• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 24,005 Views, 208 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls - Wildcard25

Twilight and her friends from Canterlot High travel to the city of New York to take on the Dazzlings with the help of four heroes in a half shell.

  • ...


Up top of a building roof, Adagio and her fellow sirens had finished telling Karai their whole story. Karai was partly shocked, and partly calm as well.

"Unbelievable, you're actually sirens from another world?"

"I know, weird, huh?" Sonata asked.

"I'm impressed you're so calm about this." Adagio added in surprise.

"I've been fighting mutants ever since I came to New York, I've learned to stop being so surprised." Karai explained.

"I see. Adagio replied.

"So you're saying these girls the Rainbooms as they're called have allied with the turtles?" Karai inquired.

"Got that right." Aria confirmed.

"And they posses magic beyond your human understanding. As long as they're here and allied with your enemies... Well, let's just say it could be bad for you and your ninja robots." Adagio began.

"What are you hoping for?" Karai crossed her arms.

"An alliance." Adagio answered.


"Of course. We know how the Rainbooms work and you know how those turtles work. With our combined knowledge we can take out both enemies at once." the lead siren explained.

"Well, we would if we had our magic again," Sonata sighed, "But this is all we have left." she showed Karai bits of her gemstone pendant she and the others recovered since their defeat.

Karai thought about this before smirking, "Not to worry, my father has someone who may be able to help you with that."

"Then we have a deal?" Adagio asked, while holding out her hand.

Karai shook her hand, "Deal. However, if you really want a partnership you'll have to take it up with my father. And quite frankly, he's not so easily persuaded."

"We'll take our chances." Adagio said.

"Then come with me." Karai said, as she led the Dazzlings off.

Back in the sewers, Pinkie was playing the Space heroes pinball game with Rainbow and Casey watching, Twilight and April were sharing stories with each other, Applejack, Sunset, Leo, and Raph were lounging on the couch. Rarity was looking through her phone, and Fluttershy was sitting down with Spike in her lap.

Suddenly Mikey came in, "All right, girls. Front and center!"

The Rainbooms curiously looked over as Mikey was wheeling a diagram over, "Uh, what is that?" Applejack.

"If your enemies are gonna be siding with our enemies down the line, we're gonna have to teach you about them. Which is why I made this." Mikey presented his diagram with pictures of mutants that looked like they were drawn up by a child.

The girls looked at the diagram confused, while Raph and Leo face faulted. Twilight spoke up, "No offense, Mikey, but I don't think that diagram can help us."

Mikey pouted, until Donnie stepped in, "While Mikey has the right idea, I took the liberty of drawing up a better detailed diagram." he pushed Mikey's aside, and wheeled in his own diagram with actual pictures of the Shredder, his hench mutants, and other allies.

Rainbow eyed the center picture being of Shredder and spoke, "Ok, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that's the Shredder?"

"That's right," Leo confirmed, before looking at Twilight, "You saw him in your vision, right?"

Twilight looked at the picture and nodded, "Yes. He's the one."

"Well, you know all about Shredder from sensei's side and our side. As well as his Foot Bots." Leo continued.

"Let's get down to talking about his mutant henchmen." Donnie said.

"Start with that wolf mutant there," Twilight pointed to a picture of a skeletal werewolf creature, "He was one of the mutants I saw in my vision."

Rarity looked repulsed, "He looks so ghastly."

Mikey stood up, "Oh, can I tell them, can I?"

Leo sighed, "Ok, Mikey."

Mikey cleared his throat and began, "This is Rahzar."

"Rahzar?" Sunset Shimmer inquired.

"Mikey has a habit of naming our mutant enemies." Raph explained.

"Except for the one I did." Donnie said, until Mikey shushed him.

"Turtle explaining here, thank you," he continued, "Anyway before he was a mutant he was a man named Chris Bradford."

Rainbow looked up, "Wait a minute, Chris Bradford? As in Chris Bradford, the famous martial artist and owner of the long line of Bradford dojos?"

"You betcha." Mikey nodded.

"He's really a villain?" Rainbow asked feeling crushed.

"Yeah. Surprised me too," Mikey sighed, "Anyway, I befriended him online and asked to meet with him. When we did I thought he really considered me a friend. Turned out he was just using me to try and get to sensei."

Fluttershy looked sad about what Mikey said, "I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve to be deceived like that."

"That meanie doesn't deserve your friendship after doing that." Pinkie said, feeling steamed at what he did to Mikey.

"So how did he become this zombie mutant?" Sunset asked.

"He got mutated by the same mutagen that mutated us and came out looking like a big bulky dog mutant." Mikey explained.

"Based on his appearance, I believe it was an Akita dog." Donnie explained.

"Hello, I was talking here." Mikey spoke up in irritation.

"Just stating the facts." Donnie answered, before sitting back down.

"Since then we started calling him Dogpound." Mikey added.

"By your suggestion." Raph quipped while, Mikey glared at him for interrupting.

"Dogpound?" Twilight asked.

"Like we said, it's Mikey's habit." Leo explained.

"Just call me Dr. Namenstein." Mikey boasted.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "That's not even a real name."

"No kidding." Spike replied.

"So if he started out big and bulky, how'd he turn into that?" Applejack noting the picture of Rahzar.

"Months ago, he ended up falling into a tank of mutagen and came out like that. Since then I've started calling him Rahzar. And this form makes him stronger and even faster than ever." Mikey finished.

"Wonder if I'd look like that if I got mutated?" Spike wondered.

"Don't even think on that, Spike." Twilight said, hating to envision it.

"Aright, which mutant do you want to know about next?" Donnie asked.

Twilight eyed the tiger mutant with the eyepatch, "I also saw that tiger creature with Shredder. Who is he?"

Leo spoke up, "His name's Tiger Claw, though he was already called that before we met him."

"I was gonna name him that if he didn't have that name to begin with." Mikey spoke up, only for Raph to smack the back of his head shutting him up.

"So what's his story?" Rainbow asked.

"Actually, we don't know too much about him," Leo explained, "We found out he was a deadly assassin from Japan and was mutated by the Kraang when he was just a kid. He proved to be one of our toughest challenges when Shredder brought him in."

"So how did you beat him?" Spike asked.

"He got eaten by one of the Kraang's giant pet worms." Casey chuckled.

"Worms?" Rarity asked in disgust.

"During our first encounter with him, the Kraang brought in these worms from their home dimension and one of them ended up swallowing Tiger Claw before we transported it to another dimension," Leo continued, "Unfortunately, Tiger Claw didn't stay gone for long. He got out of the worms belly and found his way back to our dimension. He's so tough it takes all of us just to match him."

"Sounds like one bad kitty." Applejack noted.

"Alright, which of the mutants do you wanna hear about next?" Donnie asked.

Rainbow noticed the fish mutant image, "What's with the fish with the robot legs?"

Raph spoke up, "That's Fishface. He was originally a street thug named Xever who had knowledge of all the New York gangs. At the same time Bradford got mutated, he also got doused in mutagen and came out a mutant fish."

Donnie spoke up, "Due to his fish like requirements such a water and with no legs we didn't see him since his initial mutation. Shredder eventually found someone to build him a breathing apparatus and robot legs enabling him to move on land again."

"And Mikey named him Fishface?" Sunset asked.

"It was between that and Robocarp." Mikey explained.

"Then it's a good thing you stuck with the first choice." Spike said.

Rarity noticed one of the pictured mutants was of a fly man, "Oh, dear heaven! Is that a fly?"

"Yeah, but we knew him as a human long before he got mutated," Donnie explained, "His name's Baxter Stockman, he's a scientist known for his robotic creations like his mouser robots. Shredder ended up hiring him to build Fishface's legs and breather device. Shredder ended up mutating him into a fly and since then has been more of a problem than he used to be."

"Yeah one time he ended up brainwashing Raph to work for Shredder." Mikey explained, while motioning to Raph who looked ready to smack him again.

"Ok, next mutant." Twilight said.

"Like that rhino man." Pinkie pointed to the mutant in the picture.

Leo spoke up, "He was a Russian arms dealer named Steranko who was a business partner with Shredder. But after an incident Shredder mutated him into a rhino."

"I named him Rocksteady since then." Mikey put in.

"And who's the warthog?" Rainbow asked.

"Nice haircut." Pinkie noticed his mohawk.

"He was a thief named Zeck," Donnie explained, "We accidentally crossed paths with him awhile back when he tried to steal Shredder's helmet."

"What's with the jumpsuit?" Sunset wondered.

"It's his techsuit, and it's tricked out with multiple gadgets from an invisibility field, lasers, and gas bombs." Donnie explained.

"He got mutated at the same time Steranko did." Leo put in.

"And now I call him Bebop." Mikey finished.

Raph looked at the board, "Hey, how come Karai's not on it?"

"Raph!" Leo and Donnie scolded him.

"What, just for a reference to villains." the hot head explained.

"Who's Karai?" Fluttershy asked.

Splinter had entered hearing everything, "Karai was the child whom Shredder stole from me."

Twilight gasped, "Karai is Miwa?"

Splinter nodded, "Yes. After Shredder destroyed my home and my beloved Tang Shen, he took Miwa from me and raised her as his own, making her believe I was the one who took her mother from her and that Shredder was her father."

"So how did you meet her?" Rarity inquired.

"I was the first to actually meet her, the others didn't really know about her." Leo began.

"She tried to convince Leo to join her." Raph spoke up, much to Leo's irritation.

"I warned him about trusting her being in the Foot clan and all." April put in, making Leo feel even more guilty.

"I had hoped there was good in her to make her forget about following Shredder's way." Leo told the girls.

"Yes, and Leonardo was not far off. For I discovered Karai was Miwa when I confronted Shredder during the first Kraang's invasion." Splinter began.

"It took awhile, but we managed to convince Karai and help her see the truth, but by that time Shredder locked her up," Leo continued, "When we finally rescued her we thought things would be better. But Karai tried to go after Shredder on her own."

"I don't think I'm gonna like where this is headed." Fluttershy trembled.

"Shredder ended up capturing her and tried to use her as bait to lure us into a trap where he planned to mutate us into mindless serpents," Leo carried on, "During our fight he ended up cutting the chain for the cage he had Karai trapped in and it landed into the mutagen."

The girls and Spike gasped, as Donnie spoke, "Karai came out as a snake mutant with her mind warped. When Stockman's lab was on the verge of blowing up, she regained enough of her senses to escape. Since then we looked for her while trying to come up with a retro mutagen to change her back. After the Kraang took over the city, we managed to track her down and found out she somehow was able to shift between her mutant and human forms, but still didn't have her full mind. When we finished the retro mutagen it didn't work on her because of her unique abilities being only half mutant. She left us because her mind was just about done."

Leo spoke up, "But Shredder ended up catching her and somehow turned her back to normal save for her snake abilities. But then he brainwashed her the same way he had done to Raph." he sighed.

"So she's an enemy again?" Twilight asked.

"Unfortunately, but we're going to get her back someday." Leo promised.

"Boy, you guys, really have been through a lot." Spike said.

Meanwhile at the lair of the Shredder, Karai showed her three new friends inside as they entered Shredder's throne room. Standing at his side was Tiger Claw, Rahzar, and Fishface.

"Father." Karai bowed her head to the man on the throne, while the Dazzlings looked up at him feeling intimidated.

"Karai," Shredder began, until he eyed the three girls behind her, "What is this? You bring strangers into our lair?!" he got up and stormed down.

Karai spoke up, "No, father, listen to me. These girls can help us."

Shredder stopped, "Help us?"

Tiger Claw spoke, "And just what can these girls do that could be beneficial to us?"

"They can help us defeat the turtles." Karai explained, as Rahzar, Fishface, and Shredder were taken aback.

Shredder spoke, "And how can they do that?"

Karai motioned the three forward, as Adagio spoke, "Lord Shredder, allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Adagio Dazzle, this is Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. And your turtle enemies are now linked to our enemies as well. If you help us we may just be able to help you."

Shredder glared at them through his mask, making Sonata shake in fright, until he answered, "I'm listening, but you better make it worth my time."

The Dazzlings felt relieved that they had his attention, but now only hoped he would be willing to help them.

Back in the sewer lair, Casey was telling the girls about one of New York's top street gangs, "The Purple Dragons run amok in the Chinese district of New York on a daily basis picking off any unsuspecting citizen for their money and valuables. With only three members they were hardly a threat, until Hun came along. He actually knows how to fight, and boy did he give me a sore beating." Casey explained feeling ashamed of his first loss against him.

Mikey came in carrying pizza boxes, "Who's hungry?!"

The turtles and humans looked excited that the pizza arrived, and soon were gorging on the stuff. Twilight spoke, "I'm surprised you guys eat this every day. Don't you get bored with it?"

"Are you kidding, this is the best human food we've ever tasted." Mikey asnwered.

"Back then the closest things we ever could enjoy had worms and algae in it." Donnie added, much to Rarity's disgust.

"I think I lost my lunch." she said, while turning green.

"Then I guess I'll take your share." Rainbow snatched her plate.

"Not so fast!' Rarity called, as she took her share back.

As Leo ate a slice, he spoke up, "So this band you're a part of, The Rainbooms. How good are you girls exactly?"

"We're awesome!" Rainbow declared.

"I'd believe it when I got proof." Raph said.

"You want proof? You got it." Pinkie pulled out a cassette.

"What's that?" Mikey asked.

"This is a little number we made when Twilight and Spike went back to Equestria after we defeated the Dazzlings." Pinkie explained.

"And Sunset Shimmer since then became our new backup singer and guitar player." Rainbow added.

"Why don't ya give it a listen and see what ya think?" Applejack asked.

Mikey went and came back with a boombox, "Here put it in." Pinkie put the cassette tape in, and the music started.

Twilight and Spike listened to the song seeing how well their Canterlot High friends were, especially with Sunset Shimmer as part of their band.

April looked like she was really getting into the song by tapping her feet to the rhythm, while Mikey was waving his finger around to it. Leo, Casey, and Donnie felt moved by it as well, and even Raph looked like he was enjoying the sound of it.

When the tape finished, Pinkie stopped it, "What'd ya think?"

"That was so cool!" Mikey cheered.

"It was amazing." April added.

"I gotta admit, you girls really do know how to jam." Casey put in.

"It was like a work of art." Donnie said.

"You girls definitely know how to play." Leo added.

All eyes fell on Raph, who had a blank expression, "What?"

"Don't hide it from us, Raphael, but we saw you moving to the sound." Rarity called it.

"So what if I was?" Raph asked.

"Jeez, you need to lighten up." Pinkie said.

"Fine, I thought it was great," he confessed, "Happy?"

"Yes." Pinkie grinned, much to Raph's annoyance.

"You girls really sounded great." Twilight smiled.

"With Sunset Shimmer we're more awesome." Rainbow admitted, as Sunset smiled.

"And didn't you say when you play music you gain pony features?" April asked.

"Yeah. Ears, tails, the whole shebang." Applejack confirmed.

"Even now we still do when we play together." Fluttershy added.

"But at first you gained that power when Twilight drew power from her crown the first time?" Donnie inquired.

"Yeah. Now we rely on music." Rainbow answered.

Leo started pondering before turning to Splinter, "Sensei, do you think it would be possible if we taught Twilight and the others to be kunoichis?"

"WHAT?!" His brothers gasped.

"Kunoichis?" Twilight asked.

April answered, "A female ninja. I've been training to be one myself."

Splinter pondered, "Hmm, given the circumstances of Twilight's vision there will be no doubt she and possibly the others will end up crossing paths with Shredder and his minions."

"So can they?" Leo asked hopefully.

Splinter answered, "They can, but the choice will be up to them." they all looked at the Rainbooms.

"Heck, yeah!" Rainbow got up, "A chance to be a super awesome ninja? I'm there."

"Me too!" Pinkie jumped up.

"Count me in y'all." Applejack agreed.

"While fighting isn't my thing since I am a lady of fashion," Rarity began before growing a determined look, "But for my friends I will endure such a trial."

"Oh, I don't know if I'm cut out to fight." Fluttershy said in doubt.

"There's more to being a ninja than just knowing how to fight." Donnie said.

"It's also about being wise and resourceful." Leo added.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked, as they nodded, "Well, I guess I can do that."

"If the sirens are involved, we'll need all the strength we need." Sunset said, as all eyes fell on Twilight.

"How about it, Twilight?" Leo asked.

"Well, I'm not sure if I'll be as good a fighter as you turtles are." Twilight said in doubt.

"Twilight, it won't matter if you won't be as good as the others, because what matters is you'll fight together. So they all have your back. Even I would fight to help you." Spike explained.

Twilight smiled from Spike's words of wisdom, and answered, "Then I want to learn too."

Splinter smiled, "The seven of you have made a wise choice. Come we shall begin right away." Splinter said.

"Now?" the girls asked.

"The sooner the better." Splinter added.

Raph smirked, "Good luck."

Back at the Shredder's lair, Adagio finished telling Shredder the details of their situation, "And that's our story, Master Shredder."

After listening to their tale, Rahzar and Fishface broke out into laughter, much to the Dazzlings annoyance.

"A land of talking ponies?" Rahzar asked between laughs.

"Oh, that's even more ridiculous than what we deal with!" Fishface laughed, as he fell to the floor with his robot legs swinging back and forth.

Shredder spun around and glared at his two minions, who ceased their laughter, while Fishface got up on his feet. The Master of the Foot clan looked back at the Dazzlings and Karai, "I warned you about making this worth it, but I have no time for such childish fairy tales!"

"Master Shredder," came a buzzing voice, as Stockman Fly flew in onto the scene, "But I believe there is some truth behind their story."

"What are you talking about, Stockman?" Shredder asked feeling cross enough.

Baxter buzzed back in fright, before answering, "I've analyzed this piece of gemstone Adagio gave me. And upon my analysis this gem isn't of any type of stone found here on earth. Not even from Dimension X. It's properties does have a faint aura around them. So you see, they obviously do have the power to feed upon and contain the negative energies from those they hypnotize. If you permit me, I can restore their gemstones, and possibly make them better than before. That is if you would allow it, master."

Shredder eyed Stockman, before looking back at the Dazzlings. He answered, "Very well. I shall leave you to it, Stockman."

"I shall get started immediately." Stockman flew off back to his lab.

Shredder approached Karai and the Dazzlings, before looking at the three sirens, "Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. You three will serve me and help me in eliminating Splinter and the turtles. Fail me, and I promise you the consequences will be dire." he warned them, as he held up his right arm and his twin blades popped out from the gauntlet shocking the three.

They calmed down, as Adagio spoke, "As you wish, Master Shredder." Aria and Sonata smirked, seeing their alliance has been made.

"But you will also need training until your gemstones are restored. Which is why Karai will be in charge of whipping you three into shape. Understood?"

The trio looked to Karai who was smirking, before Aria answered, "Yes, sir."

"Good." Shredder left the room.

Karai spoke, "Well, girls, looks like we're gonna be busy."

"Don't we know it." Adagio answered.