• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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81 - Behold! Behold!

The day had come at last. Silver Stars was dressed in a new outfit 'worthy of a princess' and marched along with wings unfurled and held up high. She understood then that it was a display of her mixed-tribe nature. Sleek of body, long of wing and horn, she had to be the best of all ponies. She marched in the almost-religious seeming procession up towards where Twilight, Celestia, and Luna waited for her. Her crown was freshly forged. Celestia and Luna wore their ancient crowns, and Twilight had her Element's tiara to wear. Silver's was wrought of a fine silver that matched her mane, with a large bejeweled crescent moon in the center front. It settled between her ears, threatening to be just a little large, but Silver kept it in place with those long tufted ears.

Twilight stepped forward. "Today we celebrate the induction of a new and special princess." She gestured at Silver, "A new princess of the night, carrying the lunar blood and reminding us that our lunar brothers and sisters are treasured and wonderful ponies, worthy of princesshood, and kin to us all." She held out a hoof, and Silver stepped into the offered embrace. "May day and night be one, and ponies everywhere grow stronger in unity."

Clopping and stomping drowned out all else for a time before the crowd could be controlled. The flash of bulbs from eager reporters filled the room almost as thickly. Twilight began speaking as soon as peace returned. "With this in mind, I propose that the princesses of Equestria learn from Silver's example. We should be united in heart and body, to stand against all that would threaten Equestria." She released Silver and bowed her head towards her instead. "Princess Silver Stars, do you agree to become first of the Royal Circle? Do you swear to know your fellow princesses as dear ones, to hold and to cherish as you would any married pony. Let no secret be held from them, let no problem go unaddressed. Their hearts are your heart, their pain, your pain. Their triumph, your own."

Silver hadn't been warned of this, and went tense. This was a bold and sudden plan... But it could work. She nodded quickly. "I do. I will guard my royal mates and bid they protect me in turn, against threats physical and emotional. We will always be there for one another."

Twilight turned to Celestia and Luna. "Eldest of the princesses, wise and benevolent. You are both examples that we strive to follow." She brightly smiled. "Will you also join the Royal Circle? We would be lost without your guidance, but so do you also deserve its protection and warmth. Let our enemies know that we stand united as one."

Celestia betrayed no surprise, and Luna would not be outdone by her. As a stoic pair they nodded their heads. "We will stand at your side, Princess Twilight Sparkle. From many, one. Let it be known that the royalty of Equestria stand united."

The room exploded into a fresh wave of pandemonium. Some were confused, but most were simply excited. The noise and light of it all become painful, but the princesses waited patiently through it. Poor Twilight's own announcement of joining the circle was drowned out, but there wasn't a pony in the room that doubted she would join the circle of her own creation.

Silver's eyes darted to an off movement in the crowd. Most of the ponies were standing in rigid rows, even as they clopped and stomped, but someone was moving towards them. They were not wearing gold armor or purple. They moved with a predator's gait. A bolt of energy fired towards them and Silver quickly extended a field around them. Twilight, already close enough to touch, quickly harmonized with the shield, tinting the silver field with pink as it swelled larger and stronger. The bolt crashed against the combined field, which rippled but held. Silver lowered her horn, ready to fire a bolt, but the crowd was too thick. She didn't want to strike an innocent pony.

The crowd went into a new kind of wild. The orderly ranks broke apart instantly and ponies scattered in all directions, wild panic taking hold. Night Watch suddenly descended from the ceiling, landing heavily on a cloaked pony and pinning him to the ground. "Stay." She had him tied and bound quite abruptly, looking quite pleased with herself.

Luna drew a soft breath before shouting, "Peace, my ponies. The attacker has been apprehended."

Peace was slow in coming, but eventually the crowd was calmed. Night Watch took her prisoner out of the room, turning him over to the royal guards on duty, but they were confused. "Did you come down on him too hard?"

The attacker's head hung at a limp angle and there was no life left in him. Night frowned. "He was alive when I landed. Have him checked for magic." They saluted and marched off with the body.

Fortunately, nopony else tried to crash the coronation, and it passed peacefully. At the reception, Silver was approached by a great number of upperclass merchants and nobility, seeking a moment of her time. She tried to be polite to them, listening as they talked eagerly about whatever they considered most pressing. Most were things she knew little about. She just accepted the attention and gave the best answers she could think of, and indecisive ones when she knew nothing.

The first guest to surprise her was a professor, one she knew. "Professor Thetics!" She smiled gently. "I hadn't expected you."

Professor Thetics nodded. "Charmed. So... This is where you ended up?"

Silver tilted her head. "I'm surprised you can recognize me."

Thetics pointed at Silver's cutie mark. "You're not that hard to spot. Congratulations are in order."

Silver smiled gently and nodded. "Thank you. How is the school?"

Thetics sighed softly. "It's fine, but... If you have a moment, I was hoping you would have time to discuss something about Equestrian education?"

Silver perked her ears. "You have my attention." She held up a hoof. "I did mean what I said a long time ago. I am sorry I mistreated you that way back then."

Thetics waved it off. "You were a colt, but you are far from alone. You are proof that our system is broken. How many other bright unicorns desperately want to learn and contribute to the fields of magic but are held back by one learning disability or another? You, who has yet to memorize the basic alphabet, have accomplished more than many of our students." He raised a brow. "That isn't just, is it?"

Silver shook her head quickly. "Not at all. It isn't fair. The tests were harsh and the test-givers often cold and distant."

Thetics gave a soft nod and produced a pamphlet. "Here. My proposal. Read it at your leisure."

Silver accepted it and tucked it away into her dress as she looked Thetics over. "Weren't you angry that I was intruding on your school once?"

Thetics huffed. "Are you the only one capable of change? I became a teacher to spread knowledge of magic, and to help others expand it. Help me do that." He turned and trotted off into the crowd.

Tumble approached from where he had been standing close by. "Who was that?"

Silver smiled gently. "An old friend. I think we grew up together."

A sudden tapping on the shoulder made Silver spin around to find no one. It happened again and she just turned her head left and right before looking up. Discord was floating over her head. "Nice crown."

Silver smiled. "Hey there. I didn't think you'd show up."

Discord landed beside Silver. "Welcome to princesshood and all its dreary boring responsibilities. Here, you get one." He snapped his fingers and Silver was wearing a large red cape with white trim and a cane with Silver's face done in a goofy way at the end.

Silver giggled at it and held the cane close. "I will treasure it forever."

Discord chuckled softly. "I just can't seem to get under your skin. So, tired of the line of petitioners yet?"

Silver shrugged. "I'll get boring to them when they get it through their heads I haven't learned how to do half the things they hope I'll do."

"Oh will they?" Discord hiked a thumb at Celestia across the room. "You're tied up with Sunbutt over there, so if anypony whispers in your ear, you might pass it on to her."

Silver sagged a little. "I hadn't thought of that, good point. Oh well." She straightened herself out. "I agreed to this, I'll make it work. Have you tried the little radish crackers? They're delish."

Discord suddenly held a tray full of them and took a nibble of one. "Not bad. Not bad. Sorry I can't stay, but the work of Discord is never done!" And he vanished without fanfare.

Tumble took the scepter carefully and the cape to go with it. "I'll hold onto these for you."

"Thanks." Silver smiled and looked around. "Let's mingle."

And mingle they did. They ran into Fast and Night and roamed together through the party, saying their hellos to each pony in turn, and a few foreign dignitaries as well.

The regally bejeweled diamond dog alpha nodded at Silver. "Bold move."

Silver perked her ears. "Thank you, but what?"

He gestured at each alicorn in the room in turn. "The world already knows the power of one alicorn. To amass them together like that. You are more powerful, perhaps, but a bigger target as well. A bold move."

Silver snorted softly. "I suppose that's true. I'm Princess Silver Stars, you are?"

He offered a large paw. "King Max." Paw and hoof shook. She could feel him squeezing powerfully, but hooves were good at resisting that sort of abuse. "A pleasure. We'll meet again in the battlefield."

Silver tilted her head. "Are we at war?"

"When are we not?" He laughed softly. "Battles do not always end in bloodshed. There will be treaties to argue over, trade routes to negotiate, laws to be hammered out. The only true peace is an unending war of loud people. When it becomes quiet, you know war has reached us. Good luck, new princess."

Silver ran into Luna next, who looked a little distant. "You alright?"

Luna looked down at Silver. "Are you certain you are not an agent of chaos?" She huffed. "I jest in part. I am aware you did not prompt Twilight Sparkle, but her actions..."

Night stepped forward timidly. "I know the circle Twilight made up is for princesses only... but... You are welcome in our number, Luna."

Luna smiled brightly and leaned in, rubbing snouts with Night and she looked more relaxed. "I am so very happy to hear you say that, cherished one. And what of your herd-mates? Are they also so eager to have me?"

Fast gave a quick nod, grinning. Silver reached out a hoof. "You know you're special to me, Luna. You saved me from myself, and helped put me on the right path, even if I had to walk it myself. I will always be happy to see you."

Luna nodded slowly. "I must think over this... Thank you." She walked off into the crowd, expression heavy with thoughts, but a little less burdened than before.

Author's Note:

Silver has her crown, and a Silver Twilicane. How could she get happier?

Less typos would be nice. Fewer assassination attempts would also be grand.

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