• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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115 - To the Hive

Fast slid over beside Luna, trotting with her as she grinned. "So hey, after this is settled, do I get my time?"

Luna raised a brow. "Speak clearly."

Silver got the grasp quickly. "She wants to know if she can have an intimate time with you."

Luna ruffled her wings. "We have no ties, save your herd. I confess, I have been trying to ward you away subtly."

Fast frowned a little, and it grew by the moment. "Why? I'm not a bad pony."

Luna rolled a hoof lightly as she walked. "'Not bad' is insufficient as reasons to invite one so close. I am already subjected to new pains with Night and Silver. It makes me wary of letting any others so close."

As they crested a small hill in the city, the hive came into view. Unlike what some may expect from an insect's hive, this one was made out of the remnants of what was once a great warehouse or factory of sorts. It had a few smoke stacks, but little else to hint what its former purpose might have been besides its size and bricked nature. As they came closer, they saw pictures emblazoned on its side, showing ponies in 'interesting' poses, gazing wantonly at the viewer.

A sign read beside the main entrance, "If you desire the company of any pony in the world, real or imaginary, we can fulfill your desire without harm or inconvenience for any party involved. Our services may only be used once per week, by order of the Queen. Come and experience true welcoming." In smaller writing, "Non-ponies available for a modest additional fee." Smaller than even that, "Royal personages extra."

Fast burst into laughter. "That wasn't there when I was the queen. I wonder if they have many requests for you, Silver, and oh Celestia, I bet they get Luna all the time."

Luna turned bright red through her light blue fur. "They wouldn't dare!"

Flushing gently himself, Silver shook his head. "I imagine they do dare. Let's not hold it against anyone. It's harmless to us."

Fast let out a breath and suddenly took the form of an average changeling, her eyes bright and blue. "Come on. Let me show you the facilities." She leaned forward. "Maybe I can convince you to try the royal 'package', hmm."

Luna turned up her nose. "I should think not."

Silver nudged against Luna before advancing on Fast. "Lead on, friendly changeling. Show us what you have."

Fast pushed a holed hoof against the door and it swung open without resistance. "Still keyed to changelings. Good thing I qualify." With a soft whistle, she trotted in, bug wings fluttering behind her.

Almost as soon as she cleared the door, a larger changeling came out, fangs exposed in a snarl as he looked over Fast. "What are--" He trailed off on seeing Fast and Luna. "Oh, customers!" His frown turned instantly to a smile. "Welcome. How can we please you today? You'll leave feeling loved, or your bits back."

Silver advanced with a smile. "Good day. We ran into your, what was it, a drone? Outside and she began telling us how nice it is in here and we wanted to see. I mean, I heard of this place, but I never came in before."

Luna nodded quickly. "Oh, yes. Tell us about this place."

The larger changeling waved down the hallway. "We can make any dream you desire come true." He fixed eyes on Luna. "You have a resemblance to Luna. Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to rest in her embrace, or perhaps... more?" He raised a brow at her before wagging it suggestively.

Silver crossed before Luna's grimace could be seen. "How do you do that?"

"Oh that's simple." He pointed at Fast. "You, stop standing there and show them what you can do. Let's start with some big movers and shakers, hmm, how about Fancy Pants?"

Fast became him instantly with a flash of green changeling magic and adjusted his monocle at the pair. "Hmm, what an interesting pair of ponies."

The larger nodded. "We can even do royalty. Princess Cadance."

Fast swelled into the larger form of Cadance, wings unfurled and wide. "I'd be delighted to show you both the true meaning of love..."

That was enough to make the larger changeling laugh with obvious amusement. "Oh yes. See? Anypony you want, even non-ponies are possible." He waved a hoof between them. "In fact, we can do you with a little practice. Want to see how others see you? Want to tag team your lovely partner with yourself? We can make this happen."

Luna stepped around Silver, frowning slightly. "What of ponies that need help, who seek love when they need care more?"

The changeling glanced around. "Then we give them what they came for, and more." He sat on his haunches. "You think we're monsters?" He put a hoof on his chest. "If a pony needs help, I will make sure they get it, without knowing they're getting it. Nothing makes a pony run in terror than thinking they're about to be 'helped', but if they can live out their fantasy and we can gently pry the details from them, and give them the advice they need to hear... Whats the harm in that?"

Fast bobbed her pink-furred head. "We make sure everypony leaves better than when they came in."

"Exactly! Hmm, maybe I was wrong about you, drone. Go see--"

Silver raised a hoof. "I'd like to hold onto her, if I may? She interests me." He smiled. "I know any changeling could do the job, but I like her attitude."

The changeling paused before nodding. "I can't fault your tastes, sir. I'm Pupae, but my chosen pony name is New Event. If you need anything at all, you can call me at any time." His eyes turned to Luna. "Thank you for being open minded." With spread wings, he took off down the hallway and was soon lost to sight.

Fast tapped her chin. "New Event... I don't remember that name. Pupae's too damn popular to work off of."

Luna chuffed softly. "Well, so far it seems a fair place, if a little unsettling. If we were your 'clients', where would we go?"

Fast grinned at Silver. "So you really do like Cadance."

Silver went red. "She's done a lot for me and never shoved me up against the wall. She's the only royal I can say that of, and that means a lot."

Luna glanced between the two before it clicked. "You love her? More than I?"

Fast tilted her head at Luna. "Don't be unfair, besides, I'm not pretending to be you at the moment."

"Wait." Silver rose to his hooves. "Can you feel love?"

Fast wobbled a hoof as she became a changeling. "Turning into a changeling turns on that sense for about a day or so, it seems. I get the idea it's built in, but I forget it quickly. If I practiced it more, it might stay on, but I don't plan to live that way."

Luna nodded. "Just as well. You are more likable as a unicorn."

Fast flashed a bright smile. "Aw, that's sweet, now let's go." She turned away, wings fluttering a bit as she led the way down the hall, emerging into a vast room with many pods. "Ah yes, the pods. We get the most food out of a pony there, but it drains harder, so we were phasing out its use for the most part."

Despite her words, many ponies could be seen floating tranquilly in the pods. Silver frowned at them. "The management clearly has new ideas."

Fast joined the frown before banishing it. "We'll just have to ask. I don't like the idea of ponies being in those unless it's a special occasion."

Three changelings landed among them, one glaring at Fast. "What are you talking about?"

The next hissed. "Stop that right now."

The third bobbed his head. "You're not to talk about that. What's wrong with you?"

Fast glanced among them and back to Silver and Luna, raising a brow before she became larger, but unmistakably still changeling. She was her queen self. "Is that how you address your former queen?"

The three drones took a step back, quivering with obvious fear. "We didn't mean any disrespect."

"Don't kill us!"

The third took off in a sudden burst of buzzing insect wings.

Silver tilted his head. "When did she gain a reputation for hurting any changelings?"

Luna fixed her gaze on the second one. "Tell us what frightens you so."

"W-what? That's Fast Change, the only c-changeling queen mad and ruthless enough to defeat C-chrysalis." He quivered in abject fear. "Oh please don't hurt me!"

More changelings began to land around them as Fast scowled. "I'm not here to hurt any changelings. I came to see how my old hive was doing. Did you forget me that fast?"

"The problem is that they didn't forget you." A changeling queen surrounded by many others landed across from Fast. "Foul false queen, what brings you back to our doorstep?" It was Stand In, who stood with all the poise of a queen. "We don't need you anymore, Fast Change."

Silver opened his mouth to speak, just for her to thrust up a hoof. "Save your breath, Prince Silver Stars. As if such a charade would fool a proper queen." Her eyes turned to Luna. "And the Princess of the Night. What a strange day today is. What brings three such illustrious guests to our hive?"

Luna seemed ready to say something, but changed her mind. ~Let us remain on task. The workings of their hive are not our objective.~ "I'm afraid we haven't met. What is your name?"

"Stand In." She clopped the ground thrice. "Are you here to enjoy yourself, hmm, or looking for trouble?"

Silver shook his head. "Hopefully neither. I've come for advice that only a true changeling could give."

That caught Stand In's attention, her ears pricking. "What would that be, specifically?"

Luna raised a hoof, shoe first. "We need sharp eyes. The sharpest. We have reason to suspect something is amiss, but I do not believe it is you, despite your questionable behavior."

Fast snorted. "Bunch of ingrates, but I doubt you're making a play on the crown."

Stand In licked over her snout as she considered their words. "And just what infiltration do you fear?"

Silver pointed up to where the castle would be beyond the walls. "We need a full sweep of the castle, with every imposter found, their motive found, and their true nature revealed."

Stand glanced around at her subjects, who all looked to her, filling with nervous energy. "You understand, you are asking us to put ourselves in direct harm's way, in such a way that could get us all removed if it went public." She smiled slowly. "Such a momentous task you ask.. What do we get in return?"

Author's Note:

Let's make a deal. You play along, and I'll keep the typos away!

* Don't trust him, he's on the side of the typos!

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