• Published 14th Feb 2020
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Imperial Revision - The Sound of Loneliness

What would you do if you already had everything? Or everything you wanted. Her Majesty Nightmare Moon has recently discovered there is more to life than war, intrigues and edicts. Luna is trying to be helpful. She has no choice.

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White Roses

“How dare you! You! My warriors, my soldiers!” the thundering voice instantly stopped any background squabbles in an instant. “How dare you to disgrace yourselves, your people and your Empress with this honorless infighting! How many of your fellow soldiers died just now?! Canterlot, MY city is in riot because of YOUR actions! KNEEL! BEG FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED BECAUSE OF YOU TO FORGIVE YOUR TRANSGRESSION!

The recorder playback was mercifully turned off, but the sheer rage in that speech was enough to make ponies who heard the recording to involuntarily bow.
Stiff silence was now in full command of the esteemed gathering. The stallions and mares in expensive garments, otherwise holding much power, would not dare to produce a single sound, so weary they were of their monarch’s reaction.
Nightmare Moon trailed her narrow gaze across every face in the room, all giving her the same silent cry for mercy, before she finally reached the four others, who clearly were not dressed for a council meeting. First, and most appropriately dressed, was Rolling Thunder, the Captan of the Imperial Guard. The second was Colonel Torque Bender, his uniform tattered and his face covered in cuts and bruises. The third was Rainbow Dash, her looks included dirt and soot all over her blue fur. The final guest was Dreamy Tears, the High Priestess of the Moon Cult, dressed in a somewhat faded shirt and trousers, akin to those Rainbow were in, but black in color.
These four guests of the council reacted to their ruler’s gaze each uniquely. The Captain endured looking in the slitted portals and even smuggled a display of worry in his response. The Colonel openly shook, giving his panic and horror away at the perspective of what his punishment would be for allowing such hideous incident to occur on the installation entrusted to him. Rainbow Dash boldly matched the intensity of the look, but evidently not surprising her captor. Finally, the Priestess, refused to look her monarch, why, her goddess, in the eyes.

“Play it again,” the ice-cold order was sounded. Cloudy Dawn promptly rewinded the tape.

“The infighting on the military airbase just outside Canterlot has finally ceased. Our special correspondent, Lens Flare, managed to interview one of the participants. The soldier had to say this: ‘There was this weird, blurry something rushing to one of the trucks. It stopped, took someone out and ran away. Then somepony began firing at it, others began calling them traitors. It quickly escalated from there.’ You heard it yourself, it seems like the war on the airbase is nothing more but a misunderstanding. We have scattered reports that the Empress herself provoked it. This is-”

“Stop,” Cloudy Dawn obediently pressed the ‘Stop’ key. “Captain, please elaborate. How are your subordinates, my Guards, have found themselves embroiled in a mutiny, of all things?”

The subtle threat in the question made the Captain shuffle uneasily,
“Your Majesty, it seems they found themselves in the same misunderstanding as the rest of your soldiers. They claim that a changeling disguised as yourself kidnapped Lady Rarity. They and a few others attempted to stop them but other troopers intervened. In the confusion, it came to shots.”

“Is that so? Captain, if Miss Rarity indeed was kidnapped, how come she is here now?”

“Here?” The Captain cautiously looked the room over to be sure. “Your Majesty, I don’t seem too...” the officer has fallen silent as the royal mare raised her hoof.

“Rarity, come inside, please, and invite my sister as well.” The side door opened, letting in the two mares in question. Both mares had the same dull bearing,
“As you may observe, Rarity is here and well. In honor of your past impeccable service, I shall not inquire further, Captain. Should you make another mistake like this and I shall find someone more qualified. Did I speak plainly enough?”

“Of course, Your Majesty!” Rolling quickly bowed his head.

“Very well. Now, Colonel Torque Bender.” The old stallion gulped as the slitted eyes burrowed into him, “In all your years of service today must have been your greatest disgrace. I shall personally look into your involvement. You shall be stripped of your rank and your command shall be transferred to a more deserving. For now you may go and prepare for your discharge and pray that I find it not be your doing. Attract any more of my attention to your own peril,” Nightmare Moon spoke her sentence.

The old officer quickly stood up from his place, bowed and rapidly left the room through the double doors leading to the hallway.

“Now, Miss Tears,” Nightmare Moon shifted her attention to her next victim. “I believe it is time for your organization to go through an audit. Your kind shall no longer have leaders that would incite riots.”

“What?!” Dreamy cried. “But… But… Your Majesty, we thought your city was about to get attacked! I only rounded up those who might pose a threat! Riots were never our intention!”

“Miss Tears, allow me to speak plainly,” Nightmare Moon stood up from her own voluptuous seat and took a few steps back, before sharply pulling on the drapes, allowing the sunlight to poor inside.

“Aghhhhhh!” Dreamy screamed in pain and pressed her hooves to her hurt eyes.

“Your. Cult. Is. A. Blight. On. My. Land,” Nightmare Moon spoke every word emphasising it with a ringing sound of her shoes as she approached the blinded thestral, entirely ignoring the light herself. “You cause divisions and strife where would be none otherwise! You intimidate my subjects! You see yourself in the right to police my city! I shall tolerate your insidious presence no longer! You will dismantle your hierarchy and demolish your places of worship, and burn your texts, I want to see no reminder of them ever existing! All of you who won't make yourselves useful to my city shall be evicted!”

“But we only followed the ancient writings you left us before your exile! It is written that we must protect your sacred order! Were we wrong to interpret them this way?! Give us one more chance, I swear I-”

“Stop,” Nightmare Moon spoke, her voice suddenly becoming tired and disinterested. She then pulled the drapes to keep the light away again and sat down in her armchair, closing her eyes, “Rarity, would you, please, help Miss Tears?”

Rarity hesitated for a long moment before following the order, “Let’s go, Darling,” she said and gently ushered Dreamy through the doors.

Nightmare Moon sighed,
“Now, we must deal with this crisis. Firstly, I need another task force assembled. They have to be sent out promptly. Minister, please, gather the troops required and prepare them for departure. Miss Dawn, I would need you to prepare a report on the general state of mind of the common citizens, focusing on Canterlot.”

As the last of her ministers left through the main doors back into the corridor, Nightmare Moon let out a deep sight and let he back to finally rest on the armchair’s back. The mountain of reports that was left before her, of course, wasn’t going anywhere, but at least there was a moment of rest for her. If only.

“So I heard right,” Rainbow Dash did not sound surprised. “You were planning to start a war. So, care to explain now? I waited nicely for all your buttlicks to leave, didn't I?”

“Is Luna safely down in the crypt?” Nightmare Moon ignored the pegasus, drawing an irritated grunt from her.

“Yes, Nightmare. Luna is safe... please, don’t be harsh on her. She merely tried to be helpful, this is all. I should have watched better,” Daybreaker managed a weak smile.

“Sister, clarify, what exactly were you two doing?” Nightmare Moon asked with a sigh. “I hope you realize the kind of predicament we are in.”

“I… do, sister. I cannot say anything else but to assure you that both I and Luna are very sorry.”

“Yeah, yeah, of course, you are," Rainbow blurted.

“Quiet, worm!” Daybreaker harshly hissed. “Be grateful that my sister allows you to listen!”

“Sister, please, tell me what you two were doing,” Nightmare Moon returned her sister to the subject, not wishing to see another pointless bickering match.

“Celestia’s damnable phoenix led us there, Nightmare. Luna saw the bird and decided that she came to show her something, I couldn’t stop her so I followed instead. We witnessed the preparations held on the base and Luna spotted Rarity attempting to hide amongst the soldiers’ supplies they had loaded in their vehicles. Nightmare, I swear, I tried to stop her! I tried reasoning, taking her away with my spells, I even tried begging! Luna simply could not be moved! She went alone and soldiers saw her, and…” Daybreaker cut off, but Nightmare needed not to torture her sister further.

“Thank you, sister,” Nightmare nodded calmly. “For trying to prevent this disaster. I believe I know the precise reason why Rarity was there. For today - rest. I will speak to you later.”

“Of course, Nightmare,” Daybreaker readily bowed. “I… I will try to have some sleep now.” Daybreaker then went for the door but turned back to look at Nightmare once again, “Please, try to have some rest yourself as well. Managing this… situation must be exhausting.” Upon receiving another nod, Daybreaker left.

“I don’t understand. Don’t you want me gone and be done with as soon as possible? I don’t understand why am I even here,” Rainbow said.

“Miss Dash, I am not prone to sacrificing my responsibility to emotions,” Nightmare Moon stated flatly. “If you are required to hear this for the benefit of my subjects then I shall tolerate you.”

“Your subjects, eh?” Rainbow crossed her hooves.

“Yes, my subjects. It is my responsibility to keep them safe but today I am forced to resolve the situation that I could not see coming and it requires your help, Miss Dash.”

“So you want my help? Fine, I’ll bite,” Rainbow deliberately put both of her hind legs at the council table. “What is it you want me to do?”

“I want you to speak to your friend Applejack and convey to her all you just heard. To the letter.”

“Just like that? So you feed us this info exactly why?”

“Because if you don’t receive the information from the source you may get the wrong version and put both yourselves and other ponies in danger. I am sure you know exactly what I speak of.”

“I am not buying this. You won’t care what she thinks. Is she planning another revolt or something?” Rainbow paused for a long, heavy sigh. “I swear, she is too stubborn for her own good.”

“I am glad that we agree on this, Miss Dash. It has come to my knowledge that your friend is once again brewing dissent. She seems determined to start a civil disobedience action. I require you to make sure that this is where she stops,” Nightmare Moon coldly briefed.

“So, either I agree or my friends get hurt?” Rainbow clarified straightly.

“Correct,” Nightmare Moon grimly affirmed. “You can either help me to end this possible threat before it matures, or you can wait until I would have to sign her death warrants.”

“Nah,” Rainbow waved off. “We both know you wouldn’t do it. Broken tools have no use, do they?”

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes,
“Your ignorance becomes troubling, Miss Dash. This is not what I called upon you for.”

“Who are you kidding here?” Rainbow was now losing interest herself. “Everyone knows that you don’t have the gut to make good on that threat. The most you’ll do to them is send them somewhere you won’t be seeing them.”

“Bullets, Miss Dash, don’t always conform to my desires,” Nightmare Moon spoke with growing annoyance. “If they intend to do violence, I would have to respond. You know as much all too well, I suspect. Therefore if you would not prefer any of your insufferably uncompromising acquaintances finding their way to their resting place, I suggest you cooperate.”

“So, let me get this straight. You want me to lie to my friends' faces, for your sake, then ditch them as soon as I know what they are up to and run back to you?” Rainbow drew an underscore in the air. “Can’t say I am surprised, to be honest.”

“Now, shall you comply, or should I use other means?” Nightmare Moon questioned, eager to be done with the matter.

“Hmm… Nah, I think I am good,” Rainbow smiled at her.

“Ughrrrrrr...” Nightmare Moon half-groaned half-growled. “What is your price?”

“Stop pretending,” Rainbow simply responded. “Stop lying and pretending like you don’t care about others and that you think them beneath you.”

“I don’t imagine you have any idea what you are demanding.”

“Do I?” Rainbow looked at Nightmare Moon lazily with a single eye. “You know Silver? Of course you do, the little colt you brought in to save him from poverty, like he's a stray cat.” Nightmare Moon heavily sighed in response, preparing for a long speech.
“You didn’t think nobody would piece it all together, did you? We had a few chats, he told me how he met you on the street, asking for change, and how the next thing was him getting a job he couldn’t even dream of a day before. You just saw a talent, eh? Or how Cloudy personally talks him through everything so that he won’t even get an opportunity to get in trouble? I think she made him learn the plan of the palace better than his own house.
“How about his dad? You got him crippled and he’d still take a bullet for you if you just asked, but naaaah, you just ditched him! And Dreamy and her folks? They literally have a creep altar dedicated to you! If you went to their meeting just once and told them clearly what you wanted them to do, they’d be the happiest bunch of weirdos since Pinkie. Instead, you mince Dreamy when she only wanted to be helpful. If you actually cared enough to talk to them, we wouldn't be in this mess!
“You want somepony to like you? Well, here's a good chance to start looking for that. Who knows, if you stop pretending to be a Wendigo queen all the time, AJ might even stop hating you so much.
“These are my conditions: I’ll help you with your problem, but you will stop treating everypony as beneath you. That way we can all be better off.”

Nightmare Moon waited for the pegasus to finish with newfound patience, before silently turning around and walking out of the room without a word. As annoying as the pegasus was, perhaps she had a point. For another time perhaps. Still, Dash will do as she was told, in this Nightmare Moon was certain.

For now, more urgent business waited. She regretted having to bring Twilight up from her rest, but the Princess had to finish her business with griffons as fast as possible, for Nightmare Moon had need of her. Nightmare Moon already signed her contract in advance, allowing Twilight to review them for the last time. She would send a word soon. Nightmare Moon also noted that Twilight mostly sent Thorax to do tasks for her, it seems the Young Princess was recognizing the merit of having a secret agent just for her own use. Though it would be folly to expect her to understand just yet how truly necessary it is.
But as of yet the word did not come and Nightmare still hasn’t spoken to Rarity personally.

“Barom,” she addressed the Honor Guard currently on duty with her. “Where would Rarity go immediately after she escorted Dreamy out of the gates?”

The soldier gave her a surprised look,
“Ehm… Judging by the recent events, she’d want to be alone and rest for a while. Correct, Your Majesty?” Nightmare Moon frowned, he thought she was checking his awareness. Her own was rapidly evaporating, it seemed. “Should I fetch her for you?” he asked, once he saw that there would be no answer.

“No, I wish for a walk,” Nightmare Moon said, making her first step. Baron obediently followed. “How are your soldiers, Baron?” Nightmare Moon suddenly asked.

“They are ready for your orders, Ma’am,” Baron mechanically answered.

“Do they fare better? None of their dear were harmed in riots?”

“From what I know, none of us have anyone in Canterlot, Your Majesty,” Baron was visibly confused by the sudden interest. “Well, except for Wavy that is, she had a brother here.”

“You know him,” Nightmare Moon nodded.

“Wavy made us all hit his bar once, it went on from there. White Hooves gives discounts to all Guards, it’s kind of our place now.” Nightmare Moon made a mental note to visit some time, her soldiers would enjoy spending time with her in less formal demeanor, “Oh, also. I entirely forgot,” Baron suddenly perked up. “Slingshot asked me to tell him when he can catch you, I think he has some personal business with you. I told him to come after the council meeting. I hope I did not go above my station too much.”

“We are in the state of emergency. There is little time for personal issues,” Nightmare Moon coldly spoke.

“I am sorry, Your Majesty. I should have told him so,” Baron promptly excused himself.

“Hmgh...” Nightmare Moon huffed. “I shall see him. If he decides to show his face after all.”

“Then we should maybe wait for him, he should be coming any second,” Baron assured. Nightmare Moon huffed in irritation again and stopped but did not say anything, “So… uhh… How is your… uh...” Baron tried to bridge the awkwardness, “...day?” He instantly regretted trying. Under her gloomy look he wished he could turn into an ant and hide between the floor tiles, like one of her changelings.

“Wonderful,” she sighed, humoring him nonetheless. “I raised the sun and laid to rest for only mere moments before I was woken again by a message of my own city in a state of riot and my soldiers slaughtering each other. I had to fly out myself to stop violence! Since morning I have spent listening to more nonsensical excuses and pleas than in the last decade whole. I also must call my Princess off her own projects to curate a mundane administrative matter simply because my subjects cannot manage without direct oversight! Commoners are entirely useless when there is no one watching them.”

“Perhaps your sister would help?” Baron cautiously offered. “I didn’t say anything,” he quickly apologized upon receiving another thunderous glare.

Soon, a corporal came running, panting heavily from the long way. A package dangling from his side,
“T… Terribly sorry for making you wait, My Lady,” he breathed out.

“Save it. What is it you want?” she spoke, visibly annoyed. The soldier quickly began unfolding the package. With the paper giving way, stallion held out a bouquet of white flowers.

For a brief moment Nightmare Moon stared at the stallion and his present, not quite sure what was the meaning, but the next instant she burst laughing. Immediately all eyes of passing servants and guests were upon them the stallion sank while Nightmare Moon continued to laugh her eyes rolling closed trying to hold tears in.

“Why thank you!” She finally took the flowers and took a long sniff, “Ah! White roses! I swear, soldiers choosing flowers is just the most hilarious thing!” she proceeded to laugh a bit more. “Young love!” she cried. Other ponies finally picked up this simply being one of the rare moments of mirth their mistress had and started relaxing, some even chuckled a little themselves.
“Next time when you decide to bring a mare flowers, do bother to learn what each flower actually means,” Nightmare Moon soon took a hold of herself. “White roses mean ‘young love,’ they are meant for young pairs. While it is flattering, I am more than a thousand years older than you. White roses are not quite appropriate,” she explained with a smile. “But I am flattered! I don’t even remember when a noble stallion gifted me flowers the last time!”

“Eh… My Lady, the flowers aren’t mine,” the soldier awkwardly answered. “They are from a friend, I owed him a favor, see.”

“Ah! A romantic approach!” Nightmare Moon purred. “Who is this your ‘friend’?”

“Can’t say Ma’am,” the stallion shook his head. “I promised to not tell you. He was very shy, you see.”

“Well then, you may tell your dear friend that I quite appreciate his gallant attention,” Nightmare Moon smiled back. “Although his taste in flowers desperately needs work. Go now.” The soldier quickly obeyed, while the monarch continued her own way.
“Ah!” she took another whiff of the flowers. “Such gentlecolts!” she remarked with a smile. Her mood vastly improved.

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