• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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105 - Rainbow Redux

Silver was perched on the balcony, looking down over Ponyville and enjoying the breeze idly. His thoughts went back to when he was a human, and on Earth. He would probably be parked in front of a computer instead of enjoying the moment and letting his thoughts wander freely. He missed the creative aspect of it sometimes. Writing was its own reward in a sense, but he wouldn't trade that for the companionship and adventures, as difficult as they sometimes were, that he had found.

He stretched out his wings wide, working out a kink and enjoying the breeze across the soft fur that covered them before he was bowled backwards onto the balcony with a cyan pony on top of him. Rainbow Dash tilted her head down at him. "'Sup?"

Silver reached up and cupped Rainbow's face in his hooves. "You make me want to hurt you and hug you at the same time."

Dash waved a hoof dismissively. "Yeah yeah, I get that a lot. So what happened? Applejack's all edgy like she's trying to hide something, badly. That girl can't lie for anything, and she starts clamming up the moment she thinks she has to."

Silver squirmed up to his hooves out from under Dash. "She turned me down, then said you might be interested."

Rainbow frowned sharply. "That doesn't make any sense. Does that make sense to you?"

Silver shrugged softly. "She made noise about the foal being too weird."

Rainbow grunted. "Big Mac said that like a week ago! It was her idea to ask you!" Rainbow squirmed with obvious frustration. "Question one, do you still want to do this?"

Silver nodded a little. "If you want me, then yes."

Rainbow flashed a smile. "OK, then we can do whatever we want." She got up and reached for the sky, stretching herself out. "So, not going to ask?"

Silver rolled a hoof at Rainbow. "How did your trip to the griffon lands go?"

Rainbow grinned. "Glad you asked. It went great! I met an old friend and we patched things up."


Rainbow tilted her head. "Yeah? How'd you hear about her? Anyway! We're totally buds again."

Silver smiled, thinking of the episode she arrived in. "Glad to hear she's come around. Rainbow, what do you see when you look at me?"

"A lunar prince?" She sounded as if she wasn't sure of the question.

Silver nodded. "Well, yes, but I mean more personally."

Dash gave an 'ah'. "OK, sure. I see a friend, and a cool enough stallion. I see somepony that's fought things, and been beaten down, but doesn't stay on the ground. That part's also cool." She frowned thoughtfully, looking at Silver's expectant face. "I see somepony that wants to ask me something but is being a stupid jerk about it. Come on, what is it?"

Silver spread his wings. "Promise not to get angry?"

"Nope." Rainbow grinned. "You say something, you face the consequences. Out with it."

Silver shrugged a little. "Before it was brought up, I didn't think much about you and Applejack, but now that it's become a 'thing', seeing either of you makes me think of what stallions and mares do."

Rainbow blinked softly. "Are you saying..." She rolled a hoof, expecting Silver to continue.

Silver snorted softly. "I'm saying I see you more as a mare now, in the good ways. Most ponies I keep in a safely neutral area of my brain where I just don't think about that kind of thing, except for a few, like my wives, and now you and Applejack."

Rainbow snorted. "And Starlight."

Silver recoiled. "Is everyone talking about her?"

Rainbow advanced on Silver. "What, like how you have a huge crush on her? Yeah, word gets around."

Silver grit his teeth. "That's a lie..."

"Is that why you did the nasty with her while she was ready?" Rainbow poked Silver in the chest. "Or was that a royal command?"

Silver tilted his head. "Funny enough, it was. Luna sent her."

Rainbow snorted. "No way! How do you get a job like that?"

Silver chuckled a little. "I think the first step is to be a stallion."

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders. "Go fig. Not my style anyway. Still, gross. She's a total nutcase."

Silver sagged against the rail of the balcony. "I wish every-pony would stop saying that. She's not that awful, and it just makes me feel bad for her."

Rainbow's wings spread wide. "She made me slower than Tank!"

Silver pointed at Rainbow. "Because you never caused anyone trouble ever?"

Rainbow squirmed. "I didn't brainwash a whole town."

Silver sat up. "She said sorry, and she means it, so far I can tell."

Rainbow frowned. "Discord said sorry, and he still causes all kinds of trouble. That only goes so far."

Silver put his hooves on Rainbow's shoulders. "She never even got that first chance. Can she get that?"

Rainbow hiked a brow slowly. "Fine... I guess I can do that." She brushed Silver's hooves away. "Was she that good?"

Silver warmed. "I forgave her long before it came to that. She apologized long before it came to that."

Rainbow made a placating motion. "Easy there, champ. You sound like Fluttershy any time I mess with her about Discord. You should see her face."

Silver settled down and pointed over Ponyville. "Does it ever bother you, knowing you're basically the big thing standing between all those people and ruin?"

Rainbow tilted her head down at the town, then shrugged. "Curse of being awesome. I can handle it. You?"

Silver lapsed into thought, until Rainbow poked him. When he didn't respond fast enough, she shoved him over onto his back and got on top of him. "Is this the only way to get your attention?"

Silver considered his attention thoroughly grabbed. Rainbow felt... good on top of him, and naughtier parts of his mind considered all the fun he could have with her just like that. The more conservative part warred viciously and his hooves did not move around her as he initially craved.

Rainbow tilted her head down at him. "Part of you really likes this, but you're not doing a damn thing." He opened his snout to reply and Rainbow put a hoof over it. "How does a pony like Starlight get you going but here I am, awesome defined, have to tackle you to the ground, and you're still not interested?" She suddenly clopped her hooves together. "Ah ha! It's a prince thing. So what's the secret?"

Silver could be dense at times, but it was increasingly obvious that Rainbow wanted him, and he didn't feel obliged to resist her, but playing... "There's a little trick to it."


He took one of her hooves and guided it where polite ponies do not wander. "You have to show your appreciation for a prince, then he'll get interested."

Rainbow burst into gales of laughter, falling off of Silver. "Oh wow! Was that your best?"

Silver rolled up to his hooves. "What?"

Rainbow hopped upright. "I wasn't born yesterday, but I'm glad to see you're getting in the right mood."

Silver sniffed at Rainbow curiously. "Are you even? I mean is it the right time?"


Silver's wings sagged a bit. "Then why are you seducing me?"

Rainbow poked Silver in the chest with a hoof. "You're available, you're not a total dweeb, and I felt like it. Besides, I've wanted to try a lunar for a while."

Silver wasn't sure how to react to this. "I'm not exactly available. You got permission to stud, that's not 'sleep with whenever you get the urge.'"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "You act like you're the only one that can talk to your girls. That Fast was agreeable enough. So long as I back off when it sticks, we're cool."

Silver's intuition suddenly made a jump. "You're never going to be available when you're receptive."

Rainbow tilted her head. "What? Of course I am! I mean, I am kinda busy being the weather captain and general awesome pony, but I'll make the time, don't you worry your pretty little head about it." She patted his head with one of her wings as she spoke, grinning quite triumphantly.

Silver raised a fetlock over his eyes, quietly counting to ten to himself before he moved the leg out of the way to see the grinning Rainbow still sitting there. "Well? You need a handwritten invitation?"

Silver sighed. "Let me talk to my wives first. This feels wrong, and it's easier to get with you another night than it would be to fix the broken trust I'd make if I buck this all up." Silver rose and started walking inside when he was tackled to the ground again. Rainbow's teeth closed on a wing base and his world became that of bliss as she worked the sensitive node with the skill only a pegasus could easily come by. She rode him to the ground, her hooves feeling up and down his ribs, stoking the engine of his repressed desires.

Silver wriggled around under Dash, snorting desperately for air as her skilled touches had him ready to go in record time. He tried to shout at her, but got her lips instead. She kissed fiercely and long, pushing him back and moving as if to take him right there on the balcony without further ado.

He got his hooves between them and pushed her up and away. She may have been athletic, but he had raw size on his side. She turned her speed against him, darting around his legs and coming in tight. She ground her sleek form against him. "You're making me work for this, Silver." Her words were annoyed, but she sounded only further encouraged. This was another contest for her, and one she didn't seem to be ready to accept failure in.

Silver wondered if this was what stallions faced more often when herds were the common family unit. Perhaps Celestia was wise to gently encourage more monogamous pairings. Even as he tried to pry her off, he held back, really not wanting to hurt Rainbow. She wasn't his favorite pony of the Mane Six, but she was cool, and hurting her just... ugh, he didn't want to do that. But did he want to let her have her way?

When she next parted lips, he spoke, "Rainbow, if we're really friends, stop right now."

Rainbow stopped like a button had been pressed. "You're not having fun?"

Silver let out a soft sigh of relief. "No, really... no... this is not right. It's not that you aren't an awesome mare, because you are."

"Damn straight."

"But I can't betray the others like this." Silver smiled a little. "I'm not sure what kind of consolation it is, but I really want to be responsible right now."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Nice try. Still, can't fault a guy for sticking by his friends, wives included." She leaned forward. "No hard feelings?"

Silver nodded a little. "We're cool."

"Great." Rainbow snorted. "I could have sworn you were into that..."

Silver went red quickly. "I actually kind of am. Once we have permission, you can 'force' me all you want, but no means no."

Rainbow wobbled a hoof. "How can I have fun forcing you if no means no?"

Silver remembered Celestia's words and poked Rainbow in the chest. "Thunderclap."


"Safeword. If either of us says Thunderclap, we stop, no matter what. We stop."

Rainbow nodded a little bit. "Alright. I can work with that, but if you don't say that, I'm assuming all your no no nos are yes yes yeses." She spread her wings and took off into the evening, leaving a slightly baffled and more than slightly stimulated Silver behind.

He still didn't understand why Applejack reacted the way she did. He rose to his hooves and shook himself out before going off to find his wives. He forgave Rainbow, but there were still questions to ask.

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