• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 14,922 Views, 177 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls in Space - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in action as they team up with the Heroes in a Half Shell to save the planet earth from destruction by changing the past.

  • ...

The Cosmic Ocean

In Princess Celestia's throne room, Human Princess Twilight Sparkle was kneeling before her, as Celestia spoke, "Twilight, what troubles you?"

Princess Twilight answered, "Princess Celestia, me and my friends be they from Equestria or the Human world have faced dangers before no matter how bad the odds were, but this may be our most challenging quest yet. If we can't find the pieces of the Black Hole generator, then this world is doomed, and I feel like I will be partly to blame for it." she sighed.

Celestia answered, "Twilight, in times like these you musn't let the fear of failure cloud your way of thinking. You and the others must remain strong and together in order to save their world."

"But what if we can't do it?"

Celestia smiled, "I have every bit of confidence in you as I've always had. And no mater what I couldn't have asked for a better pupil."

Princess Twilight smiled with hope, "Thank you, Princess." suddenly Princess Celestia fizzled out, and the throne room vanished to reveal Princess Twilight had been in the hologram room. She sighed in relief before exiting where Spike was waiting for her.

"Did what you needed to do?" her assistant asked.

"Yes, Spike." she answered, as they started walking back to the bridge.

"Not to burst your bubble or anything, but you realize that wasn't really Princess Celestia you were talking to in there."

"I know, Spike. But hologram or not, that still felt like what the real Princess would've said to me."

"As long as you don't fool yourself into thinking it's fully real." Spike replied, as they saw Leo walking by.

"Hey, Twilight." Leo greeted her.

"Hey, Leo. Where are you off to?"

"Going to the simulation room for a bit. You?"

"I just came from there. Try not to be too long in there, you never know when Fugitoid will need us."

Leo smiled, "I won't be long." he continued on, as Princess Twilight and Spike continued on to the bridge.

When they arrived at the bridge, Applejack spoke up, "There ya are, where were ya?"

"I was in the hologram room." the Princess of Friendship answered.

"Getting in some solo training?" Rainbow guessed.

"Not exactly."

"She went in there to talk to Princess Celestia." Spike answered.

Sunset Shimmer looked concerned over that, "You do know that..."

"I do. But it's nice to hear her voice from time to time."

"Just don't make a habit of it. Leo's been going in there more than you have for that same reason." Donnie noted.

"It's not healthy for him to be talking to a hologram of Splinter all the time. I miss him too, but it's not good for him." Raph noted.

"Exactly what I said to Twi." Spike replied.

Mikey spoke up, "Leo just needs him right now more than ever. He'll be okay."

Fugitoid put in, "In a way, he is talking to the real Splinter, at least your memories of him. The simulator is psychic, and can respond..."

"It's still not the same, Fugitoid." Raph cut him off.

"Raphael, I hear where you're coming from, but we're all stressed about what's been happening as of late." Rarity assured him.

"Rarity's right," Twilight agreed, "We have the first piece of the black hole machine, and now that we know the locations of the other two we can get a head start before the Triceratons find them."

"So let's not be down in the dumps, huh?" Pinkie smiled.

Soon enough Leo returned tot he bridge, as Fugitoid spoke, "Leonardo, you've arrived just in time!"

"For what?"

"My friends I present to you The Cosmic Ocean of Varuna!" Fugitoid declared, as they saw out the window a pinkish glowing nebula.

"It's so beautiful." April gasped.

"Lovely." Rarity marveled.

"Pretty." Fluttershy smiled.

"Yes. I would not wish destruction to such a planet should my brethren come looking for the fragment here." Traximus added.

"A vast interstellar liquid nebula in a region of space unlike any other in the universe," Fugitoid explained, "Here, within its depths, lies the second fragment of the Black Hole Generator."

"So what are we waiting for? Let's do this!" Leo declared.

"All right!" Casey cheered.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Rainbow pumped a fist. As the Ulixes took off, the group was unaware of another flying after them.

As the ship reached the tip of the nebula, Fugitoid spoke, "Here we are. Do keep in mind that I have no idea whether our computer systems will work or if we can even survive once we enter the nebula. Here we go!"

"Wait a minute!" Applejack called not liking that they're rushing in.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy cowered.

The ship passed through the nebula before temporarily shutting down, "Hold on!" Fugitoid called as he applied full power to the ship. The ship regained altitude and continued on.

"What a relief." Rarity sighed.

"That was scary." Dog Spike said.

"Check it out." Casey said, as they looked out the window seeing Varuna looked almost like they were under the sea back on earth, only there were different kinds of space sea plants and smaller sea creatures.

"This is amazing." Twilight marveled.

Fugitoid spoke up, "Varuna is the home of the Daagon, Ancient beings and allies of the Utrom, who have been entrusted to protect the second Black Hole Generator fragment."

"Let's hope they did a better job than the Aeons." Raph said.

"You and me both." Sunset agreed.

"A complete ecological system bigger than any ocean on any world!' Donnie cheered.

"Wish we could stay and study this place." Twilight said thinking of all the awards she could earn.

"Watch out for that weird electrical seaweed!" Raph called, as they saw some seaweed generating static electricity.

"No need to fret. I'll have us through in 2 minutes and 20 seconds!" Fugitoid assured, as the ship continued flying, until they stopped.

"Why'd we stop?" Casey asked.

"Guys, I think we got company." Spike said nervously.

They looked out the window seeing several anthropomorphic sea creatures surrounding them with their eyes fixated on the ship, "What are they?" April asked.

"The Daagon," Fugitoid answered, "Come along." he showed led the group up to the top of the ship with their helmets on.

"Fugitoid, I know the Daagon are the Utrom's allies, but can we really count on them to help us?" Leo asked.

"What if they're not so friendly like the Kraang?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not to worry, Fluttershy. The Daagon are an ancient, noble, honorable amphibian race. So I hope so."

The Daagon guards surrounded them, and Leo decided to speak first, "Uh greetings! We would like to talk to you about..." Leo was cut off, as the lead guard made fish noises, and suddenly more guards landed on the ship to restrain the heroes, much to their shock.

"If this is Daagon hospitality, I don't want to know what you do to intruders." Rarity shook.

"Get off me!" Rainbow struggled.

Fugitoid spoke up, "Stop! My Daagon friends! This is the sigil of the Utrom!" he held up an orb with the Utrom symbol.

Seeing this, the captain called the guards off, and they released the heroes, "That's more like it." Applejack said.

Soon the heroes were riding on giant sea creatures with the Daagon, "Whoo-hoo!" Pinkie cheered.

Fluttershy was patting the back of the creature she was riding earning a playful laugh out of it, "Oh, you like this?" she continued to pet it.

The group passed through the ocean part and found themselves in the Daagon's dwelling area. They looked around in fascination before they were admitted into one of the realms where they could safely remove their helmets. They looked up and saw perching on top of a rock was a marine lady figure with her bottom half composed of multiple tentacles.

"Who enters the realm seeking audience with Hiidrala, Supreme Ruler of the Daagon?" the being asked.

The girls were astounded by her appearance, as Rarity spoke, "She looks beautiful."

"If ya like the aquatic type." Rainbow muttered, only to be shushed by Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer.

The group bowed to the ruler, as Leo spoke up, "Greetings, Supreme Ruler! My name is Leonardo. And these are my companions."

"What up?" Mikey asked a bit obnoxiously, only to get head smacked by Raph.

Princess Twilight spoke, "And I am Princess Twilight Sparkle of the world of Equestria. And these girls are also my friends and comrades."

"Hiya!" Pinkie waved only to be shushed by Applejack.

Fugitoid held up the Utrom symbol, "We come bearing the sigil of the Utrom! We seek the fragment of the Black Hole Generator that you have in your possession."

Hiidrala looked down at them, before answering, "You may rise."

The heroes rose up, as April spoke, "Thank you, your Majesty."

Hiidrala continued, "The Utrom entrusted the fragment to me, giving Hiidrala ultimate say over it. Are you truly worthy to claim a device of such devastating power? Who among you is leader?" Leo and Princess Twilight stepped forward, "You two? But you are mere children. What makes you so worthy?"

Leo answered, "We may be young, but we've fought huge battles, saved whole planets, and on top of everything else, we saw the destruction of our world!"

"We've been given a second chance to save our planet Earth." Sunset Shimmer added.

"We plan to destroy the black hole generator." Princess Twilight promised.

"Ha!" Hiidrala replied, "It cannot be destroyed! Why do you think it was hidden away?"

Rainbow Dash spoke up, "If you continue to keep it here then the Triceratons will find it. They'll tear your kingdom apart just to get to it."

"And harm anyone who stands in their way." Fluttershy added.

Traximus spoke up, "Lady Hiidrala, I speak on behalf of my friends and from the perspective of my own kind. Mozar will show no one mercy if he comes looking for the fragment."

Hiidrala raised a tentacle to silence him before speaking, "If you desire the fragment, you must face Cthugga, an ancient beast that obeys only me. If you are indeed worthy, it will sense this and let you take it freely. If you are not, it will devour you whole."

The girls cringed, "Oh, dear." Rarity paled.

"I wouldn't like that." Fluttershy shivered.

"As long as we're swallowed whole and not chomped to pieces, I think we're cool, dudes." Mikey replied.

"I'd settle for that." Pinkie answered.

"Heh, been there done that." Casey replied.

"We can take this Cthugga." Raph said confidently.

"No creature's gonna stop us." Rainbow agreed.

"Let's do it, yall!" Applejack cheered.

They were brought back to the Ulixes where they flew through Varuna to the location of the monster they were meant to face. Fugitoid spoke to his friends, "Understand me when I say Cthugga is one of the six cosmic monsters you do not want to mess with!"

Traximus added, "The Professor's right. You don't wanna tangle with any of the six. Many Triceratons have before in the past and it only led to their demise."

"Way to be positive about it, Traximus." Dog Spike replied in sarcasm.

"Wonder what it'll look like?" Mikey wondered, as both he and Pinkie started thinking about it giving Cthugga's made up appearance making it look like a cartoonish sea creature.

When they both thought of its appearance being a cartoon man ray, Pinkie spoke, "That's it!"

"Our minds are so similar.' Mikey smiled to Pinkie, as they high fived.

Twilight noticed Leo pondering, "Leo, what's up?"

"What do you guys suppose it means to be truly worthy?" the lead turtle wondered.

Rainbow answered, "Depends on who we're trying to prove ourselves too. Some people can have a very strict idea of what being worthy really is."

"I'll say." Twilight agreed, while recalling how much she struggled to not let Principal Cinch down in the past.

April spoke up, "Well, we all have good, noble hearts. That has to count for something."

"Yeah. I mean we sure as heck are more worthy than the other alien varmints we've dealt with." Applejack agreed, until the ship was rammed.

"What hit us?!" Raph called.

Donnie looked at a computer, "It's ramming us again. Brace yourselves!" they got knocked around again.

"What's going on out there?!" Rarity asked in worry.

"Is it Cthugga?" Fluttershy inquired.

"I got it on the monitor." Donnie said, as he pulled up an image.

They saw on the Ulixes was an anthro shark wearing a metal shark suit, "IS that a space shark?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, no! Armaggon!" Mikey cried.

"Yes! He's like my favorite bad guy ever!" Casey cheered.

"Armaggon?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Isn't he that alien bounty hunter you guys dealt with before we got to space?" Rainbow asked.

"That's right." Fugitoid confirmed.

"He's about as dangerous as hunters go." Traximus said.

"The hull's been breached!' Donnie warned them.

"Arming defensive systems now!" Applejack called, as she activated the outside blasters which started shooting at Armaggon, but kept missing.

"He's too fast!" Pinkie cried.

Armaggon fired missiles at the ship knocking the Ulixes off balance. Things got worse when they saw liquid filling the ship, "Oh, my! We're beginning to take on liquid. Activating the forward drain!" Fugitoid drained the ship of the liquid.

Suddenly the bridge doors burst open and flying in was Armaggon who knocked Leo onto his shell, "Leo!" the group called, as Armaggon pressed his foot down on Leo and laughed, "Well, well, well. What do we have here? Looks like the whole entree," he spotted the Rainbooms, "And what do you know an extra meal to go." he held Leo over his head looking ready to eat him.

"Let our friend go!" Twilight ordered.

"One more step, and I chomp this chump's head clean off!" the hunter warned them, "All right, kiddies, put your little weapons down on the ground now!" seeing no alternative, they dropped their weapons.

"What're you doing here, Armaggon?" Traximus demanded.

"I've been spying on you guys a long time, and ol' Armaggon knows what you're up to."

"What're you talking about fin head?" Rainbow asked.

"I know you got the first piece of the Black Hole Generator. And now you're gonna get me the second piece. Is that a great plan or what?" he asked smugly.

"Oh, bleep!" Fugitoid grumbled.

Armaggon clicked on his wrist communicator and started speaking with someone, "Well, Dregg, not only did I get me some Turtles; I got the first piece of your Black Hole toy!"

The Rainbooms were confused as they heard a voice come from the communicator, "Excellent work, Armaggon. You've most certainly redeemed yourself for all of your past screw-ups."

Armaggon frowned at Dregg's insult, "You know what? I'm quadruplin' my fee."

Dregg growled, "You arrogant!" he was cut off as Armaggon ended transmission.

Mikey spoke to Casey, "Aww, snap. It cracks me up when the bad guys bust on each other."


"Not the time." April reminded them.

"Who was he talking too?" Applejack asked, until Traximus answered.

"Only the most notorious criminal in the galaxy, Vringath Dregg; Ruler of Sectoid 1."

"Shut up!" Armaggon ordered, "All right, get this hunk a junk moving."

"Bossy shark." Raph grumbled.

"Just wait till you slip up, I'm gonna fillet you." Rainbow promised, while Armaggon only chuckled smugly at her empty threat.

They piloted the Ulixes into another part of Varuna where floating asteroids were, as Donnie spoke, "Fascinating! An entire planetesimal system in the depths of an oceanic nebula."

"So many new discoveries every day." Twilight said with fascination.

"The wonders of the universe never cease." Fugitoid finished.

"Will you three nerds shut up already?" Armaggon snapped.

"We're here. The Cave of Cthugga." Fugitoid said, as they honed in on their destination.

Leo spoke to their captor, "Armaggon, the only way we can get the piece is to prove we're worthy."

Pinkie spoke to him, "Yeah, and with you on the ship and holding Leo hostage, I'd say we now fall into the definitely-not-worthy- to-face-Cthugga category."

"I'm the one calling the shots here, so move!" he replied.

"Armaggon, can't you put your hunting instincts aside and think rationally for once?" Traximus argued.

"Both of you calm down!" Fugitoid snapped, "We're going in."

The Ulixes flew deep into the dark cave using a light to see through it. Everyone was worried, as April was concentrating, "I'm sensing a huge, powerful presence inside. Getting closer. Closer." They suddenly saw tentacles moving in the darkness, and the light shined onto the creature itself to reveal Cthugga was more like a giant fish jaw with tentacles.

The group cried in fright, as Fugitoid spoke, "Now would be the time to retreat!" the Ulixes took off with Cthugga chasing after it.

Princess Twilight spoke to Armaggon, "Armaggon, if you wanna live you'll let Leo go!"

Armaggon valuing his life released Leo allowing him to resume his own station over the Ulixes, "Fugitoid, we need more speed!"

"I'm giving her all she's got, Captain!" Fugitoid answered with a different tone.

The group looked at him oddly, as Applejack spoke, "Seriously? Of all times?"

Fugitoid looked sheepish, "Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"I say it called for it." Pinkie replied, as the ship continued to fly around like crazy to avoid the sea monster.

"I'm gonna be seasick!" Spike called.

"I'm losing my stomach here!" Dog Spike cried.

"Oh, man!" Raph retched close to Armaggon who was repulsed.

As the ship flew through the asteroids and away from Cthugga, Donnie called, "The ship's going to be torn apart!"

Everyone screamed thinking they were done for until Fugitoid steered the ship away causing the monster to crash into an asteroid. When Cthugga regained its senses it started looking around for the Ulixes, while unaware it was hiding in a hole in one of the asteroids. Inside the ship everyone was keeping quiet not wanting to get caught. April concentrated and spoke, "It's gone."

The lights came back on the ship as Armaggon spoke, "Whew! What a rush, hey, guys? Really got my heart going." Armaggon was suddenly shocked from behind and fell over to reveal some of the Daagon guards.

The Captain spoke to two of them, "Take him to the dungeon!"

Mikey laughed at Armaggon, "Busted!"

"Looks like you'll be spending a life time in aquarium jail." Rainbow joked.

"Serves him right." Rarity stuck her head up.

As the guards hauled Armaggon off, Sunset Shimmer spoke, "Thank you so much, Captain."

"But how did you know to come?" Traximus inquired.

Fugitoid answered, "As soon as Armaggon hijacked the Ulixes, I secretly sent out an S.O.S. knowing that the honorable Daagon would come to our aid."

"Clever move." Rainbow smirked, until Leo pounded one of the seats in frustration.

"This is all a disaster!" he vented.

Princess Twilight sighed, "We had a chance and we blew it."

"Guys, you can't blame yourselves." Raph tried to calm them.

Leo answered, "There's no way Hiidrala will think we're worthy now! You can kiss that piece of the Black Hole Generator good-bye." Princess Twilight sighed, as all she could do was hold Spike for comfort.

After returning to Hiidrala, the group watched as Armaggon was presented to the ruler who spoke to the hunter, "I will not allow criminal scum to desecrate my ocean paradise. You will pay for your crimes, Armaggon!" She turned to the others, " And you. You have all failed. You could not even stop this vile thief, much less pass the test."

"That ain't fair!" Casey called her out.

"Yeah, that was straight up interference!" Rainbow added.

Princess Twilight tried to reason with her, "Please, Supreme Ruler, give us another chance."

Armaggon suddenly began laughing, much to everyone's confusion. Hiidrala turned to the shark alien, "Insolent fool! Explain to me what it is you find so funny!"

Armaggon looked at Hiidrala with a smug look, "I'm laughin' because Reinforcements are here."

To everyone's shock, some of the Daagon guards fell to the floor unconsciously, and two more were tossed in as Lord Dregg stepped in, "Oh no, Lord Dregg!" Donnie gasped.

"That's Lord Dregg?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ugh, he's so repulsive." Rarity gagged.

As some of Dregg's henchmen the Vreen appeared at his side, the Insect alien turned to the Queen, "Hiidrala! You have something I desire. And I intend to take it. Hand over the Black Hole Generator piece, or I'll start filleting you one by one!"

Hiidrala showed no fear, and answered, "Lord Dregg. I know who you are: lowlife gangster and wretched fiend!"

Dregg felt insulted and announced, "I am ruler of Sectoid 1! My consumption knows no end! You will give me what I desire, or I and my children shall feast upon you all!"

"You will have to face me first, bug." Hiidrala challenged him.

The Turtles and Rainbooms armed themselves, "You'll have to go through all of us too." Leo warned him.

"And we're not going to let you succeed." Princess Twilight promised, while Hiidrala looked at them with an amused smirk.

Dregg frowned, "So be it. Vreen, attack!"

"Take them down!" Leo ordered his comrades who engaged the Robo Bugs.

"Daagon, do battle!" Hiidrala ordered, as her own soldiers assisted the heroes.

In the midst of the fight, Dregg sent his spider hand to free Armaggon who joined the fight against Applejack and Rainbow Dash, "Payback time." the hunter told them.

"You'll pay for getting in our way!" Rainbow called, as she and A.J did battle against the shark with Mikey and Raph helping them.

Rarity was using her weapons against the Vreen, and spoke, "Such nasty creatures. Worse than normal cockroaches." she said in disgust.

Traximus was blasting at the Vreen, until he saw Dregg going for Hiidrala, "No!" he started shooting at Dregg who dodged.

"Stupid Triceraton!" Dregg called, as Leo and Princess Twilight jumped in to attack only for Dregg to pound them to the ground.

"Leo/Twilight!" the group called.

"Insolent Insect!" Hiidrala unleashed her tentacles on Dregg shocking him.

"You will pay for that!" Dregg used his pincers on her tentacles, making Hiidrala cry in pain. He unleashed his spider hand which covered Hiidrala's face, "Now it ends!" he was about to finish her.

"No!" Princess Twilight and Leo jumped up as Dregg fired a missile aimed at the Queen. The two took the impact which knocked them and Dregg to the ground.

The bug alien looked up seeing the Rainbooms surrounding him, "More of you insolent humans?"

"We're the Rainbooms. And don't forget it." Rainbow answered.

Hiidrala after pulling the spider hand off her face let off a screech, much to everyone's irritation, "If she's singing she needs a lot of lessons!" Dog Spike groaned.

When Hiidrala stopped the whole place shook as a shadow cast over them. It was Chtugga whose tentacles slinked in swatting away some Vreen before two wrapped around Dregg and Armaggon. Armaggon tried to get free and shouted, "Let us go ya freak!" but both he and his boss were tossed into the mouth of the monster, and swam away.

"He just ate them." Twilight gasped.

"He'll be having indigestion after that." Pinkie said.

Suddenly the Vreen ran away, "What the?" Applejack was confused.

"They just stopped fighting?" April asked.

Donnie answered, "The Vreen are a hive mind. They can't function autonomously. They need Dregg."

Hiidrala helped Leo and Princess Twilight to their feet, "How are you, Leonardo, and Princess Twilight?"

"A little shell-shocked. But I'm okay." Leo answered.

"What about you, ma'am?" the Princess of Friendship asked.

"I am unharmed thanks to you two. You all fought to protect our kingdom. For that you have our deepest gratitude especially mine. Leonardo, Princess Twilight Sparkle, your actions validate the truth of your words," she made a screech sound, and everyone saw some of the guards carrying the second half of the black hole generator, "The second fragment of the Black Hole Generator is yours."

Everyone was in shock, as Princess Twilight spoke, "Wait a minute, I thought the fragment was..."

Hiidrala confessed, "The Guardian was only a test. I have kept the second fragment contained in the palace vaults ever since the Utrom entrusted us with its safety. And now I entrust it to you. If you claim you can destroy this infernal machine, then the Daagon honor you." The guards bowed their heads in respect, as the heroes were overjoyed.

"Thank you, your Majesty." Leo thanked her.

After repairs to the Ulixes were made, the heroes set off into space to find the last piece, "Oh, yeah! Two fragments down and one to go!" Rainbow cheered.

"We get that piece, we can destroy the Heart of Darkness and finally go home." Sunset Shimmer said with joy.

April spoke, "You know, that was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I'm actually gonna miss it."

Raph replied, "Well, I'm not gonna miss Bughead and Shark-Mouth. That's for sure."

"Hopefully we won't be seeing them again any time soon." Twilight said.

"You and me both." Dog Spike agreed, while the group was unaware that they haven't seen the last of Lord Dregg or Armaggon.

Author's Note:

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year.