• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,560 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Flying with Friendship

Two Pegasi are seen flying through the Ponyville skies, not too far from Fluttershy's cottage. Aside from the flying, they also seemed to be doing some tricks as well.

The two Pegasi were Rainbow Dash and her coltfriend, 'The Equine Torch' Johnny Storm. They looked to be practicing for a big event.

"Come on Johnny, a little extra practice will do us good!" Rainbow said while doing some mid-air twirls.

"Hey we got this, we're gonna blow the minds of those Wonderbolts!" Johnny said while doing some somersaults.

As the two did their stuff, they had two spectators down below. One was Rainbow's old rival Lightning Dust . She wanted to join on the flight practice but her wing hadn't fully healed, so she wouldn't be able to fly as fast.

Didn't stop her from enjoying the practice, and she still plans to go cheer them on. Fluttershy has helped her mellow out on certain things, so while it did bum Lightning that she couldn't compete, she wasn't gonna let it nag on her too much.

Besides, she knows it's her own fault, she can't blame anypony else.

The other pony was Rainbow's biggest fan and honorary little sister, Scootaloo. She wanted to see her favorite Pegasus fly around and learn a few tricks from watching her. Scootaloo hopes to join Rainbow Dash in one of these flight runs, but she herself is just learning to fly, being a late bloomer.

Scootaloo also liked seeing Johnny, she considers him a great flyer in his own right, not to mention a great superhero. Spider-Mane will always come first for her, though that could be said with 90 percent of Equestria, but she'll always have respect for Johnny as a superhero, a competitive flyer and just for being a cool dude to her.

A few moments later, the Pegasi had some company, in the form of two other Pegasi foals, Rumble and Mayday, along with a pony who wishes he was a Pegasus, Peter Parker.

"Hey Lightning Dust, enjoying the show?" Peter asked.

Lightning waved to Peter, "Hi Pete. Yeah it's cool watching them fly around. Rainbow Dash has come a long way, she's such an awesome flyer."

Peter sat next to Lightning Dust as the foals sat together. The webbed hero looked up at his two close friends, watching them do their tricks.

"Man I wish I was a Pegasus, would make traveling so much easier," Peter said.

"You can swing around though, isn't that cool?" Lightning asked.

Peter did a half shrug, "Yeah...but making the webbing can be a pain, plus it's not cheap."

"At least you can make the stuff," Lightning stated. "I hear about you being some type of genius, if anything you can probably build a pair of wings. In fact don't you have a fancy robot suit?"

Peter nodded, remembering his armor. "Yeah, and it is cool, but I am curious what wings feel like."

Lightning tapped her chin, "There's two ways. One, I heard about some spell that can give wings to a pony. According to Fluttershy, Twilight knows a spell that can do that, though they can't be exposed to the sun. Two, you can become an Alicorn like your wife did."

Peter shook his head, "I don't want wings that can melt, and I don't know how to become an alicorn, despite Luna saying I have the power and life force of one."

Lightning laid back with her forelegs behind her head, "You're still totally cool though, don't worry about not being a Pegasus, you're an awesome superhero."

Peter laid back as well, "Guess so..."

Rumble is watching Rainbow Dash alongside the two Pegasus fillies, with Scootaloo giving him a few love glances.

"So Rumble, what do you think of Rainbow Dash? Pretty awesome flyer right?"

Rumble nodded, "She's amazing. My goal is to be as great of a flyer as her."

"I wanna fly like Auntie Rainbow Dash as well," Mayday said while flapping her wings.

"Hey the three of us could form our own flight group one day, should be fun," Scootaloo said.

"Like in the Wonderbolts?" Mayday asked.

Scootaloo nodded, "Sure thing kid, we'd show everypony what we can do. We'll be as great as Rainbow Dash and Johnny are gonna be when they enter the Wonderbolts.

Mayday smiled as she looked up, "That's gonna be fun."

Scootaloo noticed that Rumble seemed pretty distracted by the sky flying. Taking a chance, she did a 'yawn' while stretching her foreleg behind Rumble and pulling him for a side hug. Rumble looked to the side while Scootaloo did a flirty smirk to him.

"You know Rumble, I'm sure we're both gonna go see Rainbow Dash and Johnny go fly. So how about you and me go together? Sit down, talk Wonderbolts, our future, stuff like that."

Rumble raised his eyebrow, "Um...'Our Future'? What does that mean?"

"You know, us as a duo, friends," Scootaloo them mumbled a bit, "Maybe a little more than that..."

Rumble raised his eyebrow, "Huh?"

Scootaloo shook her head, "Nevermind. Still, just join me, I'll make it worth your while."

Rumble did a nervous type chuckle while Scootaloo continued to smile at him in a cool manner. Mayday noticed this, going into her familiar jealousy mode. She sat on Rumble's lap while hugging him tightly, "Hug me Rumble, your favorite filly commands it!"

Scootaloo looked slightly annoyed, but she knows it can't be helped. Though she feels confident that she can work around the Mayday situation.

Meanwhile with Peter, as he watched his friends fly, he looked over to Lightning Dust and saw some sadness in her face. It wasn't a lot but he could tell she felt unhappy about something. Then he remembered that Lightning Dust is still recovering from an injury, so she's still not able to fly.

Peter had enough, he hated seeing this and knows he needs to rectify things.

"Hey Lightning, mind coming over to my place a little later?" Peter asked.

Lightning giggled, "Peter, I'm flattered, but aren't you married?"

Peter blushed madly, "That's not what I meant!"

Lightning playfully shoved Peter, "Relax, I'm just messing with ya. Wow you're like, so easy to freak out."

Peter gave Lightning a pouty glare, "I don't always freak out easily."

Lightning looked into Peter's eyes, "You're so cute too though, how can a guy as strong as you have such an adorable face?"

Peter looked away with a blush, "Are you taking pleasure in this?"

"A little, anyway sure I'll come over after Dash and Torch are done up there," Lightning said.

Peter nodded and looked up at the two practicing ponies. Rumble had also joined in on their practice rounds, with Rainbow Dash teaching him a few more tricks.

"You're really doing well Rumble, have you been practicing on your own?" Rainbow asked.

Rumble nodded, "Sure have, I practice everyday."

Rainbow beamed a prideful smile, "That's good to know, keep up the good work kid, make me proud."

Rumble nodded, "I will, thanks Rainbow Dash, let's keep flying."

"In a moment, I need to talk with Johnny a second," Rainbow said. Rumble nodded and flew up to continue flying.

"What do you need to talk about Dash?" Johnny asked.

"This whole Wonderbolts thing," Rainbow said. "I'm a little worried, suppose we mess up and it doesn't go well?"

"Don't start with that Dash, we'll be fine, we got this," Johnny said.

"I know...but still, it's a big moment for me-er I mean us," Rainbow quickly corrected.

Johnny placed his hoof on her shoulder, "Relax, I know this has mostly been your dream, I'm only in it to be with you that much more."

"Aw, thanks Johnny, you're an awesome coltfriend," Rainbow said and hugged him a second. "You're right, I shouldn't be worrying about this. I've done big shows before, I know i can do it again."

"Just remember, I'm right here with you," Johnny encouraged. His encouragement was rewarded with a kiss from Rainbow Dash.

"Thanks, anyway let's go practice with the kid. Starting to like the little guy...hopefully Spitfire notices," Rainbow said.

Johnny rolled his eyes at that but maintained hope that Rainbow was getting better with this, though Johnny himself knowing he can be no better at times.

Later on, Lightning Dust arrived at the Library as promised, and was let in by Trixie.

"What did Peter need you for?" Trixie asked.

"Not sure, he just asked me to come by," Lightning said.

Trixie sat on the couch and gestured Lightning to join her side. She levitated some cups over with some tea. "Amazing, not too long ago you never liked being near Peter, glad that's been worked out."

"Pretty glad myself, Peter's a great guy, something I almost missed out on," Lightning said.

Trixie took a sip of her tea, "Indeed, I owe a lot to Peter. He may be an idiot at times but he always has the best interest of others in mind. If it weren't for him I'd still be full of jealousy and hatred."

Trixie placed her cup down a moment and focused on Lightning, "You know what's amazing? When I first moved here, it was out of blackmail. Yet he still took his time to befriend me and help me with a lot of my personal problems. He honestly could have asked me to hit the road years ago, yet he didn't. Even when I ran away once he actually came back for me..." Trixie looked down. "Even though I endangered both of us in the process."

Lightning raised her eyebrow, "Why did you run away? Did you two get into a spat or something?"

Trixie shook her head, "No...a few years ago during the Holidays when Twilight was still pregnant, I actually ran off because I felt so weird being there. I still had my own family problems and I was afraid of messing up again."

"Did you mess up the first time or something?" Lightning asked.

Trixie shook her head, "No...it's just, complicated. Let's just say I made a mistake when I was a little filly, and I almost made that same mistake years ago." Trixie took Lightning's hooves in her own, "But Peter helped me with so many personal problems. I was so grateful for him and I vowed to always be there for him and his family. I have so many great things to show for it as well."

Lightning took a moment to take that all in, it sounded like such a nice moment. "So...is that why you wanted to help me? Because you wanted me to experience the same happiness?"

Trixie nodded, "Exactly. You reminded me of myself, and I knew that you could get that second chance I got, now you're also living with a great family. I'm sure Fluttershy has taken really good care of you."

Lightning nodded, "Yeah, she's a cool chick. Took really good care of my wings after...well you know."

Trixie nodded, she knew all too well.

"But still, I owe a lot to you Trixie, you really helped me out during all that, so thanks," Lightning said and nuzzled Trixie lightly.

Trixie nuzzled back, really rubbing her face against Lightning's, then the two looking briefly into each other's eyes. Lighting pulled back a little, blushing in the process, she got a little too close to Trixie there, with Trixie feeling the same way.

Soon enough, Peter dropped in on them, "Hey Lightning Dust, you made it. I got something for you, just finished it up in my lab."

Lightning approached Peter curiously.

"Now, first I need you to turn around ,it might feel weird but you'll get used to it," Peter said.

Lightning blushed, "That's a weird way to put it Peter...then again if it does mean what I think it means-"

Peter blushed madly again, "Wait! No! It doesn't mean...gah, just turn around please."

Lightning rolled her eyes and turned around. Soon she felt something clipping to her wings. Lightning turned around so see some metal rings around the bottom of her wings.

"Whoa, what are those?" Lightning asked.

"They should help you fly better, try them out," Peter said.

"Totally," Lightning said and was about to fly but Peter pulled her down, "Not in here! Twilight will have a fit!"

Lightning blushed from her foolishness, "Right, sorry."

Lightning went outside and started flying around, much to her amazement her wings felt better than they have before. If anything she feels like she can go much faster.

"This is awesome! This is so totally awesome!" Lightning shouted as she flew around, doing a few mid-air flips and twirls.

Peter looked up at Lightning with a proud smile. He's happy that he was able to give her one thing she really wanted, her old flying ability back. He had to admit, she's pretty talented, once again he envies not being a pegasus. Then again, maybe he could build a set of wings for himself, he made a suit after all.

Lightning touched down in front of Peter, her smile not leaving her face.

"So...how are they?" Peter asked.

"These things work so awesomely!" Lightning pulled Peter into a hug. "Thanks Peter, I'm so happy I..." Lightning then blushed a little. "I know your wife is gonna be pissed about this, but I'm taking a chance!"

"A chance for wh-" Peter was interrupted when Lightning pulled him into a big kiss. Peter looked pretty surprised and a little awkward, why is she kissing him?

Peter struggled a bit to get out of the kiss but fortunately Lightning Dust broke away with a dreamy smile on her face, "Wow that was awesome."

Peter looked pretty surprised and a little unhappy, "Seriously!? What was that about!?"

"Sorry, couldn't resist, won't happen again though," Lightning said with a sly smile. "Anyway I'm gonna try these things out some more, maybe even show them off to Rainbow Dash. See ya around Peter."

Lightning flew off, leaving Peter still very surprised. "I hope Twilight doesn't find out about this, otherwise she'll have a fit."

Trixie herself watched from the door area, shocked herself. "Good thing Twilight's out shopping."

Lightning Dust flew over to Rainbow Dash's place and eagerly knocked at the door, "Yo Dash! You in there!?"

A few seconds later, Rainbow appeared at the door, "Hey Lightning Dust, what's up?"

"Get Johnny, I wanna show you something awesome!" Lightning eagerly said.

Rainbow shrugged, "Alright then." She called out to her coltfriend, "Yo Johnny! Lightning Dust wants to see us!"

"Coming babe!" Johnny said and appeared at the door to greet Lightning, "What'd you need us for?"

"Check this out!" Lightning said and went outside to fly around a bit. Rainbow and Johnny looked a little surprised, Lightning Dust looked to be flying much better than normal, as if her wing was fully healed.

"Wow Lightning, did your wing just suddenly feel better or what!?" Rainbow asked.

Lightning rushed over to Rainbow Dash, "Not exactly, these things are helpling!"

Lightning pointed to her wings and showed off the metal bracelets, "Peter made these for me! They totally took the pain from my wings! I can fly like it's no big deal now!"

Rainbow and Johnny looked closely at them, they could even see a spider insignia on it.

"Sometimes I forget that Peter's a genius, those things look cool!" Rainbow said.

"He's turning out as great as Reed knew he'd be at least," Johnny added.

Lightning nodded and started hovering, "Anyway I'm gonna go for some practice flights, maybe the Wonderbolts will let me compete in their show." Lightning had some doubt on her face, "At least I hope they will."

Rainbow hovered up to Lightning, "Hey, I'll put in a good word for you, just promise you won't be too reckless when flying."

Lightning nodded, "Sure thing, Fluttershy's helped me mellow a bit, so I won't be making that mistake again."

Johnny hovered to her, "Maybe you can be our personal teammate in the Wonderbolts, it would be you, me and Dash."

"Sounds awesome, I'm totally all for it," Lightning said and hugged both fellow pegasi at the same time. "Thanks you two, you're both awesome friends!" Lightning broke away and flew off. "See ya at the show!"

Rainbow looked satisfied, "At least she's happy."

"Yeah, anyway time for us to prepare as well, show's coming soon," Johnny said.

Rainbow nodded, "Sounds good, a few wing-ups couldn't hurt."

Johnny brought Rainbow in for a intimate hug, "Then later, I'll totally take you somewhere nice, to celebrate our success."

Rainbow blushed a little, "I'd like that."

Johnny rubbed his muzzle against hers, "Also, not saying this would happen but, even if you don't get into The Wonderbolts, I'll still take you somewhere anyway. Just because I love you."

Rainbow beamed a cheerful smile, dropping her tough demeanor in favor of a softer gaze, "You're the best Johnny, you're the only guy that can make me feel all girly and not be ashamed of it..." Rainbow realized what she said. "Not that I wanna be girly, I'm still the toughest mare in Ponyville!"

Johnny chuckled a bit, "I know babe, but I don't care if you do get 'girly', because I know you can kick ass when you need to. You don't need to be tough all the time, I know you're strong."

Rainbow pulled Johnny closer, "Only you get to see my softer side. Nopony else deserves that."

The two engaged in a nice kiss, Johnny keeping Dash close while he rubbed her mane and her back. Johnny doesn't need to be delicate with Rainbow Dash, but he wants to be, because he treasures her.

Rainbow broke the kiss and looked into Johnny's eyes, "I'm confident that you're the only stallion I'll love...so will you stay with me? Will you promise to marry me one day and live here with me? Raise a family with me?"

Johnny rubbed her face, keeping a soft gaze as he looked into her eyes, "I'm not leaving Rainbow Dash. When the time comes, you'll get everything that Twilight has. You'll get your proposal, your marriage and your child, and I'll be the one that gives you all that."

Rainbow really started to fluster up a bit, "Damn...might be hard to prepare for this, I'm too in love with you."

"Same here...let's take a few minutes to get this out of our system," Johnny said.

"Don't gotta tell me twice, time for you to make me your mare," Rainbow demanded and pulled him into a deeper kiss as she led him into her room.

Lightning flew back to Fluttershy's place, where Laura was outside feeding the animals, doing much better than last time.

"Hey Laura, where's Fluttershy?" Lightning asked, landing down outside.

"Inside with Logan, they're bonding," Laura said.

Lightning grinned, "They really like spending time with each other, good for Fluttershy. She deserves a guy that can be a good coltfriend."

"Logan better be a good coltfriend, otherwise he'll hear it from me," Laura said in a threatening tone.

Lightning giggled, "It's cute how much you care for Fluttershy, I'm guessing she's the only one you're soft around."

"In a way," Laura admitted. "She's easy to open up to and she makes me feel safe. It sounds weird coming from a girl that has metal claws but it's how I feel around her."

Lightning nodded, "I get that. Trixie makes me feel the same way, I always feel safe around her."

"You seem really happy around her too," Laura said. "I've also seen the way you look at her."

Lightning glared a little, "Look at her? What are you getting at?"

"Hey it seems like you shoot a lot of glances her way, I even saw you blushing once. Sometimes I swear you have a crush on her," Laura teased.

Lightning scrunched up her face, "No I don't...I just admire her. She's everything I wanna be."

"Hey nothing wrong with a crush," Laura then approached Lightning Dust and spoke in a hushed tone. "Can you keep a secret?"

Lightning nodded, "Of course, you're my best friend."

Laura blushed a little. "Can't believe I'm gonna say this but...I once had a crush on Peter."

Lightning stifled a laugh, "You what?"

"I'm serious, now even though he's an annoying jackass, part of me finds that charming. He's also got that easy going lifestyle, something I envy a little, plus he's got that caring attitude," Laura said while slightly blushing.

Lightning found it funny how flustered Laura was getting, but also found it cute, "Hey that's nice. Peter's a handsome guy, if he wasn't married I'd totally date him."

Laura nodded and bit her lip a little, "Also, I think I might be into Pinkie Pie's sister."

Lightning raised her eyebrow, "Which one? The shy one, the angry one or the one that always has the same look on her face?"

"The angry one, Limestone. She can be really bitchy, not that I'm any better, but in a way I like that about her. I like how tough she is, probably the only one who can out-tough me," Laura said.

Lightning giggled, "I wonder what a date between you both would be like?"

"Let's just say we'll need to be in a private place because we'll likely spend the night yelling at each other," Laura said.

"How romantic," Lightning said sarcastically while Laura did a smug grin.

"Yeah...wow I just told you two secrets without hesitation," Laura pulled Lightning into a side hug, "You're really growing on me."

Lightning felt great, she's been surrounded by so much love and care lately. Trixie was right, this is what she needs. She owes a lot to Trixie for that.

"Thanks Laura," Lightning hugged her back. "I'm glad you trust me, means a lot. I promise I won't tell anypony."

"I know, best friend," Laura said with a playful grin.

"Right, you are my best friend. I feel like I can be honest with you," Lightning said. "Maybe I do like Trixie a little, though I'm still not sure if I like her that way or I just wanna be closer to her as a friend."

"You'll figure it out, don't worry too much alright?" Laura said.

Lightning nodded, then remembered. "Oh, I wanna show you something!" Lightning got up and took to the air, flying around a bit and doing some fancy tricks. Laura looked pretty amazed, since when can Lightning fly like that?

After a minute of demonstrating, Lightning flew back down to an impressed Laura.

"Whoa, you can fly great again!" Laura said.

"I can thank Peter for that, he made me something to help me fly," Laura said and gestured to the bracelets on her wing.

Laura looked closely at them, "Damn, guy's a genius."

"Yeah, this means so much to me. He really does care about others...makes me feel a bit guilty for shunning him when I did..." Lightning admitted.

"Hey, that's then, this is now, let's just be thankful for Peter," Laura said.

Lightning nodded, "Yeah...I really thanked him."

Laura raised her eyebrow, "What do you mean by 'really'?"

Lightning blushed, "I kissed him...like a kiss-kiss."

Laura's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, "You...kissed...Peter? A real kiss?"

Lightning nodded and blushed more, "Yeah...it was the best moment of my life...I really, really wish he was single."

Laura couldn't believe this, "Does Princess Sparkle-Butt know about that?"

Lightning shook her head, "She wasn't around, though I know she'll be pissed if she finds out. But it's something I just wanted to do, I'll deal with the consequences later."

Laura placed her foreleg around Lightning, "Hey if she wants to get to you, she'll have to go through me."

Lightning shook her head, "I don't want you getting in trouble with me."

"Hey I'm not afraid to kick her ass, in fact I'll enjoy it," Laura said with a grin.

Lightning placed her foreleg around Laura, "You're bold, I like that about you. If Limestone comes by again I'll be sure to help make you look good for her."

"Thanks, same to you and Trixie," Laura said.

Fluttershy noticed this from her window, she had a smile of admiration. "They've really become good friends."

Logan also noticed from the window, "Yeah, Laura's gotten much better lately, and Lightning Dust has also improved on her personality."

Fluttershy nuzzled Logan, "Friendship really is magic, it did wonders for both of them."

Logan placed his foreleg around Fluttershy, "Thanks to you darling. Yer a great friend, and you'll make a great mother someday."

Fluttershy blushed, "If I become a mother...would you be the father to that child?"

Logan somehow felt happiness from hearing that, knowing the possibility of him having a good family with Fluttershy is very possible. Fluttershy would make a good mother for his child, he could only hope he could be just as good of a parent. He'll really need Fluttershy's help.

"I would love to...just promise to stay by my side, I wanna make sure I'm a good enough father," Logan said.

"I'll help you...but we'll worry about that another time, right now I just wanna be with you," Fluttershy said as the two engaged in some passionate kissing.

Back at the Treebrary, Rumble is sitting outside against the home while Mayday rests on his stomach. She's too cute sometimes, he just loves stroking her mane and she loves just being close to him.

Rumble looked around and saw all the happy ponies, walking around and doing their thing. Soon enough he was joined by Scootaloo.

"Sup Rumble?"

Rumble turned to her with a smile, "Hey there Scootaloo."

Scootaloo placed her foreleg around Rumble, no tricks this time, and gazed at him again. "So...I never really got an answer from before."

"Answer about what?" Rumble asked.

"You, me, Wonderbolts show, together?" Scootaloo reminded. "Even if not the Wonderbolts, I'd still like to take you somewhere nice, just to spend some time with you."

Rumble rubbed his head, "I guess, that sounds fun."

Scootaloo stroked his mane a little, "That's nice." She looked down and saw Mayday glaring up at her. Scootaloo knew she was gonna be trouble, but she had a plan. "Would you like to come too Mayday?"

Mayday rose her eyebrow, "What?"

"Yeah, you can come too. Who am I to separate Rumble from his favorite little filly after all? Where me and Rumble go, you can go. I like you kid, us Pegasi can stick together and do awesome things. Sound good to you?" Scootaloo asked.

Mayday shrugged, "I guess so..."

Scootaloo rubbed her mane, "Good filly, maybe Rumble and I can teach you how to fly someday, sound good?"

Mayday nodded, "Alright then..."

Scootaloo grinned, she knows she just has to get Mayday to like her and then maybe she'll lighten up on Rumble. Scootaloo was gonna have Rumble as her coltfriend, she'll surpass Apple Bloom in affection.

At this point Twilight had come home from shopping and noticed the three foals sitting together, Scootaloo being really close to Rumble. Normally she'd be fine with this, but she remembers that Rumble might have feelings for Apple Bloom, and judging from the uncertainty in his eyes, it seems like Scootaloo is putting him in an awkward position.

"Rumble? Scootaloo? Mayday?" Twilight said.

The three foals turned their attention to Twilight and waved.

"Sup Twilight? I'm just chilling with Rumble and Mayday if you don't mind," Scootaloo said.

Twilight hesitantly nodded, "Anyway I'm gonna be inside if you need me, for any reason," Twilight emphasized the last part a bit subtly, at least that's how Rumble took it.

Once she went inside, Mayday got up, "I'm gonna go see if she got any candy, be back in a moment."

Mayday went inside, leaving Scootaloo alone with Rumble. Suddenly she had a pretty triumphant smile and looked to Rumble with something in mind.

"So do you wanna go inside and-" Rumble's attention was suddenly turned to Scootaloo as she placed a nice kiss on the unsuspecting colt. Rumble was surprised at this, though he wasn't sure how to feel. The kiss was nice but he felt like he shouldn't be doing this, Apple Bloom was there first after all.

Scootaloo broke away and patted his cheek, "There's more if you want any, come see me sometime." Scootaloo stood up and walked away with a confident smile, leaving Rumble pretty shocked.

"What just happened?" Rumble asked. He decided to go inside and find Twilight, he had a few questions for her.

He looked around and saw her putting the food away while Mayday checked around for candy, no success.

"Twilight, I need to speak with you, it's a bit of an awkward topic though," Rumble said.

"I figured that, sit down a moment and-" Twilight stopped talking when she saw Peter come to the kitchen, rubbing his stomach a little.

"I need a snack," Peter said, then noticed Mayday poking around the bag. "Find anything good Mayday?"

"No...not yet," Mayday said.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Peter, Rumble needs to ask me a question, mind taking Mayday out the kitchen so-"

"No, Peter can help too, I think it's something he'll know about too," Rumble said, then turned it Mayday. "Though it's a bit embarrassing to say in front of Mayday."

"Don't worry," Twilight said and called out. "Trixie! Come here a moment please."

Trixie came into the kitchen, "Yes Twilight?"

"Take Mayday upstairs, we need to talk with Rumble about something important," Twilight said.

"Sure thing," Trixie said and grabbed Mayday. "Let's go little filly."

After they left, Twilight turned to Rumble. "Alright sweetie, speak now."

Rumble took a breath, "Let's say that you are in love with a filly, and she loves you, and you both wanna be together. But another filly likes you, and makes it very obvious." Rumble blushed for this part. "What happens when that other filly who likes you...kisses you?"

Twilight had a slight blush, she has an understanding of what Rumble means. Peter however, took that the wrong way, "Hey is this about Lightning Dust kissing me!?"

Rumble looked to Peter with a raised eyebrow, "She did what!?"

Twilight looked at Peter furiously, "She did what!?"

Peter realized he may have made a slip, "Wait, what is Rumble talking about!?"

Rumble just glared curiously at Peter, "Scootaloo kissed me a moment ago. I think she likes me, but I like Apple Bloom. At least I think I like her."

Peter felt like an idiot, "Ooooh...." He then turned slowly to an angry looking Twilight. "So I may have goofed up a moment ago."

Twilight gritted her teeth, "Lightning Dust kissed you...? When may I ask this happened!?"

Peter gulped, "Earlier today...I didn't really enjoy it though, she was just so happy with something I did for her."

"What did you do for her Peter?" Twilight asked, still somewhat steaming.

"I made her something to help her fly better, she was so happy she kissed me. This happened while you were shopping, and since you just got home I haven't had a chance to tell you..." Peter said while sweating nervously.

Twilight huffed a little and then took a breath. "She just kissed you...you didn't kiss back?"

Peter shook his head, "No of course not, you know I only love you."

Twilight took a few seconds to regain her composure, "I see...since you didn't kiss her, I won't fault you. Because I trust you Peter, I know some mares just like you too much. Plus I'm sure you would have told me later, am I right?"

Peter nodded, "Yeah...probably a little better than I did. You forgive me?"

Twilight nodded, "It's fine...don't worry about it. Like I said, I trust you, and I can believe that you didn't enjoy it. You're not the type to intentionally cheat."

Peter felt relieved at that, "I'll still make this up to you. In a way, when stuff like this happens, though not to this extent, it just makes me realize how much I love you that much more. Only you can give me happiness from a kiss, because the action means nothing if the mare behind it isn't special to me."

Somehow Twilight's dissolved into happiness, "You really mean that Peter?"

"Of course, I only love you. In fact I really just wanna kiss you right now, just to remind myself why I'm so lucky," Peter said.

Twilight quickly rushed to Peter and engaged him in a loving kiss, giving the stallion relief and giving Rumble some confusion. Twilight seemed so angry a moment ago, then she's happy? Twilight is a very unusual mare to Rumble.

Twilight broke the kiss and smiled to Peter, "I love you so much Peter, I'm glad that-" Twilight then noticed Rumble just staring and blushed a little. "Oh, look at me, I forgot all about you Rumble. Um, I guess in a way this is what you need to know. Maybe it's better for you because Apple Bloom isn't your marefriend yet, you have a chance to explore. But you are becoming much closer to realizing that you love her, because she makes you happy with her affection."

Peter nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I mean who's kiss was more special? The one from Apple Bloom or the one from Scootaloo?"

Rumble thought a moment, "I guess it's Apple Bloom. Her kiss made me happy."

"Good, now you know," Twilight said, then turned to Peter. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like some privacy with Peter."

Rumble nodded, "Right, have fun you two." He quickly left the kitchen while Twilight continued to make out with Peter.

"Better than Lightning Dust?" Twilight asked in between the kissing.

Peter continued to kiss Twilight, "Much better..."

Rumble looked back at the two and shook his head, "They can be so weird sometimes." He left the home, he had one thing left to do.

Rumble had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and found Apple Bloom moving some apples.

"Ok, I gotta tell her...I just hope she doesn't get mad," Rumble said.

He cautiously approached the young farmer filly, "Um, Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom turned to Rumble, "Rumble? This is a nice surprise, what brings you here?"

Rumble approached Apple Bloom nervously, "I have something to tell you, but you might not like it."

Apple Bloom grew concerned, "What is it?"

Rumble felt weird looking at her cute, concerned face, but then decided to just blurt it out, "Scootaloo kissed me..."

Apple Bloom gasped a little, then grew sad, "So...you like her kiss better than mine?"

Rumble shook his head, "No...I like yours better." Rumble then realized something. "Wait you're not mad?"

Apple Bloom shook her head, "No, why would ah be? You technically ain't mah coltfriend, so yer free to kiss other fillies." She then realized something herself, "Wait, why were you so concerned about that?"

Rumble blushed a little, "Because...I think I might like you the way you like me...so it felt weird for another filly to kiss me."

Apple Bloom beamed in happiness, "Really!? You do!? Oh Rumble!" She then lunged forward and kissed him, a nice loving kiss. This is the type of kiss that Rumble likes, the type he would return. A few moments later, Apple Bloom broke away, "So does this mean you'll be mah coltfriend?"

"I want to," Rumble said, then turned to the side. "But...there's still one other filly."

Apple Bloom knew who he was referring to. "Sweetie Belle...wait do you like her?"

"I'm not sure," Rumble said. "I wanna find out first though, if I become your coltfriend I wanna make sure I don't love any other filly. It doesn't help that she's really pretty," Rumble then quickly had to rephrase that, "Not that you aren't, in fact you're beautiful..." Rumble blushed madly, "What did I just say?"

Apple Bloom's face was as red as her family's apples, "You just called me 'beautiful'...that word just came out yer mouth and directed at me..." She then pulled him into a hug, "You just made me the happiest filly!"

Rumble chuckled a bit, "I'm glad but...I wanna try it out with Sweetie Belle, because truth be told I've always wondered what type of girlfriend she would make. I'm afraid to leave this unexplored."

Apple Bloom nodded, "That's fine, it's perfectly normal. Ah appreciate you wanting to do that fer me...ah guess you learned a thing or two from Peter."

"Peter and Twilight are the ones who helped me realize this. Plus I know some mares like Peter, one even kissed him earlier today," Rumble said.

Apple Bloom raised her eyebrow, "Really? Who!?"

"Lightning Dust," Rumble said. "I know that Peter goes through some awkward stuff, especially with other mares. I know that Luna and Future Sweetie Belle are in love with him, and that Spitfire has a crush on him. Plus sometimes I hear them talking about it. Peter probably doesn't even realize how many girls like him, he thinks it's only a couple, but Twilight says it's more than that."

"It is...Peter does have some romance trouble, he loves Twilight but he's always worried something will happen so that Twilight doesn't love him anymore," Apple Bloom said.

"Right...he also said he's afraid he'll stop loving Twilight, so that's why I need to make sure of this, I'm confident you're the one for me but I wanna have no doubts about this. I can never forgive myself if I hurt you," Rumble said.

Apple Bloom nodded, "Better to know now before we're a couple, than after. Thanks Rumble, I'm glad you think about mah feelings.

Rumble nuzzled Apple Bloom, "No problem...Anyway I should head back now, maybe we do something together another time?"

Apple Bloom nodded, "I'd like that. In fact I'd love if you brought Peter and Twilight to the farm sometime for a triple-date picnic with Remy and mah sis."

"Triple date sounds fun, soon we'll be like one big family. The Parker-Sparkles and the Apples," Rumble said.

"Hey Peter's technically an honorary Apple, though ah can make you an official Apple," Apple Bloom said while shifting her eyebrows up.

"I'd like that, see you later," Rumble said and flew off, leaving Apple Bloom in bliss.

"Ah love that boy..." she then turned around to her cart. "Ah know yer hiding back there!"

Remy appeared from behind the cart, "Now you know how it feels."

Applejack also appeared, "Sorry Apple Bloom, ah just couldn't resist. He really cares about yah."

"Ah know, I'm lucky," Apple Bloom said.

"He's a good boy, Peter taught him well," Remy said.

Apple Bloom nodded, "He did...that's another reason ah can thank Peter...fer helping make a great stallion out of my soon-to-be coltfriend."

Applejack and Remy stood by Apple Bloom as they looked to the distance.

Later on, Peter himself decided to tend to some unfinished business. "Alright, time to go find Lightning Dust." He went to Fluttershy's cottage and saw Lightning Dust outside checking her wings, she looked a little sad. "Lightning Dust?"

Lightning turned to Peter, "Oh...hi Peter."

"What's wrong?" Peter asked.

Lightning sighed, "I was doing some tricks, going at awesome speeds, then these things shorted out and fell. Luckily Laura was around and managed to catch me before I hurt myself, but I feel bad because you made these for me and now they don't work."

Peter looked to them, "Yeah, looks like you burned them out." He took them off, "Damn, I knew I should have made them stronger. This is a little new to me, but I think I can fix them."

"Maybe you should just let my wings heal...however long that will take," Lightning said.

Peter knelt down and hugged Lightning Dust, "I feel so bad...you should be flying, now I may have almost hurt you because I gave you something faulty."

"No Peter, I over used them, don't blame yourself," Lightning said.

"But Lightning Dust, this only happened because-"

Lightning interrupted Peter, "Enough, alright? It's not your fault, it's mine. I messed up and I'm paying for it. Please don't guilt yourself."

Peter rubbed her mane, "Still...I just feel so bad for you. I want you to be happy."

Lightning hugged back, "Peter, I am happy. I have great friends. I have a friend like Trixie who helped me turn around and be a better pony. I have a friend like Fluttershy who cares about me and took care of me when I had no place else to go. I have Laura who can trust me with her secrets and be open with me, which is hard for her to do. I have Rainbow Dash who is proving to be the same good friend she was back when we first met." She then rubbed his face affectionately, "Then there's you...you went out of your way to make something for me to help me fly. You didn't have to do that, but you did...and that makes me so happy."

Lightning pressed her forehead against Peter's, "Even if I can't fly like I used to, I have something so much better now. I do appreciate you trying though, it means so much to me. You truly are a great hero, and I feel so safe when I'm with you."

Lightning continued to look into Peter's eyes and slowly went in for a kiss, but Peter stopped her before any contact was made. "Don't...I like you, but only as a friend. I love Twilight."

Lightning blushed, "Sorry...you're just too handsome. Don't worry though, I think I like somepony else, so I won't fawn over you too long."

Peter nodded, "Why did you kiss me though? I know you can be flirty but I still didn't think you'd do it."

"Not sure really," Lightning said. "I was just so happy, plus like I said, you're really handsome." She patted his cheek, "But I suppose that was a stupid move. I'm sorry Peter."

"It's alright, I forgive you," Peter said.

"Aw, how sweet," Rainbow said and flew down to Peter and Lightning alongside Johnny.

"Hey it's my favorite rainbow-maned Pegasus and my best friend in the multiverse," Peter said.

Rainbow and Johnny both hugged Peter for that then broke off after a couple of seconds.

"Hey Lightning Dust, you ok there?" Rainbow asked.

Lightning nodded, "Yeah...but my bracelets don't work, I won't be doing that show with you."

"That sucks, sorry to hear that," Rainbow said.

"Maybe Peter can fix them?" Johnny suggested.

Lightning shook her head, "I'll wait for my wings to heal. But it's not important. I'm just happy to have good friends who care about me."

"Glad you feel that way, we really care about you too," Rainbow said.

"Still, did you really kiss Peter?" Johnny asked.

Lightning nodded, "Yup, no regrets either."

"NO REGRETS HUH!?" they heard.

Peter's pupils shrank, "Oh no..."

Suddenly a very angry Twilight stepped into the line of sight, "So you like kissing my husband!?"

Lightning backed away a little, "Hold on Twilight! I admit, that was stupid of me, so let's just be civilized now, remember you're a princess and as such-"

Twilight marched toward Lightning, "When I get my hooves on you I'll-"

Laura then jumped in between the two mares, "Get away from my best friend!"

Twilight looked even angrier. "Out of my way Laura, this doesn not concern-"

Laura then jumped at Twilight, a scuffle emerging between the two. Rainbow and Johnny just watched with pitiful glances as the two mares battled each other, with Peter and Lightning going to break them up. Soon Fluttershy and Logan also came outside to break up the fight.

"LAURA! STOP FIGHTING!" Fluttershy shouted.

"Come on Twilight, this is ridiculous!" Peter pleaded.

The two mares continued to battle around, rather comically though as the two speedy Pegasi rolled their eyes at that behavior.

Johnny nudged Rainbow and beckoned her to follow, "Come on, The Wonderbolts thing is tomorrow, we gotta be well rested."

"Right," Rainbow said and walked off with Johnny, leaving the fight behind.

The two made it back home and laid in bed together.

"Hey, Johnny, you think when we have kids, they'll wanna fly competitively too?" Rainbow asked.

Johnny shrugged, "Probably, but that's up to them."

"True, as long as they're happy," Rainbow said. She rested her head on Johnny's chest, "When would you like to have kids?"

"I don't know, when's your next heat cycle?" Johnny asked.

Rainbow blushed, "Wow, that fast?"

"Maybe not, but I'd rather it be sooner than later," Johnny said.

Rainbow nodded, "Right, works for me."

Johnny laid back while thinking. He had potential to have exactly what his best friend Peter has, a loving family. Though Johnny must admit, he does have a good family in his sister Susan, his brother-in-law Reed and his good buddy Ben. He's just adding to it, between his marefriend and potential wife Rainbow Dash, plus his honorary sister Pinkie Pie. Speaking of which, he needs to spend more time with her, she's such a nice pony.

Johnny felt happy, he felt confident, that confidence would help him and Rainbow Dash do well in the Wonderbolts show, and impress Spitfire.

Looks like the Magic of Love and Friendship is helping several ponies, and the superheroes.

Author's Note:

Hope you liked it. Nothing much to say on this.