• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 14,888 Views, 177 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls in Space - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in action as they team up with the Heroes in a Half Shell to save the planet earth from destruction by changing the past.

  • ...

Earth's Last Stand

Out in space, the Ulixes came out of hyper drive and returned to their home galaxy, "Oh, look at it. The Milky Way in all of her ineffable glory." Donnie marveled.

"The glories of our whole system." Twilight looked in wonder.

Mikey started cheering, "Yes! We're heading back to Earth! Master Splinter, New York City, pizza, Ice Cream Kitty! Whoo-hoo-hoo!"

"I hear ya, Mikey," Applejack agreed, "I can't wait to see Granny, Big Mac, and Applebloom."

"Same for my dad." April added.

"And my sisters!" Pinkie cheered.

"And Sweetie Belle too." Rarity smiled.

Leo hating to be the party pooper had to speak up, "Guys, this isn't a celebration. We've got one last shot to stop the Triceratons, or we're not gonna have a home to go back to."

Everyone remembering the importance of their mission ceased their celebrating, as Fugitoid spoke, "Leonardo is correct. This is our final chance to capture the Black Hole Generator. We cannot travel back in time again."

"If we don't succeed, your planet will be doomed." Traximus put in.

"And if the portal goes with the planet, Spike and I can't get back to Equestria." Princess Twilight noted.

"Which means I'll be stuck as a dog for life!" Spike whined, before regaining his composure, "But then again I could get used to it."

Raph spoke up, "We'll do whatever it takes to stop them, even if it means sacrificing our lives," Chompy chortled, "Ah, don't worry, little guy. I'm not going anywhere."

"And neither am I." Rainbow pat Chompy's head.

"We're gonna go mad crazy on these alien freaks, right?" Casey asked while feeling pumped.

"For the earth!" Sunset Shimmer declared.

"The Earth!" everyone on board cheered.

Later as everyone was waiting around for their return to earth, Rainbow Dash spoke up, "So how're we gonna destroy the black hole generator if it's invulnerable to everything?"

"There is a way," Fugitoid answered, "But the entire Heart of Darkness must be destroyed. Not a single piece must remain."

April while holding onto the aeon crystal started feeling strange vibes from Fugitoid, "What's wrong, Professor? I can sense you want to tell us something." Everyone looked over at then Professor wondering what he was going to say.

Traximus, Twilight, and Sunset knowing what this mean kept silent as Fugitoid sighed, "My friends, I must confess something to you, something I couldn't reveal until you got to know me better as a humanoid err android."

"What're you talking about Fugi-dude?" Casey asked in confusion.

"Professor?" Fluttershy asked.

"You see, it was not the Kraang who invented the Black Hole Generator. It was I who created it." he confessed.

This shocking revelation left the group speechless, "WHAT?!" they cried.

"No way!" Leo gasped.

"It can't be!" Rarity covered her mouth in shock.

"It doesn't make an sense!" Pinkie cried.

So Fugitoid explained to them exactly what he told Twilight, Sunset, and Traximus about Subprime buying the machine off him and how he realized the mistake he made, "I mean, seriously, come on. They're the Kraang!" Fugitoid finished.

"That is messed up, yo." Casey said while bearing a look of disappointment.

Leo stormed up to Fugitoid, "Fugitoid, how could you? You you lied to us. Everything was a lie!" Donnie jumped in and restrained his brother.

"Whoa, hold up, Leo! The Professor's saved our lives over and over He gave us another chance."

"His heart was in the right place." Fluttershy stuck up for the Professor, only for Raph to shout.

"He doesn't have a heart, he's a robot!"

"Low blow, Raph!" Spike barked.

"Earth wouldn't have been destroyed, this insane space chase wouldn't be happening if you didn't build that thing in the first place!" Leo lashed out at Fugitoid, only for Twilight and Sunset to push him back.

"Leave him alone, Leo!" Twilight ordered.

"Can't you see he feels guilty enough as it is?" Sunset asked.

"Why're you two defending him, when he lied to us?" Leo asked in anger.

"Because we also know what it's like to make mistakes and try to rectify them," Traximus stood his ground, "Why else would he tell us out of all of you the truth beforehand?"

"Wait, you three knew?" Rainbow asked them.

"And you've been hiding it from us?" Leo questioned them.

"Because the Professor knew this is how you'd react if he told you earlier!" Sunset shouted back.

"And telling us now makes it better how?" Leo argued.

"Better late than never," Pinkie said, as all eyes fell on her, "What?"

Fugitoid spoke to defend himself, "I was a different humanoid all those centuries ago. I've changed. I'm trying to make up for my mistakes."

"Mistakes?!" Leo continued to get up in Fugitoid's face only for Sunset and Twilight to push him back.

"Yes, mistakes. We've all made them." Twilight replied.

"Nothing like this!" Leo reminded them.

"Oh, no?" Sunset asked, "I tried to conquer this whole world with a power beyond my control, but I learned from it and became better. Does that make me any different from the Professor?"

"Well..." Leo was cut off by Twilight.

"I was hated and loathed by my entire school, who forced me to use magic beyond my understanding causing me to nearly tear both worlds apart!" Twilight argued, "Does that make me different from the Professor?"

Princess Twilight stepped in, "Leo, haven't you always been taught that everyone deserves a second chance? Well I've given plenty of former enemies second chances and they turned into better beings. I would've thought someone like you would be more open minded about everything."

Leo not wanting further argue with her answered, "I don't want to be a part of Fugitoid's plans anymore. I'll come up with my own plan to take down the Triceratons." he stormed away.

"Leonardo!" Traximus called out, but Leo left. Traximus sighed before turning to Raph, "And I was told you were the stubborn one." Raph rolled his eyes.

Sunset and Twilight turned to her friends, "We're sorry we didn't trust you enough to tell you." Sunset said in guilt.

Applejack replied, "No, as much as it pains us, you did the right thing."

"You were only trying to help a friend who you know the pain of better than us." Rarity agreed.

"Just wished Leo would've been more open minded about it." Rainbow grumbled.

As the ship approached Mars they could see the Triceraton mother ship, "I say we go for a direct assault and take them out." Rainbow suggested.

"A direct assault is futile! And odds are we'll be the ones assaulted." Fugitoid warned her.

Raph replied, "We got no choice, Fugitoid."

"Yeah. Thanks to you," Casey replied rudely. Applejack who was standing close clonked Casey on the head, "Ow! What was that for?!"

"Hand slipped." Applejack replied giving Casey a disapproving look.

Fluttershy went over to the Fugitoid, "Don't worry, Professor. The girls and I still believe in you."

"Thank you, Ms. Fluttershy." Fugitod answered, while still feeling guilty.

Suddenly Raptors came in and started shooting at the Ulixes, everyone held on as Donnie realized something, "Guys, Leo never came back!"

"Where'd he go?" Dog Spike asked.

April tried to contact him, "Leo, come in. Answer your comm! Oh, no, he's about to do something really stupid."

"Oh, no." Princess Twilight gasped.

Leo had suited up and went to the scout ship, while hearing his brothers plea for him to not do it, "Don't you guys get it? Fugitoid's just using us to get his Black Hole Machine. I know what needs to be done."

Traximus' voice came, "No you do not! You're thinking with a mind clouded by anger and bitterness. When a soldier goes into battle with a mind like that, they're the first to fall!" Leo paid him no mind and launched off into space to fight the Raptors.

Leo started shooting down the Raptors before blasting at the mother ship. That proved to be a grave mistake as the Triceratons activated their defenses which blasted the scout ship, and more Raptors blasted it off course. The Scout Ship exploded sending Leo into the vacuum of space. Leo woke up and suddenly saw his helmet cracking, "Oh, no!" he gasped, as his helmet shattered, exposing his head to the coldness of space.

"Leo!" everyone cried.

"After him!" Princess Twilight ordered Fugitoid.

"Rock rockets coming in fast. Full power to shields! Brace for impact!" Fugitoid called, as they were hit and thrown off course.

"We gotta save Leo!" Mikey cried.

"Professor, do something!" Pinkie cried.

"Don't you think I'm trying? Or do you think I enjoy plummeting straight for the surface of Mars?" Fugitoid asked in sarcasm.

"We're gonna crash!" April cried.

As Rarity was holding onto Spike, the dog cried, "Rarity, I love you!" Rarity looked at him oddly.

Fugitoid spoke up, "Activating secondary systems. Overriding controls. Sending dark matter to the thrusters!" the ship pulled up and headed back to space.

"Yes!" Twilight and Sunset cheered.

"You did it, Professor!" April congratulated him.

"Now we gotta save Leo." Raph said.

Rarity looked to Spike as she held him, "Did you confess your love to me?"

Spike looking sheepish answered, "Well, I know you're not the Rarity I know in Equestria. But I had to get it out back there in case we, you know..." Rarity smiled and couldn't help but shed a tear.

Donnie checked the monitor, "I got him on scanner, he's up ahead." The Ulixes got close to Leo and beamed him up.

They brought Leo to the med bay, as Donnie scanned him, "His heart. Stand back!" he used a defibrillator device to give him a jump start. It shocked Leo bringing him back.

"Leo, you're back! I thought you were a goner, dude." Mikey said in relief.

"You scared us to death there, Leo." Applejack added.

"You got to chill out, man. Enough with the crazy one-man missions. Leaders are called leaders because they're supposed to lead a team!" Raph reminded him.

Princess Twilight approached and gave Leo a slap to the face, "Ooh!" Pinkie groaned.

"Ow! Jeez, did ya have to..." Leo was cut off as Princess Twilight threw her arms around him and sniffled, "Twilight?"

"Don't ever do anything like that again, you hear me?!" she cried, "What would Master Splinter say if he saw you trying a suicide attempt like that?"

Leo realizing his boneheaded move spoke, "Sorry, everyone."

"Just don't go doing something that crazy again." Rainbow said.

"Come on, help me get to the bridge. We still gotta stop Mozar." Leo said weakly.

"The Triceratons have probably made it to earth by now." Donnie theorized.

"Which means your first battle against them on earth is already happening?" Fluttershy asked.

"That's right." Raph confirmed.

After returning to the bridge, the group could see Earth straight ahead, "There's still a chance we can stop the Triceratons, right?" Casey asked Fugitoid.

"Well, we will arrive on Earth approximately five minutes sooner than the last time I arrived." he answered.

"Five minutes ain't too bad." Pinkie admitted.

"Are you crazy? That's not enough time." Leo voiced his disapproval.

"I don't get it," Rainbow began, "Why didn't we just drop the first two into a star or something when we had the chance?"

Fugitoid answered, "I designed the generator so it is only vulnerable to a combination of fusion and dark matter. So if you will calm down and allow me to..." Donnie interrupted the Professor.

"Um, guys? Look! I'm tapping into Earth's satellite footage," they saw the Triceratons repairing the timer of the heart of Darkness, "The Triceratons are ready to set off the Black Hole Generator again!"

"Dudes, look I'm zooming in!" Mikey said, as he zoomed in to see a Kraang Stealthship flying for the mother ship, "That's you guys coming to rescue me, right?" they saw the stealth ship blow up.

"You guys blew up!" Pinkie panicked.

"Easy, Pinkie. We had a teleporter that got us onto the ship." Donnie answered.

When they arrived to Earth, Fugitoid explained his plan, "Here is my plan. While you all aid your past selves in stopping the Triceraton guards, I will capture the Black Hole Generator with my tractor beam."

"So you drop us off on Earth and fly off with the Generator alone? Forget it!" Leo once again voiced his disapproval.

"You take it, and they'll only chase after you for it." Princess Twilight stated.

"We can't let you make that kind of sacrifice." Sunset said, until she noticed the Fugitoid flinch at the word.

"I can sense you're hiding something from us, Professor. You're lying to us." April said suspiciously.

Casey readied his hockey stick, "Cough it up, Fuge. What's the deal yo?"

"Professor what's wrong?" Sunset Shimmer asked in concern.

"Nothing's wrong. It is imperative that you all follow my exact plan without question!" Fugitoid ordered.

"We can't make that promise, Professor." Donnie answered, as the turtles armed themselves.

"We're not going to abandon you." Rarity added.

"It's not the honorable thing to do." Traximus put in.

"We're going to Earth, all right, and you're coming with us." Raph finished.

Fugitoid gave them a firm look, "No, I am not. And if you will not implement my plan, then you are no longer wanted on this ship."

"Professor?" Sunet gasped at his sudden dark tone.

"I'm sorry." he whispered, as he pulled a switch that ejected everyone from the ship.

They started falling to the streets of New York only to be stopped by the tractor beam before they hit the pavement, "Thank the tractor beam." Mikey said in relief.

"The Professor saved us." Fluttershy smiled.

Leo spoke up, "No. He just felt guilty. You just wait. He's gonna steal the Black Hole Weapon before the day is done."

Sunset growled and snapped, "You know what, Leo! We have bigger things to worry about so why don't you give it a rest!"

Leo knowing she was right about bigger things, ordered the team, "Let's move!"

"Washington Square's right around the corner!" Donnie called, as they got a move on.

When the group arrived they saw left the turtles, April, and Casey feeling dejavu, while the Rainbooms were surprised, "Dudes, Shredder's mutants are helping us?" Rainbow asked in disbelief.

"They won't be for long." Raph reminded her.

Fluttershy gasped seeing Slash and his team imprisoned, "The Mighty Mutanimals."

"Look!" Princess Twilight motioned to the past turtles joining in the fight.

"Come on!" Traximus ordered, as they joined the fight.

They joined in much to the past turtles confusion, "Those guys are us?" Past Raph asked Past Mikey in disbelief.

As the group fought, Applejack looked over seeing Splinter and shredder fighting some of the Triceratons, "Look over there!" they saw their master and enemy.

"Hurry, Saki, we have no time!" Splinter told Shredder, as the two ran to the machine. Splinter ran ahead with shredder following behind, and the turtles knew what was coming next.

"Master Splinter, no!" Leo cried.

"BEHIND YOU!" Pinkie screamed.

Splinter gasped as he felt something go through him. Everyone stared in shock thinking it was the end of their sensei all over again, until they heard him shout, "What's this?!" he looked back at Shredder, to reveal he had caught Shredder's claw underneath his arm avoiding the stab. Shredder tried to strike with his other claw, only for Splinter to dodge and twisted Shredder's caught arm before kicking him aside, "I knew you were a snake, but stopping me from saving the world?!" he called Shredder out for his move.

"It is because of you Karai is gone!" Shredder went to attack Splinter.

"The timer!" Twilight shouted, as she jumped in and blasted the timer shorting it out before the Heart of Darkness could activate.

"Yes! The timer is down. We're gonna win!" Donnie cheered, until Mozar beamed down before them. He saw both turtle teams side by side making him realize it, "So you time-traveled back to save your world, which means I destroyed it the first time around, did I not? Now Mozar will win the second round." he started attacking, as the groups joined in.

"Dudes, I get it. Those guys are us from the future!" Past Mikey gasped.

Mikey answered, "No, dudes. You're us in the past."

"Same thing." Twilight replied.

As the group fought, Rainbow noticed more Triceratons beaming down, "We need help, and I know where to get it." she brought Fluttershy and Pinkie to the captured mutanimals.

"Slash!" Fluttershy called.

"Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash?" Slash asked in confusion.

"What're you girls doing here?" Dr. Rockwell asked in confusion.

"No time, Doc. We're here to bust you out!" Pinkie answered, as they freed the captives.

"Yes!" Rockwell cheered.

"Freedom!" Leatherhead announced.

"Let's get back in the game!" Slash armed himself, and they went to help.

Mozar kept blasting at the heroes, until Sunset Shimmer threw her exploding kunai at his blaster destroying it, "No matter, all I need are these." he punched his palms and began striking the turtles.

Before Mozar could finish them, Traximus charged in and rammed the captain, "You used to be my role model. I looked up to you as a cadet. You were a symbol of honor and respect. Now all I see is a Triceraton whose lost his way!"

Mozar snuffed him, "And all I see is a traitor to the emperor." the two Triceratons engaged, as the heroes fought off more soldiers.

Rainbow after knocking a Triceraton out looked over seeing Splinter and Shredder going at it, with Splinter breaking both Shredders arms and knocked him back with his helmet coming off, "Master Shredder!" Tiger Claw ran and picked his master up before calling to Splinter, "You have won this time, but don't count the Foot out for long."

Rainbow called out, "Hey, Tiger Claw!"

Tiger Claw looked over seeing the girl, "You?" he asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Me. Just want you to know you think what Splinter did to your boss was bad? Well, if it weren't for Splinter, your boss would've doomed the entire planet all for a petty disillusioned vendetta. So if I were you, I'd think very hard about where my loyalties should really reside." Tiger Claw was stirred by what Rainbow said, but just walked away with his master in his arms. Rainbow seeing there was nothing left to do rejoined the fight.

Tarximus and his friends were knocking Mozar and his army around like they were nothing. The Captain looked at his enemies and spoke, "This is not over!" he and his army beamed back up to the star ship.

Mozar spoke to one of his officers, "Take us back to the mother ship! Triceratons, we shall power up the mother ship to destroy their city. Then we shall retrieve the Heart of Darkness from its ashes and wipe out the entire Earth!" the star ship connected back to the mother ship.

Back on earth, the turtles embraced their father knowing he was safe, "Father!" they cheered.

"My sons?" he asked.

"Master Splinter," Princess Twilight approached with the Rainbooms, "We're glad to see you're ok."

Splinter smiled at the familiar faces, until everyone saw the Ulixes bring the black hole machine up and connect to the bottom, "Oh, no! Fugitoid's got the Generator. It's what he wanted all along." the Ulixes was flying up to the Triceraton mother ship.

Sunset after thinking about it suddenly gasped, "Oh, no! Guy's I get it now!"

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"He said the only way to destroy the Black Hole Generator is a combination of fusion and dark matter."

"Which means?" Casey asked.

Donnie gasped having realized it too, "The ship uses dark matter, and the Fugitoid is powered by a fusion core."

Leo gasped, "That's that's why he wanted us off the ship. He didn't wanna steal it."

"He's sacrificing himself." Sunset finished, as a look of worry grew on her face.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy gasped.

"No!" the girls cried.

"Fugitoid, don't do it!" Mikey pleaded.

"Professor, you can't!" Traximus called.

Fugitoid who had been setting things up for his inevitable sacrifice inside the ship answered them, "It has to be this way, my friends. If you knew my intent, you would have surely tried to stop me, and for that, I thank you."

"Professor!" The Rainbooms called, as the Triceraton mother ship was powering up their cannon.

Fugitoid revealed his fusion core and was ready to self destruct, "Let it be known that you are my friends. And I love you all!"

Sunset cried, "Fugitoid, don't go! You can't!"

Fugitoid had one last thing to say as the Ulixes was moments from colliding into the Triceraton cannon, "Sunset Shimmer, thank you." a drop of oil fell from his eye part.

"FUGITOID!" Sunset Shimmer screamed while in tears.

Mozar seeing the Ulixes coming right for them screamed, "NO!" the mother ship exploded when the Ulixes and Fugitoid self destructed. Both ships and the Heart of Darkness were taken out.

Back in New York everyone saw the explosion in space, while Sunset cried in the arms of Princess Twilight, "Sunset Shimmer, this is what the Professor wanted." she comforted her sad friend.

Traximus spoke to her, "He did what he felt was best for the planet and all of us. His sacrifice was not in vain."

Sunset wiped away a tear, "I know. But I'm gonna miss him."

"We all will, darling." Rarity comforted her, and the girls group hugged.

Splinter spoke to the groups, "I do not fully understand what transpired here this evening, but I thank my sons, both present and future. And to my extended family as well." he smiled at the girls who embraced him along with both sets of turtles.

Past Casey spoke up while looking at his future self, "So, uh, what are we gonna do about this? The Earth isn't big enough for two Casey Joneses." he got shoved by his other self.

"Hey, back off, punk!"

The two April's were sitting on a bench acting more behaved, as Present April spoke, "I don't know. I always kind of wanted a twin sister."

Past April answered in equal joy, "Wow! Me too! This is actually kind of cool."

"It wouldn't be safe," Twilight spoke up, "We can't have both sets of ourselves living in the same time line. It'll be disastrous."

"Agreed, but can we do?" Princess Twilight asked.

Spike answered, "Why don't we take the past selves to Equestria? I'm sure they can find a good living there."

Past Raph answered, "And be stuck as a pony? I pass."

"Yeah. I love my sweet shell." Past Mikey hugged himself.

Everyone pondered on what to do, until they saw the Ulixes land before them, "The Ulixes?" Fluttershy asked.

"Fugitoid's back?" Mikey asked in disbelief.

"But we saw his ship explode." Pinkie mimicked the explosion.

Donnie spoke, "Wait. If there are two sets of us in this universe, then there would be two Fugitoids as well."

The ship opened up, as the bridge came down. Stepping out was past Fugitoid who greeted them, "Hello, my dear friends. My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt. How would you like to go on a wondrous adventure?" the past turtles started voicing reactions of amaze and excitement, as Leo spoke to his and his brothers past selves.

"Space is awesome, guys, and if there's one guy in the universe you can trust, it's the Professor." Leo said, having finally forgiven the Professor, as Past Fugitoid spoke.

"Thank you, Leonardo. Perhaps we'll all meet again in the future." The past turtles said their goodbyes to Splinter before getting on board followed by past April and Casey.

"I think we should talk about this!" Splinter pleaded, but knew their minds were made up.

"Fuge, think you can stop by CHS to pick up our past selves?" A.J asked.

"Certainly, Ms. Applejack. And you, Traximus, I brought someone along who you may recognize." stepping out from the ship was Zeno.

"Zeno?!" the turtles and Rainbooms gasped.

"My friend!" Traximus cheered.

"Hello, everyone. Good to see you all again." Zeno greeted them.

"But how did you escape?" Fluttershy asked.

"I made it through like you all did and fled the empire. I traveled the far reaches of space to get away and hide out. Then I met the Professor Honeycutt of this time who offered me help. When Bishop alerted the Professor to come here, we knew you were all ready to save your planet. And you've succeeded."

"We promised you." Rainbow reminded him.

"And now we can begin a new." Traximus said.

"Too bad, you guys are the last of your species." Sunset sighed.

"Not quite," Zeno replied, "As I traveled with the Professor, we found more Triceraton defectors on another planet. Some who escaped the destruction of our home world, or other rebels who betrayed the emperor."

"I look forward to seeing them." Traximus said, as he turned to his turtle friends, "Farewell, brave turtle warriors. I hope one day we will meet again."

"Same to you, Traximus." Leo answered.

"Take care of our other selves will you?" Mikey asked.

"You have my word." Traximus answered, as he went on board the Ulixes.

"Goodbye, guys. We'll see you later." Princess Twilight and the girls said their goodbyes to the turtles.

Rainbow pat Chompy's head, "See you around, Chompy. Take care of him, Raph."

"You know it." Raph promised, as the girls joined the others on board the ship that took off.

Slash spoke to Raph, "Got to say, I've seen a lot of weird days, but this has got to be one of the weirdest."

"Have I got some stories for you, pal." Raph replied.

Splinter looked to Leo, "I would like to hear some stories as well, my sons."

Leo yawned, "How about first thing tomorrow, Sensei? Tonight, I need some sleep." So the turtles and their allies headed home having had enough excitement for one day.

Meanwhile at CHS, the Rainbooms were by the school looking concerned. Past Rainbow spoke, "Looks like that Mozar guy was pulling our leg."

"Or maybe he was stopped." Past Fluttershy suggested.

"By who?" Past Rarity wondered, until they saw the Ulixes land.

"A space ship?" Past Twilight gasped.

"Whoa!" Past Dog Spike said in amaze.

The bridge came down, as they saw figures standing in the shadow of the entrance. Past Pinkie approached and bowed, "We come in peace, alien life forms."

Walking down was Pinkie who answered, "Yeah we know you do." The past Rainbooms were surprised as they saw themselves come down the ramp.

"Girls, it's us." Past Twilight gasped.

"What're we wearing?" Past Applejack asked.

"I don't know, but I like it." Past Rarity answered.

When the two sides met, Past Sunset Shimmer spoke, "Who're you girls?"

"We're you of course. Duh." Pinkie Pie answered.

Sunset spoke up, "What she means is, we're you from an alternate time."

"Alternate time?" Past Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, a time where the earth was destroyed, but we escaped." Princess Twilight answered.

"But we saved time and now we need you girls to go out into space while we stay here and pick up where we left off." Pinkie explained.

"Oh, well that makes sense." Past Pinkie said.

"It does?" the girls asked her.

"But you won't be alone, the turtles, April, and Casey are in the ship waiting for you, and with some new friends too." Applejack explained.

"And you'll be in the best of care with the ship's pilot." Sunset added, as Past Fugitoid came down.

"Hello, my dear girls. My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt. How would you like to go on a wondrous adventure?" he offered.

"In space?" Past Rainbow gasped.

"That's right." Rainbow nodded.

"Awesome!" Her past self cheered, as the others started liking the idea.

"Spike and I just need to get our past selves." Princess Twilight said, as she and Spike went through the portal and came back with their past selves.

"I can't believe we're going into space, Spike!" Past Princess Twi cheered.

"Yeah. Can't wait." Past Spike replied.

"How did you manage to convince yourself?" Sunset asked.

"When I brought up space travel she jumped for the chance." Princess Twilight answered.

"Same for my past self." Spike added.

"Well, girls, shall we go?" Past Fugitoid offered.

"A moment, please." Princess Twilight said, "We now you're not the Professor we met, but we want you to know we're going to miss you."

"Thank you, Princess."

Fluttershy hugged him, "You take care of our past lives, ok?"

"You have my word, Ms. Fluttershy."

"We won't forget you, Fuge." Rainbow hugged him.

"You were a great friend." Applejack hugged him.

"Thank you girls."

Rarity pulled something out of her bag, "Here, Professor. I made this for your other self, but I think you should have it. A token of my gratitude for saving us and our home planet." she put around the Professor's neck a long scarf colored red, green, gold, tan, brown, purple, and gray."

The Professor looked at the article of clothing and answered in joy, "Thank you, Ms. Rarity."

Twilight hugged him, 'You take care out there, Professor. Stay safe." Twilight said.

"I shall do my best," he reached down and patted both Spike's heads who enjoyed it.

Pinkie was bawling as she hugged the past Fugitoid, "I'm so going to miss you, Professor."

"There-there, Ms. Pinkie Pie. It's not goodbye forever. Only until the next time."

"Yes, next time." Pinkie agreed.

Sunset was the last and hugged him, "No matter what mistakes you made in the past. You have more than made up for them. Always remember that."

"I will, Sunset Shimmer," Past Fugitoid was suddenly taken aback, as Sunset Shimmer kissed his forehead, "Oh!" the girls giggled, at Sunset's move, as the girl shrugged.

Princess Twilight looked up seeing Traximus and Zeno and called out, "Thanks for everything, you, two!"

"We salute you, Rainbooms!" Traximus said, as he and Zeno saluted them and they saluted back.

"Well, come along, girls." Past Fugitoid said, as the past Rainbooms went on board the ship that took off for space.

"There they go." Rainbow said.

"Eeyup." Applejack agreed.

"Girls, I think this calls for a celebration!" Pinkie called, "Slumber party at my house!"

"How about it, Twi?" Applejack asked Princess Twilight.

"Well, after what we went through. I need it." she answered.

Soon everyone was in Pinkie's bedroom in their jammies having fun like before, "Man is it good to be back home." Rainbow said in relaxation."

"I'll say. I missed my room." Pinkie said.

"Princess Celestia will definitely wanna know about this when I get back." Princess Twilight said.

"You said it." Spike agreed.

As everyone took a drink of punch, Sunset Shimmer spoke up, "Girls. We wouldn't have survived space or saved the planet if not for a very special friend," the girls nodded, as Sunset raised her cup, "A toast. To Fugitoid."

"To Fugitoid!" they announced.

Sunset looked out the window and up into the sky, 'Thank you, Professor, for everything.' she thought.

Meanwhile floating above the earth's atmosphere was debris from both the Triceraton mother ship and the Ulixes. Amongst the debris was the Professor's head that was offline. Suddenly his eyes started beeping until they came back online fully functional.

Author's Note:

And there you go. The planet earth was saved and the Triceratons defeated thanks to our heroes and the Professor. Don't go away, coming up next is a little epilogue for the final piece.