• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 23,945 Views, 208 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls - Wildcard25

Twilight and her friends from Canterlot High travel to the city of New York to take on the Dazzlings with the help of four heroes in a half shell.

  • ...

Rainbooms Mutant Tussle

A week passed since the Rainbooms had started their training with Splinter and the Turtles. To the mutants surprise, the girls were progressing very well with their ninja skills. So well they had finally gained weapons to fight with.

In the training area, each of the Rainbooms were practicing with their new gear.

Rainbow Dash was twirling around a naginata spear much like how Donnie used his bo-staff in combat. She swung her weapon around beheading four dummies with the sharp spear part.

"Oh, yeah!" Rainbow stood proudly with her weapon at her side.

Applejack was doing some ninja moves while on her hands were a pair of ninja shuko hand claws, while strapped to her boots were a pair of ashiko. She delivered some punches and kicks on a practice dummy putting tears in it from the spikes of her weapons.

"Yee-haw! That's how ya do ninja cowpolk stlye." Applejack said with a tip of her hat.

Pinkie Pie was wielding a bakuhatsugama, while holding one end of the chain and spinning the sickle on the other end.

"Yippee!" she cheered, as she maneuvered with her weapon.

Rarity was maneuvering with two Kama sickle weapons in the same style Xever handled his butterfly knives. When she finished spinning them she crossed them in front of her, "Beauty can also be deadly, darlings."

Twilight was twirling her weapon being a kamayari before aiming the weapon at a training dummy and striking it. She thought to herself, 'Wow. I had no idea I could be this good with a weapon. If Shining Armor could see me like this, would he be shocked.' she giggled in her thoughts.

Sunset Shimmer rolled onto the scene of the dojo and flung all around her kunai weapons which nailed several targets in the bulls eye.

"Yes!" Sunset Shimmer cheered.

Finally Fluttershy was holding a fukedake blowgun. She held the weapon up to her mouth and blew into it shooting a dart from the other end. The dart nailed the bulls eye of a target, and Fluttershy shot a few more targets nailing it.

"I did it!" Fluttershy cheered.

The turtles, April, Casey, and Splinter watched them from the side along with Spike who was now wearing a hachimaki headband tied around his forehead with the symbol of the Hamato clan on it.

"Now this is a show." Casey said, as he enjoyed the performance.

"I know," Spike agreed, and spoke to Splinter, "And thanks for hooking me up with this awesome headband, sensei."

"My pleasure, Spike. Wear it in honor of my clan."

"I will." Spike confirmed, as he continued to watch the girls practice.

"Yamea!" Splinter called, as the girls ceased their practice.

"Wow, what a work out." Rainbow said, in excitement.

"That sure got me all pumped." Applejack said, while wiping some sweat off her forehead.

"I do feel kinda guilty having a weapon in my hands." Fluttershy said in guilt.

"Fluttershy, these are to help us in our inevitable fight against the Dazzlings and Shredder's forces." Sunset Shimmer spoke.

"Sunset Shimmer's right," Twilight agreed, "Plain ninja training alone won't be enough to help us protect ourselves and each other from enemies like those Foot Bots."

"And if the Dazzlings are with Shredder, there's no doubt they're learning the same as we are." Rainbow added.

"So we have to make sure we're learning just as hard as they are." Applejack put in.

"Which means it's time for your night training." Raph said.

"Oh, yeah, boy!" Mikey cheered, as the group prepared themselves for their ninja run.

Meanwhile in the Shredder's lair, inside the throne room. Shredder sat on his throne, until the door opened as Rahzar, Fishface, Rocksteady, and Bebop stood.

"Bradford, Xever, Steranko, Zeck, enter." Shredder ordered.

The four mutants entered, as Rocksteady spoke, "What is, you summon us for, Shredder?"

"Stockman has told me that he's close to recreating the Dazzling's gemstones, but they themselves are still in their ninja training with Karai," Shredder began, "I want you four to go out and find the Turtles. I have my hunches the girls known as the Rainbooms will be with them."

"Why do you want us to grab them, Master?" Fishface inquired.

"If we have them in our grasp the turtles will do whatever it takes to get them back. Meaning they will play right into our hands. I trust you four can accomplish this?" he squinted his eyes at them.

"Absolutely, Master." Rahzar confirmed.

"Yeah, boss man. We'll getcha those girls." Bebop promised.

"Then get going. And do not fail me." Shredder warned them, as the four left.

Out in the city, the turtles, the teenagers, and Spike were doing their ninja run atop the roofs of New York.

The turtles watched as the Rainbooms were finally able to keep up with their speed after so much training with them.

"Yeah, feel that breeze in your face!" Rainbow cheered, as they ran across a rooftop.

"Time to jump!" Raph called, as they jumped from the edge of the roof to another building.

"If this were the Olympics we'd win the gold." Pinkie said.

Finally the group stopped for a breather, as Leo spoke, "Good job, girls. Your pace has improved since our last run."

"With the training we've gone through, it better have." Rarity said, with a pant.

"Can we head back now? I'm getting hungry." Pinkie whined.

"Me too." Mikey added, as he and Pinkie gave Leo and Twilight puppy dog eyes.

Leo sighed, "Alright, let's head back."

The group was relieved, and were about to leave. Suddenly Spike froze and started growling. Twilight and the others looked at him in concern, "What is it, Spike?"

"We got company." Spike answered, as he kept his tough dog look up.

The group stood their ground, until they were almost hit with lasers. They each jumped aside before spotting the four mutants accompanied by some Foot Bots.

"Nice night, isn't it?" Rahzar chuckled.

The Rainbooms were shocked seeing the mutants they were told about up close, "Leo, are these really..." Twilight began.

"Yeah. Shredder's goons." Leo confirmed.

"We've come for the Rainboom girls." Rocksteady began.

"So hand them over if ya know what's good for ya. Yeah!" Bebop called.

"Otherwise we're going to have to do it the hard way." Fishface finished, as he armed himself with his balisword.

"Not happening, Sushi lips." Rainbow said, as she pulled out her Naginata she now carried strapped to her back.

"You want us, come and get us." Applejack said, as she readied her hook gloves.

As the rest of the Rainbooms, April, Casey, and the Turtles armed themselves, Rahzar called out, "Attack!"

So the mutants and Foot Bots went in on the attack against the heroes. As the Rainbooms, Casey, and April handled the Foot Bots, the turtles faced off against the mutants with Leo against Rahzar, Donnie against Bebop, Raph against Fishface, and Mikey against Rocksteady.

The turtles fought the mutants like they always had, while the Rainbooms took glances to see just how well the four ninjas really managed against the mutants. The girls fought the Foot Bots using all their training experience and skill with their weapons to disarm them and break them apart.

As Rainbow jabbed her spear into a Foot Bot's head and broke it off, "Oh, yeah!" she looked over and saw Mikey was starting to get overpowered by Rocksteady. She frowned and called, "Hey, rhino man! Heads up!" she swung her weapon making the Foot Bot head fly off and hit Rocksteady in the side of his head.

Rocksteady looked over, "Rainbow haired girl gonna get it." he readied his hook and hammer weapon, only for Mikey to jump back in and take control of their fight.

As Leo and Rahzar went at it, the zombie dog mutant was slicing at Leo with his claws, as the turtle used his swords to block him.

"You must be training these girls well if they're lasting this long against the Foot Bots." Rahzar admitted.

"Maybe your bots just aren't cutting it like they used too." Leo mocked.

Rahzar growled as he fought harder. Leo was struggling to block the mutant only for the two to hear barking. They looked down and saw Spike growling at Rahzar.

The big dog mutant laughed, "Oh, this is cute. What're you gonna do, pup, bore me to death?" he laughed.

Spike taking advantage of Rahzar's laughing moment bit him in the leg. Rahzar yelped and tried shaking Spike off, "Get off me, you mutt!"

"Leave, Spike alone!" Leo called, as he struck Rahzar after Spike let go of him.

"Thanks, Leo." Spike said.

"Thanks yourself." Leo smiled.

Bebop was moving around in his dance style firing blasts from his laser belt, while making his cheers and ranting sounds. Donnie was jumping around while using his bo-staff to block the laser shots.

"You're seriously getting on my nerves!" Donnie called, as he whacked at Bebop.

"Oh, you did not just hit me, fool!" Bebop called as he launched an energy mohawk at Donnie who jumped away avoiding the attack.

Rarity noticed Bebop's attack, "Attacking with his hair? That's quite a move."

Fishface was as always going toe to toe with Raph, with neither holding back, "Come on, Fishface. Show me watcha got." Raph mocked.

"I'll make you regret that." Fishface warned him, as they continued to fight.

Fluttershy seeing Raph looking like he needed help came to his aid. She aimed her blowpipe at Fishface's behind, and blew into it launching a dart into his butt.

"Ouch!" Fishface groaned, before looking back seeing Fluttershy holding her weapon, "Girl, you have made a big mistake!" he ran at Fluttershy, who looked scared.

"Fluttershy, move!" Sunset called.

Fluttershy tried to run, but Fishface was about to strike. The fish mutant was interrupted, as Pinkie jumped in, "Booyakasha!" she swung her chain half at Fishface which wrapped around his sword, and swung him around making him crash into a vent.

"Nice one!" Mikey cheered.

"Everyone, fall back!" Leo ordered.

"Let's see how these work," Pinkie said, as she pulled out one of the turtles custom made smoke bombs, "Catch ya later!" she threw it down releasing the smoke allowing the group to escape.

The mutants groaned, as Bebop spoke, "What do we do now, yo?"

"We find them and crush their shells." Rahzar answered.

Meanwhile the group had taken cover inside an abandoned building, "Everyone all right?" Leo asked.

"I'm good." Twilight answered.

"Same here." Applejack added.

"That was quite a debacle." Rarity noted.

"That was nothing." Donnie replied.

"You girls sure held your own against those creeps." Casey said with a smile.

The girls smiled, until Raph scowled in Fluttershy's direction, which the girl noticed and looked worried, "What's wrong, Raph?"

"What's wrong?" Raph asked in outrage, "I'll tell you what's wrong. You got in my way!" the group looked shock at Raph's outburst.

"What?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"I had things under control, but you had to avert Fishface's attention making him come after you!" Raph scolded her.

"I was only trying to help." Fluttershy said, feeling on the verge of tears.

"Well, I didn't need it!" Raph snapped.

"Hey, who do you think you are talking to her like that?" Twilight demanded, as she got in Raph's face.

"Step off, Princess." Raph warned her.

"Raph, take chill pill." Casey broke it up.

"Yeah. Fluttershy was trying to help." April added.

"Yeah, dude, you could have the heart to show some appreciation." Mikey added, only for Raph to glare at him.

"I'll appreciate it if she doesn't get in between me and my opponent next time!"

Fluttershy started to cry, "I-I'm so sorry. It won't happen again!" she turned tail and ran out while covering her face.

"Fluttershy!" the girls cried, before looking back at Raph with anger.

"You're a big jerk, Raphael!" Sunset frowned.

"Your brothers were right about you having an out of control temper." Rarity said with a huff.

"Come on, girls, let's go find Fluttershy." Twilight said, as they hurried after her.

Casey and April turned to Raph equally disappointed, "Real smooth, Raph." Casey said, as the two followed.

"Come on, guys," Leo said, before looking at Raph, "You better stay back, unless you wanna make her cry some more." he and Donnie went ahead before Mikey looked back at him.

"Sorry, Raph."

Raph stood there watching everyone leave, as his look of frustration turned into a look of guilt, "Way to go, Mr. tough guy." he said to himself.