• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 14,922 Views, 177 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls in Space - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in action as they team up with the Heroes in a Half Shell to save the planet earth from destruction by changing the past.

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Riddle of the Ancient Aeons part 1

As the Ulixes flew through space, everyone was on the bridge save for Leo, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Mikey. Fugitoid spoke up, "Will one of you fetch the others? We are almost there."

"I'll go get Leo." Donnie offered, as he left the bridge.

"I'll go get the others." Sunset offered, as she left too.

Inside a wrek room, Mikey, Pinkie, and Rainbow were watching an old tortoise and the hare cartoon on a big screen TV, "GO!" Mikey called to the TV tortoise, "Move it will you? Oh, you're letting him blow right by you," he turned to Pinkie and Rainbow, "Can you believe this guy?"

Pinkie spoke to the TV as well, "Come on, don't just... Ninja Kick the Damn Rabbit!"

"Do something!" Rainbow called.

The doors opened and Sunset stepped in, "Guys, come on. Fugitoid needs us on the bridge.

"But it's getting right to the good part." Mikey complained.

Sunset rolled her eyes, "We all know how the story ends, Mikey."

"But this ending could be different," Mikey gasped deeply, "Like, what if the tortoise does lose?"

"Come on, Mikey. Fugitoid's orders." Rainbow said, as she and Pinkie helped Mikey along.

Soon the group along with Leo and Donnie returned to the bridge, "What's up, Fugitoid?" Leo asked.

"We're honing in on the first location of the black hole generator fragment." the robot explained.

"Yeah? Well, we ain't the only ones." Applejack motioned to the window.

They looked out to see a ship familiar to the turtles, "Oh, great." Raph sighed.

"Is that?" Princess Twilight began.

"The Triceraton mother ship." Donnie answered.

"I hope they can't see us." Fluttershy shook.

"Don't worry, I assure you they cannot hone in on us on radar," Fugitoid promised, "They also believe that the first piece of the black hole generator is on that planet. We just have to find it first."

April touched her forehead as if concentrating, as Rarity spoke, "Are you all right, April?"

"I'm fine, Rarity. But I have a feeling there's something wrong about this plan."

"What do you mean?" Spike asked.

"I can't really describe it." April replied.

Soon the group suited up and joined Fugitoid inside a miniature space ship to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. As they flew for the planet, Donnie typed some stuff in, "Activating cloaking." the ship suddenly became invisible to all eyes.

"Finally, we're getting some action." Casey said feeling pumped.

"I know. It's been awhile since something's happened." Rainbow agreed.

April spoke up, "That world's radiating a strange power. Almost like pure evil."

"Evil?" the girls asked in concern.

"Professor, we're flying into danger.' April warned the Fugitoid.

"Evil you say? Nonsense. This planet is Xaava-Dal; the oldest most beautiful paradise planet in the whole universe."

"Paradise planet?" Rarity asked.

"Sounds like it'd be a good vacation spot." Pinkie said.

"Oh it's absolutely gorgeous." Fugitoid assured them.

The ship touched down, and when the group got off they saw the planets surface was a dark an ominous landscape. Rarity looked around in disappointment, "This is paradise?"

"So much for a vacation spot." Pinkie sighed.

"I don't like this place." Fluttershy held onto Sunset Shimmer in fright.

Sunset calmed her, "It's ok, Fluttershy. Let's just stay close."

"Sunset's right. We best get a move on before them Triceraton varmints show up." Applejack suggested.

"Agreed. Let's hurry." Fugitoid ordered, as they proceeded onward.

As they walked, they continued to observe the dark area, while feeling uneasy, "This place is like..." Casey began, until April answered.

"Pure Evil? Yeah just what I said moments ago," she sighed, "No one listens to the psychic."

"Hey, welcome to the club." Spike replied.

Dog Spike sniffed around, "A lot of new smells to get used too around here. But I agree with April, something smells fishy."

Fugitoid looked around in confusion, "This world, it was once a vast, beautiful garden. It held ancient repositories of all the sacred knowledge in the cosmos. Not a single piece of technology was ever built here. The Aeons must've fled. And without their divine power, just look at this world."

"Professor, what're Aeons?" Twilight asked.

"Powerful ancient aliens. The first beings to evolve in the universe. Now they've all gone away." he sighed.

"Why would they leave to begin with?" Fluttershy wondered.

"I haven't the foggiest." Fugitoid answered.

They continued on, while Donnie was fiddling with his scanner, "This energy is really screwing up my readings."

Casey walked by and whacked Donnie in the back, "So fix it, genius! I thought you were supposed ot be the smart one."

Donnie gritted his teeth before answering, "That's right. I am. Which clearly makes you the STUPID one!"

The girls gasped, as Fluttershy spoke, "Donnie, that's not nice."

"Fluttershy's right. That's certainly not like you." Rarity added in equal shock.

Mikey however laughed at Donnie's claim, "Ha! That definitely makes Raph the angry one."

"I'm clearly the handsome one," Raph retorted, "Here check it out, I got something for you." Raph held his fist out.

"Ooh," Mikey bumped the top of Raph's fist with his own, while Raph moved his arm and clonked Mikey's helmet, "Ah!"

"Ha! You're the gullible one." Raph mocked.

Mikey growled and pushed Raph, "I'm tired of you picking on me all the time! Ever since we were little, you've been giving me shell wedgies, wet willies, and reptile rug burns, and..."

"Mikey! Raph! Enough!" Leo broke them up.

"Leo's right. We have more important things to deal with here." Princess Twilight added.

Raph and Mikey just glared at each other warning one another this wasn't over, until they heard a strange sound, "What's that?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"I don't know, but it doesn't sound friendly." Fluttershy answered.

They looked into the sky and saw black bat creatures flying their way, "Bat men!" Pinkie cried.

"Everyone, take cover!" Leo ordered, as everyone spread out to hide.

The bat creatures touched down and searched the area. When they felt there was no one present they took to the sky and flew off again. When the coast was clear, they all came out of hiding with Fugitoid feeling relieved, "Very strange. These creatures are definitely not native to this planet."

"You think they're the reason the Aeon's left?" Twilight wondered.

Raph spoke up, "Let's just move. Now we got demon bats and Triceratons to deal with. I hate outer space so, so much!"

Rarity let out an exasperated sigh, "Raphael, do you ever stop complaining?"

"What did you say?" Raph frowned at the girl.

"I know ever since this whole mission in space began, all you've ever done is complain about outer space!" Rarity voiced her annoyance with him.

"Watch it, girl." Raph warned her.

"And like you're one to talk about complainin', missy." Applejack added.

"Come again?" Rarity gasped.

"You spent an hour complainin' about makeup to wear before we got here." Applejack explained feeling jus as annoyed as her.

"Well, excuse me for wanting to at least look presentable for whatever beings whatever live here." Rarity huffed.

"Don't think those bat critters care about looks." Applejack argued, as she and Rarity got into each others faces, until April came between them.

"Girls, knock it off!"

"Yeah. Having Mikey and Raph bicker is one thing. We don't need to start doing it too." Sunset agreed. Rarity and Applejack just looked away from each other, before they carried on.

As they continued, they took in the scenery, with Twilight speaking, "This jungle feels like it goes on forever."

"I think we passed that tree awhile back." Fluttershy noted.

Fugitoid gasped, "Well, it's no wonder. We're going around in circles."

"What?" Rainbow gasped.

"So we've been wasting who knows how much time?" Rarity asked in disbelief.

Donnie growled as he tried making his tracker work, until Casey spoke up, "We've been walking for miles, Donnie. That scanner's as useless as that gap in your teeth."

"Oh, let's not go back there, Casey." Donnie warned them, as the two argued about their gaps.

"And now they're at it." Princess Twilight sighed.

Pinkie and Mikey came between the two, "Will you guys stop it?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah. You're more annoying than Raph!" Mikey added.

Raph hearing that suddenly went into full anger mode, "That's it!" he jumped Mikey and Pinkie pie attacking them, prompting Casey to smack Donnie with his bat causing them to start fighting. As Leo and the others tried to break them up it only made things worse causing them to start fighting amongst each other.

"What're you doing?!" April tried breaking up Casey and Donnie, "Professor, a little help here?"

"Let go ya mutts!" Raph ordered, as both Spike's were clutching to his legs growling.

Fugitoid shot at the ground causing all of them to cease fighting. Fugitoid looked at them with his eyes showing anger, "You must all stop! Don't make me smack you. You see this? This is my smacking hand. I'll use it!" Pinkie and Fluttershy cowered at the threat.

The group broke it up, as Rainbow spoke, "He's right. What going on with us?"

"It feels dejavu." Sunset added.

"We have more important stuff to deal with. Like this." April showed them a wall with an ancient symbol drawn on it.

"Must be from an ancient civilization." Twilight theorized.

"Duh." Raph replied dryly, as Dog Spike growled at him.

Fugitoid inspected the drawing, "A mountain with a sun at its peak carved in the shape of a gemstone.
What could it mean?"

"Um, guys. We got a problem." Rainbow said in worry.

They looked up seeing more bat demons flying in their direction, "Oh, no they're coming back!" Fluttershy panicked.

"Hide!" Princess Twilight ordered, as they took cover again.

The creatures landed and once again scoped out the scenery. As Fluttershy and Rainbow hid behind a rock, Fluttershy whispered, "You don't think they can smell fear, do you?"

"If they do, you'd give us away like that." Rainbow whispered back much to Fluttershy's ire.

When they saw some take off, Leo came out and sighed in relief, "Too close. Thank goodness they're..." he got caught off by a screeching sound, "They're not gone, are they?" he turned and saw there was still some remaining and began attacking the heroes. They all went into battle, but because of their enemies movements and knocking them around the turtles and girls just kept getting into one anothers way which was only making them angry.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey tried to attack one of the bats, only to hit Raph instead, the funny turtle cringed.

Raph got up looking mad as ever, "I could've handled it! Mikey!" he shoved his brother causing his helmet to crack upon colliding with a rock. Mikey panicked from his broken helmet, while Raph suddenly felt worried, "Mikey!"

"My head's gonna pop!" Mikey cried, as he tried holding his breath, but kept panicking until he too a breath and ceased his screams, "Dude's we can breath the air!"

"It's not toxic?" Princess Twilight asked, as they removed their helmets.

"Well, this is a relief." Sunset sighed.

"And good thing too. My hair was getting in my way." Rarity fixed her hair. Applejack hearing that rolled her eyes.

Donnie smiled, only to get a helmet tossed at him courtesy of Raph, who got up in his face, "Donnie! You're telling me we could breathe the entire time?!"

Donnie growled at Raph's attitude, "Back off my shell, man!" As they argued the others continued fighting without worrying about needing air, but they were still getting tossed around and into each others way. Mikey attacked one and announced, "Cowabunga!"

He suddenly saw there were no more bat men to fight. He smirked, until the others rolled into his way still arguing and wrestling, forcing him to join them. April shouted to them, "Guys! You need to stop this. It's not you. It's the world that's affecting you."

"April's right. Ever since we got here we've been at each others throats." Princess Twilight stated.

Leo growled, as he tried to keep himself from losing it, "The rage! It's so hard to control!" Mikey turned his head to the sky, "Then focus it on the demon dudes."

"So they want another helping, huh?" Rainbow asked, as she readied her weapon, "Fine by me."

Fugitoid spoke up, "There's too many. Run for your very lives!"

Princess Twilight called, "Retreat! Everyone, retreat!" Raph ran past her and spoke.

"Who died and made you leader all of a sudden?"

"Just shut up and run!" Leo ordered him, as they ran for it.

They ran through the jungle, with the demon bats in hot pursuit, "They're closing in, dudes!" Mikey cried.

"Don't look back!" Applejack called. Rarity accidentally looked back seeing so many demon bats were gaining and screamed.

They all met up in a clearing and stopped as the demon bats came together looking ready to attack. Suddenly they looked up and flew off in fright. The heroes stood awkwardly and confused, until Sunset spoke, "What was that about?"

"They just left?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

April turned around seeing a statue, "I think it was because of this statue."

Mikey and Pinkie hugged it, "Thank you, statue!" Mikey beamed.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!' Pinkie kissed the statue with gratitude.

Donnie noticed the Fugitoid staring deeply at it, "What is it, Professor?"

"Is it some kind of mystical guardian?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Sure has the feel of one." Spike answered.

Fugitoid answered, "It's a depiction of the Aeons. The beings that fled this world."

"I guess the bat critters really did drive them away." Applejack said.

"That's a bummer." Casey replied.

"Bummer?" Twilight asked in outrage, "Look what happened to their world because of this. Honestly, Casey, don't you have any compassion whatsoever?"

"Twilight, I'm sure Casey didn't mean anything by it." Sunset tried to calm her.

Twilight turned to Sunset directing her anger at her, "So now you're taking Casey's side? Figures you'd side with someone given who had no feelings for anyone but herself."

"Hey, let's not go into that, Twilight." Sunset warned her.

"Or what? You're gonna go She-Demon on me?" Twilight mocked.

"Twilight?" Dog Spike gasped.

Sunset growled, and tried to attack, but Rainbow and Applejack held her back, "Well, it's better than getting corrupted by magic and becoming Midnight Sparkle!" Sunset gasped when she realized what she just said.

Twilight stood as anger grew on her face, "That's it!" she screamed, before running at Sunset, much to everyone's worry.

"Twilight, no!" Dog Spike cried.

Author's Note:

Will Twilight unleash all her pent up anger on Sunset Shimmer. Will any of them overcome the evil corrupting the planet. And will they find the piece of the black hole generator before the Triceratons do? Find out next time.