• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,559 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Catching Up

The Golden Oaks Library was normally a place of stay for only a few ponies. There was the original resident, The Princess of Friendship and Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle. Now it is also the home of the Marvel born Superhero, The Amazing Spider-Mane himself, a Knight and Prince in his own right, Peter Pony Parker.

Other residents include another original resident, Spike, who is Twilight Sparkle's assistance and her little brother. Then there was Trixie Lulamoon, a stage magician who considers herself Great and Powerful, though it's mostly playful these days.

Another resident is The Wolverine himself, Logan. Granted he also spends quite a lot of time at Fluttershy's cottage to help her watch over his clone Laura, he still has a home in the Parker-Sparkle home.

Then there was Rumble, a young Pegasus colt and adopted son of Peter and Twilight. While it's a temporary status, he's still loved as much as a son is. He's also loved as a big brother, that comes from the Pride and Joy of the Parker-Sparkle home, their loving daughter, Mayday Parker-Sparkle.

That all changes for tonight. Twilight had invited her friends over for the night, in an attempt to spend more time with them. She misses her friends and hasn't had a lot of time these days, when you combine her princess duties and her status as a wife and mother.

Peter was nervous about this, having a bad experience last time Twilight hosted a sleepover. Twilight decided to allow Peter's friends to come over as well, so while Twilight spent time with her friends, Peter can catch up with his.

However Twilight also had to invite Janet Van Dyne over, since she had her friends and all her friends would have their coltfriends over, it's only fair that Spike can have his marefriend over. Lightning Dust was also invited for Trixie's sake, plus Lightning wanted to see Peter.

For Rumble's sake, Twilight had also invited The Cutie Mark Crusaders, much to Mayday's protest. Mayday does not like having to share Rumble, though unfortunately she had little say in this matter. Future Sweetie Belle was also invited, mostly at Rarity's insistence. Laura herself having been invited at Fluttershy's insistence.

Twilight hoped there would be enough room for so many ponies, there was gonna be a total of 23 at the home. Twilight would make sure everypony was well accustomed and had their own place to sleep. She and her friends would be in her room, the foals would be in Mayday's room, Peter's friends would be downstairs.

Twilight was in the kitchen with Trixie, preparing snacks for the sleepover. Twilight felt really giddy, she could finally spend a little time with her friends after so long.

"Just a few more minutes, they should start coming in, I can't wait", Twilight said while using her magic to place some crackers on a plate.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Twilight?" Trixie asked while mixing some punch. "Suppose things get out of hoof?"

"Don't worry, my friends know better than to cause too much trouble," Twilight insisted.

"I was referring to Peter and his friends. I trust your friends", Trixie thought about that statement a moment, "Save for Pinkie Pie at least."

Twilight had a look of disapproval upon hearing that, though Trixie continued her point. "Still, what of Peter's friends though? They seem like a rowdy bunch."

Twilight patted Trixie a bit, "Don't worry about them, Logan told me he'll keep them under control."

"No offence, but Logan himself isn't too in control at times, he might pick a fight with one of them," Trixie argued.

"They'll be fine, if anything I can straighten them out myself", Twilight said.

"Still, you know how stallions can be at times," Trixie pointed out.

Twilight shook her head upon hearing that, "Let's not turn this into a mares and stallions discussion, everypony, mares and stallions has their faults. I'd sooner trust somepony like Logan than somepony like Felicia Hardy."

Trixie rolled her eyes, "Yes, of course."

In the living room, Peter is setting up some some pillows and stuff with help from Rumble.

"This seems exciting, having so many friends around," Rumble said.

"Yeah, thankfully. You never wanna be around girls during one of these things," Peter stated.

Rumble raised his eyebrow, "Huh? Why not?"

"Some girls can be a little...cruel during a slumber party. Last time Rarity painted my hooves while Fluttershy combed my mane. It didn't help that Rainbow Dash was taking pictures of everything," Peter complained.

Rumble giggled, "To be fair, you make yourself a bit of an easy target sometimes."

Peter glared at the young colt, "Real funny, just wait til Mayday and The Crusaders try that with you."

Rumble smiled as he shook his head, "I think you're being a little overdramatic Peter, I've had sleepovers with Flitter and Cloudchaser and they weren't like that. I mean Flitter hugged me a lot but she always does that. Cloudchaser was pretty cool though, she didn't make me do anything girly."

"Yeah, yeah, I have half a mind to throw you into Twilight's room sometime during this, then see if you have the same mindset. That's if the Crusaders haven't gotten to you yet," Peter said.

Soon the doorbell rang, Peter went to answer and on the other side were Remy, Applejack, Apple Bloom and Babs.

"Hey there Pete," Applejack greeted.

"Bonjour mon ami," Remy greeted.

"Hi Pete," Apple Bloom said and went to Rumble with affectionate eyes. "Hello Rumble."

Babs also went in, "Sup kid?"

"Peter who's at the door?" Twilight called from the kitchen.

"Applejack, Apple Bloom, Babs and Remy!" Peter called.

"Applejack, mind going to my room? I'll be there in a minute!" Twilight called.

"Will do Twi!" Applejack said.

Twilight called again, "Apple Bloom! Please take Babs to Mayday's room! Is Rumble nearby!?"

"I'm right here Twilight! I'll get them over to Mayday's room!" Rumble offered.

"That would be great! Thanks!" Twilight said.

Rumble gestured his head, "Follow me ladies."

Rumble walked off with Apple Bloom and Babs trailing behind him. Applejack looked a bit unsure about seeing that.

"Pete, he's well behaved right?"

Peter nodded, "Don't worry, Rumble isn't gonna do anything crazy. Trust me on this."

Applejack looked to Peter, gazing at his reassuring smile. "Ah trust you Peter, but I just don't know if...you know."

Peter sighed in a worried way, "Come on AJ, he isn't a bad kid."

"It's not that ah think he's a bad kid, I'm sure he's a great kid. But I just hope he has a sense of responsibility," Applejack said.

"Hey, I trust him with my daughter. So far he's shown to be very responsible, you can trust him with your sister," Peter reassured.

Applejack took a moment to register that, from what she's seen and heard, Rumble's been a great big brother to Mayday. Maybe he has improved a bit.

"Alright Peter, I'll trust you on this. Both of you."

Peter had a relieved smile, "Good, now best to get to Twilight's room."

Applejack nodded, "Sure thing, have a good time Pete, you too Remy, try not to get too rowdy."

"Same to you, Applebutt," Peter joked. Applejack snickered at her nickname as she went upstairs.

Once she was out of sight, Remy got in Peter's face, "Don't ever call my mare 'Applebutt' again."

Peter raised his eyebrow, "Dude, it's a joke, I've been calling her that for years."

Remy got in closer, "Well that ends now, if you continue to call her that, you gonna have to deal with me!"

Peter had a nervous sweat as Remy glared. Luckily the doorbell rang.

"Talk about saved by the bell," Peter said and opened the door to reveal Rarity, Bobby, Sweetie Belle and her future counterpart.

"Good afternoon Peter," Rarity said.

"Sup bro?" Bobby greeted.

"Hi Peter," Future Sweetie said with affection in her voice.

"Hi Pete...where's Rumble!?" Sweetie asked, looking around.

"Upstairs in Mayday's room with Apple Bloom and Babs," Peter said.

"He's what!?" Sweetie shouted and ran past Peter, leaving him a bit bewildered and Rarity a little suspicious. She's still not keen on Rumble or letting her sister near him.

Peter rubbed his head a little, "To think she used to have a crush on me."

Bobby patted his back, "Aren't you glad that's over?"

"Yes, one down," Rarity said and turned to the Future Sweetie, "One to go."

Future Sweetie did a smug face and turned to Peter, "It's great to see you Peter."

"Peter, who is it this time!?" Twilight called out.

"It's Rarity, Bobby and the two Sweetie Belles! The current one already went to see Rumble!" Peter called out.

"Great! Rarity! Future Sweetie! Mind going to my room and waiting!?" Twilight called.

"Sure thing darling!" Rarity said and gestured to her future sister, "Let's go."

Future Sweetie followed Rarity upstairs while Bobby stayed with Peter and Remy.

"So...where's Logan?" Bobby asked.

"He and Spike went to grab some drinks from the store, mostly soda," Peter said.

"Sounds cool, so any rules on this party?" Bobby asked with a grin.

"So long as we don't break anything, disturb the kids, no loud music, no mess, cool it with our powers or mess up Twilight's books we're good," Peter explained.

Bobby had a dumbfounded look on his face, "Wow...that's really boring."

"Twilight's rules, and if I were you I wouldn't do anything to tick her off, she's very scary when that happens," Peter warned.

"I don't know, sounds like it could be fun to do," Bobby said a bit playfully.

"Hey you're not ready to play that game yet," Peter said.

Remy raised his eyebrow, "What game?"

"See sometimes I like to intentionally annoy Twilight until she flips out in rage, then I go hide while she looks for me," Peter explained.

The two X-Men looked a little confused.

"What happens if she finds you?" Bobby asked.

"She'll hurt me if she does, so I have to be extra careful," Peter said.

Once again the X-Men looked confused. Very confused. Peter was crazy and reckless but this is just too much.

"You're nuts!" Remy said.

"Yeah, I know," Peter said with a confident smile.

Suddenly the doorbell rang again, Peter opened to find Rainbow Dash, Johnny Storm and Scootaloo.

"Yo Peter!" Rainbow said.

"Hey best buddy," Johnny said and did a hoof bump.

"Hi Peter!" Scootaloo greeted.

"Sup speedsters, Rainbow Dash the others are in Twilight's room if you want to join them. She'll be up momentarily. Scootaloo you can find Rumble and your friends in Mayday's room, they're all there," Peter said.

"Cool, let's go squirt," Rainbow said.

"On it," Scootaloo said and followed Dash.

Rainbow called out to Johnny, "Try not to get carried away down there Torch!"

"Same to you Dash!" Johnny said.

"Peter! Who is it this time!?" Twilight called.

"Rainbow Dash, Johnny and Scootaloo! I already sent the girls upstairs!" Peter called.

"Thanks! I'm almost done here at least!" Twilight said.

Before Peter could close the door; Fluttershy, Laura and Lightning Dust arrived.

"Oh, hello Peter," Fluttershy said.

"Peter! Sup, how are you?" Lightning said.

"Hi", Laura said, quickly and uncaring.

"Oh good, you made it. Fluttershy, Twilight wants you to wait in her room. Lightning Dust, Trixie will want you up there as well," Peter explained.

Fluttershy nodded and turned to Laura, "What about her?"

Peter scratched his head, "Send her up I guess, unless she wants to be here with us manly men."

Peter buffed out his chest at the last part, causing Fluttershy to giggle and Lightning to blush.

Laura rolled her eyes, "What men? I just see some chumps, get the hell over yourself Parker."

Peter groaned, "Wow you're charming, just go upstairs already then."

Fluttershy led the mares upstairs while Peter and the others groaned.

"To be fair, we're technically stallions, so there's that," Bobby said.

The others glared half eyed at Bobby, causing him to sheepishly laugh.

"Twilight! I sent Fluttershy, Laura and Lightning Dust upstairs!" Peter called.

"Thanks!" Twilight called out.

Soon enough, the doorbell rang again, this time it was Pinkie Pie, Deadpool and Janet.

"Hi Peter!" Pinkie said.

"Hey web-head," Deadpool said.

"Sup Peter," Janet greeted.

Pinkie noticed Johnny in the home and rushed to hug him, "Johnny! How's my favorite brother!?"

Johnny chuckled, "Technically I'm your only brother, but you're my favorite sister."

"I'm telling Sue," Peter said.

"Oh shut up Peter, it's a freaken joke," Johnny threatened.

Pinkie giggled, "Oh Johnny, be nice now."

Peter chuckled, "Wow...anyway Pinkie you can head upstairs, Twilight will be there in a few."

Pinkie nodded, "Sure thing!"

She then hopped on upstairs leaving Janet and Deadpool downstairs.

"Where's Spike?" Janet asked.

"He'll be here soon," Peter said.

"You called for me?"

They turned to see Spike and Logan waiting at the door with some drinks in tow.

"Hey Janet!" Spike said, placing his drinks down.

"Spike! Great to see you!" Janet said.

Spike rushed over and jumped into Janet's forelegs as she caught him for a kiss. The two just stood there kissing, or rather Janet stood there while she held Spike and continued to make-out with him in the middle of the living room, much to everyone else's awkward feeling.

Things got even more awkward when Twilight and Trixie arrived and noticed the make-out session. It's like Spike and Janet tuned the rest of the world out and only felt each other.

Twilight cleared her throat really loudly to get their attention, "Spike, upstairs."

Spike broke away from the kiss with a big blush on his face, "Right, sure thing. Um see you in a bit Janet."

Spike rushed up while Janet waved at him. Twilight glared briefly at Janet before approaching Peter.

"You remember my rules right? Nothing to crazy and make sure nothing is destroyed," Twilight said.

"Yes dear, I know the rules," Peter said.

"Good," Twilight pulled Peter into a kiss and broke off a few seconds later, "Have fun."

Peter nodded as Twilight walked upstairs with Trixie.

Janet looked around, "Looks like I'm the only girl among guys, just like in The Avengers."

"Not always, what about Ms. Marvel?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, her too, though it feels like I'm mostly with the guys. Fine with me though, I don't mind it," she put her foreleg around Peter, "Besides I missed my favorite web-head, good chance for us to catch up."

The others gathered around at the couch.

"Might at well, Twilight pretty much put a damper on any real potential fun," Bobby said.

"Peter, how did you fall in love with Twilight anyway?" Janet asked.

Peter did a sigh-chuckle, "Wow, that's quite a story. One I'd be glad to share."

Meanwhile upstairs, Twilight and Trixie had entered the room and were greeted by Spike and the other mares.

"Hi girls, and Spike, it's great to see you all," Twilight said and sat down. "I'm glad we could do this, I've been so busy lately but it's great to catch up."

"We know you've been busy, it's not easy balancing your princess life and your married life," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, must be hard work being a wife and mother to two adorable foals," Pinkie said.

"More like one daughter and a freeloading colt," Rarity muttered quietly.

Twilight turned to Rarity with a look of confusion and suspicion, "What was that Rarity?"

Rarity shook her head, "Nothing darling, just some mindless ramble."

Twilight remained suspicious of Rarity. Her friend had been less than kind to Rumble on occasion, much to Twilight's irritation. Especially considering he's still young and dealing with so many other issues at the moment.

Lightning laid back on a wall with her legs crossed, "So what do we do now?"

Twilight scratched her head, "Not sure, what do you wanna do first?"

"How about a hooficure?" Rarity suggested.

"Mane combing?" Fluttershy suggested.

Spike groaned, "Something that isn't girly? Seriously why am I here? I should be with the guys."

"Sorry Spike, I did this so I can spend time with my friends, and that includes you," Twilight said as she used her magic to bring Spike closer so she can pull him into a hug. "You have been by my side for so long after all, I miss that honestly."

Spike blushed a little, even more so when he heard snickering among the mares. It sounded like Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust.

"Come on Twilight, you know I'm not into that mushy stuff," Spike said, looking around in hopes that the snickering lightens up.

Twilight also heard the snickering, not wanting to unintentionally embarrass the young dragon some more, she let him go. "Fine Spike, you are grown after all."

Trixie used her magic to levitate over some dip and crackers, "I had some snacks here, if we need more I'll get some."

While the mares went to the crackers, Spike took advantage of them being preoccupied and gave Twilight a quick kiss on her face and whispered, "I still love you."

Twilight blushed and returned the kiss to his head, "I love you too Spike."

"I saw that," Rainbow Dash said, much to Spike's irritation.

"Yeah we all did," Laura chimed in.

Spike groaned, "Big deal, so I love Twilight. She's like my sister! Is it so weird that I tell her that?"

Fluttershy nodded, "I agree with Spike, loving Twilight doesn't make him sappy. Laura tells me that she loves me, it doesn't make her any less tough."

Rainbow Dash laughed at that, "Wow, really!? Come on Laura, I thought you were the strong chick."

Laura glared, "Seriously Dash? Like you're not like that with Scootaloo."

"She's got you there Dash," Applejack chimed in while getting some dip for her cracker. "Besides, Fluttershy's right. Nothing wrong with loving another. Especially if they're family."

"Fine then," Dashie said as she chomped on some crackers. "So Twilight, how is your married life?"

"Honestly I'd like to know myself," Laura said after eating a cracker. "How did you fall in love with Spider-Man?"

Twilight blushed a little, "That's a story I'd like to tell."

Downstairs, Peter is explaining his romance of Twilight. "Truth be told, I didn't realize I was in love with her until after she kissed me. Or more like after I got knocked out for a week after that race with Spitfire."

"You got knocked out for a week? Damn bro you have the weirdest adventures," Bobby said.

"Tell me about it," Peter quietly lamented, then spoke up. "But before my race with Spitfire, she suddenly kissed me. Now I haven't been a pony long and I was still getting used to things. So the fact that she's a pony and is kissing me, I didn't really know what to think. I didn't get to ask her afterwards because she ran off, probably confused herself."

"I'm not surprised she had to make the first move," Janet said, then thought about it. "Maybe a little since she's a bit of a dork in her own right, but still. You seem like the shy nervous type Peter. Honestly a lot of girls I knew thought you were cute in your own right, including Carol."

"Oui Peter, if you had Johnny's personality and confidence, you could have a whole parade of dem ladies," Remy said.

Peter blushed a little, "Come on, I'm not that appealing."

"You're modest too, girls like that in a guy," Janet said while placing her foreleg around Peter. "Face it, you're a great soulmate to have Peter."

Peter felt weird about getting some degree of praise. Better than being put down. "But yeah, that's how I found out I was in love with her, not just the kiss, but everything behind it."

Peter started blushing at the memories, "The way she took me in, treated me like a friend, helped me when she didn't need to, all the care she provided to me. She was even one of the very few who was understanding of me, and never saw me as some local screw up."

Peter went into a dreamy bliss mode, "She would do just about anything for me like I would for her. It was clear as day, I was in love with Twilight Sparkle. The moment I realized that was topped only by the moment we were pronounced husband and wife. The only other moment that matches those two was the birth of our daughter Mayday."

Logan crossed his arms, "Hard to pick, ain't it? Don't blame you. Those were the three most important moments in your life."

"Yeah, they were," Peter said, still in a blush. He looked around to see the reaction of the others. Johnny had a look of brotherly pride on his face, Remy had a suave smile, Janet had big watery eyes, hearing something so beautiful, Deadpool was just looking (in reality he was smiling under his mask from how cheesey all that sounded) and Bobby...looked to be nodding off.

"Bobby!" Peter shouted, getting his friend's attention.

"I wasn't sleeping!" Bobby immediately protested, "I was just...thinking."

Peter didn't buy it. "With what brain?"

That earned a chuckle from his friends and a groan from Bobby.

Upstairs, Twilight is telling her version of the story.

"I didn't realize at first that i was in love with Peter, honesty Applejack was the one to help me realize that," Twilight confessed.

Applejack nodded, "Yeah, she talked to me about it early one morning, this around the time of Peter's big race with Spitfire."

"Right, I remember being so confused. Lately I've loved being around him, especially since our dance at the Grand Galloping Gala," Twilight blushed, "Despite my clumsiness and awkward dancing, and even stepping on his hooves, he kept a nice smile. That helped me realize he was a nice, caring and charming stallion, though I knew that already. He's always been so nice and respectful of me, even when I make him wake up so early in the morning."

Twilight continued to reminisce, "I loved his personality, his kind nature was really alluring," She put her hoof up, "Don't get me wrong, he's very handsome after all, especially his eyes, I could stare into them all day."

Twilight laid back, "But he's just so great, and very romantic too. He can make me melt with just a few words. Between his looks, personality and charm, I have a total package and I'm forever grateful of that."

Twilight looked around the room, her explanation on Peter left Fluttershy, Rarity, Future Sweetie and Pinkie Pie with sparkles in their eyes, Applejack and Trixie with coy smiles, Lightning Dust with somewhat of a blush, Spike looking like he wanted to gag and Laura looked really bored.

"So is that all?" Laura asked, right to the point.

Twilight groaned, "Yes Laura, that's all."

Downstairs, Remy had another question for Peter, "So, what was it like at your wedding? Was it tough leading up to it?"

"Oh big time," Peter said with some exasperation. "I mean first I went to each of her friends and family to ask their blessing. Then I got her this beautiful engagement necklace, then I proposed to her on a lovely peak. She was so happy when I did that, I remember her tears of joy, it was the perfect proposal."

"Always the romantic one aren't you Peter?" Johnny said with a grin.

"Nothing less for the love of my life," Peter said. "Afterwards I went through a lot to prepare, especially since she was pregnant with Mayday. The months leading up to that were a bit crazy I'll tell you that."

"Wait, you got her pregnant before you married her? Couldn't you wait til after you got married to knock her up?" Bobby said.

"Hey I got her pregnant before I proposed to her, besides it was an accident," Peter explained.

Bobby raised his eyebrow, "So, you married her because you got her pregnant?"

Peter let out a huff with a half eye-lid expression. "I married her because I loved her. I'll admit maybe I married her sooner than I thought I would but I knew I wanted to marry Twilight, as far as I'm concerned, the pregnancy was just icing on the cake. Besides it worked out, I have a great wife and a beautiful baby girl, so everything turned out just fine!"

Bobby put his hooves up, "If you say so Parker, though proposing to a girl after you knock her up just seems-"

"Bobby, seriously, don't start," Johnny said, interrupting Bobby. "Peter and Twilight are obviously in love with each other. Honestly they're so lovey dovey, I've never seen a sappier romance. I can believe they would have been married regardless of Twilight getting pregnant beforehand."

"Thank you Johnny," Peter said.

With Twilight she herself had been asked a similar question by Lightning Dust. "Preparing for marriage was one of the harder parts for me, especially since I was pregnant with our child."

"Wait, did he marry you because he knocked you up?" Laura asked, earning a glare from Fluttershy and Twilight.

"No, maybe it sped things up but we were in love with each other. I know he had been thinking about it beforehand so I'm confident we would have been married," Twilight said, then continued her point. "Anyway, preparing for my marriage was a bit exhausting and stressful, but in the end it was worth it. We had a beautiful wedding, it was a dream come true for me."

"Yeah, I remember that wedding, Trixie wouldn't let me hold Mayday!" Pinkie said with a pout while Trixie groaned.

"Wow, really happy for you then Twilight. Was he nervous with the proposal?" Lightning asked.

"I think he was, but who wouldn't be?" Twilight said. "Still, it was a beautiful necklace, I still have it too. Peter is so romantic, and very caring."

Downstairs, Remy had another question for Peter. "What's it like being a father?"

"It's awesome, my daughter is so awesome. Very intelligent too, gets that from her mother," Peter said.

"And you, seriously Pete at least accept that you're a smart dude," Johnny said.

Peter groaned, "I know, but I still say it's mostly Twilight's influence. I just want my daughter to be happy, luckily she turned out to be a smart young filly and I'm very proud of her."

"Yeah, she's very smart for her age I would say," Remy admitted.

"Mayday's something special, may be me being biased as her father but I know she's gonna be something," Peter said. "But being her dad is a very rewarding experience, I love my daughter so much."

Peter thought a moment, "Honestly if she could become a great inventor, that would be awesome. She does like watching me work in the lab, maybe one day we can work on something together."

Peter looked back to his friends, "But I can say without a doubt that Mayday is the greatest creation yet."

Upstairs, Twilight had been asked a similar question by Fluttershy. "Being Mayday's mother is very rewarding. She's so cute and full of life, not to mention she's very intelligent. She's our little genius."

"So your daughter's gonna be a nerd like the two of you?" Laura asked, earning another glare from Fluttershy and Twilight.

"Laura, if you don't behave, I'm not gonna let you have dessert for a week," Fluttershy warned.

"Aw come on..." Laura said, then sighed. "Fine, I'm sorry for the crack, though I don't know any other way to word the question."

Fluttershy turned to Twilight, "What Laura wants to as I guess is if she's gonna be an intellectual pony like you and Peter."

"Mayday can be whatever she wants, she's intelligent because she's showing an interest in what we do. My regret is that I can't teach her magic, with her being a Pegasus. But at least I can teach her the value of studying hard," Twilight said.

Downstairs Johnny took the time to ask Peter a question. "So about you 'creating' Mayday, technically it takes two to do that."

Peter eyed him suspiciously, "What are you getting at?"

"How's Twilight in bed?" Johnny asked with a grin. The others sans Wolverine got in closer to hear his answer.

Peter had a mad blush, "Dammit Johnny!"

"Hey I had to ask. Is she good though?" Johnny asked.

"Not that you'll ever find out, but yes she is," Peter said with a little attitude.

"Dude I got in bed with Rainbow Dash, I'm set," Johnny said.

Peter groaned, "Figures you two would have done it eventually. That explains why she looked so tired the next morning, and seemed really happy."

Upstairs, Rainbow asked a similar question. "Again!? Why are you so curious!?"

"Hey I know how happy he makes you, especially when he does that, so I'm curious myself," Rainbow said.

Twilight groaned, "Not that you'll ever find out, but he's very good."

"Hey me and Johnny got it on, I'm not too concerned," Rainbow said.

"I'm sure you got it on, he seemed pretty giddy one morning after all," Twilight said.

Future Sweetie blushed upon hearing this. She too knows the answer to this question, though it's not something she was proud to have learned. She should hope it wouldn't get brought up, mainly to avoid Twilight's wrath.

Downstairs, this time Janet spoke. "So Peter, what's that colt like anyway?"

"You mean Rumble? He's a good kid. Very respectful and always takes care of Mayday whenever he can." Peter said.

"I can attest to that, kid never gives any trouble," Logan said.

"Pretty good of you to take him in after all the crap that's happened," Johnny said.

"Yeah, so weird. He reminds me of myself, it's almost like he really is my son. Or my little brother," Peter said.

Upstairs, Pinkie Pie had asked that question.

"Rumble's a great boy, he's so cute, sweet and loving. You don't see that often in a colt but Rumble is a different story. He's also fun to cuddle, seriously I just love holding him close to me. Granted I can say the same thing about Mayday and Spike," she turned to the little dragon, "Sorry Spike, I don't mean to make you feel awkward but it's true, you are fun to cuddle sometimes."

Spike gave an 'I don't care anymore' gesture with his hand as Twilight continued, "He's so nice and loving, a perfect little colt."

Rarity rolled her eyes, she doesn't buy this one bit. If he's so perfect, why did he lie the way he did? She's tired of the constant praise that Rumble gets, does he even deserve it? She doesn't even get why her little sister is so fond of him these days.

"He's a cutie though, you're lucky to have him as a son Twilight," Fluttershy said.

"Yes, temporary as it may be. I know Flitter and Cloudchaser are gonna take him soon, they may have to move out of Ponyville, I won't get to see my special little colt as often," Twilight dejectedly said. Her eyes telling the story, the idea of not being able to see Rumble is heartbreaking.

"Good, don't need somepony like him around," Rarity muttered.

Twilight turned to Rarity, again with a look of disapproval, "Rarity, is there something you would like to say?"

Rarity shook her head, "I'm fine darling."

Twilight once again had a look of disapproval, and she wasn't the only one. Trixie had also shot a few glances of disapproval at Rarity. Trixie herself rather liked Rumble, he always showed her respect and she pitied the young colt for everything he's had to deal with.

Applejack also looked a bit conflicted. She should empathize with Rarity's feelings but even she wonders if it's such a good idea to hold such a grudge over Rumble. She's made her fair share of mistakes, as has Peter, which is likely why the two have bonded so well. Applejack can realize that maybe Rumble deserves to be treated a bit better than he has been.

Speaking of Rumble, we see that in Mayday's room, he had been talking with his friends while playing a board game. Mayday was on his team, despite there being no teams in this game, but Mayday wants to be with Rumble and he won't deny her that.

"Do you like living here Rumble?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Of course, I love Peter and Twilight. Not to mention I get to see this little cutie everyday," Rumble said while nuzzling Mayday a little.

"Oh Rumble, I love you too," Mayday said and returned the nuzzle.

"It must be fun and adventurous to always be around Peter and Twilight," Sweetie said.

"It is. Peter's so strange sometimes though, but it's a funny type of strange. Twilight can be a little over the top with her parenting but I know I'm lucky to have such a great mom," Rumble said.

"What about Trixie and Logan? How is it with them?" Scootaloo asked.

"Trixie can be a little high maintenance on occasion, not to me though. She's very nice with me and she likes showing me some tricks, especially if it's for an act. I like giving her feedback, though it's usually positive. She's a great magician. Logan though, he's pretty quiet and he doesn't like talking much."

"Yeah, Logan seems like the strong silent type," Apple Bloom said.

"Trixie sounds like she's a load of fun in her own right," Scootaloo said.

"You sound like you're really good at staying on their good side, hopefully you haven't pissed them off at any point," Babs said.

Rumble's eyes went wide, "No way! Twilight's really scary when mad. Luckily she's never really been mad at me, mostly at Peter." Rumble stopped to think, "Peter though, I haven't seen him super mad but I hear that when he is mad then you'll know it."

"He got mad at me once when I bullied Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, it was really uncomfortable," Babs said.

Rumble had a look of disapproval, "Why would you be a bully? You look to nice and sweet to be a bully."

Babs blushed at that, "I made a stupid choice years ago, I ain't doing that again."

Rumble pitied Babs. "We all make mistakes, I'm glad you're not a bully, you're too cute to be one."

Babs blushed again, "Damn kid, you really know how to fluster a gal."

Apple Bloom nuzzled Rumble, "He's as charming as Peter." Apple Bloom then kissed his cheek, getting a blush from the colt.

Sweetie Belle looked unhappy at that, "Hey, I wanna kiss Rumble too." She moved in and kissed Rumble's cheek, once again the colt emitting a blush.

"Hey, Save some for me," Babs said.

"Hey don't hog all of the kid," Scootaloo said.

"Hey he's already taken by me!" Mayday protested.

Suddenly all the Crusaders and Mayday are kissing Rumble's face, or at least trying to. Rumble's face turned red from all the affection he's getting, wondering if Peter goes through this, or went through this at any point.

Peter decided to ask a few questions. "So, tell me about your romances."

Johnny spoke first, "Rainbow Dash is freaken amazing. She's got the looks, great body and she gets me. I think I'm actually in love with her, it's been so long since I felt that way."

"Me and Rarity are hitting it off, she's something special I'll say that. I'm happy to have her by my side" Bobby said.

"I'm lucky that Applejack and I managed to really form a bond, she's an awesome lady. She's also strong too, got me a good combination," Remy said.

"Spike...he's what I want and need in a guy. He's nice and charming, plus very cute," Janet said.

"That's pretty evident by you two making out like that earlier," Peter said.

Janet rolled her eyes, "So I like him and I like showing it. At least I didn't consider doing it in your bedroom while you were out like Johnny and Rainbow Dash once tried doing."

Peter turned to Johnny with an angry stare, "You tried to WHAT?!"

"Hey, we backed out didn't we?" Johnny said.

Peter had an angry looking face, though not one any of the heroes took seriously.

Bobby called to Logan, "He Logan, you and Fluttershy hitting it off?"

Logan glared at Bobby and then looked away. Bobby shrugged and turned to Deadpool, "How about you and Pinkie?"

"Me and Pinkie are going swell! Just the other day she said I'm her favorite ninja! Granted she said I'm also the only ninja she knows it's still something right!?" Deadpool said.

"Glad to know, what's it like being with Pinkie anyway? She random all the time?" Bobby asked.

"Duh, just ask Janet. It's what I love about her! She's fun and perky!" Deadpool said.

"Sounds like you two are a match for each other," Remy said.

Johnny realized, "Wait, question, any of you got it on with your lovers?"

Bobby shook his head, "No, I never brought it up. Rarity's nice enough letting me live there, I'm not gonna push it by asking about something like that."

"Yeah, Applejack's a great mare. I'm not gonna risk asking about something like that either. When the time comes, then we do it, but not until she's ready," Remy said.

"Spike asked me, I told him once I'm sure about this. I like him and I don't wanna rush into it," Janet said.

"I honestly don't even remember," Deadpool said, much to the annoyance of the others.

Upstairs, it's Twilight's turn. "So girls...how is your romance going?"

Rainbow Dash spoke first, "My romance with Johnny is awesome. He's like the perfect guy for me. He's fast like me, cool like me, not to mention he's got a tight body," Rainbow shifted her eyebrows up at the last part.

"My romance with Bobby is great, he's quite a gentlecolt. He's also a bit playful but I can live with that. Amazing given his usual personality, but it adds to his charm." Rarity said.

"Y'all should see Remy. He acts like this tough guy but he can be just as sweet. Mah family's taken to him quite nicely too and he treats them with respect, that's all ah ask in a stallion honestly," Applejack said.

"Janet's great, I love her looks and personality. She's a very fun mare to be around," Spike said.

"And I like Deadpool, he's super random and he's a cool ninja," Pinkie said.

"And which of you got it on with those lovers?" Rainbow asked coyly, getting a blush from everypony in the room.

"Not that it's any of your business Rainbow Dash, but Bobby hasn't brought that up to me at all," Rarity said.

"Same with me and Remy, we're treading lightly on that, and ah do appreciate him never bringing it up. Pretty cool fer a roommate," Applejack said.

"I want to do that with Janet but I'm not sure if she's ready to go that far," Spike said, then glaring as he heard several sighs of relief, mainly from Twilight and Rarity.

"I remember nothing with Deadpool," Pinkie said.

Rainbow turned to the other mares, "Any of you interested in getting guys?"

"I'm fine at the moment," Trixie said.

"Same here, after last time I can wait a bit," Lightning said, then blushed a little while muttering, "Even though I can name a few I'd like to get in bed with."

Future Sweetie blushed, "Hey I'm pretty content, besides after my last lay, I'm not sure if I can find a stallion that could replicate that."

Twilight glared at Future Sweetie a bit, knowing full well what she meant.

Laura huffed a bit, "Yeah, if I can find a guy that's man enough to take me. Or even a mare woman enough for me."

Rainbow looked surprised at that answer, "Wait, are you also into mares?"

Laura shrugged, "Not sure, never really cared much either way. I'm just giving examples."

Twilight sighed and blushed, things were turning a bit awkward right now.

With Rarity, all this talk of romance and other things got her worried for Sweetie Belle, and the fact that she's sharing a room with Rumble. She should hope Rumble doesn't try anything stupid, unless he wants to feel Rarity's wrath.

Applejack sensed her tension and patted her on the back, "If yer worried about Sweetie Belle, relax. Ah don't think Rumble's gonna try anything, especially with Mayday in the room."

Rarity looked to Applejack, still unsure. "Still, it's hard to trust him after everything that's happened."

"Ah know he goofed big time but we gotta move past that. Peter's trying to teach that boy responsibility, we gotta trust him on that," Applejack said.

Rarity didn't offer a response, she just turned her head to the center of the room, much to Applejack's concern.

Future Sweetie approached Twilight a bit shyly. "Hey, thanks for letting me come by the way. I hope things aren't too awkward, I know I almost let what happened between me and Peter slip out a moment ago."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Just be a little more careful. Peter's mostly over it but it still bothers him," Twilight said.

Future Sweetie hugged Twilight and nuzzled against her, "You're right about something. Peter is great, and I envy you for having him. But I do care about you as well Twilight, so in a way I envy Peter for having somepony like you. You're both perfect companions as far as I'm concerned."

Twilight returned the hug and nuzzled back, "I know you mean well, and you still have these emotions. Just try to be a little careful, you have a tendency to be a little too flirty."

Future Sweetie blushed, "Sorry about that, I just love the face he makes. But I'll do my best."

After more talking on all sides, plus a few games and whatnot, soon everypony in the home found themselves fast asleep. Upstairs everypony rested on the floor, some closer to friends than others. Laura slept next to Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity slept close together, Lightning slept near Trixie, even Spike slept close to Twilight with Future Sweetie nearby.

Downstairs, as oppose to the perfect formation of sleeping from the mares and Spike, the heroes were sprawled out, with Peter sleeping upside down on the couch, Johnny resting on the edge, Janet sleeping against the couch while holding an empty soda bottle, Remy on the table, it was sporadic.

With the foals, they were all on the bed sleeping with each other. Rumble in the middle resting his head on Scootaloo's chest with Sweetie Belle on one side, Apple Bloom on the other, Mayday resting on top of him and Babs resting on his leg/hip area.

Twilight was the first one up early the next morning, looking to one side and seeing Spike sleep soundly, much to her happiness. She looked to the other side and saw Future Sweetie Belle sleeping a lot closer than last night, her hoof was on her chest.

Twilight paid little mind and carefully got up before noticing that Applejack looked to be getting up.

"Twilight?" she said in a whisper. She still seemed to be sleepy though.

Twilight remembered that Applejack, being a farmer, was used to getting up early. "You can go back to sleep Applejack, I'm just gonna get food ready, be up in an hour."

Applejack nodded and went back to sleep as Twilight left the room. She went to Mayday's room and saw the cute scene of the foals sleeping together. Twilight awed at that and quickly went back to her room to grab a camera. She went to Mayday's room and took a picture of the sleeping foals.

She then went downstairs and saw the heroes sprawled out. She rolled her eyes at the predictable scene but figured it's better than the place being destroyed. She approached her loving husband, still sleeping upside down and lowered herself to his face. She then planted a nice kiss on him, despite him being upside down and her right side up, the kiss was still passionate.

Peter instinctively returned the kiss, as if he knows Twilight is there and even in his sleep his love for her still remains.

Twilight decided to let them sleep another hour while she prepared some food for everypony. She had an alarm set in each room to wake them up when the hour was up. Big mistake.

Once the hour was up, the ponies sleeping in Twilight's room woke up to loud ringing. Applejack was fine, Rarity was upset about her beauty sleep being interrupted so rudely, Future Sweetie stood up while looking around frantically, Trixie growled at the clock for interrupting her lovely dreams, Fluttershy nearby leapt to the ceiling, Pinkie just shot up, Spike grabbed a pillow to cover his ears, but Laura, Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust looked mad.

The three mares smashed the clock and kicked it out of Twilight's balcony while muttering some colorful language about this situation.

With the foals, the clock caused all of them to shoot up and look around before seeing the clock. Rumble groaned a little and picked it up and looked around.

"Stupid thing, how do you shut it off?" He started shaking it a little, "Will you shut up already!?"

Apple Bloom approached him, "Allow me." She grabbed patiently grabbed the clock and smiled at it while observing it. She then slammed it down and stomped hard on in. "There, all done."

Rumble scratched his head, "I could have done that, but thanks."

With the heroes, it was worse. Once they were woken up, their eyes shot open and glared at the clock. They each lunged at it and shut the contraption off by force.

While Twilight worked on breakfast she suddenly felt that she wasn't alone in the room. She turned around and saw several angry and tired faces.

"Good morning, I made you all some food," Twilight said, either unaware or uncaring of their disgruntled faces.

Applejack was the only one to greet her, "Morning Twi, boy does that look good."

"Sure does, specially made waffles and pancakes, for all my favorite heroes and friends."

She served the food as the ponies dropped their angry faces in favor of hungry ones.

Later on it was time for everypony to start heading home. First out was Pinkie, Janet and Deadpool. Pinkie bid good-bye to the Parker-Sparkle couple and also hugged Johnny good-bye while Spike had his little good-bye with Janet. Deadpool taunted Logan on the way out, narrowly avoiding his wrath.

The Apples were next, with Applejack and Remy bidding good-bye to the couple while Apple Bloom and Babs hugged Rumble. Applejack scooted Apple Bloom and Babs along and turned to Rumble.

"Y'all keep yerself well behaved, ok sugarcube?"

Rumble nodded, "Yes Applejack."

Then came time for Rarity, Bobby and the Sweetie Belles. Rarity and Bobby said a regular goodbye to the couples, Future Sweetie hugged them goodbye while Sweetie Belle hugged Rumble goodbye.

Rarity noticed and pulled Sweetie Belle away and moved her along, much to Rumble's disappointment and the annoyance of the ponies nearby. Bobby turned to them with a shrug.

"Sisters gotta watch out for their sisters."

Then came time for Fluttershy's group. She bid good-bye to the Parker-Sparkle couple and then to Logan, hugging him goodbye while Lightning Dust hugged Peter goodbye, then bid her good-bye to Trixie.

Finally Rainbow Dash and Johnny had said their good-byes to Peter and Twilight while Scootaloo hugged Rumble.

Soon it was back to just Peter, Twilight, Logan, Trixie and Rumble.

"That was fun, we should do that again soon," Twilight said.

"Yeah, it's nice to catch up, we have great friends," Peter said.

Twilight turned to the living room, "Now Peter, I believe you and Logan left a mess, start cleaning."

Peter and Logan groaned a bit but obeyed Twilight's orders.

"May I help them?" Rumble asked Twilight.

Twilight nodded, "Of course sweetheart, that's very nice of you."

Rumble went to assist his friends with Mayday tagging along while Twilight, Trixie and Spike went back to the kitchen for some coffee.

It's great to have friends, it's even better to spend time with them. Twilight and Peter know that pretty well.

Author's Note:

It's nice to see friends catch up and spend time with one another.