• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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36 - Doctor's Orders

It approached mid-morning when a doctor finally approached them, looking stiff and unsure. "Ladies," he said, "Can we talk?"

The three mares disentangled reluctantly. Fast sat on one side of the bed, and Silver the other, with Night still on the bed.

The doctor nodded, "We didn't want to... interrupt... It was obvious you..." He looked away, seemingly unable to speak.

Night reached for her glasses, taking them off the dresser and putting them on. "Don't try to make it pretty, just say it," she ordered firmly.

The doctor nodded stiffly, "Your foal was crushed. We can only assume you were... attacked viciously."

Silver tensed. The Text had yet to lie to her. The foal couldn't be dead!

"There's nothing we can do, but... clean up," said the doctor.

Silver's mind raced through the fog, struggling against the mark that barred her answers. She began to thump a hind leg against the ground as she writhed and fumed. The mark pulsed, vibrating with anger as Silver focused against it, letting the magic rage within her louder and louder, aiming for that heat she had felt only while strapped to the giant thermometer long ago. The other ponies in the room became distracted by her, peering as she flopped over and wriggled around almost spastically. Her cutie marks were smoldering, and she could almost see, almost... It suddenly felt like she was stabbed in both flanks. The marks burned hot and she screamed as they became literal brands, but she didn't release the heat within her, even as the mark seemed to try to cut off that flow, to take more from her.

As the mark's attention seemed to focus on stopping her gathering of magic, it released just enough for a refreshing drop of insight. Silver threw herself at the bed, clambering up as dizzying pain ached through her abused flanks. "Night... We need..." She panted between each bit of speech, burning up inside and out, "Bite me!"

Fast perked an ear, "This is hardly the time." She looked at the doctor, "Is she alright? Help her!"

Night nodded slowly at Silver, drawing her closer. She leaned in and nuzzled at Silver's neck as Silver focused on the heat, desperately racing the mark that felt like it was burning to the bones. Night sunk her teeth into the offered neck, and drank of the magically-rich blood Silver had prepared. With only one way to escape, Silver could feel the magic practically geysering out through the bite. "Only open... the paths," she sighed out before she surrendered, fading from consciousness.

Night continued to drink for several moments longer, until the taste of the blood changed as Silver's magic became exhausted. She drew back, licking the wound gently before she flopped against the head of the bed. The doctor remained, looking entirely unsure of what just occurred before him. "I--" he started.

Fast gave him a hard glare, "You will look Night over again, and assume nothing."

The doctor glanced around before giving a hesitant nod. "If it will help," he said, drawing out his stethoscope and approaching Night. The investigation proceeded from the top, and didn't last long. The doctor stood there with a slack jaw.

Night flashed a bright smile, "She did it, right? Tell me she did it."

The doctor shook his head quickly, "I don't know what she did, but I hear a heartbeat. I... should see to her." He pointed at Silver. Neither argued when he moved to lift Silver and put her in her own bed. He called for a nurse, and the room got busy caring for the other expecting mother.

Silver was in the dark again, "So soon?"

'There were several paths before you. You rushed down the one of self-sacrifice.'

Silver frowned, "I can't think clearly with this mark on me... what was the other way?"

'A path not taken does not pay to consider. You amuse me.'

Silver cracked a faint smile, "That's good... right?" Silver was suddenly thrown onto her back, and she felt as if she were being pet from top to bottom across her belly. It was good. "Do you... like me?"

'I may. I find myself wanting to see you succeed.'

Silver wriggled as the petting continued, "I..." An idea came to her, and the fact that it did surprised her. It pierced the fog as if it wasn't there. "You don't... actually do anything."

'Why do you say that?'

Silver looked at the letters, "You watch. You didn't save the foal... I did. You just told me there was a way to do it, and left me to figure it out. You didn't send me to get trained, I did. The only thing you've definitely done is bring me to Equestria, and send me back for a day."

Silver felt the petting intensify, and she felt an almost-purr force its way out of her pony body. It just felt good.

'Perhaps. Do you regret it?'

Silver shook her head slowly, "No... I'm thankful. This life, all of it, even the hard parts, I want it."

'Your mind has time to change. You have not seen the dark places your path may yet go.'

Silver felt the petting change, focusing on her lower belly, where life grew. "Please tell me I'll give birth properly," begged Silver. The petting was nice, but the location of it made her nervous. Suddenly she realized, oh, another realization! "The mark's not working!"

'Twilight Sparkle has returned. Your cutie mark is restored.'

Silver glanced down at her scribbled cutie mark, letting out a loud sigh of relief to see it. "You didn't answer my question."

'I did not. I think it would be more amusing to see you go ahead with it. Heed the words of the shaman.'

Silver woke up suddenly to find Twilight leaning over her. Pain throbbed in her flanks and she felt sore everywhere. She forced a smile, "Hey, Twilight."

Twilight tilted her head, glancing back at her friends, then looking down at Silver, "Um, what happened? I put your cutie mark back, but almost your entire flank looks like it's been in a fire."

Silver nodded slowly, "A small price to pay to help Night Watch." She smiled, showing fangs, "I created life."

Night corrected from the next bed over, "Restored life."

Fast frowned, "Did you drown that witch in a hole?"

Rainbow Dash snickered, "I like her style."

Applejack shook her head, "'Fraid not. We just kept harassing her until she got tired enough to slip up and release the cutie mark. Her flunkies prevented us from apprehending her."

Rarity approached beside Twilight, "Now whatever happened in here? It smells like burnt fur and worse!"

Fast spoke up, "She's crazy!" She pointed at Silver, "She refused to give up when the mark kept trying to beat her down. She practically killed herself saving Night's foal." She sank to the floor on her belly, "I don't know if I should hug her or finish the job..." Tears ran down her face as she trembled, "Stupid mare..."

Silver's ears fell, "I... didn't mean to make you cry, Fast."

Twilight put a hoof over Silver's snout, "Enough. You're a hero. We're all tired right now. Come on." She pulled at Silver. Despite the pain, Silver obliged and was soon standing with wobbling legs. "We're all going home, now."

No one argued with Twilight's words. Though the nurses attempted to do so, Twilight was in no mood, and was royalty. Ultimately, she brought her new family home. Applejack casually nudged her head up under Silver and lifted her up, carrying her easily the rest of the way. Silver faded out along the way, and was not bothered or comforted by the Text this time.

The next few days were spent in bed. Silver was rarely alone, with Fast or Night popping in to rest with her, and Zecora often dropping by with a new poultice to apply. Silver felt strength returning and the aches faded away.

One evening, Night had her head on Silver's barrel, watching her as she looked back. They were both resting quietly. "How did you do it?" asked Night Watch. "How did you even know there was a chance?"

Silver considered a moment, then decided lying to Night wasn't even an option worth considering. "When I first came here, I spoke to some... being, a god maybe. I call him, her, it, the Text. They've been watching me. All my triumphs, defeats, twists and turns, they've seen it all."

Night perked an ear, "That sounds impossible, but I'm listening."

Silver nodded and reached for Night, drawing her up so they could be snout-to-snout. "It taunts me sometimes, but yesterday, it... seemed kind. I really think it wanted everything to work out this one time. It hinted there was a way to turn it around. I could... barely think, but an idea came, and I threw everything at it."

Night pointed out, "That was three days ago. So what did it do, besides talk?"

"Wasn't that enough?" asked Silver. "It helped me come up with the inspiration to come up with the idea, and I burned, and your foal lives." Silver reached, petting the slight bulge in Night's belly, "Our foal..."

Night blushed warmly, "You have no idea how I felt, when the doctor's first told me. It was like everything fell apart. I couldn't breath, I couldn't think. I just screamed and screamed. You suddenly woke up then. You held me, and told me it was going to be OK..."

Silver smiled, "Was I wrong?"

A soft knocking came from the door before Twilight entered. She smiled gently, "Feeling better?"

Silver felt good enough to flirt, and did so, "An enchanting mare just walked in, that helps."

Twilight reddened, "I'm sorry our date had to end so... abruptly. I really enjoyed it while it lasted. I do have to ask, what did you do with Night Watch? The doctors won't stop harassing me to find out."

Silver thought back to it as Night snuggled in against her. "I... built up my magic as hard as I could, until I was fit to burst. When Night drank some, the magic went into her. I... kinda hoped her body would make use of a whole other body's supply of magic. It was desperate, but..."

Twilight looked thoughtful, "You're lucky Night Watch isn't a unicorn. She probably would have fizzed and popped and nothing else would have happened. Being a pegasus, on the ground, she wasn't letting any magic out, so, and this is a theory," She gestured expressively with her hooves as she spoke, "the magic had nowhere to go, so her body could grab it and make use of it." She frowned then, "Zecora said you gave up so much you put yourself and your own foal at risk."

Silver nodded at Twilight, "You are adorable when you get a theory, even when it involves something terrifying." Silver leaned in towards Night, kissing her a moment, "Do you need to go report to the doctors?"

Twilight nodded softly.

Night extended a wing and patted the bed Silver rested on, "Come back after."

That night saw all four of them cuddled together. There was no touching, groping, or other advances, just resting together, and it was good enough. Everyone had come through the traumatic event, together, and they felt more united for it.

Author's Note:

End mini-arc. All the foals are intact and well, yay! Alas, so are the typos.

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