• Published 8th Jun 2015
  • 24,009 Views, 208 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls - Wildcard25

Twilight and her friends from Canterlot High travel to the city of New York to take on the Dazzlings with the help of four heroes in a half shell.

  • ...

New York City

The very next day in the human version world of Equestria, Twilight, Spike, and their Canterlot High friends were by a bus stop waiting for the next bus with a few others.

"Ooh, this is so exciting. We're going to New York!" Pinkie cheered as she bounced up and down.

Rarity held her down, "Pinkie, I know we're outside, but please use your inside voice... Actually, there isn't too big a difference between them."

"Well, Pinkie's got the right idea," Rainbow said, "I mean how often do we get a chance to go to New York of all places?"

"It is one of the biggest cities." Fluttershy said.

"Luckily, I had Sunset print up a map of the city and list of all its best spots." Twilight said in relief.

"There's the bus." Sunset said, as they saw a bus drive up.

When the bus pulled up, the doors opened up allowing the passengers on board. Twilight looked down at Spike who was in her backpack, "Ok, Spike, here we go. Take a deep breath." Spike nodded, as he sunk his head into the backpack.

The girls went on the bus and took a seat, with Twilight and Sunset together, Rainbow and Applejack together, Fluttershy with Rarity, while Pinkie sat by herself looking excited.

The bus driver closed the doors and announced, "All right passengers. Next stop, New York City!"

The girls smiled looking excited, while unaware in the far back were the Dazzlings wearing their old hoody's from before with their hoods up. They looked ahead seeing the Rainbooms and Sunset were too caught up in where they were going to have even noticed that they snuck on board. The bus drove off, as the girls were awaiting for when they would arrive in New York.

After hours of driving, the bus finally crossed a freeway and drove right into New York City. Twilight and the girls looked out the windows of the bus taking in all the surroundings. Twilight was by far more amazed than the others.

"Spike, look." Twilight said, as Spike popped his head out of the bag to get a good look at the city.

"Whoa. It's like Manehattan or something." the dog said quietly.

Sunset spoke, "Yeah. Surprised me too when I did some research and found out some places in this world are modeled or named after places in Equestria."

The bus stopped at the nearest bus stop, and the doors opened up allowing the passengers to get off. Once they got off the bus took off and the other passengers took off knowing where they had to go.

The girls stood together, as Twilight spoke up, "Ok, we're where we need to be. What now?"

"First off we need to get settled in at the hotel I booked for us. And don't worry they allow pets." Rarity said, as she patted Spike's head.

"Then let's get going." Applejack said, as the Rainbooms started walking, while the Dazzlings stuck around and watched them leave.

"Let's tail them," Adagio began, "If we follow them we may find more clues from Twilight."

"Let's hope you're right, Adagio." Aria said feeling doubtful.

Sonata looked at a single newspaper article on the ground and saw an ad for Antonio's Pizza, "Ooh, pizza. My most favorite food in this whole world, second only to tacos." she smiled.

"Focus, Sonata." Adagio snapped her out of it.

"Right. Sorry."

"Come on." Adagio said, as the three sirens started following after the Rainbooms making sure to be at a safe distance and remain casual.

Later on, the girls were escorted into a luxurious hotel room that had a room for each of them, "Whoa." Rainbow gasped at the spacious and luxurious room was.

"Now this is fancy." Applejack whistled in awe.

"Look at the view!" Pinkie cheered, as she went up to the large and open clear glass windows to see a perfect view of the city.

"Thanks again for setting this up for us, Rarity." Twilight thanked her.

"My pleasure, Twilight."

"All right. Let's get settled in, and then we can start a tour." The princess said, as they all nodded in agreement.

Once the girls got settled in with their hotel room, they sat out into the city for a tour. They walked along the city taking in all the sights, while Twilight was mentally taking notes on where everything was.

They stopped at a crosswalk, as Pinkie spoke, "Can we get lunch now? I'm hungry."

"Reckon we could all use a bite." Applejack agreed.

"All right. Let's break for lunch." Twilight said.

"Where should we go?" Fluttershy asked.

"I did see an ad in New York's paper for a place called Antonio's Pizza. Best place in town." Rainbow explained.

"Then let's go there." Sunset said.

"Let me check the map and find it." Twilight said, as she was about to look at the map only for a voice to speak.

"You going to Antonio's?"

The group looked around and saw who spoke to them. It was a girl about their age with short ginger colored hair, and blue eyes. She was wearing a black shirt with a yellow and white sport shirt with the number "5" over it, blue denim shorts, black leggings, brown bandages/bracelets around her wrists, white high socks with two blue stripes on them and black low-heeled boots.

Twilight answered, "Yes, actually, we are. But we don't know where to find it."

"Don't worry, I was on my way there myself. Maybe I can show you there." the redhead offered.

"Thanks. By the way, what's your name?" Twilight asked.

"I'm April O'Neil. And you all are?"

"Well, my name's Twilight Sparkle."

"Huh, interesting name." April said feeling curious.

"My name's Sunset Shimmer. Nice to meet you."

"Howdy do, April. I'm Applejack."

"I'm Rainbow Dash, the most awesome girl you'll ever know."

"Huh, clearly you don't know the meaning of being modest." April crossed her arms.

"That's a fact," Rarity answered, "And my name is Rarity. Very nice to meet you. I must say you look quite the catch, April."

"Oh, stop." April brushed it off feeling embarrassed.

Pinkie jumped in, "I'm Pinkie Pie, certified party planner. If there's a party to be held then I'm your girl to put it together!"

April thought, 'And I thought Mikey was hyperactive.'

Fluttershy drew a circle on the ground with her foot feeling shy and spoke, "I'm Fluttershy."

"Nice to meet you," April said, until she saw Spike in Twilight's bag, "Aw, who's this little guy? He's so cute."

"This is my dog, Spike." Twilight answered, as April patted the dragon/dog's head a few times as he enjoyed it.

"So you were saying you can show us to Antonio's?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah. I'm meeting a friend there myself."

"Well, let's go!" Pinkie declared.

So the girls started walking, while the Dazzlings were peeking around a corner, "There they go, come on." Adagio said, as they continued to trail the Rainbooms.

Soon the girls arrived at the pizza parlor known as Antonio's, as April spoke, "Well, this is it."

"Come on let's go eat." Rainbow said, as the group went inside, and saw other teenagers and people enjoying pizza.

"Where do we sit?" Fluttershy wondered, until they heard the voice of a boy speak up.

"Yo, Red, over here!"

They looked over and saw a boy a year older than them sitting by a booth. He had long black hair and brown eyes. He wore a black shirt, jeans, a black bandanna, and fingerless gloves. He was missing three of his upper front teeth.

"Casey, hey!" April called, as she went over with her new friends, "Sorry, I'm late."

"No problem," Casey answered, before noticing the seven others, "Whoa. No wonder you were late. Did a cheerleading bus break down?"

April gave him a deadpan look, "Very funny. These girls wanted directions to here and I helped them."

"Well, aren't ya going to introduce me?" Casey asked.

April cleared her throat, "Casey Jones, meet Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie."

"Hi!" the girl greeted him with a grin.

"Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy."

"Nice to meetcha," Casey greeted before getting a look at Rainbow Dash, specifically her hair, "Nice hair, trying to be a clown?" he chuckled.

Rainbow frowned, before gripping the collar of his shirt, taking him by surprise, "You wanna lose what little teeth ya have, pal?"

"Not really." Casey answered, feeling intimidated by the girl.

"Rainbow!" Applejack pried her off Casey.

"You ok, Casey?" April asked.

"Yeah, but wow. I've never been threatened by a girl like that. It actually felt... sweet." he had a faint blush.

Rarity noticed what Rainbow meant by Casey's teeth, "Good, heavens, how could you lose so much teeth?"

"Well, I'm a hockey player." he answered.

"You play hockey?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah. I'm a champ."

"Well, hockey's ok, but give me soccer any day." Rainbow said.

"All right, yall. Let's save the sports talk for later," Applejack began, "My bellies hungrier than a cows."

"Why don't you join us?" April suggested.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.

"What?" Casey asked in confusion, "I thought it was just going to be the two of us?"

"Come on, Casey. These girls are from out of town. Let's show them some hospitality." April said.

"Right, hospitality." Casey rolled his eyes, feeling another perfect chance was interrupted.

Soon they were all in the booth enjoying some pizza and sodas brought to them, as the girls were getting to know the two, who in turn were getting to know about the girls.

"Whoa, you rocked a battle of the bands competition?" Casey asked.

"You bet we rocked." Sunset confirmed.

"That's amazing." April admitted.

"Because we are amazing." Rainbow answered.

As Pinkie was stuffing pizza into her mouth, April and Casey looked repulse, "Whoa, and I thought Mikey could stuff pizza," Casey said, as April stomped his foot under the table, "Ow!"

"Mikey, who's that?" Twilight asked.

"Just a friend of ours." April answered, before Casey unintentionally said more.

The girls acknowledged that, as Twilight said, "This city sure is amazing."

"Yeah, but you know a lot of crazy stuff's happened here." Casey said.

"Crazy? How crazy?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Well, a couple months back the city was invaded by aliens." Casey explained.

The girls were confused, as Applejack asked, "Come again?"

April sighed, "As much as I hate to admit it, but Casey's right. The city was invaded by these brain like aliens calling themselves the Kraang."

"That's preposterous," Rarity spoke up in skepticism, "Aliens aren't real."

"That's because you've never seen one up close like we did." Casey answered,

Pinkie who was at her laptop looked at New York headlines and articles, "Huh, they're not lying. It looks like this city was threatened by aliens sometime ago."

"If that's true, what stopped them?" Sunset inquired.

The two teens looked hesitant to answer, until April spoke, "No one really knows what did it."

"No one?" Fluttershy asked, and the two shook their heads.

"Odd." Twilight answered.

Suddenly April's cellphone rang, and she picked it up and answered it, "Hello? Oh, Donnie, hey. What, it's that time already? Sorry we must've lost track. Yes. Don't worry we'll be there. See you soon."

Twilight had been eyeballing April's phone seeing it looked like a turtles shell which made her recall her vision, 'I wonder.'

"What's up, red?" Casey asked.

"Casey, we're late."

"What? Oh, man time does fly."

"Sorry about this, girls, but we need to go." April said, as she and Casey paid for the meal.

"Where ya off too?" Applejack asked.

"Afraid that's our business." Casey answered.

"It was nice seeing you all." April said, before she and Casey took off.

The girls watched them leave, as Rarity spoke, "What could they be in a hurry for?"

Twilight was still eyeballing April as she and Casey left. Applejack noticed this spoke up, "Are you ok?"

"Girls, I think we should follow them."

"Huh?" they asked.

"Why, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"I have a feeling they're connected to the dream I had." Twilight answered.

"How do you figure that?" Pinkie asked.

"April's cellphone didn't it look sort of like a turtle shell?"

The girls thought on it, until Rarity spoke up, "Now that you mention it there was similarities to it."

"And I told you in my dream I saw a walking and talking turtle, maybe they're connected to it."

"You may be onto something, Twilight." Spike said.

"Right. Come on or we'll lose them." Twilight said, as they got up and left, but not before Pinkie took a breadstick for the road.

Outside Antonio's, Twilight sat Spike down on the ground, "Come on, Spike, use your dog nose to sniff them out." Twilight said.

"I'll try," Spike said as he started sniffing the ground a few times before his head shot up, "I got something."

"Lead the way, little buddy." Applejack said, as Spike followed the trail with the girls following.

They followed until they peeked around a corner and saw April and Casey going into an alleyway. Twilight motioned them to keep quiet. The group saw them open a manhole and climb down it before Casey covered it with the lid.

"There they go." Rainbow whispered.

"Why in the wide-wide world would they be going down into a sewer?" Rarity asked in disgust.

"That's what we have to find out." Twilight said.

"Let's go after them." Sunset suggested.

"What?!" Rarity asked, "You don't honestly expect me to go down into that filthy germ infested diseased place?"

"Oh, quit your bellyachin', girl." Applejack pushed her along.

Rainbow opened up the manhole and Rarity looked away in repulse, "Ugh, it even smells worse."

"Come on, or we'll lose them." Twilight said, as she put Spike in her back and proceeded to climb down followed by the others. When Rainbow was last, she put the lid back on.

At that exact time, the Dazzlings walked right past the alley with Adagio looked angry, "I can't believe we lost them!" she growled.

"We wouldn't have if Sonata hadn't stopped to look in windows." Aria replied.

"What? There were some good sales." Sonata whined.

Adagio stared firmly at her, "Because of you, we've lost our chance of finding out any clues where we can regain our magic." she grunted, as they just continued on.

Down in the sewers, Twilight and the others were walking around the sewer tunnels following the trail, while Rarity was fumigating the whole place with her perfume.

"I feel like we're going in circles." Rainbow said.

"I know, it's so big down here we could get lost." Fluttershy agreed.

"Now I wish we had a map of the sewer system." Twilight sighed.

"Wait, the scents getting stronger." Spike said, as he continued to lead all the way into an old subway tunnel.

"This is the subway, but this one looks old and outdated." Sunset noticed.

The group stopped as they started to hear the sound of a TV show. They proceeded cautiously, as they peeked around the subway turnstiles and saw a lair.

"Check it out." Rainbow gasped in amaze.

"Amazing." Fluttershy said in awe.

"Now this is a place to hold a party." Pinkie added.

Twilight looked up and her eyes widened, "Oh, dear Celestia..."

"What is it?" Applejack asked, as they looked up and they all looked shocked.

Sitting in front of a TV were four mutant turtles wearing colored masks around their eyes and wore belts with ninja weapons on them.

"What in the..." Rarity gasped.

"Are those aliens?" Rainbow asked.

"No, they're mutants." Pinkie answered.

"How can you tell?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well it's obvious." she answered in an 'it's so obvious' tone.

Twilight studied them until she saw one of them had a blue mask and had two swords on his shell, "Girls, that's him. The turtle in my dream."

"Really? Let me see!" Pinkie said, as she tried to get a better look only to end up knocking over a pile of pizza boxes, resulting in a noise. The girls eyes widened, as the four turtles looked in their direction.

"Intruders!" one turtle with a purple mask gasped.

"Let's get 'em!" one with a red mask declared, as they ran to the source.

"Run!" Rarity cried, as they tried to get away only to get pulled back into the lair by the four turtles.

The group were on the floor as the four turtles stood above them looking down at them looking intimidating.

"Girls, it's been nice knowing you." Pinkie whimpered, while Fluttershy clung to Rainbow in fright.