• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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112- Dian Masalanta

A flash of orange heralded our arrival in the palace’s corridor.

“You are getting better at translation between dreams,” Luna said as she stepped away from me.

“It’s ‘cuz I’m awesome,” I said, pretending to dust off my shoulders.

Luna reached over and knocked loudly on Princess Cadence’s door. We had entered her dream to speak with her immediately, as she requested last time she spoke to Luna.

‘I hope it’s good news. But with her stated urgency, I know it can’t be good.’

Luna’s ear flicked towards the door, picking up something I couldn’t hear, “Cadence should now know of our arrival. It will take some time for her to get ready, I suspect. I have made her aware that she can simply will her looks and the world around her to suit her, yet she prefers the old fashion way. She will want to brush herself, clean, and make the bed by hoof.”

“Sounds like fun,” I rolled my eyes. “How often does she have these dreams? You know, the ones with her, her coltfriend, and a locked bedroom?”

“I would say too often, however she is the Princess of Love.”

“Yeah but you don’t dream that you’re on the moon,” I muttered.

Luna frowned, “You know very well why I do not dream of that.”

‘Shit, she wasn’t meant to hear that.’

“Yes, I, uh, sorry Luna. I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry, I’m just a bit tense right now. The battles against Division-P are starting to pick up steam. People are dying…”

Luna gave me a small nuzzle, “Let us hope that changes soon. It helps to focus on the good. Although I know you will want to comment on myself and my–” Luna dramatically whipped her mane back, “–awe inspiring presence and appearance, I would like to hear about your friends. There are so few friendly and trustworthy faces within Canterlot Castle that I would like to hear about those who are still on our side.”

I chuckled at her posing, “Just today I spent some time with Thorax and his coltfriend, Double Diamond. I brought them bad news but it’s hard to make Thorax upset, and Diamond took it in stride, I believe. With the afternoon open, Diamond took us to a gym he’s a member of to play some sports. Let’s just say that I’m not the most coordinated quadruped, and… yeah. At least Thorax ‘n Diamond got a ton of laughs out of it.”

“That sounds entertaining! Pray tell me, what is a gym?”

“A gymnasium is a large, spacious building where people go to exercise and play sports.”

“Ah! I presume the lack of open spaces in the city of Manehattan puts a premium on room to enjoy oneself?”

I shrugged, “There are parks to play sports in and run around, but the two biggest advantages of gyms are the exercise equipment they contain, and the fact that you can use the facility during any weather. I think. I’m not exactly an expert on modern amenities.”

Luna nodded slowly, “I see. I think I would enjoy a visit to the big cities. All our lives, Celestia and I have lived in distant, small villages, or large castles. Though Celestia most likely has enjoyed the comforts of Canterlot, I have not visited a city since…”

I wrapped a leg around her withers and gave her a hug, “We’ll visit Manehattan together. How’s that sound?”

“I would like that, Phasma,” Luna smiled.

“Coming, coming!” Cadence’s voice came muffled through the door.

“I’m surprised the door isn’t soundproof. Why isn’t that the case, Luna? I imagine guard duty on her door isn’t very comfortable, with that in mind.”

Luna facehoofed, “It is soundproof when the occupant desires it to be. It would be a massive security flaw otherwise; how could a Princess yell for the guards when no sound passes through?”

The door opened, and Cadence beckoned us in, still curling her hair with an iron.

‘Ponies have those? I guess magic really can outcompete most electronics… for now. I’m so investing in all that stuff.’

“You can make yourself presentable in an instant, Cadence,” Luna reminded her once again.

Cadence nodded for a moment before remembering she was in the process of curling her hair, “I know that, but I wouldn’t feel clean. You can’t just… stop being in that mindset, Luna.”

“Changing the subject,” I hurriedly said, “You had something important to tell us?”

Cadence levitated the curling iron back into the bathroom attached to her bedroom, “A lot of somethings… I went snooping around, so I should start with the fact that Daybreaker will probably know that I’m up to something. I certainly will be known to not be on friendly terms with the organization I’m supposed to be running. Past that, well you know how paranoid she is, Luna.”

Luna nodded, “It can not be understated. Did revealing your disloyalties reap benefits more than the cost?”

“I think so. I retrieved many files from Lord Acumen’s personal office. I haven’t read them all yet, so we’ll talk again once I have. But for now, I have read some distressing things. I’ve passed off most of this to the thestrals, so they can provide copies to you two if you wish to read them yourselves. First was a report from Locksdale Prison, where they are keeping the changelings. It isn’t good, but it could be worse. A little bit worse. They’re uh, they’re using ponies to feed the changelings, and they are not treating the changelings well. There have been a few deaths, but for the most part they are working to keep their captives alive. They’ve gotten a decent amount of information about the Fourth Hive apparently. Changeling loyalty matters only so much, and things change when it's their necks on the line. Most are loyal, but there are enough leaks to break the dam.”

I snorted, “Ain’t that the truth.”

Luna and Cadence looked at me with a puzzled look, but Cadence continued, “There was also some schematics. I couldn’t make heads or tails of it so you’ll have to wait on the Vallachians to break it down for us. It seemed at a glance to be some sort of necklace that protected the user.”

“Learning our enemies’ capabilities is always helpful,” Luna said.

“I’ll keep an eye out for these myself and see if we can learn about them out in the field,” I added.

Cadence continued, “There were also schematics for an explosive version of the collar. Turns out they did try to make it, but it was deemed unfeasible and unnecessary. At least, that’s what the closing notes say.”

‘Figures. They tried to be horrible pieces of shit, but the day was saved by fucking budget constraints.’

“... There were also some spells being developed to be used against changelings. Again, I’m no expert, so you’ll have to wait to hear what comes of that. There was also a missive directly from Daybreaker herself.”

Luna leaned towards her, “What did the Nightmare say?”

Cadence gulped, “The Division apparently took a photo of you in Vallachia.”

“Oh fuck,” I cursed.

“And, they are trying to hunt you down. I think it was implied that this whole fight against Division-P is to discover your location.”

“Oh fuck,” I cursed, a bit louder.

“And it was stressed to bring you in alive,,” Cadence finished.

“Oh fuck!” I yelled.

‘No no no no no! Not this alive shit again! Now another demi-goddess wants to turn me into a living popsicle! I just know it!’

“–down, okay Phasma? There you go. Just breathe. Like that, in and out. You’re okay, Phasma.”

I realized that Luna was not only talking, but that I was suddenly sitting down. Unconsciously, I was following her orders and trying to breathe deeply.

‘She must have realized that I’m having a panic attack– oh Panar I’m having a panic attack! Damnit, why can’t people just stick with trying to kill me! That’s bad, but far better than ascending or whatever Daybreaker has planned! Probably some Nightmare possession stuff again, or, or...’

I blinked and realized that I was staring Luna in the eyes. She was pressed up to me, nose to nose.

“There you are, Phasma. When I said to watch your anger, I did not mean to replace it with fear.”

I was at a loss for words, “I… I… uh, hi Luna?”

Luna giggled, “Hello, Phasma.”

Which in turn caused me to chuckle, “Heh, did I ever tell you that hearing you laugh is the highlight of my day? Er, night? It’s probably the closest thing to the taste of love there is…”

“Did I ever tell you that your nervousness is so adorable? The way you glance about when I cuddle up to you– I know you would be blushing if you could, or how you are a big tough looking stallion, but actually you’re just a big softie?”

“Wuh– buh– tch! I’m not a softie!”

Luna started chuckling again, but was interrupted by a loud gasp. We turned and saw Cadence with her jaw dropped.

She slowly backpedaled, “Wait a minute! Hold just a second! Time out! YOU TWO ARE IN LOVE?!

‘She didn’t know?’

I looked to Luna for answers, but she looked just as confused as I was.

“I thought you told her,” Luna whispered.

“Me? You see her every day in the palace!”

“You told her your new life’s story! Did I not come up–”

“Of course you did! I just, uh, f–focused on other things…”

“What does that mean?!”

“It means I had to cut details out for brevity’s sake– and how the hell did the Princess of Love not figure it out?! It’s not like we never hugged, held hooves, or said we love each other, or…. did anything in front of her. Oh fuck, did we do none of those things?”

Both our heads snapped to Cadence, who had suddenly summoned a chalkboard wall, with a table full of clutter in front of it. She gripped one of the small sides of it and dramatically flipped it away with a loud, echoing crash. Then, picking up six different pieces of chalk, she quickly filled out the entire chalkboard wall with notation.

Luna and I shared a worried look. We had clung to each other, both out of surprise at the sudden crash and out of the need for protection.

“This changes EVERYTHING!” Cadence yelled, mid-scribbling.

I whispered, “Luna. If she kills me, then know that I’m sorry that I ever let this misunderstanding happen. If the Princess of Love didn’t know that we were together, then clearly I wasn’t doing a good job of, uh, doting on you.”

“OF COURSE Luna constantly defends Phasma’s actions! She’s too close to him to have an unbiased opinion on his problems! That’s why she couldn’t understand the hypocrisy!” Cadence yelled out, now moving to another wall. It wasn’t even made of chalkboard, just marble and plaster.

Luna whispered back, “Phasma. It is equally my fault. I should have told my niece about something so important, especially as it relates to her domain. I just figured that you told her. Her silence on the subject should have tipped me off that all was not right, but I believe we are all quite worn out and distracted these days. And our professional distance during our meetings with her must also equally be my fault, by their nature.”

I shifted uncomfortably in her grip, “Yeah but I’m the one who told her about our interactions. Granted, Cadence and I talked before you and I started hanging out a lot, but still…”

Suddenly, my vision went Pink with a capital P.

“You never told me, Phasma!”

‘Oh Panar, this is how I really die! Unless–’

I shifted and held Luna out between us.

“Take her instead! I’m too young to die again!”

Cadence paused, “Y–”

I pulled Luna back in close to me, “Okay but don’t actually do that. She’s my golden ticket out of being hung at the pony Hague.”

Luna deadpanned, “Is that all I am to you?”

“No, don’t discredit yourself. You’re also my future meal ticket. A two-for-one deal.”

Luna and I tried to maintain straight faces, but I broke first. I started laughing until I was picked up by Cadence’s magic and torn from Luna’s grip.

Cadence made me face her, like she was grabbing me by the scruff of my neck, “I am blaming you for this, Phasma, since you were the one who told me about your history with her. Now, Start from the beginning again, and this time focus on Luna. I want to– no, I need to know everything about you and her. Luna, stay here and give me your point of view when you see fit. And do not think for a moment that you will be getting away from this scot-free!”

I tried to protest, “Uh, isn’t there more you need to tell us about–”

Cadence dropped me onto my haunches and sat down in front of me.


I flinched, “A–alright then. You promise you’re not going to hurt me?”

“Why would I– yes! Of course! I’m not going to hurt you, Phasma.” The anger slowly seeped out of Cadence, fatigue replacing she-hulk-ness, “Look, I somehow missed it too. So really, it’s all three of our faults. Mostly you two, though. I am elated– no, beyond the moon, all puns intended– that you two are together. I really do think you are good for each other. Both taken from your old worlds like fish out of water, both probably really messed up in the head but find solace in each other’s company, both insufferably DENSE AT TIMES! But! I can be calm, I just need to know everything!”

Cadence leaned uncomfortably close towards me. I glanced at Luna, hoping for support, but she was acting like we never knew each other.

“Traitor,” I cursed under my breath. “Okay. I better start from the important part. So no shit, there I was, speaking with Nightmare Moon just a day before I basically consigned the entire pony race to near-extinction…”

Author's Note:

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