• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,559 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Those who Care

Fluttershy is doing her usual thing, tending to the animals in her cottage, making sure they're well fed. This is normal for her, taking care of the animals of Ponyville, maybe even beyond it too.

While she normally did this alone, lately she's had a few friends around to help her, and that term is used rather loosely for these particular ponies.

One pony, known as Lightning Dust, a former rival Rainbow Dash, had been trying to feed the animals, but she usually kept spilling the food, causing some animals to escape and surround her to pick the food up.

"Hey! Get back in order so I can feed you better! This is not cool!" Lightning shouted.

Then there's Laura, who was doing her best to be patient with the animals, but she gave of an unfriendly vibe, causing some animals to snarl at her.

"Come on, I just wanna help feed you and make less work for Fluttershy, work with me here," Laura pleaded.

Most animals continued to glare causing Laura to almost lose her temper. "This is ridiculous, can you please just cooperate or something!"

Then animals scurried from her a bit, causing her to sit down in a slump. "This sucks."

Logan had some better luck, just holding the food out and feeding the animals little by little. He had a somewhat gentle aroma around him that made it a bit easier for the animals to approach him, much to the surprise of Laura and Lightning Dust.

"This ain't too hard...bit boring but not hard," Logan said.

Fluttershy seemed pretty grateful for all the help she had been getting from the ponies, even if two of them weren't too good, at least they were trying. That's all she really wants is a pony who tries their best, especially if she didn't really expect help. She's more than happy to feed all her animals, but at least Laura and Lightning Dust wanna do their share.

She's also really grateful that her devoted coltfriend is always ready to help with her things as well. Logan is practically staying at Fluttershy's place at this point, having spent the night a couple of times. He's just about ready to stay there permanently, the only thing really preventing that is his not so great relationship with Laura.

Laura doesn't mind Fluttershy dating Logan, as long as she's happy then Laura is cool with things, however Laura is still having trouble bonding with Logan, though it isn't as bad as it once was. At this point they're working slowly to build a proper relationship, whether it's father-daughter or even just being friends.

Lightning picked up the bag of food and attempted to feed the critters again, though a few jumped on it and tried getting the food, the extra weight causing Lightning to lose balance and stumble back, falling onto Laura and spilling the rest of the food, both hers and Laura's.

"Great work Dust!" Laura shouted. "You knocked all the food over, now-Oh crap!"

Soon more of the critters came and jumped around the two mares, picking up all the food, things getting a little out of order.

Fluttershy quickly approached them and started escorting her animals back into place, "Come on now, you know better than to do that."

While Fluttershy fixed up the situation, Laura and Lightning Dust shook all the food off of them and looked at the mess.

"Great, now all the food spilt," Laura complained.

Lightning felt a little regretful for letting this happen. "Sorry Laura, didn't mean to make things bad."

Laura felt some pity for Lighting, besides Laura was no better anyway, she herself having a share of trouble with the animals.

"Eh, things happen I guess, don't worry about it," Laura said while patting Lightning's back.

"Aw, that's so nice of you Laura," Fluttershy said. "And don't worry Lightning Dust, all ponies make mistakes, you did your best, I'll just get more food."

"Hey I can do that, least I can do," Lightning offered.

"That's very nice of you but don't worry, it's no trouble. Besides I remember what all my animals like, it'd be much easier and faster," Fluttershy said.

"If anything you two can clean up the mess around here," Logan suggested.

"Good idea, mind helping them Logan?" Fluttershy asked.

"No prob, go do what you gotta do," Logan said.

Fluttershy nodded, "Ok, I'll see you in a bit." Fluttershy then flew off a little, making her way to the store.

Laura looked around, "Ok, time to clean up a bit." As she went down to pick up the food, she noticed an angry looking bunny standing nearby. "What do you want Angel?"

Angel rubbed his stomach, indicating he was hungry.

"Didn't you eat already? Pretty sure Fluttershy fed you first," Laura said as she placed the food in a nearby bucket

Angel crossed his arms with a glare, further annoying Laura. "Look, you're gonna have to wait til me, Logan and Dust finish up here, now buzz off."

Laura continued to work with picking up the food, further ignoring Angel's attempts to get her attention. When it didn't work, Angel made his way over to the bucket and kicked it over, enraging Laura.

"Hey! What gives you little-" Laura stopped herself and took a breath, "Gotta be calm, just do what Fluttershy would do." Laura cleared her throat and gave a soft glare similar to Fluttershy's and spoke as low as she could, almost as if trying to mimic Fluttershy's voice. "Angel, I would like to give you an extra snack, but right now I'm busy. You'll have to wait a moment sweetie."

Laura gave a convincing smile to Angel, only for him to grab the bucket and toss it at her face, any patience she had left turning into rage.

"YOU BRATTY MOTHERFU-" Lightning Dust had rushed over to Laura and held her back before she could advance and beat up the little rabbit.

"Yo chill Laura, he knows you get angry pretty easily, don't let him get to you," Lightning said and turned to Angel. "And you, quit being a brat and chill out a moment alright? We can't feed you right now, give us a few minutes and we can grab whatever you want us to grab."

Angel then grabbed the bucket again and tossed it and Lightning's head, causing her to feel some anger. "How does Fluttershy put up with you!?"

Angel stuck out it's tongue and hopped around everywhere, making more of a mess, much to the annoyance of the three ponies.

"I swear I hate that bunny," Laura said and walked to him. "Can you knock it off!? The more mess you make the longer it's gonna take us to clean and it's gonna take longer to feed you!"

"Or he's doing this until we agree to feed him," Lightning said.

Logan went to grab Angel but he hopped away onto the fence and stuck his tongue out.

"So how does Fluttershy handle him when he acts like this, or is he only nice to her?" Logan asked.

Laura shook her head. "I've seen him act bratty, she just talks sternly to him or gives him 'The Stare' until he listens, but he's usually a brat all the time."

"None of us know 'The Stare' and none of us have Fluttershy's way with animals, this little dude's gonna be tough to handle," Lightning said.

"I say one of us just feeds him then, get him off our back while we clean up," Laura suggested.

Logan shook his head, "No, then he'll think he got the better of us. We gotta teach him some manners, you two clean up, I'll handle the bunny."

Laura nodded, "Good luck with that Logan."

While the two tended to the mess, Logan focused his attention on Angel. "Alright bub, you have two choices. Number one, you can not only let us finish here but also help us finish since you made things worse or two, I'll catch you and give you my own brand of punishment. Now what's it gonna be?"

Angel stuck his tongue out at Logan, showing more defiance as he jumped to the other side of the fence. He prepared to hop off but Logan quickly rushed to the other side, blocking Angel's path.

"Where do you think you're going, bub?" Logan asked with a smirk.

Angel looked surprised and tried turning around, but Logan quickly blocked his path again, "Not fast enough."

Angel looked almost in a panic and tried moving to the other side but Logan quickly blocked his path. "You just ain't quick enough."

Angel took a few steps back, sweating nervously while he looked over at Logan's stare. He may not have Fluttershy's stare, but his stare was a presence of it's own. Angel took a breath and gave up, going back through the fence to help clean up the mess with the mares.

Logan had a prideful smile, "Took care of that."

As Angel helped clean up, Laura got his attention. "Listen, you help us quick enough, I'll prepare something really good for you, alright?"

Angel thought for a moment before nodding quickly and working a bit faster, getting a smile out of Laura as she rubbed his head. "Good bunny."

Logan also joined them in cleaning up, feeling some sense of pride in knowing that Fluttershy has done well with Laura. She's still got some ways to go, but progress is definitely being made.

Meanwhile with Fluttershy, she had reached the market where she grabbed some more food for her animals. She noticed the Apples nearby, selling their Apple products to various ponies. She figured she could use some for herself, her friends and a few critters, like her bunny Angel.

Fluttershy kept her basket in tow as she approached the Apple stand. "Hello Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh, Remy, how are you today?"

"Howdy Fluttershy, we're doing good," Applejack said.

"Doing some of your own shopping?" Remy asked.

"Yes, mostly for my animals. Any chance I can purchase some of your apples and apple treats for myself and everypony in my home?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sure thing, just tell me what you want, I'll get fer you," Applejack offered.

As Fluttershy picked everything out, Apple Bloom focused her attention away when she noticed some familiar ponies nearby. She saw her adopted older brother Peter looking in the market for some supplies. She also saw his little daughter Mayday tagging along, but the one pony that really had her attention was Rumble.

Apple Bloom had a big blush on her face upon seeing her crush, especially considering she had kissed him not too long ago, and he enjoyed it. She found herself just staring at him, resting her chin on her hooves while looking at him with her big affectionate eyes.

It didn't take Rumble too long to notice Apple Bloom, he caught her staring at him, though he offered a friendly wave, causing her to snap out of her gaze. Apple Bloom waved shyly too, with a big blush.

Peter and Mayday also noticed the Apple Family, particularly Apple Bloom. Peter himself waved to Apple Bloom, but Mayday had a brief glare at the Apple filly, knowing full well that she was staring at Rumble.

By this point, Fluttershy had gotten what she asked for, and even got a nice Apple Pie as a little bonus from Applejack.

"You don't have to do this for me," Fluttershy said.

"Ah know, but yer mah friend, once in awhile ah like to give yah treats," Applejack said.

"You're such a thoughtful friend, feel free come by my home sometime, you can bring your family with you," Fluttershy said.

"I'll keep that in mind," Applejack said and noticed Peter. "Speaking of family, there's Peter along with Mayday and Rumble."

Fluttershy turned her attention to the three, getting a friendly wave from them.

"Oh, nice to see you three," Fluttershy said as the three ponies got closer. "Where's Twilight?"

"Back home reading, got pretty boring," Peter said.

"My mommy sure loves to read," Mayday said.

"Yeah, looks like Beast would have some competition," Remy said.

"Yeah...anyway I just came down here to see if there was anything interesting," Peter said.

"Maybe some yummy treats," Mayday said.

"We can go see your Auntie Pinkie for that," Peter said and noticed the Apple stuff. He liked the way they looked and smelled, one thing he loves about the Apple Family, they're pretty good cooks. "Then again, Apples are always yummy."

"See any Apples you like Peter?" Applejack asked.

Peter tapped his chin, "Not sure, too many to pick from." He looked to Applejack, "Like this one Apple in front of me that has lovely green eyes, an adorable voice and the cutest pair of freckles I've seen on a girl."

Applejack blushed a little, "Aw Pete, yer too nice."

Remy looked displeased, "Yeah...too nice."

Peter looked toward Apple Bloom. "Then there's this cute little Apple that must be really special." He rubbed her mane a bit. "She has a bow."

Apple Bloom blushed, "Oh Pete, yer the best."

Rumble glared slightly at Peter, then turned to Apple Bloom, "I like your eyes."

Apple Bloom blushed more when she heard that, "Oh...thank you Rumble."

Mayday gritted her teeth, "Hey, Rumble, don't I have pretty eyes?"

Rumble looked to Mayday, "Uh, yeah sure. Real pretty."

Peter took a moment to register what happened. It seemed like Rumble was briefly jealous a moment ago. He remembers how confused Rumble was at first after he kissed Apple Bloom and wonders if perhaps Rumble might be realizing his affection for the little filly.

Applejack herself found that cute, Rumble really is a gentlecolt and she's happy that her little sister might have a stallion that treats her with respect. "You know Rumble, Apple Bloom ain't too busy at times, I'm sure she'd like somepony to spend time with, other than her friends. Maybe a pony that can take her somewhere? Just the two of them?"

Apple Bloom turned to Applejack with an angry blush, "Sis! Come on! This is embarrassing!"

Peter chuckled, "You know Rumble, that isn't such a bad idea. I think you two would look so cute on a date."

Rumble nearly freaked out, "Date!? That's a big word Peter. Can't it be just two friends spending time together!?"

Fluttershy giggled a bit, "He's so adorable, anyway I'll leave you all to this, I need to get home and feed my animals."

"Ok Fluttershy, see you later," Peter said and waved good-bye along with everypony else as Fluttershy went back home.

Peter turned back to the Apples, "Anyway I think we've put Apple Bloom and Rumble through enough awkwardness, I'll just take them back home or something."

"Sure thing Peter, see you later, you too Mayday," Applejack said and looked down to Rumble. "And ah know my sis will really look forward to seeing yer handsome little face again."

Apple Bloom blushed some more, "Dang it sis! Quit doing that!"

Rumble blushed some more, "Ok Applejack, see you later." Rumble quickly trotted away, still feeling a bit embarrassed over all this.

Apple Bloom groaned, "Great, now mah chances with him are slipping."

"Good," Mayday said in a whisper, then got a glare from Peter. "What?"

Peter sighed, "I'll just get going now. See you later Applejack, you too Remy, Big Mac and Apple Bloom. I'm sorry if I made you feel too awkward."

Apple Bloom waved it off, "You know ah can't stay mad at you Peter. Tell Rumble if he's interested ah would like to go somewhere with him."

"Will do, see ya," Peter said and walked off with Mayday, who shot an angry glare at Apple Bloom.

"I swear that filly is starting to hate me," Apple Bloom said.

"She's just possessive of Rumble, you were like that with me," Applejack said.

"Wasn't that possessive, besides the way she looks it's less like I'm taking her brother away and more like I'm stealing her coltfriend," Apple Bloom said.

"Give it time, that little filly will lighten up, if she takes enough after her father. If she's too much like Twilight then you're pretty much out of luck," Remy said.

Applejack looked unsure, then turned to Big Macintosh, "You haven't said a word this whole time. What's yer take?"

Big Mac shrugged, "Things will sort out I'm sure. Mah best bet, Apple Bloom should focus more on being a good filly for that Rumble boy than if Peter and Twilight's daughter gets too jealous. She'll lighten up, like you said, Apple Bloom was just like that."

"Ah was NOT that possessive!" Apple Bloom insisted.

"Apple Bloom, ah still remember when you were a little foal, you were always possessive over me and yer sister. Luckily you did outgrow that, otherwise you would have kept Applejack and Remy apart," Big Mac said.

Apple Bloom turned to Remy, "Well...I guess it's a good thing I ain't like that, would have missed out on a new brother."

Remy hugged Apple Bloom a bit, "Peter's right, you are a special little Apple." He looked to Applejack, "And your sister does have lovely eyes, an adorable voice and the cutest freckles on a girl."

Applejack gave a flirty smile, "Anything else you like about me?"

"Nothing I wanna say in front of your little sister and big brother," Remy looked to Big Macintosh, who had a look of suspicion. "Especially your big brother, who's also much stronger than I am and wouldn't appreciate that type of talk of his little sister."

Applejack did a playful smile to her brother and then gave Remy a small kiss, "Tell me later then."

Remy nodded, though still felt Big Mac's glare. He probably said a little too much.

As Fluttershy made her way home, she felt like she was losing her balance with the food. "Should have brought a bigger basket."

"Need help?" Peter asked as he approached her. He grabbed some of the more heavier things and propped them on his back, which to him felt like feathers.

"Thanks Peter, I can always rely on you," Fluttershy said.

"Just doing my job, I am the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Mane," Peter said.

Rumble and Mayday also caught up really quickly.

"Can I help with something Auntie Fluttershy?" Mayday asked.

"It's ok, your daddy has everything under control, but thanks. You're just as sweet as your father is," Fluttershy said and looked to Rumble, who still had a look of embarrassment from earlier. "Rumble, you ok sweetie?"

Rumble looked to Fluttershy, her face full of concern. Rumble can't help but find that face adorable, some fillies and mares are just way too cute for him.

"I'm fine, thanks Fluttershy," Rumble said.

"I think I went overboard with the date teasing, I just think Rumble and Apple Bloom make a cute couple," Peter said.

"No they don't," Mayday said with a little defiance.

Peter rolled his eyes, "Mayday, I know you love Rumble, but don't start acting jealous. I keep telling you that he's not gonna stop loving you."

"That's right Mayday, when your parents got married, Peter still loved the rest of us," Fluttershy said.

"Exactly, I love all of Twilight's friends, and I also love your Auntie Trixie, and also Luna. Rumble's always gonna love you," Peter said.

Mayday sighed a little. She's been told this many times but somehow it just doesn't register. She loves Rumble, but somehow she feels like she doesn't just want him as a friend. She just wants to tell Rumble how she really feels about him.

They eventually reached the cottage, where the mess had been cleaned up. "Wow, they actually picked up everything that spilt."

"Something spilled?" Peter asked.

Fluttershy nodded, "Yeah, some food fell, which is why I needed more. I'm proud of them for working so fast."

Fluttershy entered her home along with Peter and his two foals. Fluttershy had placed down her basket and grabbed the food, "I'll take it from here, thank you Peter."

"Anything for a friend," Peter said with a smile.

Fluttershy placed the food down and noticed that everypony was in the kitchen. "Oh, you're all getting something to eat?"

"Mostly for Angel, he got hungry and since he helped us clean up, we gave him something nice," Laura said and pointed to Angel, who looks like he'd eaten a large bowl of ice cream.

Fluttershy didn't look too happy, "Angel, didn't I already feed you?"

Angel shrugged and smiled, though Fluttershy didn't look too happy. "Did you bug them for extra food?"

Angel rubbed his head, maintaining his smile, though Fluttershy's continued look of unhappiness caused his smile to fade.

"I'll deal with you later young bunny," Fluttershy said and turned to Laura. "It's sweet of you to do that for him, but next time wait for me. If he's hungry for more food than I'll handle it," Fluttershy said.

"Ok then Fluttershy, we'll know for next time," Laura said.

"Good, but I'm happy you cleaned up the mess, and you did such a great job earlier, I got you something," Fluttershy said and revealed some apple treats she had gotten from Applejack.

"Wow! There's even an apple pie! Awesome! Thanks 'Shy! You're the best!" Laura said and gave Fluttershy a hug and kiss on her cheek and then went for the pie.

"Hey save some for me too!" Dust said as she also went for the pie.

Logan just watched the two mares jump at the pie, both stuffing it down and enjoying it. Fluttershy gave Logan some apple treats, "I got you some sweets as well."

"Yer the only sweet thing I need darling," Logan said as he kissed Fluttershy.

Peter snickered at that, "Wow Logan, that was really corny."

"Don't make me hurt you," Logan threatened with a cold glare, causing Peter to freak out a bit.

"So I'll see you home later, maybe?" Peter said.

"Not sure, if you or Twilight cook something, don't worry about leaving anything fer me. I'll be fine," Logan said.

"Will do, see you later," Peter said and walked off with the foals.

"Wait, mind if I come along? I wanna see Trixie," Lightning said.

"Yeah I'll come too, I'm sure Logan and Fluttershy would like some alone time," Laura teased, annoying the two ponies.

"Real funny Laura," Logan said.

"Hey, don't say I don't do you any favors, see you later," Laura said and walked outside with Lightning following.

Peter shrugged and left with his foals, both of them waving bye.

Logan shook his head, "That girl I swear."

Fluttershy nuzzled against Logan, "She's not wrong though, I wouldn't mind a little alone time with you."

Logan placed his foreleg around Fluttershy, "Yeah, I'm sure you wouldn't."

Fluttershy and Logan kissed once more, this time holding and extending the kiss. The one bright spot for Angel is that maybe Fluttershy will be in a better mood later.

Peter is walking home with Laura and Lightning Dust staying close to him, alongside the two foals.

"So what's Twilight up to?" Lightning asked.

"She's reading, she hates being disturbed when she reads though," Peter said.

"What does she get mad?" Laura asked.

"Yeah, she gets easily mad and irritated if I bug her, which makes it more fun when I do," Peter said.

Lightning raised her eyebrow, "You intentionally annoy your wife? Why would you do that?"

"Many reasons, mainly because she looks cute when she's mad, then again most girls do," Peter said.

Rumble thought about that, "Wow, you're kinda right. Apple Bloom did look extra cute today when her sister got her mad."

Laura grinned at Rumble, "So you think the Apple filly is cute? Does that mean you're not going for that colt-looking filly with the scooter or that prissy filly that's as bratty as her sister?"

Lightning glared a little at Laura, "Scootaloo isn't colt-looking, she's a cute filly, don't say things like that about her."

"And Sweetie Belle isn't prissy, a little over-affectionate but she's really caring of other ponies," Peter said.

"Besides I haven't decided, I don't wanna hurt the feelings of Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo so that's gonna be hard for me," Rumble said.

"Love's not easy, but I'm sure all of them would understand your choice when you make it, don't worry about that," Peter said. "Anyway back to Twilight, it's just fun messing with her. I love her very much but I do like to tease her a bit. Though me teasing her is just my way of telling Twilight that 'I love her', and her way of saying 'I love you too' is by clonking me hard on the head."

"Does it even hurt when she does that?" Laura asked.

"Not that much, I can handle it though. Lots of girls clonk my head besides Twilight. Trixie does, Luna does, I'm pretty sure Mayday will eventually do that, it's just part of my Parker Luck I guess," Peter said.

Lightning and Laura just glanced at each other in a confused manner, then back to Peter.

"You're weird," Laura put plain and simple.

They eventually arrived at the house and quietly entered inside.

"Be extra quiet everypony, I'll even take you to where Twilight is reading," Peter said in a hushed tone.

They tip-toed around the Treebrary, quietly going up the stairs. They tip-toed all the way to Peter and Twilight's room where the door was barely closed. They peeked inside and found Twilight sitting down while reading a book.

"Wow, she looks really geeky," Laura said in a low tone.

"Don't say that about my mommy," Mayday said in a louder whisper.

"Easy May, don't let her hear you," Peter said in a hushed gentle tone.

Twilight hadn't noticed anything, she was too focused on her book.

Rumble just watched her closely, not saying a word. Peter then had a somewhat mischievous idea. He gestured the others back, except Rumble, who didn't see the gestures. Once they were back enough, Peter took a deep breath and in a loud tone, he shouted, "TWILIGHT!"

Twilight got startled and looked up out of her book as Peter pushed Rumble into the room and closed the door behind him. He looked to others, "Go! Quickly go!"

Laura and Lightning wasted no time in moving. Mayday just glared at her dad, "What are you doing daddy!?"

"No time! Let's go!" Peter said as he grabbed Mayday and ran off.

Rumble shook his head a little, "What just happened!?" He noticed Twilight staring at him, she did not look too happy.

"Um...hi Twilight?" Rumble said with a nervous chuckle as Twilight stood up. She started to approach Rumble as he backed away a little, "Hey come on Twilight! I didn't even call you, Peter did! If you lost your place in the book it's all Peter's fault!"

Twilight just approached him some more with a look of disapproval. Rumble looked around nervously, "Twilight, remember who loves you? I'm your special little colt, I mean I'm sure you're not mad at me right? Right Twilight?"

Twilight kept walking until Rumble's rump was against the door. He turned around and saw the doorknob. He went for it but Twilight grabbed him with her magic and pulled him close to her, maintaining her glance of disapproval.

"Please don't punish me too badly," Rumble begged.

Twilight maintained her look before giving Rumble a playful smirk and a kiss on his forehead. "You're so cute and funny sometimes Rumble."

Rumble raised his eyebrow, "Huh?"

Twilight stood on her hind legs and pulled Rumble into a hug, "I'll get Peter for that later, for now would you mind spending a little time with me? I can get you your own book if you'd like."

Rumble was still a bit confused, but in the end just nodded his head, "Ok Twilight."

Twilight gave Rumble another kiss, this time on his cheek. "You're my favorite little colt Rumble, I love you very much."

"I love you too Twilight, I'm glad you're not mad," Rumble said.

"I am, but not at you. Like I said, I'll get Peter back for that," Twilight said in a stern yet calm voice.

"Good, I never wanna make you mad. Not because of what you'll do, but because I don't like making ponies mad," Rumble said.

"Good boy," Twilight said and sat back against her bed with him sitting between her legs as she levitated a book to him. "You're a very mature colt. I love Peter very much but he can be a little...immature for my liking."

"He's right about one thing, you are cute when you're mad," Rumble said.

Twilight rubbed his mane, "Oh Rumble. Just try not to do that yourself."

"Ok," Rumble said as he rested against her stomach while reading his book. Before he really got into it, he had one thing to ask. "Twilight, you fell in love with Peter right? Before he fell in love with you?"

Twilight nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"How do you know if you're in love? Like if it's not just a crush, that you really love another pony?" Rumble asked.

Twilight shrugged, "Truth be told, I didn't even know myself until Applejack explained it to me, then Cadance said that love is just something that can't really be explained. It's something you feel."

"You said that Peter can be immature, and you don't like that. How come you love him despite that?" Rumble asked.

"When you love somepony, really love them, then things like that you're willing to work through. Love is not just having everything in common, it's also compromise. Peter's very laid back and acts too much on his emotions without thinking. Me I'm a little more orderly and I like to think things through. But in a way it balances out because he helps me relax and I help him get in line." Twilight then had a question of her own. "Is there a filly that makes you feel a certain way? Is it Apple Bloom?"

Rumble shrugged, "I think so, I just feel something special with her. She's been trying to help me for a long time, she did her best to make me feel less lonely, she's always nice to me, she's more open and honest about her feelings with me."

Rumble turned around to face Twilight, "Maybe I am in love with her," he sat back against Twilight's stomach, "I think I'm in love with Apple Bloom."

Twilight 'awed' at that, it reminds her of when she overheard Peter's confession of love 5 years back, and also how she felt when she explained her affection for Peter to Cadance all those times.

"But I also know that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle like me, I might end up hurting their feelings. I know Peter has other mares that were in love with him, I'm not sure how much they loved him though," Rumble said.

Twilight at that point remembered the other mares that had feelings for Peter. Whether it's small crushes like Fluttershy, Rarity and Derpy, friendships that border romance like Sunset Shimmer, Trixie and Zecora, other girls like Felicia Hardy who has had flings with him, Spitfire who constantly talks about him, even mares outside of her world and Peter's, girls like Chun Li.

Then there's two other females in his life, like Future Sweetie Belle. The filly Sweetie Belle is probably over him, but the Future one definitely loves him, and is the only other mare besides Twilight who had been really intimate with him. It doesn't help that Future Sweetie Belle still seems to be infatuated with Peter, but she's at least restraining her emotions. Future Sweetie Belle will only be around a couple more weeks though, Twilight won't have to worry about that very much.

Finally there's Princess Luna, who if things turned out differently, could have been the one that ended up with Peter. Had she confessed her feelings sooner, it would have been Luna that could have been Peter's wife instead of Twilight, and thus missing out on a wonderful marriage. Despite all that Twilight pities Luna, she hates knowing that she lost out on her love, though hopes she had at least made sure Luna still felt loved despite that, even trying to make her feel like family.

She knows Rumble doesn't wanna go through this but it might be inevitable. THe best thing Rumble can do is be honest with his emotions.

"Rumble, listen. It's nice that you care about Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's feelings, but you can't let that get in the way of who you love. If you love Apple Bloom, tell her, her friends will understand. They're really nice girls, and if they're anything like my friends, you'll be just fine," Twilight said.

Rumble nodded, "Alright Twilight, thanks for helping me with this. Looks like you learned a lot from being married to Peter."

"It also helps when my Sister-In-Law is the Princess of Love," Twilight added.

"Wow, amazing family you have," Rumble said.

That got Twilight thinking, "Rumble, I really don't want you to move away with Flitter and Cloudchaser, but I can't keep you away from them. They love you a lot, and want to take care of you. So I have an idea."

"Sure, what is it?" Rumble asked.

"Maybe they can live with us? Me and Peter are gonna get this place renovated soon so his Aunt can move in. Maybe we can fix it up more so that Flitter and Cloudchaser can live here too, that way you don't have to move and you can still be with them. Would you like that?" Twilight asked.

Rumble beamed a huge smile and turned around, "I would love that!" He then gave Twilight a big kiss on her cheek, causing her to giggle a bit.

"I can't wait. Just look at this; Me, Peter, Trixie, Mayday, Spike, Aunt May, you, Flitter and Cloudchaser, one big family. Plus Spike might end up with Janet, then you and Apple Bloom, not sure about Logan, he might live with Fluttershy, though he'll always be family to me as well. But in the end we'll all be together," Twilight said, then blushed a little. "Plus me and Peter are gonna try for another child soon, maybe we'll have another daughter, or even a son." Twilight kissed Rumble's head, "Though you'll still be our little colt regardless, you'll just have another little foal to help watch over and love."

Rumble rested his head on her chest, "That would be the best. I love you and everypony here." Twilight pulled Rumble into a closer hug, she won't be letting him go.

Meanwhile with Peter, he had led the other ponies far away from the Treebrary, laughing along the way. "Wow that was great." Peter looked around and saw the angry glares from the mares around him, "What?"

"Peter, any reason you startled Twilight and pushed Rumble into that room?" Lightning asked.

"Like I said, I like annoying Twilight, though if I stayed around she would have kicked my butt. But I know Twilight would never be angry with Rumble, the worst she would have him do is chores if she's mad. If he's in trouble I'll go home and get him out of it so no worries," Peter said.

"Still, what if the kid hates you for that?" Laura asked.

"You know how often I annoy him? He's like Twilight, he'll be mad but he gets over it, especially if I get him an ice cream cone. Oh speaking of which, try to remind me later that I need to buy an ice cream cone," Peter said.

Mayday crossed her forelegs, "That wasn't nice daddy!"

"Don't worry, he'll be fine sweetie, arlight?" Peter said and moved in closer to Mayday's face, causing her to turn away.

"You're just like your mom, so cute when you're mad," Peter said while nuzzling against her cheek. "Who's my cute little filly? Who's daddy's favorite little filly?"

Mayday blushed in anger, "Knock it off daddy!"

Peter put on a pouty face, "Me and Rumble were just playing, you know I wouldn't let him be unfairly punished." He tickled her a bit, causing her to hold back a laugh, "I'll say sorry to him alright? Now just stop being mad. As cute as you are, I don't like seeing you mad."

Mayday rolled her eyes, "Fine, but don't do that to Rumble again!"

"Fine, I won't do that to Rumble again," Peter said.

"Do what to Rumble?" Peter heard, recognizing the voice as Rainbow Dash's. He turned and saw her approach with Johnny and Scootaloo. "What's up?"

"Hey speedsters. Nothing's up, I just pranked Rumble a little and Mayday's mad," Peter said.

"You pranked him? Awesome!" Johnny said. "Wait what did you do?"

"I interrupted Twilight while she was reading and left Rumble to take the blame," Peter said.

Johnny chuckled a bit, "Good one bro."

Rainbow crossed her forelegs, "Why would you do that? Twilight hates being interrupted when reading! You know that first-hoof!'

"Don't worry, she won't be mad at him, she's too much of a softy around him," Peter said.

Scootaloo also looked displeased, "Seriously Peter, don't do that to Rumble. I don't like the idea of somepony messing with my colt, even if that somepony is you."

Mayday raised her eyebrow, "Your colt?"

Scootaloo gave a smug look to Mayday, "Don't be like Sweetie Belle was to Peter."

Mayday turned her head away with a smug look. "I'm nothing like Sweetie Belle."

Peter shook his head, "Let's not get into this."

"Anyway Peter, pretty cool prank, I'm sure Rumble will be fine. If that were me, then that would suck," Johnny said.

Lightning looked back, "Wait, I just realized. Trixie wasn't home, where is she?"

Peter tapped his chin, "Right, neither was Spike. They probably left so they wouldn't disturb Twilight. Not sure where Trixie went though, Spike probably went to Sugarcube Corner to see Janet."

"I saw Trixie, she was one her way to Rarity's place, and Spike was with Janet, they were talking with Pinkie Pie and Deadpool at Sugarcube Corner," Rainbow said.

"Oh, ok then. I'm gonna go back home, see what happened between Twilight and Rumble. Lighting you can go find Trixie," Peter turned to Mayday. "Let's go sweetie."

"Alright, but Rumble better not be in trouble," Mayday warned.

"I know, don't worry, let's hurry up now," Peter said and made his way home with Mayday.

"Me, Johnny and Scootaloo are gonna go fly. If you see Trixie, tell her to pass that along to Rumble if he wants to come. We're gonna be at the usual meadow," Rainbow said to Lightning Dust.

"Sure thing Dash, maybe I'll pop by myself if you don't mind," Lightning said.

"Of course I won't, we're friends now after all," Rainbow said and flew off, "Let's go Johnny!"

"Right behind ya babe!" Johnny said and flew after Dash.

Scootaloo was about to join them when Lightning got her attention. "By the way Scootaloo, if you wanna date Rumble, you better hurry up. From what I hear, Apple Bloom's really gotten to him and he might be in love with her. If you don't act now, that's one race you won't win."

Scootaloo felt a bit worried, she doesn't wanna lose out on Rumble. "Right, thanks for the tip Lightning Dust, try to make sure Rumble comes, I'll be sure to woo him." Scootaloo followed Johnny and Rainbow Dash.

"Come on Laura, Trixie's at the Carousel Boutique," Lightning said.

Laura groaned, "Fine, but I am NOT talking to Rarity."

"I just wanna see Trixie a moment, that's all," Lightning said as she led her friend to the Boutique.

A few minutes later, the two had arrived and knocked.

"Welcome to my Carousel Boutique where-" Rarity noticed the two ponies in front. "Oh, Laura and Lightning Dust. I presume you're here to see Trixie?"

"Yes, is she in there?" Lightning asked.

"She is, she's enjoying some tea in Sweetie Belle's room," Rarity said.

The two mares entered and looked around. Bobby is seen setting some dresses up for display while Future Sweetie is sweeping up a bit. They went upstairs to find Sweetie Belle talking with Trixie while drinking some tea.

"How long can Twilight read in a day?" Sweetie had asked.

"A day? She once practically read a whole week once," Trixie said.

"Aren't you exaggerating a bit I mean there's no way," Sweetie noticed the two mares. "Oh hi! Come in!"

Trixie noticed them as well, "Laura, Lightning Dust, how are you two?"

"I'm fine, Dust here wanted to see you," Laura said.

Trixie grinned, "You really like my presence Lightning Dust, though I can't blame you. I am quite magnificent after all."

"Yeah you're pretty cool Trixie, a little arrogant but I like that about you. Besides I'm no better," Lightning said.

"I'm a little surprised Laura's here though," Trixie said. "I assumed you hated this place."

"I do, I honestly do. But I wanted to give Logan and Fluttershy alone time, plus Twilight's reading...that or she's pretty pissed since Peter startled her and left Rumble there to take the blame," Laura said.

Trixie went wide-eyed, "What did that idiot Parker do!?"

Lightning spoke up, "See we went to Twilight's room while she was reading and Peter then like shouted her name, then shoved Rumble into the room as he made us run. It was totally weird honestly."

Trixie looked concerned, "My poor little Rumble, I hope Twilight knows that it was Peter's doing. I swear I'm gonna get that imbecile for that!"

"Maybe I'll help," Laura said. "Truth be told, I kinda like that kid. He's nice, respectful and I know what he's going through. We both got taken in but we still love those we live with."

Lightning turned to Laura, "Including me?"

Laura nodded, "Yeah, you and Rumble are among my favorite ponies, along with Limestone and especially Fluttershy."

Lightning hugged Laura, "Thanks, I've really grown fond of you too, you're like my new best friend."

Laura rolled her eyes, "Yeah you too."

Lightning nuzzled Laura a bit and turned to Trixie. "Anyway don't worry too much about Rumble. Peter went back home to make sure Rumble's not in any trouble."

Trixie huffed and folded her forelegs, "He better, if Rumble's the least bit upset then Peter's gonna get it!"

"Wonder if he remembered that ice cream?" Laura wondered.

Meanwhile at Sugarcube Corner.

"Pinkie, one ice cream cone please, the kind Rumble likes," Peter said.

"You annoyed him again, didn't you?" Pinkie asked.

"Kinda," Peter said.

Mayday spoke up, "He interrupted mommy while she was reading and left Rumble to take the blame."

"Wow you're a jackass son of a bitch aren't you Parker!" Deadpool shouted from the kitchen.

Peter face hoofed, "Freaken Deadpool."

Spike and Janet watched from nearby, both shaking their heads.

"Funny as the prank sounded, Peter's such an idiot sometimes," Spike said.

"Yeah...he is. But we love that about him," Janet said.

Back with the four mares at the Boutique.

"Anyway I should be getting him soon, it was nice being out for a change," Trixie turned to Sweetie Belle. "I must admit, you can be pretty calm when not with your friends."

"Thanks Trixie, it's nice to have some peace and quiet once in awhile," Sweetie said.

"Maybe if you show this side of you to Rumble, he'll start to like you a little more," Lightning said.

"Better hurry, he seems a little more interested in Apple Bloom right now," Laura said.

Sweetie looked concerned, "What makes you say that?"

"Earlier today Peter mentioned those two having a moment, plus when Peter was talking about cute girls, Rumble brought up Apple Bloom," Laura said.

Trixie cleared her throat, "Take it from me Sweetie Belle, at this point, Apple Bloom is very close. If you have feelings for Rumble, you need to reveal them soon."

Sweetie Belle started to feel worried, was she gonna lose out on a cute colt? "Alright, thanks for the warning, I'll do my best."

Trixie nodded, "Alright, I'll be heading home shortly, but for now I guess a little more filly talk wouldn't hurt, let's just get to know each other."

The four fillies continued to talk until it was time for all of them to leave. Sweetie Belle needed some romance advice, so she had to get it from the only other pony that would help her, that being her older self.

Laura went with Lightning Dust to where Rainbow Dash was doing practice flights, after having told Trixie to go tell Rumble should he choose to come.

Trixie had gone back home where Peter had explained the situation. On the positive side, he found out that Rumble wasn't in trouble, that Twilight actually had a chance to talk with Rumble about certain things. Trixie was happy to know that Twilight wasn't angry at Rumble.

Unfortunately Twilight knows Peter annoyed her, thus Peter suddenly found himself trying to avoid Twilight's wrath as she chased her poor husband through Ponyville.

"TWILIGHT IT WAS A JOKE!" Peter pleaded. Unfortunately his wife paid no mind to it.

All beheld Peter attempting to outrun his wife as Trixie along with Mayday escorted Rumble to where Rainbow Dash was flying. Scootaloo immediately approached him, offering to show off some cool tricks. However Future Sweetie Belle had also arrived with her younger self, knowing that Rumble would be there.

"Poor Peter," Johnny said.

"He'l be fine, he does this quite often," Trixie said.

"Serves him right...at least I got ice cream out of it," Rumble said, still enjoying his treat.

"Hurry up and finish Rumble, I got some cool tricks to practice with you," Rainbow said.

"Sure thing, I'll be there in a-" Rumble was suddenly picked up by a pleading Peter.

"Please! Get her to stop!" Peter begged.

"PETER!" Twilight shouted and flew at him.

Peter looked to Rumble, "Come on little buddy!"

Johnny rolled his eyes, "You're too sad Peter, let me handle this."

Future Sweetie nodded, "I'll help."

Both stood before Peter as Twilight approached.

"Ok Twilight, I think Peter gets the message!" Johnny said.

"Yeah give the poor guy a break, he can't help being a moron!" Future Sweetie said.

Twilight continued to approach.

"Twilight, ease up will ya!" Johnny said.

She still moved forward.

"Twilight...why aren't you stopping!?" Future Sweetie asked in a concerned tone.

Twilight continued on, worrying the two.

"Yo Peter, she isn't-" Johnny was saying, then noticed that Peter was gone. "Peter?"

Future Sweetie looked around, "Where'd he go!?"

Twilight approached the two as they hugged each other and screamed.


Good thing they had fast friends who can react to things quickly. Regardless Twilight eventually calmed down before anypony could really get hurt. Peter made a note to always make sure to stay hidden until he was certain she would be calm. Johnny and Future Sweetie however, not too happy with Peter, but they'll get him back for that soon.

Later that night, Rumble is seen on the balcony while looking up at the moon. "I have a chance to have a real family again. To live with all the ponies I care about." He looked down. "Hopefully all the ponies I love will live here...I just want a nice family."

He looked back to the moon, "Luna's part of this family too in a way. Wonder if she would live here...wonder what she's like?"

Soon he was joined by another pony, "You can ask me yourself."

Rumble turned to see Princess Luna standing nearby. "Luna? What brings you here? Did you hear me talk to the moon? Did you read my thoughts?"

Luna giggled and shook her head, "No, I needed to talk to Peter and Twilight about something quickly, I wanted to do it up close. Then I heard you talking and I realized, I never really got to know you. You've been living with Peter close to two months, I almost feel a bit guilty."

"It's fine, you're just busy. Besides you're Mayday's godmother, not mine. You don't have to worry too much about me," Rumble said.

"That may be true, but that doesn't mean I can't make an effort," Luna said. "I hear so much about you Rumble, how kind you are and well mannered. Twilight loves you very much, so do Peter and Mayday. I even hear of how much Trixie loves you, she's rarely soft with anypony."

Rumble rubbed his head, "It's nothing really. They're so nice to me, I just wanna return their love."

"That's nice to hear. You're very loved and I know you're gonna grow up to be a great pony," Luna said.

"Think I can be as great of a pony as Peter?" Rumble asked.

"Of course, and you don't have to be a superhero to be great like him. Just being nice, kind and helpful is enough," Luna said.

Rumble nodded, "Ok Luna, I will."

Luna turned to go inside, "Now I need to speak with Peter and Twilight, perhaps we can do this more another time."

Rumble nodded, but before she went inside, Rumble flew over to hug her. "Thanks Luna...you said a moment ago that I'm loved, I just hope you feel loved."

Luna felt a little touched by that, she can definitely see a lot of Peter in this boy. "That's the first step of being a good pony. Care for others..." she kissed his forehead. "And yes, I do feel loved, I can sense your concern but I do feel love from all around me."

"Good...I don't want you to be sad."

Luna placed Rumble down and stroked his mane, "With a nice boy like you and a great family like this, how can I be?"


Luna turned to see Peter, Twilight and Mayday.

"Peter, Twilight, I need to speak with you both if you don't mind," Luna said.

"Sure thing," Peter said and turned to Rumble. "Mind taking Mayday to her room?"

"Alright," Rumble said and gestured Mayday to follow, "Come on."

Rumble brought Mayday to their room and placed her on the bed, "Now get ready for bed, alright?"

"Yes Rumble, thanks," Mayday said while smiling up.

Rumble gave Mayday a kiss on the cheek before heading to his bed.


Rumble turned around, "What is it?"

Mayday bit her lip, "Can you sleep next to me?"

Rumble raised his eyebrow, "What for?"

"I just wanna be next to you...please?" Mayday asked.

Rumble shrugged and laid next to her, "Only for a little bit though."

Mayday rested her head on his chest as he hugged her, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Rumble...I love you."

Rumble stroked her mane, "I love you too."

Mayday sighed and whispered, "Not the way I want you to though."

Rumble laid back while holding Mayday close. Rumble felt happy though, he was close to a big family and the potential of a new marefriend. That potential marefriend also had a big family. Plus there's Logan who's like family, and he's with Fluttershy, who has two other ponies with her, one of which he can relate to.

That pony, Laura, is back home, also wondering about things, how she's finally having a good family. Fluttershy, who's a motherly-like sister, and Lightning Dust, who's her best friend. She too thought about Rumble, how much of a nice boy he was. Perhaps she should make an effort to get to know him, build another bond. The more ponies she bonds with, the less alone she feels. She knows Rumble needs it too.

Back with Rumble, he's just laying back, happy that his family's getting bigger and hoping it becomes complete.

Some ponies just need some good love for them.

Author's Note:

Some stuff for Rumble and X-23. Probably shouldn't have hopped around like that but I was trying something a little different.