• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,560 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Love is Strength

The time was coming. Rumble had some business to attend to, and he was going to do it. He is gonna decide once and for all who his marefriend will be. He's confident it will be Apple Bloom, and became even more sure when he realized he didn't love Scootaloo that way.

All that was left was Sweetie Belle, arguably one of the town's cutest fillies, aside from the daughter of Spider-Mane and Princess Twilight, Mayday.

Rumble needed to figure this out now, he knows all the trouble that Peter went through due to him not realizing how many mares loved him. Peter may be married but he still has his fair share of admirers, from Princess Luna, to Future Sweetie Belle, even a mare of a rival world, Chun Li.

Rumble wasn't gonna make the same mistake as his hero and father figure, he would make sure he only loved one filly, hopefully he'll only love one.

The young colt was making his way over to the Carousel Boutique, hoping to find Sweetie Belle there. He already knew what to do, he would ask her out, get to know her and try to kiss her. From there he'll decide who he wants for his marefriend, and hopefully less headache.

He arrived eventually and knocked at the door, waiting patiently afterwards. He hoped that Sweetie Belle was there, he wanted this done and out of the way. Unfortunately when the door opened, it was to a mare Rumble was hoping he wouldn't see, a mare that would be a potential obstacle to his intentions.

"Oh...hello Miss Rarity, is Sweetie Belle available?" Rumble asked a bit nervously.

"Yes, but she's very busy right now," Rarity said flatly.

"Oh...do you know when I can see her?" Rumble asked.

"No, now if you don't mind..." Rarity then slammed the door on the colt before he could ask any further.

Rumble sighed at that and said in a low tone, "How immature." Rumble turned around and walked off a bit dejectedly.

Inside Rarity is making her way back to her dress she's making and was confronted by Future Sweetie Belle, who looked to have a scowl on her face.

"What is it?" Rarity asked, not wanting any further interruptions.

"That was very rude Rarity, you don't slam the door on a pony like that," Future Sweetie said.

"I didn't slam the door, I just closed it really fast. I'm really busy right now so I can't be bothered," Rarity said and went to her unfinished dress to continue her work.

"First off that WAS slamming the door and secondly are you seriously gonna justify that?" Future Sweetie asked. "You slammed the door in his face just because he wanted to see the little me. You can't do things like that Rarity, you can't hold a grudge forever."

"It's not about holding a grudge, I just don't trust him near Sweetie Belle," Rarity said.

"Why not though? Is it still because of what happened months ago? Something that wasn't really his fault in the first place?" Future Sweetie said.

"My Sweetie Belle's still young, she doesn't know any better," Rarity said.

"Rumble is a year younger than her though! If she doesn't know any better than he won't either!" Future Sweetie argued.

"I'm not debating this with you, truth be told you're barely mature yourself, still fawning over Peter," Rarity pointed out.

"Oh sure, go there," Future Sweetie said. "For the record, it was because of mine, or rather, mine and little's me's affection for Peter that you tried setting her up with a colt just to get her mind off Peter, a colt that didn't even show any noticeable interest at first!"

Rarity groaned, "Considering what he put the younger version of yourself through, I figured you'd be on my side."

"He didn't put her through anything! Johnny Storm and Rainbow Dash were the ones who got him in this situation, he didn't know how to be with a friend! The little me even basically forced or blackmailed him into keeping her secret! But that's what happens when you try to force a relationship, of course she was gonna run off like that!" Future Sweetie said.

"He should have said something thought" Rarity emphasized.

"He barely knew Sweetie Belle, from what I've heard he barely has had any friends, he's a shy awkward boy who has been prone to mistakes...doesn't that sound familiar?" Future Sweetie asked.

Rarity rose her eyebrow, "Oh let me guess, he's like Peter? I wouldn't compare the two, Peter's good traits outweigh his bad ones, and he would have said or done something."

"Maybe now, but at one point he hasn't, he's learned now hasn't he?" Future Sweetie asked.

Rarity turned her head away, "I'm still not sure..."

Future Sweetie shook her head. "My point still stands, you have a lot to get over Rarity. This isn't fair to Rumble, he has feelings too. How come everypony else likes him now except you? Even Applejack changed her perspective on Rumble, and she's usually very stubborn about this stuff, especially when her little sister's involved!"

"I don't have time for this Sweetie Belle, why don't you go...I don't know, make more of those latex suits." Rarity said.

"I can make more than just latex you know, but fine, have it your way. But when this turns around on you don't come crying to me!" Future Sweetie said and walked off, leaving Rarity very annoyed.


As Rarity went back to work, she started thinking about what Future Sweetie said. She wants to cast it aside, but perhaps she has a point? Is she being unfair? Rarity shook her head, she doesn't want to worry about this right now.

Future Sweetie had left the Boutique, searching around for Rumble. She found him making his way to Sugarcube Corner, so she quickly trotted over. "Hey Rumble!"

Rumble turned around to see the time traveling mare, "Sweetie Belle? The bigger one?"

Future Sweetie approached him quickly, "Found you. Hey you came by looking for me right? Oh I mean the little me."

Rumble nodded, "Yeah, but Rarity said she wasn't available." He then looked down and muttered, "Then slammed the door on me."

"Yeah sorry about that, I know Rarity can be a pain. But still, I take it you wanna see the little me right?" Future Sweetie asked.

"I do, but how can I go about it?" Rumble asked.

"Later on I'm gonna send her on an 'errand' to pick up some clothing supplies. I'll give you the address and you can meet her there, that way you don't have to deal with Rarity," Future Sweetie said.

Rumble beamed a smile, "Wow, you'd really do that for me?"

Future Sweetie rubbed his mane, "Of course, you're a cute boy, one I'd definitely date at her age."

Rumble blushed at that, "Wow um...thanks."

Future Sweetie rubbed his face a little, "Sometimes I can look at you and I would think of Peter, you both have that adorable look to you, plus that same caring attitude. I think you and the younger me will be great together, she could really use a colt like you."

Rumble held her hoof a bit, "Am I really like Peter? You think I'll be as great as he is?"

"Of course," Future Sweetie reassured. "You're gonna be a great stallion, I believe a lot of ponies are gonna love you, just keep being yourself."

Rumble nodded, "Ok, thanks Future Sweetie."

Future Sweetie then kissed his muzzle, earning a blush from the colt. "Good luck."

Rumble nodded and flew off, leaving Future Sweetie with a look of satisfaction. "Should have looked out for him when I was younger, oh well." She trotted back home, imagining the idea of her younger self dating Rumble, "I really should give the little me some tips on how to woo a boy."

Rumble was flying home with a hopeful look on his face, "Hopefully I'll finally figure out who I love today. I can't wait to have a marefriend, I'll know how Peter feels when he's with Twilight." He stopped to realize something, "Soon I'm gonna have to ask Peter how to keep a mare happy...or should I ask Twilight?" Rumble shrugged. "Eh...I'll ask them both."

As he went home, he had passed by Rainbow Dash and Johnny, who were sipping down some milkshakes, "Hi Rainbow Dash! Hi Johnny!"

The two Pegasi waved a moment, then tossed their cups to the trash and flew with Rumble.

"Where you off to kid?" Rainbow asked.

"Going home, I have a date to get ready for," Rumble said.

"Date huh?" Johnny asked. "Sounds fun, who you taking?"

"Sweetie Belle, hopefully I'll finally be able to pick my marefriend," Rumble said.

"Hm, you had a moment with Apple Bloom from what I heard, then one with Scootaloo, which she bragged about, now you want Sweetie Belle?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, I just wanna decide who I love, but I wanna make sure I'm making the right choice, so far I'm leaning more towards Apple Bloom but I just wanna make sure I'm not in love with Sweetie Belle," Rumble said.

Rainbow had a small frown on her face "What about Scootaloo? Aren't you gonna consider her? She's pretty cool."

"Yeah, she is cool. But I think I'd rather just have her as my friend, I don't think we'll work too well as a couple," Rumble said.

Rainbow had a look of disapproval, "What's wrong with her? You both like the same things, she should be an obvious choice for you."

"Nothing's wrong with her, she's just not a filly I would date," Rumble explained.

Rainbow scowled hard, "Oh, that's fine then." She looked to Johnny, "Come on Johnny, we have some things to do."

"Like what?" Johnny asked.

"Just come with me! I don't wanna ask again!" Rainbow said and flew away.

Rumble grew a little concerned and turned to Johnny, "She's not mad right? I mean I don't dislike Scootaloo, I still want her as my friend. I like spending time with her, just not romantically, that's fine right?"

Johnny nodded, "Yeah it's cool little dude. Dashie's probably a little unhappy since Scootaloo is like a little sister to her." Johnny gave Rumble a stern face, "Don't let that sway your decision though, Dash'll get over it, so will Scootaloo. As long as one of the Crusaders are happy then they'll all be, and once Dash sees how cool Scootaloo is then she'll mellow out."

Rumble nodded, "Thanks Johnny, I can see why you're Peter's best friend, I bet you told him all this type of stuff."

Johnny smiled sheepishly, "I did tell Peter that exploring with different girls is a good idea."

"Anyway, I'm gonna go talk to Twilight and Peter about this, see you later!" Rumble said as he continued flying off.

"Peter's out training last I saw him, just so you know!" Johnny said, then realized. "I should train too."

Johnny flew off as Rumble made his way home.

Later on the plan went into motion, Sweetie Belle had made her way over to a store to purchase a few seamstress supplies at the request of her older self. After finishing up, she went outside and that's where she saw Rumble.

"Hey Sweetie Belle!" Rumble greeted.

Sweetie's ears perked and her eyes widened, "Hi Rumble! What brings you here?"

"No special reason..." Rumble said, somewhat hiding his blush. "But now that I'm finally able to see you there's something I wanna ask."

Sweetie leaned in closer, "Sure, what is it?"

Rumble was gonna speak but he felt a surge of nervousness run through. He shook them away to focus on the task at hoof, he needed to get this done. "Will you...go on a date with me!?"

Rumble offered a somewhat hopeful smile, waiting for her answer, though he had a feeling he knew what she would say. However Sweetie at that moment didn't really express her answer with words, rather with action as she pulled Rumble into a strong hug.

"Oh Rumble! Of course I would!" She pulled back a little. "Thanks for giving me a chance at this, I won't mess up! This time my focus is only on you!"

Rumble sighed in relief, "Good. Um when's a good time for you?"

Sweetie thought about that, "Not sure, I mean I would love to do it now but," she picked up a bag with her magic. "I need to get these things home first and-"

"Hey kids!" Future Sweetie said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. "Ah Sweetie Belle, you got the stuff, good."

Sweetie raised her eyebrow, "Older me? What brings you here?"

"Sweetie Belle...I've told you before not to address me as 'older', I'm just you from the future, doesn't mean I'm that much older," Future Sweetie said.

"We're like over 20 years apart in age though, so technically you're-" Sweetie was interrupted.

"That doesn't matter!" Future Sweetie shouted, then calmed down a little. "What I mean is, that's a trivial fact so let's just move past it."

Sweetie rolled her eyes, "Whatever, anyway I got the stuff you asked for."

Future Sweetie grabbed it, "Cool! Thanks! Anyway you two look like you have plans so go about them, I'm gonna head home."

Sweetie looked at her future counterpart suspiciously, did she plan this or something?

"Right, anyway thanks old-I mean Future me," Sweetie said.

Future Sweetie nodded, "Right, have fun."

Before she left, Rumble nuzzled her a little, "For the record, you're still a beautiful mare, despite what your age might be."

Future Sweetie awed at him. "Such a sweet boy, you'll make an excellent coltfriend for a lucky filly."

Rumble nodded and turned to little Sweetie, "Come on."

Sweetie nodded and followed Rumble as the Future Sweetie looked on with a hopeful smile. "I they work out, that boy is what a girl like her...or rather like myself needs." Future Sweetie sighed, "He's just like Peter after all...a great guy."

Future Sweetie made her way home with the supplies. As she walked she noticed Peter in the park training with Chun Li.

"Just 200 more push-ups Peter," Chun Li said while meditating on his back.

Peter had an angry blush on his face, "This sucks! Why are you doing this!?"

"Because I needed a break and I didn't want you to slack off," Chun Li explained. "Now hush and do your push-ups."

Peter groaned a little, "This is ridiculous!"

Future Sweetie chuckled at that, though pitied Peter a bit. Chun Li has turned out to be quite the trainer. Though seeing Peter work out put a smile on her face, especially seeing him work up a sweat like he was doing. She could watch him work-out for hours.

Chun Li noticed Future Sweetie nearby, having a slight scowl on her face. She knows about what Peter went through in the future, and even knows about that incident with Future Sweetie. She won't fault Peter, but she will fault Future Sweetie, considering her very manipulating.

As far as Chun Li is concerned, Future Sweetie is lucky that she doesn't count as a Marvel fighter, otherwise she would challenge her. Unless she can work in a few extra fights.

Peter also noticed Future Sweetie, wondering what she was doing out here. He still has odd feelings around her from time to time, though he's slowly gotten past a lot of that. He just continued doing what he was doing until told otherwise.

Back to Rumble, he had taken Sweetie Belle to a nice spot at the edge of a pond. He sat with his hind legs in the water, Sweetie Belle doing the same as he held her close.

"Thanks for asking me out by the way," Sweetie said. "I know last time things didn't go too well but I'm gonna try this time."

"Don't worry about it, everypony makes mistakes, and it's safe to say that both of us made a few mistakes," Rumble said.

"I'm sorry for all the grief it caused you, I didn't realize you'd be blamed for everything. I thought I would be the only one to take the blame," Sweetie said.

"Hey at least things worked out just fine, like I said, don't worry too much about it ok?" Rumble said.

Sweetie smiled and nuzzled against his face, "You're the sweetest boy, I can't believe I didn't see it sooner."

Rumble hugged Sweetie closer to him. She felt really soft to hug, especially compared to the other girls. While Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were soft, they had some muscle on them, though considering one's a farmer that does some heavy lifting and the other works out a lot, it's not much of a surprise.

Sweetie just had that softness to her though, soon he started to nuzzle against her face and rub her mane, causing a blush from the filly.

"Easy Rumble, you're tickling me," Sweetie said.

Rumble stopped a moment and blushed, "Sorry, I just like hugging you. You feel soft and huggable."

"Aw...and you're so cute and kissable," Sweetie said and kissed Rumble's cheek a few times, causing him to giggle. "I like you Rumble, you're kind, cute, funny...it's almost like I'm with Peter."

Rumble wasn't sure what to make of that, normally he likes being compared to Peter, though it sounds more like Sweetie Belle still has some feelings for Peter. "Um Sweetie Belle...you do like me right? You're not just dating me to have an excuse to be around Peter more...are you?"

Sweetie looked at him confused, "Of course not. I like you Rumble, I would never hurt you like that."

Rumble looked into her eyes, didn't' seem like she was lying, though was she being totally truthful?

"So if I didn't live with Peter, you would still date me right?" Rumble asked.

Sweetie looked confused, "Of course...I don't want to hurt you Rumble, you believe me don't you?"

Rumble narrowed his eyes, "I know you don't want to, but you may by mistake. Twilight says Peter sometimes acts on his emotions and doesn't realize his mistakes until afterwards. For all I know you could be the same way."

Sweetie looked a little taken back from hearing that, "I'm not that emotional Rumble...at least I don't think I am..."

"You kind of are Sweetie Belle, you're a nice filly but you can overreact to things and are prone to making bad mistakes," Rumble said.

Sweetie Belle wanted to protest that, but deep down she knows he's not wrong. Still why would he just say something like that?

"Rumble that's a little mean, I don't mean to be like that, it just happens," Sweetie said, almost teary eyed.

Rumble nodded, "I know...I don't want to say anything that might upset you, but I do wanna be honest with you. Only because I care about you though," Rumble stroked her mane, "I still think you're a great filly, you just need to work on those flaws."

Sweetie couldn't stay mad at Rumble, he's at least trying to be nice about it. "I guess you're right." She too stroked Rumble's mane, "In a way maybe that's why I had a crush on Peter, he sometimes seems to go through the same awkwardness that I do, yet he handles it a bit better."

"Not alone, Twilight helps him a lot," Rumble said. "Plus he has help from his friends too."

Sweetie let out a deep sigh, "That's one reason I wanted to have a coltfriend like Peter, to help me though my awkwardness and help me feel confident in myself, and in turn I could help him. I really do care about Peter, it goes beyond just a crush. He's my friend too after all."

"Huh? What about your other friends? Apple Bloom and Scootaloo seem like really nice girls, I'm sure they'd love to help you with anything," Rumble suggested.

"Yeah, but I sometimes just want to be held close and told that I'll be just fine," Sweetie then rested her head on Rumble's chest. "That's why I want you as a coltfriend, someone to hold and cuddle when I feel worried."

Rumble positioned himself so that Sweetie can lay on his chest more comfortably and then hugged her as he stroked her mane. Somehow he wondered if he should go with Sweetie Belle, she seems really nice and could use somepony to be by her side.

However he doesn't think it's a good idea to go with somepony out of pity. So far he likes to hold and cuddle Sweetie Belle, plus she's really nice. But is that all? He remembered back to Peter and Twilight's relationship, how they helped each other out through their love and moral support. It's not just about the cuddles and the physical attraction after all.

For Rumble he's starting to look at it this way. Scootaloo shares his interest in doing cool and extreme tricks, especially flying, so he sees her as more of a friend or even a best friend rather than a marefriend.

Sweetie Belle is cute and cuddly, plus in a way she helps him feel needed since she just wants somepony to be there for. But does he need to be her coltfriend to do that? Peter's there for a lot of his friends without it having to be romantic. He always protects his friends and has no problem holding them close, like with Trixie. Peter loves Trixie a lot without it having to be romantic, same situation with Princess Luna.

With Apple Bloom Rumble thinks of these things. She was the first among the three to befriend him when his life started getting weird, she had always been there for him, even standing up for him against others. She's shown to be a responsible young filly, responsibility being something Peter takes very seriously, to which over time Rumble himself had strived to be just as responsible. She comes from a nice caring family and knows all the good traits to have. Plus Apple Bloom is more honest with her emotions, and he can tell she honestly loves him. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have a crush on him, that's for sure, but it's not love.

Rumble knows what he has to do, it's gonna be tough but he has to do it.

"Sweetie Belle, I have something to confess to you," Rumble said.

Sweetie looked into Rumble's eyes with a bit of hope, "Yes?"

Rumble gulped a little, this wasn't gonna be easy after all, he needs to do this carefully. "Sweetie Belle, you're a great girl and I like you a lot...but..."

Sweetie could see where this is going, "You don't have feelings for me...is that what you were gonna say?"

Rumble nodded sadly and bit his lip a little, "I'm really sorry. It's not you, it's just that...I think I'm in love with Apple Bloom..."

Sweetie looked surprised, "Apple Bloom? Wait then why did you ask me out?"

"I wanted to be sure I only loved her, I didn't want to find out I might be in love with you as well. Plus ponies keep telling me how similar I am to Peter, and I knew with that came a bunch of girls that were into me...so I wanted to give them all a chance...at least the three of you, Scootaloo included," Rumble explained.

Sweetie looked at a loss for words. She feels disappointed that she wasn't chosen...however she's happy that Rumble even considered her. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be.

Rumble brought Sweetie's attention to him, "I'm sorry, I still wanna be your friend though. If you ever need somepony to be with and cuddle with...I'm the pony for it. I'll still be there for you."

Sweetie felt so happy to hear that, at least Rumble still cared about her. Even if he wasn't a coltfriend, she can accept being a close friend to him.

"Thanks Rumble," Sweetie hugged him once more. "I'm a little sad I'm not gonna be your marefriend, but I'm happy you gave me a chance. But I'm also happy for Apple Bloom, she's my friend and I love her. So as long as she's happy then I'll be fine. You're gonna make a good coltfriend for her."

Rumble returned the hug, "I'm happy to hear, I promise to love her and care for her." He rubbed her mane, "We might be alone together quite a bit, but I'll do my best to make sure you and Scootaloo come along when you can."

"Don't worry about that, I know Apple Bloom won't forget about us, the only difference is that you'll be with us more," Sweetie said.

Rumble pulled back a little and stroked her mane, "Still...before I go with Apple Bloom, I do wanna do one last thing for you, if you don't mind."

Sweetie nodded, "Sure, what is it?"

Rumble brought Sweetie Belle in for a kiss, one he held on to for a good while. Sweetie was surprised but slowly fell into it. She was gonna enjoy this moment, for it's one she might not experience again.

Sweetie Belle then held him, wanting to hold him close to her as possible, making the moment last. She wanted to feel him out a little, rubbing his back. He's cuddly yet she could feel some muscles, he does work out a lot.

Rumble had to admit, she's soft to hold, and pleasant to kiss. She's almost a good of a kisser as Apple Bloom, a bit more softer than her as well.

After what seemed like a minute, Rumble broke away from the kiss with a satisfied smile, "Not bad at least."

Sweetie giggled, "Thanks...I enjoyed it, you're a good kisser."

"Thanks, I'm a little experienced," Rumble said.

Sweetie looked around, "What now?"

"Um, I should probably get you home, I need to see Apple Bloom soon," Rumble said.

Sweetie nodded, "Actually, how about we go to her now, you'll probably want somepony by your side when you confess your feelings to her."

Rumble turned to her excitingly, "Wow, you'd do that for me? Thanks!"

"No problem, it's what friends do after all," Sweetie said and left with Rumble.

Back with Peter, he had finally finished his exercise, he was really exhausted.

"Tired Peter?" Chun Li asked in a semi sarcastic way.

Peter glared, "Half this stuff is for your own pleasure, isn't it?"

"Maybe...you'll never know," Chun Li teased.

Peter wiped the sweat out of his face, "Anyway is that all for today?"

"That's all for right now, I have more planned for you, but I imagine you're hungry," Chun Li said.

"Yeah...I could go for like a ten course meal, maybe more," Peter said while rubbing his stomach.

Future Sweetie approached the two, "How's the training going?"

"It's going fine," Peter said. "Though I'm really starting to ache."

"Aw, need me to tend to those aches?" Future Sweetie asked.

Chun Li glared at Future Sweetie, "Yeah you would love to do that, wouldn't you?"

Future Sweetie turned to Chun Li with confusion, "Excuse me?"

Chun Li shook her head, "Nevermind. I need to get Peter fed," she looked to him. "Can you walk?"

"Give me a few minutes, my muscles are a bit sore," Peter said.

Chun Li nodded and scooted next to Peter to hold him close. "I'm here for you Peter, in more ways than one."

Peter looked to Chun Li with some confusion, then to Future Sweetie Belle.

"I'll leave you two alone a moment, I'm gonna go see if the little me is done with her date with Rumble," Future Sweetie said.

Peter turned to her, "You're little self is dating Rumble?"

Future Sweetie nodded, "Yeah, set it up myself."

"Good to know, hope it goes well," Peter said.

"Same here, well goodbye," Future Sweetie said and left.

Peter turned to Chun Li with some confusion, "Mind explaining what you just did a moment ago?"

"I'm just worried for you Peter. You're one of the nicest guys I know, and I care about you a lot, even more so than usual lately," Chun Li said.

"What happened though? Why have you gotten all possessive of me?" Peter asked.

"Let's just say I recently got a glimpse of your past, and a possible future," Chun Li said while biting her lip.

Peter's eyes widened, "You saw that crystal ball of my memories?" Peter thought back, "You were in my room, so I shouldn't be surprised but..." He looked to her, "How?"

"It just fell from a shelf, I didn't mean to look but it just happened," Chun Li confessed.

Peter groaned a little, "So that means you know about certain things in my past...and that one future?"

Chun Li nodded, "Yeah...seeing you go through all that...it just upset me so much." Chun Li stroked his mane, "I don't like knowing you went through so much, a sweet guy like you shouldn't have to endure such hard tasks."

"Come on Chun Li, I'm sure you and your friends have been through much worse," Peter said.

"That doesn't change the fact that you went through more than you should have. I don't like knowing how much you endured. Then seeing that latex pony show up and...you know, do those things with you..." Chun Li said.

Peter blushed a bit, "You mean Future Sweetie Belle? I admit, not my proudest moment, but she did have good intentions...I hope at least."

"Still, can't believe that happened," Chun Li blushed a little. "I still can't believe I watched it though," she looked to Peter. "You seem to be very good, though your sessions with Twilight also furthered that point."

Peter blushed madly, "Can you not get into that, it's really awkward!"

"Sorry," Chun Li said. "Guess it's my own curiosity, mainly since I myself have wondered."

Peter looked really uncomfortable, "Should I leave now?"

Chun Li blushed and shook her head, "Sorry...That was unprofessional of me, but you must remember Peter, I may be a fighter but I'm still a girl with emotions. So sometimes I do wonder how it would be if you and I ever...you know."

"Sorry, if I can help it I'm exclusive to Twilight," Peter said.

Chun Li nodded, "Right, I know. It's wrong of me to say this I know. But I would never do that with you since you are a married man."

Peter patted her back, "It's fine, you have emotions I guess, you can't help certain things. I appreciate you showing restraint, that's why I can trust you."

"Yeah, besides it's just a crush, I always found you cute but I don't think I was in love with you. Though seeing how you are with Twilight I'm starting to wish I went for you sooner," Chun Li confessed.

"Hey I myself thought you were cute the first time I saw you, I never thought you'd be into me though," Peter said.

"At a time I wasn't, but you've really proven otherwise. Besides I think Twilight truly is better for you, she knows how to take care of you." Chun Li kissed Peter's cheek, "But I'm still your friend, and I want to be there for you as well."

Peter blushed a bit, "Thanks, anyway let's go. I'm really hungry, I can almost smell that Twilight might be cooking something."

Both stood up and walked back to the library.

Later at the Apple Family farm, Rumble is walking into the field looking for Apple Bloom. He turned back to Sweetie Belle, "Is she even here?"

"She should be, she said she had some more chores to do today," Sweetie said.

Rumble looked around and saw her further off, "I see her, wish me luck!"

"Good luck Rumble!" Sweetie said as Rumble went off to find Apple Bloom. "I hope you can do it."

As Rumble went to Apple Bloom, Scootaloo flew over and landed near Sweetie Belle, "Hey Sweetie Belle, what brings you here?"

Sweetie waved, "Hi Scootaloo, I'm just here with Rumble, why are you here?"

"Practicing my flying, I just happened to fly near the barn," Scootaloo looked over to see Rumble. "So what does Rumble want here?"

"He's going to confess his love for Apple Bloom, it's so romantic!" Sweetie said with a squeak.

Scootaloo looked over, "Oh, I see." She suddenly felt a wave of disappointment. "I really thought I had a chance with that kid."

Sweetie Belle patted her back, "So did I, but we all got a chance at him. He just prefers Apple Bloom, that's all. He still likes us, just not the same way."

Scootaloo still looked a little bummed, "If you say so Sweetie Belle.."

"Come on Scootaloo, we're Apple Bloom's friends, we have to be happy for her. He was very careful on this, it's true love after all," Sweetie said.

Scootaloo looked over to them. She suddenly started realizing how lucky her friend was gonna be, and that made her happy. "You're right, Apple Bloom is our friend, if she's happy, then I'm happy."

"Let's just watch as Rumble confesses his love to her," Sweetie said.

The two fillies looked on as Rumble rushed over to Apple Bloom, ready to finally admit his emotions. "Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom turned to Rumble, a big smile formed on her face. "Rumble! I'm happy to see ya! What brings you here?" Apple Bloom had an idea of why he was here but she wants to hear it out herself.

"I have something to ask you Apple Bloom, something very important," Rumble said.

Apple Bloom leaned in, seeing if he would say what she's hoping he would say, "Sure, what is it?"

"Sorry I kept you waiting with this, but I'm ready now," Rumble then took her hooves in his. Apple Bloom knew what this meant, but hearing his following words just made it all so much better, "Will you be my marefriend Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom was instantly filled with happiness and excitement. It's finally happening, she's gonna have a coltfriend.

"Oh Rumble, yes, I would love to be your marefriend!" Apple Bloom exclaimed and pulled him into a deep kiss to signify the relationship.

Sweetie awed from afar, Scootaloo just had a smile. Both loved this development and were happy for their friends. They had a feeling both would be very happy together.

Apple Bloom broke the kiss and smiled at Rumble, "Looks like we're finally an item."

Rumble blushed a bit, "So...should we tell our families?"

Apple Bloom nodded, "Guess so." She nuzzled his neck, "Oh Rumble, you made me the happiest filly."

"It's my pleasure to, I love you Apple Bloom," Rumble said.

Apple Bloom blushed at that, Rumble actually said the word 'love'. "Ah love you too Rumble."

The two engaged in one more kiss, though it was cut short when they heard some 'aws' and giggles nearby.

"Looks like mah family already knows," Apple Bloom said in an irritated way.

Suddenly Applejack, Remy and Big Macintosh emerged.

"I knew there was gonna be something good the moment that Rumble boy made his way over here," Remy said.

"Not to mention her friends were watching nearby, ah love a good love confession," Applejack said.

"Eeyup," Big Mac said.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, "Anyway yeah, Rumble's mah coltfriend now. Looks like our family has become that much closer with Peter's."

"Sure has, I'm proud of you two ponies," Remy said.

"Same here, you're really growing up Apple Bloom, I'm really proud of ya," Applejack said.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo ran over to them.

"Congrats you two," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, we're so proud of you," Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom hugged her friends, "Thanks fer the support, ah love you both."

Her friends returned the hug before she broke off and turned to Rumble. "Come on, let's go find Peter."

Later on the foals were seen making their way to the Parker-Sparkle home, Rumble trotting very close to Apple Bloom, both giving each other occasional love gazes.

"You're pretty by the way," Rumble said.

Apple Bloom giggled, "Yer too kind."

"You're much kinder, you make me feel happy," Rumble said.

"Aw, and yer the only colt fer me, I love ya Rumble," Apple Bloom said.

Rumble greeted that with a kiss, "You too my Bloom of love..."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, "Great, now they're gonna get all mushy. Probably a good thing I didn't end up with him, I don't do mushy."

"I think it's cute, Rumble's so romantic, and Apple Bloom's such a great filly, I'm so happy for them," Sweetie said.

"Yeah, so am I, but come on, enough's enough," Scootaloo complained.

They reached the Parker-Sparkle house and went inside. They were greeted by Trixie, "Rumble you're home...and you brought your friends..." Trixie barely hid her glumness.

"Come on Trixie, we're not little fillies no more! We're not as wild as we used to be," Apple Bloom said.

Trixie looked unconvinced, "Right, I'm sure you aren't."

"Well, yer gonna have to get used to me, seeing that me and Rumble are finally a couple," Apple Bloom said.

"WHAT!" they heard Twilight yell from the kitchen. Suddenly she had teleported in front of Rumble and Apple Bloom, a big eager smile on her face. "You two finally got together!?" She hugged both of them close, "That's so romantic! I'm so happy for the both of you!"

The two foals chuckled nervously while Sweetie and Scootaloo stepped back a little to avoid Twilight's total happiness.

Peter had come out of the kitchen a little confused, "Hey what's going on out here?"

"Rumble and Apple Bloom are a couple now, Twilight's pretty excited," Trixie said, then smiled at Rumble's direction. "Though I myself am proud of the little guy."

"Wow, they really went for it! That's awesome!" Peter trotted over to Rumble. "Congrats little buddy, I'm so proud of you! And you as well Apple Bloom."

The two foals released themselves from Twilight's hug and went to hug Peter.

"Thanks Peter, it means a lot," Rumble said.

"Yeah, now all mah big brothers know," Apple Bloom said.

"So I take it you told Remy and Big Mac? How about Applejack?" Peter asked.

"Applejack knows too, she's really happy," Apple Bloom said.

"Good, you're gonna make a great couple," Peter said to the two foals. "Remember to always cherish and protect each other, you'll find that being in love and having a special pony in your life is a remarkable thing that can't be measured."

Rumble and Apple Bloom held each other's hooves as they looked back to Peter, as if signifying that they'll always be with each other.

Chun Li had also come out the kitchen and noticed this, "Aw, what do we have here?"

Rumble bowed to her, "Hello Miss Chun Li, are you still training Peter?"

"Yes I am, and you don't have to call me 'Miss', just Chun Li is fine," Chun Li said.

Rumble giggled, "So many mares have told me that, oh well better to show the initial respect."

Chun Li ruffled Rumble's mane, "I like a boy that knows respect, Peter's taught you well."

"I also had help from Twilight, Flitter and Cloudchaser, but Peter's taught me a lot as well. I wanna be a great pony like him when I get older," Rumble said.

Peter blushed a little on that, "Aw, thanks Rumble."

Chun Li turned to Peter, "Rest up, we'll resume training in an hour."

Peter bowed to her, "Yes Chun Li."

Peter went upstairs to relax a bit. Rumble looked up and turned to Apple Bloom, "I gotta go talk to Peter about something.

"Sure thing, ah should get home then. Though if you wanna come by later, feel free to do so," Apple Bloom said.

Rumble nodded, "Sure thing, I'll make the effort, bye Apple Bloom." Rumble gave her one last kiss before she left with her friends.

Twilight approached Rumble and nuzzled her face against his, "I'm so happy for you."

Rumble hugged Twilight a bit as she nuzzled him and then kissed her cheek. "Thanks Twilight." Rumble went to go upstairs but found himself in another hug from Trixie.

"Trixie loves you Rumble," Trixie said.

"And I love you Trixie," Rumble turned to kiss her cheek as well.

Rumble then flew upstairs, leaving the mares down and wondering.

"I'm glad Rumble's happy," Twilight said.

"All of those Crusaders are happy, they didn't let this affect their friendship," Trixie said.

"That's a good thing, besides they'll find somepony too," Twilight said.

Upstairs, Peter is lying on his bed, his body still feeling some aches from the training. Luckily his accelerated healing process has helped out big time, so he should be fine in an hour. He heard a knock on his door, "Come in."

Rumble entered the room, "Hey Peter, got a few minutes?"

"Sure, I always have time for my family," Peter sat up. "What do you need? Dating tips? Some romantic words to give to her? How to not annoy her? Because I suck at the last one."

"Oh I know you do," Rumble said with a playful smile. "But yeah I would like to talk more about this. Truth be told, I'm a bit nervous, being a coltfriend means having to give a lot of my time to Apple Bloom and be there for her." Rumble sat next to Peter and gave pleading eyes, "I need your help on that Peter."

"And I'll help you, ok little buddy?" Peter asked.

Rumble nodded, "Thanks, I'm glad we're friends Peter. Well not just friends, I mean we're family."

"Don't you forget that either," Peter said and pulled Rumble for a side hug. "I want you to stay in my family too."

"Same here, it's just amazing though. You're the greatest superhero in the world, at least to me. Now suddenly you're a big part of my life, ever since I've moved here I've looked up to you that much more. You are the type of pony I wanna be like; kind, caring, always there for another, always putting yourself before others..." Rumble gazed up a Peter. "You're my hero Peter, I know I've told you this before but I can't help telling you this, you mean so much to me Peter."

Rumble crawled over Peter's lap so he could hug him, "I love you so much Peter, you and everypony in this family."

Peter hugged Rumble close as well, even stroking his mane. "Rumble, those words always mean a lot to me. The reason I try to be a great hero is for ponies like you. My family, my friends, all that I want to protect and be there for." Peter turned Rumble's attention to him, "Ponies like you help give me strength."

Rumble had an almost teary face and a smile to go with it, "Happy to help Peter."

"No problem...anyway what did you wanna ask about romance?" Peter asked.

Time went by as Rumble talked to Peter, trying to learn everything he can from the hero. Later on Peter went to train more with Chun Li. Rumble came to watch alongside Twilight, Trixie and The Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"This is the coolest thing!" Scootaloo said.

"Chun Li's so talented, I'd like to learn from her one day," Sweetie said.

Rumble sat against a tree with Apple Bloom resting on his chest. Rumble rubbed her mane while remembering all that Peter told him. He also remembers what Peter said about protecting those he loves. Rumble wants to be there for Apple Bloom and keep her safe. He wants to be there for each of the Crusaders.

Apple Bloom however knew after seeing it from Twilight and Applejack that romance is a teamwork. Rumble would be there for her, she knows that. But she also knows that she has to be there for Rumble when he needs it. Sometimes he'll need a boost, and she's the one to give him that boost.

"Rumble," Apple Bloom said, getting off his chest as he turned his attention to her. "Listen, ah want you to remember that while ah know you'll be there when ah need you, and ah can count on you, you gotta remember that I'm gonna be there fer you alright? If you need help don't be afraid to come to me. Peter and Twilight are there fer each other, Remy and mah sister Applejack are there fer each other. So ah want to be there fer you."

Scootaloo walked up to the two, "I'm with you as well Rumble."

Sweetie Belle also approached, "We'll be there for both of you."

Rumble awed, "You have the greatest friends Apple Bloom."

Scootaloo sat beside the two foals, "We're your friends too Rumble, don't forget that."

Sweetie sat close to Rumble and nuzzled him a bit, "We love you both after all."

Rumble pulled all three into a hug, "I love all three of you, after all you're my favorite...wait-"

Apple Bloom looked curious, "What's wrong?"

"My Mayday senses are tingling..." Rumble said.

The Crusaders looked at each other curiously then back to Rumble.

"What do you mean yer Mayday senses are-"

Apple Bloom was interrupted when a small filly arrived suddenly and grabbed Rumble into a big hug.

"Rumble! My favorite colt! Mayday said, hugging Rumble tightly.

Rumble realized he forgot one thing. "Hi Mayday, sorry I haven't been at home much today, when I was home before you were napping."

"Well I'm awake, and thanks to Uncle Spike and Auntie Janet, I found you!" Mayday said.

Rumble looked over to Spike and Janet, both of whom seem to find that hilarious. Rumble glared at the two a bit before focusing on Mayday.

Apple Bloom had remembered, how is she gonna tell Mayday she's dating Rumble? Mayday has never liked sharing Rumble after all. She'll have to figure that out.

Twilight came by to grab Mayday, "Easy now, don't get too carried away."

Mayday giggled, "Sorry mommy, he's fun to hug."

"Yes, he is, but don't hog him for yourself alright?" Twilight said. "He's got enough love for everypony."

Mayday nodded, "Alright mommy."

Soon Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash came by with Remy, Bobby and Johnny to pick up Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"Come on Apple Bloom, time to get home," Applejack said.

"Alright," Apple Bloom said and turned to Rumble, "See ya later Rumble." She gave him one kiss on the cheek before following Applejack and Remy.

Rainbow Dash approached Scootaloo, "Come on, I gotta get you home."

Scootaloo nodded and turned to Rumble, "Bye Rumble, see you around."

Rainbow Dash looked back to Rumble. Part of her still wasn't happy that Rumble didn't pick Scootaloo, but her little sister didn't seem to upset. It looks like she's still friends with Rumble, so why stay upset about it?

Rainbow gestured Scootaloo to Johnny and approached Rumble with an apologetic face. "Hey. I'm sorry if I gave you an attitude before. I thought you and Scoots would make a cute couple, but if you're not into each other then that's fine, just be a good friend to her."

Rumble nodded, "I promise Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow rubbed his mane, "You're a great kid, keep up the good flying." She joined with Johnny and Scootaloo.

Rarity approached Sweetie Belle, "Time to go home now."

Sweetie nodded and hugged Rumble a bit, "See you later." She kissed his cheek and then went to her sister, who sent her to Bobby.

Rarity looked back to Rumble, then back to her sister. She thought a moment about something, taking in words of advice from those around her. She finally came to a realization for something, and it's time to do the right thing. She trotted over to Rumble and gave him a quick brief hug. "Please Rumble, be a good friend to my sister. Can you promise me that darling?

Rumble looked up with some surprise, her normally disapproving face turned into one of care and affection. "Absolutely Miss Rarity, thank you."

Rarity couldn't help but kiss his head, "It's just Rarity darling, and thank you. I'm sorry for giving you trouble before."

Rumble answered with another hug, happy to finally have Rarity on his good side again. The seamstress then walked off to catch up with her coltfriend and sister, leaving the young colt feeling happy and at ease.

Twilight and Trixie both approached Rumble and kissed each of his two cheeks, causing more happiness for the colt. Rumble then looked over to Peter, who offered a smile to the young colt.

Mayday then went back to Rumble and hugged him some more, "Finally, all to myself again."

Rumble rolled his eyes but hugged Mayday in return. He still loves her, that won't change.

Chun Li walked over to Twilight, "I'm done training him, we should head home. He's aching in certain parts of his body, so you might want to tend to those tonight."

Twilight nodded, "Will do, thanks Chun Li."

"Make sure he gets enough rest too, he's doing great though. You have a very talented husband," Chun Li said.

"And he has a great trainer, thanks for doing this for him," Twilight said.

Chun Li nodded her head and gave Twilight a quick hug, "You're a great wife by the way. Peter tells me a lot about you, take good care of him."

"I will, thanks," Twilight said, returning the hug.

Peter is panting while wiping sweat from his head, "Damn, that's quite a workout."

Rumble giggled a bit, "She really worked you Peter, though this has me curious about something now."

"What?" Peter asked.

"Do you think you can ever train me so I can be a superhero like you?" Rumble asked.

Peter looked at Rumble with surprise, "You want me to what?"

"Train me, maybe I can be your sidekick one day. It will be so cool!" Rumble said.

Peter looked unsure, "Rumble, do you really wanna be a superhero? It's not an easy job."

"I want to help others like you do, I want to be strong to protect the ones I care about. Please Peter, I want to learn from you. Be my trainer," Rumble said.

Peter still looked unsure, he wasn't sure if he could even pull off being a trainer. "I'll think about it Rumble."

Rumble at least held hope that he could become as great as Peter someday. He hugged his favorite hero, to which Peter returned. Mayday then jumped in between the two so she could be with both of her favorite stallions. Twilight and Trixie also gave the three a hug, making it much more of a family hug. Spike gestured Janet to follow him so they can join in the hug.

Chun Li watched in happiness, seeing them so close as a family, made her wish she had a family of her own.

"Hey Chun Li, feel free to join in if you're lonely," Peter said.

Chun Li shrugged and joined in on the group hug, feeling a new sense of happiness. Such a great family to be with.

Looks like there is plenty of love to go around, and all types that form within it.

Author's Note:

Rumble has made his choice on who to love. Plus Peter continues to train with Chun Li and find himself wondering about being a trainer himself.