gestured at herself, "I am a lunar pegasus. We're related to solar pegasi, obviously, but while they take after birds, we take after bats. You wouldn't call a solar pegasus a bird pony, so please never call any of us a bat pony."

Silver quickly bobbed his head, "Lunar pegasus, got it." He approached her cautiously and she allowed him, watching him with her intense amber eyes. He circled around her, "Your ears. I love those tufts."

Night blushed softly through her fur, her tufted ears spinning back on her head, "I, uh, thank you. Oh!" She turned to face him, "I was told to inform you that your herd's inclusion of Tumble was dissolved."

Silver tilted his head, "That was fast. I thought I'd have to go through some kind of process."

Night shook her head, "He has been ruled unfit of mind at the time of the vow." She waved a wing lightly, "Besides, you had no formal witnesses. If you want him back, find him after he's cleaned up."

Celine's voice came from the bed, "Silver? Who are you talking with?"

Silver was back at Celine's side in a hurry, galloping the short distance to nuzzle her hoof, "I'm right here. The lunar pegasus that saved you came to say hello."

Celine sat up in bed and looked at Night Watch with a smile, "Hello there. I was wondering when you would arrive."

"Ma'am?" said Night with uncertainty.

Celine pointed at Night, looking at Silver, "I want you to get to know her. I think you'll like her."

Silver blinked softly, then frowned, "Are you already looking for another one? Didn't we learn something from this?"

Celine settled back in the bed, "Trust me, please. I'm not nominating her, yet. Just get to know her. If you like her, great. If not, I won't say a word."

Night shook herself out, "Don't I get a say in this?" she asked, confused.

Silver smiled gently at her, "You sort of get used to this. Uh, well, being your friend seems harmless enough, if you want?"

Night looked uncertain a moment before offering a hoof, "We could play a game of Humanway, if you like? Or you could tell me how you took down that stallion?"

Silver met her hoof with his own, clopping together. "I would be delighted. I have some games at home if you like that sort of thing, uh, roleplaying that is."

Night tilted her head to the side, "Other roleplaying games? Like Dragon's Hoard or Mazes and Minotaurs?"

Silver shook his head, "It's hard to explain, but if you like those, you'll like these."

She smiled that cute smile, "Alright then. You didn't say how you took down that brute though?"

Silver summoned up his hands, "This is going to feel odd and I'll only do it for a moment so don't panic, OK?"

Night gave a slow an uncertain nod before Silver gently pinched her snout and nose closed. Night's wings unfurled instantly in alarm, but she stayed still. Just a moment later, he let go and she took a soft breath, "Never do that again, to anypony."

Silver tilted his head, "It... worked?"

Night shook her head quickly back and forth, "You could really hurt somepony, forever. Chokeholds are specifically barred from use." She poked Silver in the chest, "You might not be a guard, but if you see yourself as a good pony, you'll never choke somepony ever again."

Silver's ears pinned back as he nodded, "I won't, promise. I had to think fast! He was big enough to punch me into next Tuesday and barely even notice I was there."

Night gave a soft sigh, "It was pretty crazy. You did good for a colt your age. With a little training, you would have known other techniques to disarm the situation."

Silver pointed at her, "For a colt? How old are you?"

Night went red again, "That's beside the point! I have my cutie mark and I have my job." She displayed the magnifying glass hovering over an eight-sided die that was branded on her grey-furred flank.

Silver leaned in a little to look at it, "I get the glass. You're an investigator, right? What's with the die?"

Night shrugged, "Maybe I like roleplaying games too much."

Celine spoke up from where she lay on the bed, "Or maybe you know when to play the odds. Will you take a chance with us?"

Night Watch looked between Celine and Silver, "I said I'd be friends. Let's try that first and see where it leads us." She pointed a hoof at Celine, "You're not royalty, alicorn or not. Stop trying to order me like one."

Silver waved it off gently, "She means the best. She's a good pony, and I think you are too. I don't know where we'd be if you hadn't been there."

Night Watch waved a wing dismissively, "Just doing my job, which apparently includes watching the two of you." She reached with her snout into a small bag and pulled out an even smaller bag. She upturned it and a collection of dice fell on the floor, "You ran a game at the con, how about you play a game for once?"

Silver blinked softly, "That... sounds more appealing than I thought it would. Please, go ahead."

Night smiled as she settled into place and they began to play a game together. Silver played a human wizard, giggling internally as he tried to make it as close to his old self as possible, and ran through Night's adventure, having a good time.

Author's Note:

Say hello to Night Watch! She's a good pony, and she has bat wings. What more could you ask from a pony?

That hospital room was kept dim the entire time, making spellchecking difficult at best.