• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 14,925 Views, 177 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls in Space - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in action as they team up with the Heroes in a Half Shell to save the planet earth from destruction by changing the past.

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Riddle of the Ancient Aeons part 2

Twilight was running right at Sunset Shimmer ready to attack her in blind rage, "Twilight, don't do it!" Leo called.

"Sunset, move!" Applejack cried.

Sunset stood her ground. As Twilight jumped for her, Sunset caught her in her arms pulling her into a tight embrace, as Sunset whispered to her, "You're my friend, Twilight. You always will be."

The anger on Twilight's face melted away into a look of sadness and guilt, "Sunset, I... I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry." she shed some tears.

"It's the planet," Leo reminded her, "It keeps messing with our heads."

"We have to stay focused or we'll end up tearing each other apart." Princess Twilight encouraged them.

"She's right," Rainbow said, "If we could overcome our squabbling through the Dazzlings, we can do it on an alien planet." Rainbow said with renewed confidence.

"Hear-hear!" Pinkie cheered.

"Guys, have you noticed the statue?" Mikey asked, as they saw a blue beam of light emitting from a gem in the statue into another direction.

"It's pointing." Spike noted.

"But to where?" Rarity wondered.

"Only one way to find out." April said, as the group followed the beam.

They followed it until it led them straight to a temple, "That is one dope alien temple." Casey said in amaze.

"Looks like something out of Daring Do." Princess Twilight said.

Rainbow turned to her, "Wait a minute, they have Daring Do in Equestria too?"

"Yeah. Do they in this dimension?"

"Yeah. She's got the greatest series of books ever!" Rainbow beamed.

"Focus, girls." Raph replied.

"I'll betcha it's loaded with booby traps." Leo said wearily.

"They always are." Rainbow replied.

"What's the worse that could happen?" Raph asked.

Upon walking through the entrance it closed on them sealing them inside, "We're trapped!" Fluttershy cried.

"It's so dark in here." Rainbow said.

"Ow! Who stood on my foot?" Twilight asked.

"Wasn't me." Sunset answered.

"Not me." Casey added.

Mikey spoke, "Ooh, Pinkie, your hair feels so smooth. And smells nicer too."

"You have two seconds to let go of my head." Rarity threatened him.

"Oops, sorry, Rares."

Fugitoid's eyes glowed and functioned like flashlights. The group noticed hieroglyphics on the temple walls, "Amazing." April inspected the markings.

"It's definitely alien." Donnie noted.

"What's it say, Professor?" Sunset asked.

Fugitoid inspected the markings, "It's in ancient Aeoneon. When the Soul Star, uh, reaches the mountain's peak, uh, the light of the Aeons shall illuminate all."

"What does that even mean?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

"Yo, check it out," Casey motioned to a panel on the wall, "What do you think this does?"

"Casey, no!" Princess Twilight called.

Suddenly a buzz saw came down from the ceiling severing Fugitoid's left arm off, "Oh, dear." the professor said.

"It does that, you big dummy!" Donnie scolded the hockey boy. Soon buzz saws started popping up from all over the walls and floor. Everyone was frantically dodging them before jumping into another chamber.

Raph turned to Casey, "Casey! Stop touching stuff!"

Casey looked sheepish, "That was completely my bad."

"Professor, your arm." Twilight gasped.

"Oh, don't worry. Just a little minor repair is all it needs." Fugotid says, as he put his arm up to his shoulder.

"Here, let me help you." Sunset offered, as she held the arm for him.

"Oh, thank you kindly, Sunset Shimmer." Fugitoid said, as he made the repairs and his arm was back in place.

The group walked into another chamber and saw atop an altar was a single piece of the heart of darkness, "There it is." Fugitoid gasped.

"The first piece of the black hole generator." April gasped.

"Doesn't look so threatening without it's other pieces." Rainbow said skeptically.

"Maybe, but put that piece with the other two and we can kiss our planet goodbye." Applejack reminded her.

"Come on let's get it." Leo said, as he and Raph were about to grab it, only for Donnie and Princess Twilight to stop them.

"Hold up, guys." Donnie began, as Princess Twilight continued.

"What's it doing on an altar, anyway? Doesn't anyone find that a bit suspicious?"

"Who cares? We found it first." Raph reminded her of what was important.

"We rock!" Rainbow cheered, as some of the raced up the stairs to claim the piece only to hear someone's voice entering the room.

"By the luck of the great Zanmoran," entering were three Triceratons, with the center one having a steel prosthetic beak, "Not only does Mozar find the fugitive android, he collects the first fragment of his prize."

"Girls, it's him." Pinkie Pie gasped.

"The Triceraton who appeared on all the TVs." Rarity recalled.

"Mozar." Twilight gasped.

Mozar's two soldiers readied their blasters at the heroes, as Princess Twilight looked on at Mozar, 'This is the one who unleashed the black hole on earth?' she looked at the captain before announcing, "Mozar!"

Mozar and his two guards looked seeing Princess Twilight approach. The captain responded, "Who addresses me with such command in their voice?"

"I do. Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria." she introduced herself.

"A princess?" Mozar asked with a chuckle, "Well, if this isn't a treat? And what do you inquire of me, your majesty?" he did mock bow causing his cohorts to chuckle, while the Rainbooms frowned at their mockery.

"An answer." Princess Twilight answered.

"Twilight, now's not the time to..." Leo tried to stop her, only for Sunset to hold Leo back knowing her Princess friend knew what she was doing.

"The Black Hole generator. What do you want with such a dangerous weapon?"

"Captain Mozar, sir. Let's just take them down now." one of the soldiers insisted, only for Mozar to raise a hand.

"No. If the princess wants to know. Then Mozar shall elucidate," Mozar began, "You see, Princess, many nextons ago the vile Kraang unleashed the Heart of Darkness upon our very home world. Myself and a single fleet survived, but we lost our home and everyone in it. We vowed to make the Kraang pay for what they did. When we heard the Utrom broke the generator into three pieces and scattered them across the universe we knew it was the perfect opportunity."

"Opportunity for what?" Princess Twilight inquired.

"We would gather the three pieces and reassemble them. Then we would find the cursed Kraang's hiding places and destroy them the same way they destroyed our world."

"So you're just going to stoop to their low?" the princess asked, "Look we're sorry you lost your entire planet. Really we are. But you think doing the same to others makes you different? You're no better than the Kraang."

Mozar frowned, "Do not lump us together with those vile slugs. We desire to spare all worlds the pain of having their planets terraformed by them."

"By destroying worlds at the cost of millions of innocent lives that really inhabit the planets you find them hiding on?" she argued.

"Sacrifices must be made for the greater good." the captain answered, much to Princess Twilight's shock.

"So you're willing to commit planetary genocide just to wipe out a few Kraang?!"

"If it must be done then it will be done." Mozar declared without hesitation.

Princess Twilight gripped her weapon tightly as anger dawned her face, "Sorry, Mozar. But I'm not going to let you do that."

"None of us are." Sunset took a stand next to her, followed by the rest of the Rainbooms.

Mozar seeing they weren't going to back down announced to his guards, "Obliterate them!" The turtles and Rainbooms went into battle against the three Triceratons, with Princess Twilight, Sunset Shimmer and Leo going after Mozar.

As the princess attacked Mozar while dodging his own attacks, the captain spoke, "Not bad for a puny princess."

"Don't sell me short, Mozar." Twilight struck back, but Mozar barely flinched.

As Rainbow and Applejack were fighting one of the guards, the rainbow haired girl spoke, "These guys are even tougher than they look."

"I know. And I thought fighting mutants was tough." Applejack agreed, as she dodged a blaster shot.

"Oh, my clod!" Fugitoid cried, as he ran from the second guard, and dodging his horn rams. When the guard was about to attack again, the Fugitoid unleashed his fusion core that created a nuclear blast.

The girls looked and saw the blast completely vaporized the Triceraton, "Whoa." Pinkie gasped.

"That was awesome." both Spike's gasped.

While the others were dealing with the remaining guard, Mozar made it up the stairs and grabbed the piece of the generator, "At last! The first piece of the fragment belongs to Mozar!" he blasted away the turtles and the Rainbooms, while he and his guard made it to the exit, "It has been set in stone." he set off an explosive which resulted in a cave in blocking the exit allowing the Triceratons to escape.

"No!" Raph called.

"They're getting away with the piece!" Casey cried.

"We gotta move this rubble." Applejack said, as they tried digging through the rubble, until Fugitoid used a gravity beam to levitate some of the bigger pieces away, until he stopped using it.

"Fugitoid, what's wrong?" Fluttershy asked.

"So sorry, I'm low on power. We must find another way out."

"There's got to be a back door or something." Leo said.

"If this is anything like Daring Do, there always is." Rainbow said, as they began searching the chamber.

Pinkie was inspecting a wall, "Trap door. Secret passage. Where are you?"

"They're getting away!" Donnie reminded them.

Spike saw April going up the stairs to the altar, and hurried up after her. When they reached the top, the dragon/dog spoke, "April, what're you doing?"

"Trying something." April focused her mind. She touched the altar and pressed into something. Suddenly the chamber started shaking.

The group saw the altar started shrinking down one part at a time, until it went into the ground, "April!" Donnie called.

"Spike!" Princess Twilight called.

"We're ok!" April called from below.

The others came down to help April up before spotting something in the altar wall. It looked like a cross with a ring around the centerpiece, "What is that?" Spike wondered.

Fugitoid answered in amaze, "It's the Soul Star. The symbol of the Aeons, containing the power of life itself."

"So it was hidden away and the planet turned evil." Twilight stated.

April gasped, "I get it now! When the Soul Star reaches the mountain's peak, the light of the Aeons shall illuminate all."

"So what does it mean?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, April. Tell us." Pinkie pleaded.

April started tugging the Soul Star out, "It means we put it where it belongs," she pulled it out, and they saw that opened up a secret passage, "Back on top of the temple."

They followed the passage before finding themselves outside the temple on the middle part of it, "So is there a plan in this now?" Casey asked.

"If we can reach the top, I think it'll drive off the demons. At least, I hope." April replied.

"You hope?" Raph asked, before lashing out, "You could be totally wrong!"

"Give her a chance, Raph." Donnie calmed him.

"Yeah. She was right about this planet, after all." Dog Spike reminded him.

"Guys!" Pinkie cried, as she pointed out into the sky.

They saw the demon bats coming their way, "Oh, no." Donnie gasped.

"Here they come!" Fluttershy cried.

"Move!" Mikey ordered, as they ran up the temple to reach the top.

As Leo swatted one demon away, he looked down seeing the Triceratons leaving, "No! The Triceratons are getting away!"

"We have to do this, Leo," April said, "It's not just about saving Earth. It's about saving all worlds."

"She's right." Sunset agreed, as they hurried up top.

One of the bat demons landed before April blocking her path, "Toss me the crystal!" Raph called.

April tossed the crystal to Raph who hurried further up only to be knocked aside by one of the bat demons. Before it could grab the crystal, Leo caught it and soon it became a game of keep away between the heroes and the demons.

"Reminds me of the Fall Formal." Sunset remembered.

"No kidding." Rarity replied, as she was swatting away some of the bat demons.

"April, go!" Casey called, as he held a bat off for April to get up top with the crystal.

April got up top seeing another rock with a spot for the Soul Star to be put into. She ran for it despite the bat demons trying to stop her. She used her blaster on some of them but they kept coming. One ended up knocking her off her feet and she rolled right up to the rock. She got up and saw where she had to put it. When the demons gathered and flew down to attack her, she slammed the crystal into its place releasing a shining light.

"What's that light?" Leo asked, as they felt blinded.

"Pretty." Pinkie smiled.

"Look at the bats." Spike gasped.

"And the land." Dog Spike noted.

The right released from the Soul Star turned the planet into a beautiful paradise, "Now that's more like it." Rarity smiled at the beautiful landscape.

"It's working. Sure feels like a huge weight off my brain." Leo said in relief.

"Mine too." Applejack agreed.

"And mine." Rainbow nodded.

The group noticed the bats started transforming. They shed their forms and became glowing white winged aliens, "The Aeons." Fugitoid gasped.

"Wow." Pinkie gasped.

The lead Aeon spoke, "Thank you. You saved us from ourselves."

"Yourselves?" Twilight asked.

"The demons were you guys all this time?" Rainbow asked.

"How's that possible?" Applejack asked, as the Aeon explained.

"The Utrom gave us the fragment to protect, but its immense power entranced us. We Aeons had never allowed technology on our world before. We desired to know its secrets. We began to worship its technological power, and hid away our beloved Soul, thus, corrupting our world, and us with it. We became monstrous, horrible things."

"And when we hid away our Star, the evil was complete," A second Aeon spoke, "Thank you, friends. For saving our world."

Suddenly a piece of the crystal was broken off and levitated to April, "Take this gift. It is a tiny fragment of our Soul Star. It will bring you both luck and power."

April marveled at it, "It's beautiful. Thank you."

The Aeons flew off as Casey called out, "Good-bye, glowy dudes!"

"Come on, let's get back to the ship." Leo suggested, as they left.

After returning to the Ulixes, Leo ordered the Professor, "Floor it, Fugitoid! There's still time to catch up to the Triceratons." The Ulixes went into hyper drive and zipped out of sight.

"Dudes, this was some adventure." Mikey said, as he kicked back.

"The Utrom sure made a big mistake entrusting the fragment to those guys." Rainbow noted.

"Yeah, if ancient, cosmic beings can be transformed like that, I guess that goes to show anyone can be corrupted by power." Donnie stated.

"Yeah, take it from me and Twilight." Sunset said, as she and Twilight stood next to each other smiling like besties.

Casey spoke to Princess Twilight, "Twi, I have to say you rocked when you called Mozar out."

"That was cool, but it was also dangerous." Leo reminded her.

"I thought I could try and reason with Mozar," Princess Twilight began, "But I guess there's no changing his mind."

"Don't worry, when we get that piece back from him, I'll change his mind with my fists." Raph promised.

"Then let's hurry." Princess Twilight ordered.