• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 2,211 Views, 143 Comments

Imperial Revision - The Sound of Loneliness

What would you do if you already had everything? Or everything you wanted. Her Majesty Nightmare Moon has recently discovered there is more to life than war, intrigues and edicts. Luna is trying to be helpful. She has no choice.

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Once In a Blue Moon

“Twilight,” Cadance quietly called to the young Princess standing in the hall with a clipboard, though in all the raucous of the preparations running around them, Twilight might have heard her poorly. “Don’t take this wrong, I adore the idea, I do, but not right now. Let’s at least put Nightmare Moon back in her reasonable mind. She is unstable and this is the worst thing a Princess can be.”

“She isn’t a Princess,” Twilight retorted without taking a look away from her clipboard.

“Your Highness, I brought Rarity as you requested.” Twilight was hailed by a maid. Twilight nodded, without looking, and scratched out a point out.

“Find Corporal Strafe Runner, he needs someone to deliver a list to the kitchen. After that, you are at their disposal,” Twilight monotonously instructed. “Rarity, I need you for the designing team, we only have a few hours before Her Majesty wakes up.”

“Twilight!” Rarity exclaimed in indignation. “With Pristine waking me up so early, I thought something happened again!”

“Twilight, listen to Rarity,” Cadance began again. “The Guards have a wonderful idea, but it’s really not the time! We have more important business to do.” Twilight sighed, lowered her clipboard and went on to rub her eyes for a little.

“Listen, you two,” Twilight said determinedly. “I didn’t plan for this either. The Guards for once decided to do something on their own, without asking anyone. They just got together and decided that they want to do something for Nightmare Moon for a change, on their own initiative. They want to show her that they love her.” Rarity widened her eyes, “We can’t just leave them out to do all of this on their own. Do you have any idea how hard it is to do something in the palace without her finding out right away? I had to go to the head maid and get her to station more maids than usual in the ballroom, then I had to somehow get all the supplies in here without Her Majesty or Honor Guard noticing and all of this in one day while she is asleep and without anyone reporting to her!
Luckily, Pinkie still has party supplies stashed all over, so I could find everything I needed without going around the city and attracting attention to myself. Now we just need to get the room ready and something nice for everyone to eat. That’s why I need you, Rarity. After you are done with the decorations, I need you to go and tell the cooks what she likes, the staff only knows that she hates sugar and that she doesn’t tolerate heavy alcohol. Any more questions?”

“Darling… I’ll help, of course, but don’t you think that it’s possible for Her Majesty to not like you hiding things from her? She is rather conscious of this sort of thing. And the Guards leaving their posts... what if something happens? Twilight, I don’t think this is a good idea at all.”

“Rarity," Twilight pouted, "you know better than that. She won't punish us for showing her some appreciation. She loves us, Rarity. It's only fair if we do something for her too."

“Twiley, you look tired all of a sudden,” the pink Princess cautiously said. “Won’t you lie down for just a moment?”

“No, Cadance,” Twilight retorted. “And I am NOT going crazy!"

"Sweety, we know you aren't," Rarity lied. "But don't you think you are going just a tiny bit overboard?" Rarity conjured a disarming smile.

Twilight facehoofed herself and groaned,
"Look, you two. Don't you think that ponies can like some other ponies? Genuinely? She is just like the rest of us, even if she tries to pretend she isn't. Look, I saw how much she really cares with my own eyes! Rarity, we both did! The Magic of Friendship worked! We only need to show her that it's okay to show how she feels to the rest of us!"

“Princess, your snacks are here,” a maid announced herself coming with a cart lined up with covered dishes.

“Oh… Good! Leave it by the serving table, we’ll sort this as soon as team ‘Laundry’ comes back with cloth for the tables,” Twilight instructed.

“Yes, Ma’am,” the maid bowed.

“Okay… where were we? Oh, right. Cadance, I need you to go get Daybreaker.”

“Who?” Cadance and Rarity asked in unison.

“Her sister,” Twilight groaned. “That’s how she calls herself.”

“Darling, you cannot possibly mean to say you are conversing with such a villain!” Rarity cried out.

“Rarity, do you still remember the times you would’ve said so about Her Majesty too?” Rarity lowered her sight in face of the argument. “Daybreaker is scared, Rarity. She believes we are planning to use the Elements on her.”

"Twilight, how can you even consider her against Celestia? She was our mentor and this is how you thank her?!" Cadance exploded from indignation.

"And what about Daybreaker herself? Do you want her to go back to being just an observer, without any control over her own fate? Is that any better? Tell me, Cadance, is it fair for someone to be denied a body of their own and to be forced to wrestle for control with someone else? Daybreaker had to fight Celestia for her very right to have a life of her own! I didn't want Celestia gone, but I will not judge Daybreaker for doing what she had to!"

“Okay, Twiley,” Cadance sighed, admitting defeat. “Why do you need her though? Won’t she run to Nightmare Moon after she sniffs us being up to something?”

“Yes, she will,” Twilight agreed. “This is exactly what we want. She’ll come straight to Her Majesty and bring her right here before she can hear any reports and find out exactly what’s going on!”

“How come Daybreaker doesn’t know yet?” Rarity queried. “She couldn’t possibly miss the ponies running across the palace carrying supplies.”

“She couldn’t, that’s why this day is so lucky!” Twilight cheerfully answered. “She isn’t paying attention to the palace this day, the Guards say she went into the dungeon and has been staying there for hours now. The dungeon has stayed empty since the time Her Majesty let Chrysalis go, I guess she’s reflecting or something.”

“She let Chrysalis go?!” Cadance’s turn was to cry out, immediately drawing eyes to them.

“Cadance!” Twilight facehooved herself again. “All of you! This isn’t your problem, carry on!”

“Twilight, I swear, the longer we talk, the more I realize that coming here was a mistake.”

“Well, what did you expect? You came here to ask me to go with you to Crystal City and hide there until Nightmare Moon is gone! I don’t leave my friends, Cadance!”

“She isn’t your friend, Twily! She uses you!”

“Cadance, can you just go get Daybreaker?” Twilight asked tiredly.

“Fine,” Cadance sighed. “If you absolutely have to do this.”

“Thanks, Cadance, I owe you one,” Twilight answered with relief.

“Anything else I can...” Cadance suddenly stopped, as the ballroom doors creaked wide open.
Twilight headbutted her clipboard with a frustrated grunt.

Nightmare Moon calmly walked inside the hall, the gathering was not surprising her in on itself. The Guards had to go somewhere if they were not at their posts. She calmly looked over the frozen staff, the Guards caught in between hanging banners and moving tables, and stopping for a moment on Twilight, Rarity and Cadance. Rarity nervously bit her hoof.

Noticing the rising tension, the onyx mare sighed and smiled, warmly yet dreamily,
“My Guards, It has come to my attention that some of you abandoned your posts this day for a gathering here,” Nightmare Moon deliberately walked to the tables lined with decorations yet to be set up.
“Pennant number 14,” she pronounced, lifting up a purple cloth. “Used on the night of the winter solstice, the night when the days start becoming longer. I do not remember holding a ball on this occasion for years now. Shall we revive the tradition, then?” she asked, continuing to hold the banner in the air. Nightmare Moon laughed as no one took the responsibility to explain the situation to her,
“My Guards, I’ve come to you today not to scold you. I am rather delighted to see you busy like this, as the matter of fact,” she proceeded to prove her point by hanging the banner on its place on the column, “Is your Captain among you?”

“Here, Your Majesty,” Rolling Thunder hailed her as he trotted to her pushing through a crowd of rank and file.

“Captain, walk by the remaining posts and bring the Guards here. Do not forget the ones off-duty too. They wouldn’t want to miss this.”

“But what of the palace defenses, Your Majesty?” Captain asked in disbelief.

“Worry not this once, Captain,” Nightmare Moon smirked at him. “I have already arranged a replacement for the outer defences. They will arrive shortly to watch the outer wall while your regiment is otherwise occupied.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” the Captain reluctantly answered, bowed and started his way out of the hall.

“Oh, and Captain,” she quickly stopped him. “Your concern for the safety of my palace is noted.”
Nightmare Moon watched with amusement as the officer took a moment to process what was said and how his entire body stretched up, “Carry on, Captain.”

Nightmare Moon then turned to three mares in charge of the preparations.

Answering the silent summon, Twilight approached, Cadance and Rarity followed in tow,
“I see you are assuming command, Twilight,” Nightmare Moon slightly nodded in the direction of the slowly recovering crowd.

“It wasn’t my idea, Your Majesty,” Her Highness excused herself. “I only tried to help Captain Thunder and his subordinates with their initiative.”

“Is that so?” Nightmare Moon sharply turned away from the trio and looked over the banners again. “What was their plan for arranging these?”

Twilight gave Rarity a pleading look, the former seamstress widened her eyes and rapidly shook her head. Twilight gave Rarity a heavy stare to which she lifted her forelegs apprehensively.

“Well then, Rarity?” Nightmare Moon asked, seeing fit to end their silent bickering.

“A-ah, I-I... purple goes nice with green,” Rarity managed to push out of herself. Rarity opened the mouth to add “Your Majesty,” but Nightmare Moon found no reason to torture her further,

“Indeed, thank you, Rarity.” To everyone's bewilderment, Nightmare Moon, herself, began lifting the banners and hooking them on the perturbing metal holders, usually too small to see.

“Okay, people!” Twilight recovered. Nightmare Moon smiled to herself, always attentive Twilight took her hint, “The break’s over, we have a lot of work to do! Chop-chop!”

The work in the room was reluctantly resumed. Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon continued arranging the banners along the walls. Doing it herself felt strange after so many years of servants doing everything for her. The feeling was so warm and nostalgic after all this time that her thoughts immediately wandered to making something herself again. Something that wasn’t political.
Nightmare Moon smiled musingly to herself upon remembering Luna trying art all those years ago. Perhaps Rarity would teach her monarch to sew? It would be so marvelous to have the time away from the throne! Even if just for a few hours at a time.

Twilight returned to giving orders and Nightmare Moon was happy to let her do the work, for now, securing herself a role of the honorary decorator.
What mattered is that her Guards must have appreciated her gesture. She tried not to stare, her gaze tended to cause discontent and she wanted her soldiers to be comfortable now, yet she still managed to notice them exchanging smiles and pats.
Nightmare Moon made a mental note to find out who came up with such an idea, for it was extremely convenient. Young Shine’s thought to let her Guards in on some bits of her plans so that their job becomes less stressful was not quite acceptable, but now she was presented with an opportunity to achieve even more by allowing her Guards to have their party. Perhaps there even was fun to be had. Nightmare wished she could have Luna alongside her now, with how much fun she used to have on Nightmare Nights, but now it was bright outside and the Lunar Princess had to hide.

“Your Majesty,” Rarity addressed her barely louder than she would be whispering. “I waited for a moment to speak to you… if you would, that is.”

Nightmare Moon hummed slightly, before turning to Twilight again,
“Your Highness, have someone to finish the banners, Rarity and I have some business to take care of.” Confident that Twilight heard her, the onyx mare put one more banner on and finally glanced at Rarity.
The unicorn was nervously biting her lip and refused to look her in the eye, which was normal considering her quail self.
“Let’s go, Rarity. We have someone to meet.” The unicorn obediently followed her.

Nightmare Moon led her out of the hall and began to leisurely trot towards the courtyard, there was one Guard that Captain would need help to reach.

“Say, Rarity, you wish to tell me that you are sorry?” Nightmare Moon said without the usual formalities, knowing exactly the reason for this interruption. Rarity missed a step.

“Yes… Your Majesty...” the unicorn stopped and turned to one of the many draped windows in the hallway, as if hoping for the sun to give her courage.
Nightmare Moon sighed and sat down next to Rarity,
“Your Majesty, I never wanted anyone to get hurt, I just... I thought… I'm such a fool!” Rarity loudly sobbed and covered her face.
Nightmare sighed again, looking down at her old and loyal friend. Like all of them, Rarity was so fragile.

“Rarity, I am not good at this,” Nightmare Moon said, trying to resist the urge to give in knowing full well what Rarity wanted. The precedent could not be allowed, “You’ve made a mistake, but you're not the one in guilt here. I am the one responsible for my subjects, you failed because I let you fail. Nothing can be done now, things are the way they have to be, I am sorry. Please, collect yourself and don't make this harder than it needs to be,” Nightmare Moon asked sternly.

“Your Majesty, please! Don’t chase me away like this! My boutique was finished as soon as the ponies knew I supported you! I have nowhere else to go!”

Nightmare Moon sighed for the third time, much heavier,
“Rarity, I understand as much. But I can’t do anything for you now. My subjects can’t have an impression that personal relationships can exempt one from being punished. I cannot make exceptions. Even Celestia had to spend time on the moon before she could be safely returned. I am sorry, I know you meant well, but It has to be this way for the sake of the ponies, Rarity. Please, understand.”

“Then let me be of use! Send me to Crystal Empire, I’ll keep an eye on Cadance for you!”

“Rarity, I cannot,” Nightmare Moon continued to hammer her point. “Cadance is very loyal, regardless of what she truly thinks of me. She makes a point of not resisting me, she wants me to leave her alone. If I send you to watch her, it would mean that loyalty cannot guarantee my favor. This would lead to dissent. Rarity, please, understand: there is nothing that can be done for you now.”
Rarity tried to find another point, but only ended up sobbing more. It was almost done. Nightmare’s thoughts wandered back to the celebration back in the hall. How was she supposed to smile to all of her Guards if she had to hurt her friend only a few minutes prior?
A sudden spike of anger pierced her mind. She wanted to curse this blasted crown and this palace for the sacrifices that had to be made for them to be worth anything. This wasn’t fair, Rarity traded everything she had away for her to have a chance to give all her people a better life. Rarity was to be celebrated, not punished for something that wasn’t even her fault! Rarity couldn’t possibly know about Sombra and the cursed potion. Nightmare Moon wanted to shout to the stars of this injustice! For something she herself was guilty of, she had to convict her friend! She wanted to, but she said nothing, continuing to bear her practiced, impassive expression and coldness in her eyes.

“Your Majesty, say your will!” Rarity was now looking at her with tears openly flowing from her eyes. “I will do anything you order me! Your subjects will see how hard I am working to earn your forgiveness! They will remember your mercy! Give me your orders! I swear, I will do anything! Living without anything left to live for is simply horrendous!”

Nightmare Moon closed her eyes shut and took a long, deep breath. Seeing Rarity’s desperation wasn’t easy,
“Rarity,” Nightmare Moon answered in a completely flat, emotionless voice. “Are you sure?”

“Anything!” Rarity immediately repeated, but Nightmare hesitated for another long moment.

“There is one thing left that you can still do. You cannot serve in the same position that you have been, but I can offer you a way to make your own living. Of course, I will never throw you on the street regardless."

"But... how? I am a designer, I don't know how to do anything else. I can't make it without you!" Rarity sobbed.

"That is not what I am suggesting," Nightmare Moon soothingly assured. "Have you caught your thoughts randomly wandering somewhere they do not normally venture?” Rarity’s sobbing has stopped for a long moment.

"Well... thoughts are whimsical things," Rarity asserted, having forgotten of her sorrow for a moment. "They wander around often."

“Indeed they do. Sometimes, though, they seem to be rather persistent. Luna would be your witness, this is how she used to feel daily.” Rarity looked puzzled by the cryptic statement.

"I am not sure I follow, Your Majesty. How can Luna help here?"

"Luna has experience with the very same matter I intend to offer you, Rarity," Nightmare Moon calmly explained. "Though she may be rather hard to reach these nights," she added. "Rarity, I wish for you to get acquainted with another one of my sisters, this time in your own head."

Rarity’s eyes widened to the point of them bulging. Nightmare Moon slowly nodded to her.

“I… It can’t be! I never...”

“There can be no doubt, Rarity,” Nightmare Moon allowed herself to gently touch Rarity on the shoulder. “I feel you both in the Dreamrealm. You aren’t alone. Seemingly, my sister learned from my mistakes, she bides her time with you, waiting for a perfect moment, knowing full-well that the element of surprise is her only chance after what happened to Luna. But fear not, Rarity. I will not let her harm you,” Nightmare Moon promptly promised. “She will not dare now.”

“Can she… hear us?” Rarity asked, still stupefied by the revelation.

“Yes, Rarity. She is fully aware of what is going on just like you are. But her perception is different. She cannot immediately react, only to analyze and plan. She can help you, Rarity, but she will not do so without receiving anything in return.”

“Do you want me to give in?” Rarity hopelessly asked.

“No, Rarity,” Nightmare Moon tried to sound reassuring. She then deliberately continued: “I say for you both to hear this: I will not allow her to rob you of the only thing you still have that is your own, no matter the premise. I ask her to help you, not to replace you. She will receive her share, but if she takes more than agreed on, I will personally scour your mind off her every trace.”

“But what am I to do even?!” Rarity cried out. “What can she help me with?! ”

“Rarity, you must learn to use your talents without my hoof directing you. My sister knows you very well, better than you know yourself and she knows how you can do better. Let her instruct you on how to act and take over the tasks you cannot accomplish yourself yet. She will not dare to deceive you knowing that I watch her. If she is wise, she’ll be grateful to you for letting her live your life with you. If not...” Nightmare let the phrase ebb. “Of course you are still free to help your other friends too and Twilight in particular.”

"I... of course, I-I will do as you say. This is just so sudden. I couldn't even imagine things were like... this."

"I understand," Nightmare Moon nodded. "I am sorry for putting you through such a shock."

"Mistress, if I do not interrupt too much." Rarity jumped at the changeling suddenly speaking next to her. "I met Sirs Silver and Shine, as you instructed, and escorted them to the hall."

"Shadow!" Rarity cried. "Don't sneak up on ponies like this! I nearly had a heart attack!"

"I am sorry, Miss Rarity. I did not want to disturb..." Nightmare Moon smiled at the coy changeling. Suddenly, she wondered how her blush would look, if the rigid chitin plates would've allowed her to blush.

"Rarity, you should get used to being constantly watched by now. Shadow is far from the only one who could 'sneak up' on you here. My Shadow, return to the hall now. We will be with you shortly."

"Yes, Mistress," Shadow bowed and promptly retreated.

"Such a darling she is," Nightmare Moon mimicked Rarity's manner.

"Shall we head back now?" Rarity asked, springing back at her hooves.

"One more moment, if you please. Rarity, I was looking to find myself something to do while I am not occupied with the court business and I wondered if you would be interested to help."

"Of course, Your Majesty!" Rarity beamed. "There are a lot of options to choose from! What would you like me to get you?"

"I'd rather not have you to get me anything just yet, Rarity," Nightmare Moon stopped her. "Instead I ask if you would consider teaching me your... seaming art." Rarity widened her eyes.

"Y-you want me to teach you to s-sew?" Rarity asked in complete disbelief.

"Why, yes, Rarity. I always enjoyed seeing your work. After all," Nightmare Moon winked, "you made half of this palace's decor yourself." Rarity continued staring at Nightmare Moon wide-eyed for another long moment before finally believing her fortune.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! This is the best day ever!" Rarity couldn't restrain herself from pacing, chattering like she was a filly in Ponyville again. "I have everything we need! Threads, needles, fabrics, a little bit of glue, several measuring tapes and even a new ripper!"

"Will you help then?" Nightmare Moon softly nudged Rarity back to business, though the answer was very far from inconspicuous.

"Of course, I'll help! I'll get my supplies and we can start anytime you like!"

"Thank you, Rarity," Nightmare Moon bowed her head slightly. As glad she was to see her friend happy in this way for the first time in years, there was more business to attend today. "Now, I believe, it is time we started our way back, we are being expected. In the meantime, perhaps you have any theory you'd have me know?"

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