• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 2,211 Views, 143 Comments

Imperial Revision - The Sound of Loneliness

What would you do if you already had everything? Or everything you wanted. Her Majesty Nightmare Moon has recently discovered there is more to life than war, intrigues and edicts. Luna is trying to be helpful. She has no choice.

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The Queen of Grief

Thanks to Queen Novo’s unannounced arrival, Shadow could now use the chaos to her advantage. Nopony will take interest in a maid cleaning the rooms when there is such a high guest in the palace.
Shadow was confident she could convincingly play the pony she was stealing from, she had time to observe her future disguise in the past. Unlocking the door was simple enough. A minute of search revealed the spare ID.
Shadow smiled gratefully. Why else would the protocol require each staff member to have a spare ID and to have it stored inside their room at all times if not to aid her in her missions?

Having finished her first objective, Shadow now had the time to remotely procure some information. Perhaps Miss Rarity would be willing to tell her of the Crystal City layout?
But maybe she also had a little time to research this Queen now. Shadow knew she was the Queen of Hippogriffs, but this was all she knew about her. Hippogriffs were elusive and distant creatures, missing such an opportunity to study their behavior would be a huge loss. Shadow determined her next objective.

Shadow, after disguising herself as a Guard, began trotting to the throne room. Queen Novo should’ve been brought there for the public reception. On second thought…this was no ordinary visit.
Shadow turned on her heels and followed the way to Her Majesty’s tea room instead. She prefered to receive visitors there. Now, how could she eavesdrop on the private royal conversation...
Shadow stopped in her tracks in horror of what she was thinking. Eavesdropping on the Mistress! No, no, no, no! She would do no such thing! If Mistress wanted her to know what would be said, she would’ve taken her along.

Shadow took a deep breath and began walking in the opposite direction. Now to find Miss Ra-
Shadow found herself flying to the floor face down. Accompanied by the loud rustling of paper.

“Oh, sorry. Are you alright?” Princess Twilight hastily picked her up. “I didn’t look where I was going.” Shadow looked at her in confusion.

“Princess… aren’t you supposed to be with Her Highness and Her Majesty receiving Queen Novo?”

“I’ve been there, but Celestia turned me around. She told me to take care of these instead,” Twilight finished picking her papers out and prepared to continue her way. “Wait for a second, why do you...” Shadow winked at her.
“Ah, hello, Shadow,” Twilight greeted her. “It’s, actually, really good I bumped into you. Can you walk for a bit?”

“Of course, Princess,” Shadow eagerly agreed. Twilight looked around to make sure no Guard was watching, turned around and began swiftly trotting back where she came from.

“Shadow, I need a favor,” Twilight whispered. “It’s not quite legal.”

“You must have a good reason to ask.”

“I do, Shadow. I need you to listen to what Queen Novo has to say. She didn’t come here for Her Majesty, Shadow. She looks like she didn’t even know the Empress was still around after Celestia came back from the moon. She came here to talk with Celestia. This looks murky, Shadow.”

“Princess...spying on royalty is a capital crime,” Shadow reminded.

“That’s why I am asking you, Shadow. You can hide better than anyone, nopony in the staff even knows you are here. If you get caught, Her Majesty will bail you out. But you won’t get caught.”

Twilight stopped in the middle of the corridor, letting some busy maid run past her. The Princess then dropped her stack of papers and swiftly pried open a ventilation grate.

“You can shapeshift into small animals, right? Get in here and find your way to somewhere you can hear them from. They should be in the tea room, the Empress hasn’t arrived yet.”

“Princess! I can’t do this to my Mistress! If she wanted me to do this, she would’ve ordered me to!” Shadow protested.

“Shadow, you are serving her right now! Why do you think she keeps you here secretly? You are supposed to do this exact thing!” Twilight took a breath to calm down, “Look, I don’t ask you to do this for me, I ask you to do this for her! Quickly! We don’t have much time!”

Shadow took a deep breath,
“Alright, if this for the Empress.” Shadow, wasting no more time, shifted into a mouse.

“Perfect, get in. I’ll bolt it back to the wall and let you out in a few hours.” Shadow did as ordered.

The changeling continued down the ventilation until she began hearing the echo she was looking for. Shadow followed the voice.

“Novo, what do you want me to do?” Celestia sounded weary, their conversation had probably been intense.

“Celestia, damn it! Are you really going to allow this...blackguard to order you around? I know you. You won’t submit to such a pervasive creature while there is a single pony left to defend!”

“What makes you think they still need me protecting them?”

“Celestia, have you gone insane? The despot is sitting on Equestria’s throne!”

“The despot ponies chose over me, Novo! I failed them and they turned to someone else!
"Novo, I am not ungrateful. She had won, but still had the mercy to allow me to live and walk amongst my people again. She offered peace when she had little to gain from it! I will not stab her in the back for her kindness!
"Regardless, I have no more resources to wage war, Novo. She was careful. Now I can only hope I can still be of some service to her, our ponies and my sister. I have no other choice.” Shadow finally found her way towards the right room, now she could see too. “Perhaps, this is for the best,” Celestia bore the expression of sad acceptance, looking very old all of the sudden.

“Celestia, I urge you-”

Queen Novo stopped, hearing the door handle turning.

“Queen Novo,” Nightmare Moon greeted her with an official bow. In turn, the Queen gave her a fierce stare, “What brings-”

“So, here’s the mare in question. Tell me: what did you do to make even Celestia dance to your tune?”

“Your Majesty, there is no need for such hostility. Princess Celestia has volunteered to help me in day to day management, she can tell you herself.”

“She did,” the Queen looked back at the Princess. “She told me all of it. You are despicable. You killed her bravest subjects, subjugated the rest, and now you took Celestia herself for a trophy. I can’t believe this, honestly. You commanding her! Surreal! Congratulations are in order, I suppose.” Novo sarcastically smiled, “Storm King couldn’t compare to you. You look good wearing his crown. All hail the Empress.”
Nightmare Moon frowned,
“What’s that?” Novo’s smile widened, “Didn't you like me complimenting you? I bet you don’t see many ponies brave enough to say the truth these days. Well, I suppose you can’t build a tyranny without cowards. Good job on that.
"Tell me, Your Majesty, did you enjoy killing all those ponies before you had your way? Did they scream? Must be boring now.”

“Novo!” Celestia intervened. “Enough! I thought you were better than this! What purpose does your venom serve?”

“To make her suffer for what she did to you,” Novo bitterly responded. The Queen began slowly circling the Empress, like a tiger around a prey, “You know you are unworthy, don’t you? You are a petty thief. First, you stole Luna’s body, then you stole the crown. It doesn’t make you a monarch, does it? You know your own inferiority, don’t you?”

“Novo!” Celestia stood up, glaring angrily. The Queen simply chuckled.

Shadow couldn’t believe what she was seeing, no one dared to speak like this to the Empress and get away with it. This parvenu was setting herself up for something really ugly… just wait for the Mistress to have enough.

"I remember Celestia telling me about you and Luna. You are disgusting," Novo spoke each word with deliberate contempt. "She trusted you and you took advantage of her. You took advantage of everyone. Was your Empire of Poltroons worth it at least? Do you enjoy ruling your hard-won land?"

Nightmare Moon didn’t even look at Novo. A shiver ran down her spine. Was she holding back?

“Got nothing? Really? Celestia, how could you lose to this...slime? Look at her!” The Queen proceeded to laugh again, “Come on! You must have some teeth if everyone here is licking your butt!”

“That’s it, Novo! Get your face out of my sight and m...her palace! You will not insult the rightful monarch in her own home!” Celestia exploded.

“Good idea. This punching bag isn’t worth my time. Have fun obeying this filth if that’s what you want, Celestia. I’ll keep in touch in case you remember your dignity. I’ll see myself off now. Nothing more to do here.” Novo sharply slammed the door, leaving the ponies alone in the room.

As the Queen left, the Empress’ torpor faded. Princess Celestia swiftly rushed to her, catching her before she could slide to the floor. The Princess, then, immediately pressed the Empress to her chest.
Shadow was glad the door was soundproof, but she had no such luxury. For the next hour, she had to listen to her Mistress crying.

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