• Published 14th Feb 2020
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Imperial Revision - The Sound of Loneliness

What would you do if you already had everything? Or everything you wanted. Her Majesty Nightmare Moon has recently discovered there is more to life than war, intrigues and edicts. Luna is trying to be helpful. She has no choice.

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The Wrongs Washed Clean

“Perhaps we can do this afterward. Mistress? Your subjects are waiting outside,” Shadow tried to stall.

“There might not be an ‘afterward,’ my Shadow,” Nightmare Moon solemnly said. “I understand that you are ashamed of breaking the law, but a mother must not shun her foals. They are innocent of whatever sins you believe you committed, they deserve to have a mother.”

Shadow has fallen silent, but her spirit did not raise. How would Tibia and Grossa even see her now? What if they have seen her as a coward for abandoning them? Maybe they won’t even look at her? Maybe…
Nightmare Moon opened the door, leading to one of the cozy waiting rooms in the palace. Mistress then stopped, waiting for Shadow to slip inside. The changeling mare uneasily obeyed.

The first thing Shadow saw, or rather heard, inside was Thorax. Her half-brother was already aware,
“And then she said...” Thorax stopped midsentence as he realized that they were no longer alone. All eyes were on Shadow now, it was uncomfortable. Shadow quickly found both of her daughters standing awkwardly in the middle, neither knowing how to behave in such a place.

Shadow instantly recognized Grossa’s broad-shouldered silhouette, her daughter still had her chitin youthfully gleaming in the dimmest of lights emanating from the walls, even though she was not much younger than Shadow herself. She already had a few scars too. Her gaze was calm and collected, despite the unusual scenery. Exactly as it should be.

Tibia, by her side, was overshadowed by her sister’s large frame, but what she lacked in body she compensated in attitude. She nearly leapt forward as soon as Shadow saw her, only stopping herself at the last moment, remembering her training. Her eyes, though, did not hold back her joy, Shadow could see them twinkling slightly.

Both of the changelings were wearing black uniform shirts, their chests glittering with accolades. They both looked so beautiful!

Slowly and silently, Shadow moved forward. The younger changelings reflexively straightened themselves, as if receiving an officer. Shadow did not know what she was meant to say or do. This was not something she was trained to do. Shadow wanted, needed, to do something!
Her body started trembling from inner pressure to act… but she didn’t know what to do!
Luckily, Tibia never quite scored high in discipline training or in patience. The younger changeling suddenly and sharply lurched forward and grasped Shadow by her neck. Something she probably picked up from the pony soldiers. Grossa rolled her eyes, but said nothing.

Shadow’s first instinct was to resist, but as soon as she raised her hooves to push Tibia away, she felt herself relaxing into the embrace.

“Both of you are so beautiful!” Shadow finally let herself go, reciprocating to her daughter.

“We missed you,” Tibia stated simply.

“Let our mother go, Tibia,” Grossa sighed. “You are embarrassing us.”

Tibia hesitantly obeyed and let Shadow go. Though Shadow had other plans. Grabbing Tibia, Shadow dragged her to wide-eyed Grossa and embraced them both, smothering them against herself and each other. The sisters gave each other a weird look, then Tibia hugged Shadow in return and used her other hoof to embrace her sister too. Grossa gave in at last. With a heavy sigh, she reciprocated the gesture.

Nightmare Moon beamed at the sight, even in her situation, when her ponies were standing at the walls of her home, the sight before Nightmare Moon filled her with joy. The changeling before her meant the world to her. Nightmare Moon may have been failing to bring her subjects at large happiness, but tonight the trend could change. If she could bring happiness to one of her subjects, why couldn’t she do the same for all others?
Nightmare Moon glanced to the brothers standing together out of sight, trying not to ruin the moment. Nightmare Moon suddenly got an idea regarding the larger one, a cheeky smile graced her features.

“General,” she called, starting to stride towards the pair. “Attention!” Pharynx sharply turned towards her and stuck his chest out, waiting to hear his orders as a good soldier should. “I believe I have to congratulate you for such swiftness. You managed to bring My Shadow’s daughters in under two nights!”

Pharynx swelled with pride at the praise of a monarch,
“It wasn’t easy, Ma’am, I had to get a flight from a-” Catching Pharynx while he was distracted with his own talk, Nightmare Moon lurched forward like a snake, pressing her lips to the General’s. His eyes shot wide and his ears began flicking like wind vanes in a storm.

Nightmare Moon soon ended her kiss, to look at the effects of her doing. The changeling looked dazed and unsteady at his hooves, as well as gasping for air.
“Eegheeh...” Pharynx tried to speak without much luck. He then suddenly began leaning to the side, losing his balance. He made a few wobbly steps and collapsed on his side, “Hic!”

Nightmare Moon covered her mouth and chuckled, “Isn’t your brother just adorable, Thorax?” she addressed the bewildered brother.

“Maybe not the word I would use, Your Majesty,” Thorax answered, shyly avoiding looking at.

Nightmare Moon gifted him with a smile and turned her attention back to Shadow. Both of her daughters were eyeing her intently and curiously, in Grossa’s case, also with open hunger. Shadow quickly picked up on her larger daughter’s interest. Her reaction was immediate. Sharply hitting Grossa on her cheek, Shadow made her daughter cease.

“Don’t you dare to look at Mistress like that,” Shadow menacingly hissed at her bewildered daughter, any tenderness instantly gone.

“M-mistress?” for a moment, Grossa lost her calm demeanor.

“Shadow, stop,” Nightmare Moon intervened, gently putting her silvered shoe on Shadow’s shoulder. “We must go now. I require you for what comes next.”

Shadow blinked a few times before responding,
“At once, Mistress.”

Nightmare Moon gently led Shadow to the door and only looked back once at the end. Grossa eyed her now with open hostility.

Nightmare Moon stopped just outside and closed the door gently. The time was short, but the crowds could wait for just a few more minutes. Shadow stood silently with her eyes glued to the floor.

“Shadow, please,” Nightmare Moon began gently. “You are not guilty of your daughter lacking a little in self restrain. You were not with her for long enough to properly teach her,” Nightmare Moon comforted her dear Shadow, uncaring for who might hear them, in her palace she no longer had to hide her feelings.

Shadow slowly turned around and hugged Nightmare Moon’s foreleg without looking up at her,
“Thank you,” Shadow half-whispered. “Mistress, thank you for making me face them again. I needed to see both of them again.”

“Of course, dear Shadow,” Nightmare Moon sat down and embraced her changeling in return with her free leg. “A mother must not be estranged from her foals.”

“I… I think I understand, finally...” Shadow made a long pause. “Mistress, do you have foals?” The sudden question struck Nightmare Moon like lightning shooting up her spine. The little changeling, so clueless in the social workings of ponies, somehow found a spot, not even Luna could know about. She felt herself trembling and her eyes starting to water.
“I believe you do, Mistress,” Shadow continued, pressing herself harder into her Mistress’ embrace.

Daybreaker nervously paced around the room, the clock on the wall just hit four at night. Nightmare still hasn’t arrived. Others in the room were starting to get nervous too. Honor Guards, summoned in their entirety, shuffled their legs nervously. Twilight was peeking at the clock every twenty seconds. Luna, as she wished by those in the room, tried to stay away from the windows, so that the ponies on the outside would not see her, and occupied herself with inventing the most creative way to refill a pen. Rarity was ceaselessly trotting around the room, checking if anyone needed anything, yet everyone in their own turn declined her offer every time. Finally, Cadance simply stood apart from everyone, staring at the floor, her posture an admittance of defeat. Daybreaker fearfully looked at the balcony Nightmare was supposed to be standing at, pegasi could land there too easily...

Finally, the door swung open, letting both Nightmare and her changeling inside. Daybreaker immediately rushed to her,
“Oh sister, where have you been?! The crowds will soon start rioting! Oh dear, your mane looks like a drape, just give me a moment,” Daybreaker quickly summoned a brush.

“Sister, no,” Nightmare Moon stopped her imperiously. “You are correct, there is no time. Sister, the time has come for us to bring this sad tale to the end.”

“What do you mean, sister? You cannot possibly mean to say...”

“Daybreaker,” Nightmare Moon grasped her sister by the shoulders. “Put your trust in me. Our people deserve better, our sisters deserve better, all of us deserve better. I will not suffer this tyranny anymore, from now on, our ponies will be free to make their own choices. ...And they shall never again live in fear of us.”

“I… sister have you gone mad?” Daybreaker weekly tried to protest. “We will lose power, sister.”

“So be it then. If they wish that I am to remain only to raise the sun and moon and allow the ponies to govern themselves. But be at ease, for this choice is for the better. The only one that I can still make. Trust in me one more time, dear sister, everything will be well.”

“If… If you say this is how it has to be, then I trust you. You always know the best course of action,” Daybreaker spoke, mostly for her own comfort. “Sister, wait. I wished to have a moment with your Shadow as well before you do your speech, that is.”
Nightmare Moon cocked her brow but stepped away nonetheless,
“I wanted to give you something,” Daybreaker addressed the changeling, presenting her with a sheath with a blade in it, “This is yours.”

Nightmare Moon quietly smiled, coming from Daybreaker, this was as good as an apology. Shadow hesitated for a moment before taking the offering,
“Thank you, Princess,” she bowed slightly. Daybreaker unevenly smiled and stepped away again.

Nightmare Moon eyed her retinue, seeing their spirits not much higher than poor Daybreaker’s. Well, she could spare just one more moment for each one of them. The mob has waited for this long, it could wait for a single moment more. Shadow quietly touched her as a show of support and trotted to stand next to Daybreaker to cement their relationship further, truly, Shadow has learned much subtlety in more ways than one.

Firstly, Nightmare Moon elected to see to her other sister,
“Nightmare,” she greeted her, nodding shortly.

“How do you feel, Luna?”

“Better than I thought I would, actually,” Luna brushed her mane off to the side. “To all his venom, Sombra keeps me company during day hours. We spend time remembering the old days. Well, at least when he isn’t going on a rant about you, that is. You seem to impress him.”

“Well, let us hope that one night he learns to express that in a proper way,” Nightmare Moon smiled lightly.

“Go already, Nightmare. Those ponies won’t wait forever,” Luna pointed with her chin at the balcony.

“Do me a favor, Luna. Stay close, I may need to call on you tonight.”

“Ughm… Nightmare, do you intend one of your cover-ups? I am not going to help you with that,” Luna’s attitude changed instantaneously.

“No, Luna. Just trust me,” Nightmare Moon asked gently. “I swear, this is nothing you would view as reprehensible. I hope that I would not need to call upon you, but please, just in case.”

“Fine,” Luna sighed. “As long as this isn’t something dishonorable. I’ll wait for you to wave.”

“Thank you, Luna. I swear-”

“Go already,” Luna sighed again. Nightmare Moon dared not to object.

“Rarity,” Nightmare then headed to her other friend. “Are you feeling better?”

“Better, Your Majesty, thank you. I hope you found the answer you were looking for,” Rarity weakly smiled.

“Did she trouble you again?”

“No… It is back to normal, it seems like. I can’t feel her or hear her thoughts as you describe. Maybe she simply doesn’t want to communicate?”

“Yes, Rarity,” Nightmare Moon bowed her head slightly. “This is what it seems like.”

“Oh dear, she gave you a hard time, didn’t she? Such a disgrace! Let me apologize on her behalf, I am sure the poor darling is simply stressed out.”

“No, Rarity,” Nightmare Moon shook her head lightly and sighed. “We just don’t see eye to eye, she simply wants to be left alone. As sad as that is, sometimes we cannot find an understanding.”

Oh, Darling, don’t say that! You are wonderful! I am sure she will come around eventually!” As grim as the occasion was, Nightmare Moon still smiled at Rarity’s hearty cheer.

“Rarity, did anyone ever tell you how lovely you are?” Nightmare Moon suddenly pulled Rarity in a gentle hug.

“Oh… Darling, you know I am always here for you!”

“Yes, Rarity. You are here for everyone,” Nightmare Moon gently nuzzled Rarity on the forehead. “Thank you, for everything.”

Leaving flattered Rarity, Nightmare Moon then moved on to Twilight. She didn’t look too good, Nightmare had to note, wishing there was a better way to teach this, but politics could only be taught with experience.

“Am I really this blind?” Twilight broke the silence, her voice entirely emotionless. “Why didn’t you just tell me? It… it could’ve been different.”

“Twilight, the first thing you must understand, for when your time to rule would come, is that sacrifices must be made. Vision, you can only learn from experience. You would have to practice and you will make a lot of mistakes before you are competent. There are no books that can teach you to make good judgment calls. For now, you aren’t ready. But there will be a time you will be ready.”

“I understand, Your Majesty. But why couldn’t you simply correct me? Griffons didn’t deserve this.”

“Because, Twilight, you did offer them the best possible option. They may be dependent on us now, but this will still be a great boon for them. In their stubborn foolishness, they cannot see it yet, but industry brings not only long shifts and tiny wages. Their hamlets would soon transform to be proper towns. WIthout much polish, true, but towns nonetheless. Your only mistake was that you do not take into account the entire picture.” Nightmare touched her Princess on the shoulder reassuringly, “Forgive me if I was harsh and do not tear yourself up too much over it. Remember: you are talented and wise, your time will come, it is simply not yet upon us.”

“My Lady, I am sorry to interrupt you, but your subjects are preparing to storm the palace, in a few minutes the Guard would have to disperse them,” the Sergeant quietly reported.

“Thank you, Baron. I believe we have a little time then.” Nightmare Moon moved to the short row of her most trusted soldiers. She eyed each one intently, most did not dare to meet her gaze. “You’ve run the security of my tower exceptionally, Baron,” she congratulated. “You all did. Your loyalty has allowed others in the palace to sleep more soundly, they would never know how much you all did for them, but we do,” Nightmare Moon made a wide gesture. “I release you of your debt. You may retire or return to your former unit, if you wish. Know, however, that no matter what you choose, I was honored to have your service, my most reliable of companions.”

This time, all eyes were on her. Some stared in disbelief, others in amazement, Baron himself though, only with gratitude,
“I don’t know what to say, Your Majesty...”

“You don’t need to say anything,” Nightmare Moon put her hoof at his shoulder. “Take care, I hope to see all of you again.”

Lastly, the time came for Cadance. Nightmare Moon left her for the last specifically, this would be the second hardest discussion she would have to hold tonight,
“Cadance,” Nightmare Moon addressed the pink princess quietly. She quickly lifted her eyes, which did soundly focused on her. Good, after the treatment slightly overzealous put her though she might have gotten a severe concussion. This would have to be held private, just between the two of them, so Nightmare Moon only spoke with a third of her voice.
“Cadance, I apologize,” Nightmare Moon said simply, between them there was never any need for anything else, Cadance always understood. Cadance blinked her eyes in response.
“I have judged poorly,” Nightmare Moon continued. “While you were right. I should not have ever done this to you, or your family. I understand your anger now. If Twilight or either of my sisters would wish so, they may go with you. I won’t interfere any longer. I hope one day you can forgive me for what I did. If not, know that I am sorry. Goodbye, Cadance.”

Having her final message delivered, the time has come. Nightmare Moon nodded lightly to Luna, and the mare joined her,
“Stand here, please,” Nightmare Moon gestured to the shadow just outside the doors leading onto the platform. “You will know what to do.”

“Alright, Nightmare,” Luna nodded. Nightmare Moon made a step to the balcony, but Luna, in lightning motion, embraced her by the neck, causing Nightmare to twitch instinctively. Luna simply stood there, burying her snout in Nightmare’s fur and holding her tightly,
“Be careful, sister,” she quietly said, finally letting go. Smiling in return, Nightmare Moon ventured forth.

She did not make special preparations, did not put on any unusual jewels or a dress, that would send the wrong message. Nightmare Moon wished for the ponies to see her as if they came to her during a simple session of night court, to seek her favor, to ask her aid with an issue. Though commoners were rarely allowed to come into her throne room, perhaps tonight was the time to change that.

Stepping out on the marble balcony, she spread her wings above her, to make herself more visible. The promenade and the square before the palace were full of ponies, some were chanting, though they quickly grew silent upon seeing her. At a glance, Nightmare Moon estimated them to be a few thousand, not too many, but more than enough to completely overwhelm her Guards below. Her soldiers stood in a half-circle before the gates, keeping the crowd away. She, personally, forbad issuing them with arms and combat attires. Standing before the crowds with no means to defend themselves was stressful, but there was no other way, she would not suffer bloodshed between her subjects at her own doorstep.
The crowd seemed to have all kinds of subjects. Mostly Canterlot citizens, workers and clerks of the lower city. Some were local farmers, clearly unhappy with reduced harvests. There were even a couple of soldiers.
Thestrals were down there too, although they stood separate from anyone else. Nightmare Moon noted that they had a change of leadership, instead of Dreamy, it was her maid now standing in the High Priestess' robes. Well, at least she is known to be more mild and accepting. Maybe they deserved a second chance after all.
Applejack was there too, right in front of the action with a megaphone hanging from her neck. Quaint, an invention to mimic the Royal Canterlot Voice. Another new invention she spotted in the midst of the gathering is something only a few could see in a newspaper article. A video camera, a wondrous device that allowed one to capture moving pictures. Truly, tonight shall be remembered. For better or for worse.

All eyes were on her now, but she wrote no speech. She wanted to sound natural. So, she said what her mind was suggesting to her,
“My subjects,” her voice carried along the promenade better than it would with any megaphone, “even though some of you would not say so of themselves. Tonight this does not matter. Rich or poor, loyal or not, no matter who you served before, tonight you all stand here before me as one. You came to demand answers for your questions, for explanations, and here I stand before you, for all of you to see, answering your demand for knowledge.” Nightmare Moon heard hoofsteps starting behind her, her sister started pacing again no doubt.

A sudden, high pitched noise reached her from the square,
“How ‘bout ye stop talkin’ hot air and actually ask what the questions are?” the distorted, but nonetheless familiar voice sounded out. “Ye thinkin’ so much ‘bout yerself don’t ya? Knowin’ exactly what we need to know!”

Nightmare Moon heavily sighed, of course it would not be so easy,
“Very well,” Nightmare Moon spoke evenly. “Speak then, Applejack of Apple Acres. What is it you desire to hear?”

There was a little shuffle as Applejack quickly asked those around her for any good questions,
“First of all, what’s goin’ on with our crops? Everyone ‘ere had an awful harvest this year! We can’t go one like dis’!”

“I am aware of your plight,” Nightmare Moon confirmed. “Sadly, there is little I can do at the moment. The land is seemingly losing its fertility worldwide, not just in the Empire. However, the possible cause was pinpointed and resolved. If it would not end the crisis, my treasury shall compensate any losses in the next season. You will also be offered grants to farm less demanding crops.”

“What cause? What in tarnation did you do?!”

“I may not disclose the details, otherwise the likes of Queen Chrysalis may exploit them, but to you, Miss Applejack, I would say that you already know the answer. As you have encountered it yourself together with your friends.
“Now, if you would let me. I know what it is you wish for the most. You wish for your lives to return to what they were before. Before the Empire, before me. Some of you are loyal and happy, but I would be lying if I said that I am. I would be lying if I said I could replace what Celestia was to you all. Forgive me, if you can, dear subjects,” Nightmare Moon then quietly bowed her head, giving the ponies below a little time to process what she just said. The murmurs ran throughout the crowd, but nobody would dare to speak out loud, her authority still respected,
“I was not a good Empress to you, my subjects. Instead of taking after Princess Celestia, I ruled you with fear!” she loudly proclaimed. “I have not been good to you, my subjects,” she repeated. “But I shall continue this no longer,” the nervous hoofsteps behind her resumed, but Nightmare Moon had no time to attend to her sister right now. “No longer you shall be cowering before the one who is meant to serve your livelihood! You deserve so much better than this! From now on, I shall no longer keep you in the dark of the workings of the court! I am not the monarch you deserved, but I shall do my best for you! If after this night you would wish so, I would step down gladly!”

“Nightmare, what are you doing?!” Daybreaker loudly whispered in panic. “Have you gone mad?!”

The crowd indeed was getting agitated, but for the moment Nightmare Moon had to ignore her sister’s concern for now,
“To start, I have a truth for you, my subjects. One that I have been hiding for a very long time.” With that, she turned to Luna, still standing in the shadow of the room,
“It is time now, Luna,” Nightmare Moon nodded, smiling almost happily. “No more hiding from your own people. Come, let them see your beauty in the moonlight again.”

“Nightmare, n-no!” Daybreaker called. “You are bringing about our end! You cannot do this to m… us!” Daybreaker was visibly desperate.

“It has to be this way, sister,” Nightmare Moon calmly said. “Our people suffer, it has to end, and this is the only way. I have to give them back what I stole,” Nightmare Moon said and Daybreaker’s eyes shot wide. Poor choice of words.

“You… I… I can’t believe this!” Daybreaker broke eye contact and looked down at her shaking hooves. “I trusted you! I thought I...”

“Sister, I am sorry,” Nightmare Moon said gently, stepping closer, deciding to give her dear sister the attention she so desperately needed. “Mayhaps I chose-ugh!” Nightmare Moon saw a bright flash before feeling something pinching her in the shoulder. Shadow, still standing next to Daybreaker, desperately reached behind her to check her weapon… but it wasn’t there. Poor Shadow, oh how cruelly ironic it ended for her...
Nightmare Moon slowly looked down at her shoulder. A very familiar thin dagger was sticking out, it wasn’t lodged deep just barely enough to stick. It wasn’t meant to harm her, but it no longer mattered. Nightmare Moon, of course, knew about the poison, yet, somehow it did not bother her. Looking at that dagger sticking from her and a small trickle of her own blood made her feel strangely tranquil.

She finally looked again at Daybreaker, her previous faze was gone, hooves covering her chin, her eyes expressing absolute horror at what she just did. There was no need to say anything to her, not anymore.

Nightmare Moon returned the weapon to Shadow without looking while turning away and back to Luna. The Lunar Princess was stuck somewhere between horror and rage, her eyes dashing to Daybreaker trying to decide if she wanted to turn her head off or rush to Nightmare instead.

“Have I ever told you, dear sister, how beautiful you would be in an evening dress?” Nightmare Moon asked Luna out of nowhere. “You have such petite features, long legs, and just enough of bulk to look absolutely dazzling in one of Rarity’s gowns. A silver chain adoring your mane maybe, a pair of earrings with sapphires,” Nightmare Moon said, looking at Luna with a wistful smile, confusing her enough for her to forget about her anger for a moment. “You are so beautiful, Luna. Don’t forget that.” With those words, Nightmare Moon stepped back outside, her subjects would not see her as a coward to run away from them. She looked over their confused faces with a gentle smile of contentedness. She gave her city a look, marveling at the roofs, silvered by the moonshine and warmly glowing windows. Marveling at It all became so much easier now…

Her vision then bluerred. She vaguely heard her Shadow’s voice in a commanding tone. Dear Shadow, always the first to react.

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