• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 24,005 Views, 208 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls - Wildcard25

Twilight and her friends from Canterlot High travel to the city of New York to take on the Dazzlings with the help of four heroes in a half shell.

  • ...

The Next Mutation

One evening at Shredder's lair, far below in the training hall Karai and several Foot Bots were training the Dazzlings.

Compared to their first attempt to fight Karai and the Foot Bots, the three sirens were performing much better. No longer were they too slow to defend themselves from simple attacks.

Sonata was dodging the Foot Bots strikes, same said for Aria, before tricking them into striking each other. Adagio was dodging Karai's attacks, before grabbing her arm and throwing her over her shoulder.

Karai landed on her feet perfectly, and spoke, "Impressive. You have greatly improved since we began."

"Really?" Sonata asked hopefully.

"Well, I think so. My father's opinion is another case." Karai admitted.

"We understand." Adagio answered, until they heard the doors open.

Stepping inside was Shredder. Karai and the Dazzlings quickly bowed their heads, "Father." Karai greeted him.

"Master Shredder." the Dazzlings greeted.

Shredder turned to his 'daughter', "How has their training progressed, Karai?"

"They're doing well, father. I think it's almost time for them to join the fight. Pending your approval of course."

"What do you think, Master? Can we join in the hunt for the Turtles and the Rainbooms?" Sonata asked hopefully.

"Being stuck in here for over a week has gotten boring." Aria added.

"Not just yet," Shredder answered, "You're still not ready to go up against the Turtles."

"What about the Rainbooms? They can't be as good as they are." Adagio questioned.

Shredder glared at her, "I will take no chances. Karai, I have a mission for you."

"What is it, father?"

"Bring me one of the Rainboom Girls alive and unharmed. Having one of them as a captive will lure the others and the Turtles out of hiding. I want this to be a simple abduction. Do you understand?"

"Yes, father."

Aria spoke up, "What? If it's a simple abduction don't you think we can handle something like that?"

"Silence, Aria!" Shredder spoke to her, and the gloomy Dazzling backed off, "I will inform you when it is time for you to join the fight, but until then you and the rest of the Dazzlings will remain here and train. Do I make myself clear?"

Aria knowing not to disrespect their new employer, answered, "Yes, Master Shredder."

"Good. Karai, get going. And do not fail me."

"Yes, father." Karai answered, and took off.

Down in the turtles lair, the Rainbooms had brought their instruments down to give the turtles, April, and Casey a private show.

"Everyone ready?" Twilight asked.

"Ready." the girls confirmed.

Pinkie tapped her drumsticks together, "One, two, and a half!"

And so the girls began jamming, while Twilight provided lead vocals with Sunset who was also jamming on her guitar.

As they jammed, the turtles were moving around to the tune, along with April, Casey, and Spike.

"Now this is an awesome beat." Casey said, while waving his hands around in excitement.

"Yeah." April agreed.

When the girls finished, the turtles and their two human friends applauded, "That was super awesome!" Mikey cheered.

"It was phenomenal." Donnie added in equal excitement.

"Not bad at all." Raph admitted.

"You girls did great. You don't hear that kind of stuff on the radio." Leo said.

"Yeah, it's always boring infomercials." Mikey added in boredom.

"Thanks, you guys." Twilight said.

"You know all this jamming's got me hungry. Anyone up for pizza?" Rainbow asked.

Mikey spoke up, "How about something different?"

"Pizza with ice cream?" Pinkie guessed.

"Better." Mikey smirked.

Later on, the turtles, April, and Casey brought the Rainbooms to the only place in the city where they could go to with no trouble, Murakami's noodle shop.

"A noodle shop?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, Mr. Murakami's a friend of ours." Mikey explained.

"And he doesn't have a problem with you guys?" Twilight asked.

"You'll see why." Leo said, as they went inside.

"Mr. Murakami." April greeted the chef behind the counter.

"How's it going?" Casey asked.

He turned around, "April-chan, Casey-san, and my turtle friends."

Sunset noticed the chef's eye wear, "Oh, my gosh. You're blind."

"Don't worry, Sunset," April began, "Mr. Murakami may lack sight, but he's incredibly skilled in cooking."

Leo spoke up, "These are some new friends of ours, Murakami-san. Twilight Sparkle, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie."

"Welcome, new friends. Any friends of my heroes is welcomed here."

"Heroes?" Applejack asked while looking at the turtles.

"We saved him from Xever and the Purple Dragons." Mikey answered.

"And they have given me idea for a new food that has become incredibly popular." Murakami added.

"And that would be?" Rarity inquired.

Leo answered, "Let him cook and see for yourself. Mr. Murakami, a round of our favorite."

"Coming right up." the chef answered and got to work.

As the group watched Murakami cook, the girls looked impressed at his cooking style, especially for a blind man.

"It's like magic." Pinkie gasped.

"It's an art." Mikey replied.

The group saw trays of a particular food played before them, "Behold, my specialty, Pizza Gyoza."

"Pizza Gyoza?" Rainbow asked.

April spoke, "Trust me, I wasn't sure of it at first, but it's delicious."

"It is always best to try new things." Rarity admitted.

So each of the Rainbooms used a pair of chopsticks to pick one up and ate it. After swallowing it, their eyes lit up.

"Hoo-Wee! This is some mighty tasty stuff!" Applejack cheered.

"So deliciously awesome." Rainbow salivated.

"Tasty." Fluttershy smiled.

"Delectable." Rarity added.

"Amazing." Sunset put in.

"Sooo good!" Pinkie cheered.

"I'm very impressed." Twilight admitted.

"Me too." Spike said, as he ate one.

"I can't believe I didn't think of this before." Pinkie said in shock.

"Told ya you'd like it." Mikey smiled.

The group continued to enjoy their food, unknown that outside and watching from another rooftop was Karai and the Foot Bots.

"We move when they leave." Karai ordered the robots who obeyed their command.

After the group finished their meal, they left the noodle shop and started walking back. Karai motioned the Foot Bots to follow her, as they trailed their enemies.

As the group walked through a construction site, Leo stopped them, "Hold up, guys. I got a feeling we're not alone here."

"You're right. There's a spy in our midst." Mikey agreed, as he eyed the area suspiciously.

They saw a cat walk by before hissing at them and took off, "Spy, huh?" Rainbow asked dryly.

April spoke, "No. They're right. Someone's following us."

Right on cue, the Foot bots dropped in and took position. The turtles and humans drew their weapons, "Well, tonight just got interesting." Applejack said, as the group took position.

"Interesting indeed," came a voice, as the Foot Bots made way, and Karai approached, "Evening, Turtles."

"Karai." Leo gasped.

"That's Karai?" Fluttershy asked.

"Unfortunately." Raph replied.

Karai spotted the Rainbooms, "So these are the Rainbooms. Adagio and the others told me you girls were a problem, and Bradford and the others confirmed it. But let's see how you match against my skill." she drew her sword.

Twilight spoke, "Karai, we're not your enemies. Shredder's brainwashed you."

"Lies!" Karai called, "Shredder is my father, and I will obey his orders. Attack!" The Foot bots went into battle as the turtles and their friends drew their weapons and fought.

They fought the robots, while Karai and Leo fought, "Karai, you have to stop."

"Oh, I'll stop. Once your friends are in my father's hands and you and your brothers are skinned from your shells."

"Not if I can help it!" Twilight jumped in and fought along side Leo with their weapons in hand.

"Two for one. I like it." Karai said, as she continued to fight.

As the group fought, Sunset watched Leo and Twilight fight Karai, "Whoa. She's definitely got skill."

"It's too bad she's brainwashed." Rainbow added.

As the team fought, Spike was running around try to stay out of trouble, "This is definitely no place for me," he tried to get away only to run right into the leg of a robotic Foot Soldier. The robot looked down and snatched Spike, "Hey, let me go! Twilight, help!"

Twilight had looked and saw Spike struggling to get free from the Foot Bot, "Spike!"

The rest of the team seeing this called out in equal shock, "Spike!"

Karai smirked, as she flipped over Leo and Twilight next to the Foot bot, "Catch you later." she used a smoke bomb to make their escape with Spike.

When they saw the Foot Bots and Karai were gone, Twilight cried, "No!"

"They're gone," Pinkie gasped, "For real."

"And they took Spikey-Wikey." Rarity added in despair.

"This can't be." Twilight looked worried.

"We'll find him, Twilight. I promise you." Leo promised.

Back at Shredder's lair. Karai and the Foot Bot approached Shredder in his throne with the Dazzlings waiting, "Father, I have returned."

Shredder looked and saw the struggling dog, "What is that?" he asked in a growl.

"This mutt belongs to one of the Rainbooms." Karai explained.

"The girl from Equestria." Adagio added, while remembering.

"He's so cute," Sonata smiled, only for Aria to nudge her, "Well, he is."

Shredder got off his throne and approached Karai, "This was not the reason I sent you after them."

"I understand, father. I just felt that..." Karai was cut off.

"Silence!" Shredder ordered, as Karai stood down. Shredder spoke again this time sounding pleased, "This may be even better."

"Better, father?" Karai asked.

"He will suffice as a means to luring both teams out of hiding. Karai, get me Baxter Stockman, I have plans for this mongrel."

"Yes, father." Karai took off.

Spike struggled in the Foot bot's grip, "When my friends and the Turtles find me, you're gonna get it, shred head!"

"Don't bark unless you have the bite to back it up." Shredder chuckled. Spike only growled.

Meanwhile the turtles and their friends were in the Party Wagon, driving around the city. Raph spoke to Leo at the wheel, "You know she's obviously taken him back to Shredder's lair."

"Of course I do." Leo answered.

In the back, Twilight was looking both worried and angry, "If they touch one hair on Spike..."

Sunset calmed her, "It'll be ok, Twilight. We'll get him back."

"Sunset Shimmer is right, Twilight," Rarity confirmed, "We won't let Shredder or any of them harm our darling Spike."

When Leo turned a corner, a Foot Bot jumped onto the hood spooking everyone. It stuck a note onto the windshield and took off. Leo pulled over, and they got out of the car. Leo picked the note off the windshield and read it.

"If you want your dog back, come to Stockman's old laboratory. If you don't, then the dog undergoes the next mutation." Leo finished with worry.

"Next mutation?" Pinkie asked.

"They wouldn't." Donnie gasped.

"They would." Raph confirmed.

"Would what?" Fluttershy asked.

"I think they're planning on mutating Spike." Leo answered.

"What?!" Twilight gasped.

"We got no time to lose. Let's roll!" Raph called, as they jumped back into the party wagon and took off.

Elsewhere at Stockman's old laboratory that had been rebuilt, Stockman Fly was busy readying a giant vat of mutagen.

"Yes. Perfect." the fly buzzed.

"Stockman," Shredder spoke, as he Tiger Claw, Fishface, and Rahzar approached with some Foot Bots and Karai holding Spike captive, "Is the mutagen ready?"

"All set, Master Shredder."

"Then let's begin." Shredder said, as he had a Foot Bot place Spike in a small cage.

"Let me out of here!" Spike barked, as Stockman Fly took the cage and attached it to a chain above the vat.

Rahzar spoke, "What is your plan, Master?"

"You're just going to mutate him?" Fishface asked.

"Hardly. I will use him to make the turtles and the Rainbooms surrender themselves to me."

"And if they do not cooperate, Master Shredder?" Tiger Claw inquired.

"Then I shall have him mutated and captured. With Stockman's brain worms whatever he turns into we shall use for ourselves."

"Do we really need another dog, Master?" Fishface asked, "We've already got one and that seems enough."

Rahzar growled at Fishface's mockery, "Watch it, Sushi Face!"

"Enough, you two!" Shredder ordered, as they stood down, "Prepare yourselves. Tonight we fight." They all nodded and got in position.

Outside the building, the turtles, and the others got out of the party wagon, "Ok, here's the plan. We get in and get Spike." Leo ordered.

"Let's do this." Twilight said.

They burst through the doors armed and ready, "Booyakasha!" Mikey called.

They saw the foot Bots, the mutants, Shredder, and Karai ready, "Turtles, nice of you to join us." Shredder greeted them.

"Where's Spike?" Leo demanded.

"Guys, up here!" Spike called.

They looked up and saw the caged Spike dangling above the mutagen vat, "Spike!" the group cried.

Twilight turned to Shredder with anger, "Let him go!"

"Lower your weapons, and I may spare him. Don't and we'll see the consequences," Shredder ordered, while motioning to a robotic foot soldier operating the claw holding the cage above the vat, "Make your choice."

The group hesitated, until Twilight dropped her weapon, as did the rest of the Rainbooms, the turtles, and Casey and April.

Rahzar and Fishface laughed at their forced surrender, as Karai spoke, "You finally lose, turtles."

Leo frowned, "Hardly." he quickly whipped out a throwing star and threw it at the Foot Bot occupying the claw holding Spike. The robot ended up shutting down, and the group grabbed their weapons and engaged in combat against Shredder's forces.

Casey and April fought the Foot Bots, while the Rainbooms went for the mutants, and the Turtles fought Shredder and Karai.

As Leo fought Shredder he called from below, "Hang on, Spike, we'll get you out of there."

"Hurry!" Spike barked in worry.

Rainbow after knocking Fishface aside started running for the lever to help Spike, "I'm coming, Spike!"

Tiger Claw blocked her path, "You're going nowhere." he pulled out his sword and fought her.

Casey seeing this whacked an explosive hockey puck with his stick that exploded on contact with Tiger Claw. When the girls got past the mutants they ran to the lever.

"We're almost there, Spike!" Twilight called from below.

Shredder after knocking the turtles back called out, "Too late!" he extended his right arm, and firing from his gauntlet was a blade that struck the lever.

The cage was released from the claw and Spike plummeted down to the vat screaming. The cage landed in the mutagen vat with a splash.

The Rainbooms were horrified at what happened, as Twilight screamed, "SPIKE!"

"NO!" The turtles cried.

Both sides watched as the small cage that once contained Spike was thrown out of the vat looking crushed. Finally climbing out of the vat was a monstrous dog mutant about the size and shape of Rahzar. He had dark purple fur, sharp claws and teeth. He climbed out and fell from the top of the vat all the way to the floor.

Twilight ran over to her number one assistant and saw he was unconscious. She looked saddened upon seeing him in his new mutant form, "Spike... I'm so sorry." she cried.

Suddenly mutant Spike's eyes shot open and looked like a feral green. He knocked Twilight away from him and let out a wolf howl.

"No way." Mikey gasped.

Shredder ordered, "Attack! Restrain him!" His Foot Bots and mutants went to attack.

"Don't let them near Spike!" Leo called, as they went to attack.

To their surprise, Spike barreled through them and started ripping the Foot Bots apart. Raph spoke, "I think he can take care of himself, Leo."

When Rahzar fought Spike, the mutant spoke, "You won't be top dog after I'm done with you."

Spike responded by grabbing Rahzar and slammed him into the floor. Tiger Claw launched a bolo at Spike, only for the mutant dog to dodge and growl at him. The tiger mutant fired blasts at Spike, only for the dog to run around and dodge before tackling Tiger Claw trying to bite at him.

"Get him off!" Tiger Claw struggled.

Fishface jumped in to try and kick him off, only for Spike to bite the fish's robotic legs and throw him into Stockman Fly.

Karai spoke, "Father, we don't stand a chance against that beast. We need to go."

"I will not leave without a prize!" Shredder retorted.

"We'll get him father. For now we need to regroup." Karai reminded him.

Shredder looked at the new mutant dog and spoke, "I'll be back for you." the Foot clan fled, but Spike tried to go after them.

"Stop him!" Leo called, as the turtles tried to block him only to get knocked down.

"Now I know what a bowling pin feels like." Mikey groaned.

"Spike, please!" Twilight called. Mutant Spike turned to Twilight and tackled her to the ground.

"Twilight!" The girls cried wanting to go help, but the turtles held them back.

Twilight laid on the ground, as Spike stood above her growling and snarling at her. The girl looked up at Spike with tears in her eyes, "Spike, it's me."

The dog mutant's snarling started easing up and looked at the girl with concern before speaking in a growling voice, "Twilight?"

Twilight smiled with hope seeing her number one assistant was still in there. Suddenly some police sirens went off and his ears went up in alert. He jumped off Twilight and barreled out through the exit.

"Spike!" the group shouted and tried to go after him.

They ran outside but saw he was gone, "No!" Twilight gasped.

"Uh, we better get out of here before we get spotted." Casey reminded them of the police sirens. So they hurried to the party wagon and left the scene.

Inside the lair, the turtles were patching themselves up, while Twilight still looked distraught, "I just can't believe this. Spike's a mutant."

"We did our best, Twilight." Applejack said.

"It's my fault!" Twilight cried, "I wasn't strong enough to save him."

"Twilight." Leo tried to lay a hand on her shoulder, but the girl threw her arms around Leo and cried onto his shoulder.

Everyone in the lair was saddened to see her like this, but Leo did the sensible thing and held her close, "I promise you, Twilight. We're going to find Spike. And we will change him back. Somehow... We're going to help him.

Back above ground, Mutant Spike was creeping around an alley trying to stay hidden from the humans walking out at night. He cowered behind a dumpster and whimpered a bit.

Author's Note:

My fans I now request ideas for the Dazzlings own individual ninja weapons