• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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80- Somnus

Arc 6: Fifth Hive

My ears twitched as I heard Luna clear her throat next to me. I cracked an eye open and looked up at her. I was laying down on a hill, under the shade of a tree. It was a warm summer day in my dream, with a nice breeze rustling through the tall grass around the hill.

“Good evening, Phasma.”

“Hey Luna. I was wondering when you would drop by.”

“We had discussed this already, no? I am preoccupied with efforts previously agreed upon.”

Luna sat down next to me, lounging on the soft grass as I was.

“Yeah, but you neglected to tell me how to find you in case I wanted to speak.”

“I shall rectify that issue later, but you are implying there is a need to speak right now?”

“Yes. We have lots to discuss.”

“Very well. What news do you bring? Or is there something else?”

“A lot has happened since last we spoke.”

“Would it perchance have to do with the fact that your dream now lies within the distant metropolis of Manehattan?”

“My cover in Hooferville has been blown, amongst other things.”

“What happened?”

“Division-P happened. I recall the Princess of Food referencing that agency last we spoke with her. What do you know of Division-P?”

Luna snorted when I called her niece the ruler of all things delicious.

“It is a fancy of Daybreaker. One of her many projects that she started after taking my sister. She took the vestiges of Celestia’s previous intelligence organization and reformed the fragments in her own twisted image. Sycophants, psychopaths, and xenophobes all flock to its banner to further their own desires. ‘Tis an excellent sink for the most detestable annoyances that orbit our royal courts.”

“Do you know who’s in charge of it? Where its headquarters is? How it operates?”

Luna shook her head, “Nay. Cadence ought to. She is far more involved with the organization’s day to day affairs.”

“I will need to speak with her as soon as possible.”

“I shall show you how to locate specific individuals far away to facilitate this, as well as our future meetings. Now, what does Division-P have to do with your blown cover? What happened?”

I stood up from the ground. Luna looked up at me as I snorted in anger.

“Division-P is rooting out changelings hiding within Equestria. This would be expected and tolerable. What isn’t either of those is the fact that they are using changeling captives to do so. Unwilling captives. They torture them and strap bomb collars to them to further coerce cooperation.”

“... You are certain of this?”

“I freed a changeling from their control. He was firsthoof witness to all of this, having a collar on himself as well.”

“Bomb collars…. The concept is not alien. Diamond Dogs, nefarious, unscrupulous simpletons who pillage and enslave once used similar concepts in ages past. Celestia and I brought them to heel, and drove them back into the stone age. To hear that Daybreaker has used this ancient information to such lengths…”

“If exposed, it should turn public opinion against Daybreaker, right? There’s no way anyone would tolerate treating P.O.W.s like this!”

Luna got up from the ground and stood by my side. We started to walk together through the grass, trying to get some enjoyment from the pleasant scenery despite the grisly subject of our conversation.

“Potentially. Nay, it would certainly bring light to Daybreaker’s ulterior motives for her changes. The use of prisoners of war to root out changelings in hiding would be excusable, perhaps even lauded. However, this torture and threatening of death to the point of placing explosives around their necks? Perhaps a century under Daybreaker’s rule would sway public opinion close enough to Daybreaker’s ideals to excuse this, but not this generation. It does not sound like the actions of a patient mastermind to me.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“That Daybreaker has already started to lose her grip on her most fanatical appointees.”

“Division-P is already rogue?”

“Not necessarily, merely that its agents and head works beyond Daybreaker’s scope, oft pursuing their own agendas and visions. None would dare oppose Daybreaker, their idol, and nearly all would, one should assume, have ideals and views similar to the demon herself. However, each individual can see a different path to the same goal.”

“Surely Daybreaker would keep an inquisition within a tight grip?”

“Of course, she is aware of any potential threat. However, certain actions would be excusable by its members. It appears that in her haste to forge an organization capable of her goals, she let slip necessary oversight in order to achieve deadlines and goals much quicker. The more changelings that are exposed within Equestria, the further real and tangible the changeling threat is. The more real and tangible the threat is, the greater the amount of ponies that are afraid. The more ponies that are afraid, the easier Daybreaker can push her tainted agendas without resistance. She seeks to make the population of Equestria as pliable as possible.”

“... So whoever is in charge of this Division-P has more free reign to do whatever, as long as they fill their quotas?”

“That is what I suspect.”

“If she is as skilled at manipulation as you claim, she’s already planned contingencies to leash her inquisition back in.”

“One would assume.”

“So she’s got some way to avoid backlash from the bomb collars?”

“Most certainly…. I do wonder, just how certain you are that these collars are explosive?”

“I… Oh. The rescued changeling did emphasize how enthusiastic the inquisitors were to show that the collars explode.”

“You did not see any get set off? Nor did this former prisoner?”

“No I didn’t, and he made no mention outside of the demonstrations.”

Luna nodded, “Then they are likely bluffing. A feint to further coerce their captives.”

“Daybreaker wouldn’t approve of the bluff?”

“Potentially. There is, as is obvious, reasonable doubt that the public would approve or even ignore this act of disharmony. It is likely an idea from whomever is in charge of Division-P.”

“That’s… one hell of a bluff to call. If they are bluffing, they simply switch tactics. If they aren’t bluffing, my people will die.”

“By design, I suspect. The best bluff is one you are afraid to call on. What good would a bluff be otherwise?”

“So we expose it anyway?”

“Without revealing that the knowledge comes from changelings. I can see to it that this information makes its way to the right ears.”

“Thank you. Though I am wondering, where does Princess Cadence play into all of this?”

“I am not fully aware, but it is likely that she coordinates efforts to administrate the organization. A layer removed from the politics, scheming, and disharmanous actions. Yet still, an important role, at least to Cadence’s view.”

“Ah. No need to let the Princess of Love know about all the dirty laundry right beneath her muzzle, right? We should probably make her aware of this, too. We need to capitalize on Daybreaker’s negligence as much as possible.”

“I agree, for I suspect that the pursuit of the changelings in the Southern Jungles may soon be drawing to an end. Daybreaker has maneuvered her forces through the Duchy of Apple Loosa to isolate their movements. They cannot move any further west. To the east, The Celestia Sea offers no safe harbor. To the south lies naught but dirt and death.”

“I think you can’t count Chrysalis and the Legions out just yet.”

“Are you aware of their next move?”

“... If they are desperate.”

‘Desperate enough to expose the hive structure itself. Going south would exactly be their next move. It is likely that the East and West Swarms have already retreated to and refortified the hive structure. The Fourth Hive can survive without a hive, as paradoxical as that sounds. The new Fifth one doesn’t even have one. But all the food, young generations, and materials and history within the current hive structure? I don’t think our kind can survive their loss. If the Fourth Hive is destroyed by Daybreaker, it might just bring down the Fifth Hive as well.’

“I see. At any rate, the point I was making was that our time to work with impunity is drawing to an end. Once the Invasion has been completely rebuffed, Daybreaker shall retire to her throne in Canterlot, effectively making any move against her substantially more difficult.”

“Hmmm. Thankfully, you’re already working ahead of that and are meeting with Twilight Sparkle in the Dreamscape.”

“Thankfully indeed. We have accidentally placed ourselves in a prime position to strike at Daybreaker. The Element of Magic already begins to doubt Daybreaker’s infallibility.”

“That is good news. When do you think the Elements can be used against her?”

Luna’s ears splayed backwards.

“Ah. Yes. The Elements. The Elements of Harmony. Those Elements.”

“Oh Panar, Luna, don’t tell me you lost them or something?”

“Very well.”

“... Luna?”


“Did you lose them?”


“Are you sure?”

“I know exactly where they are.”


“But Daybreaker has effectively sealed them away.”

I stopped walking and facehooved.

I groaned, “Lunaaa! How did this happen?”

She cleared her throat, “As it turns out, bringing the Elements out of your hiding spot was the wrong move. Daybreaker had them in a location that I could confidently access clandestinely, but it turns out that that was merely a temporary holding location while the real vault was being constructed. I was unawares of this development until recently.”

“You let Daybreaker have access to the Elements? The weapon that can undo her possession? The literally only thing on this planet that can pose a threat to her?”

“I had played my hoof too early in my attempt to sway the Element Bearers against Daybreaker. It backfired slightly.”

“Just slightly?”

“Yes. Just slightly.”

“Okay, ‘just slightly,’ how exactly do you plan on getting around this ‘slight’ blunder of yours?”

Luna smiled, “Daybreaker is quite fond of trophies. She has introduced me as one of her prized possessions in all but name. I can clearly tell she enjoys the feeling of control and pride she gets when she flaunts me around. I think that she can be goaded into bringing the Elements out into the open.”

“Really? The most patient and dangerous mastermind, aside from perhaps Chrysalis but I don’t feel like trying to even make that debate, would bring the single biggest threat to her existence out into the open?”

“Yes! Celestia may be willing to lock away threats, but she too loves to prominently display them. Why, we even have he who should not be named out in the castle’s courtyard! Celestia has always had a flair for the dramatic. Daybreaker is no exception.”

‘Discord is sitting out in the gardens?’

“You’re saying that Daybreaker is so vain that she would flaunt the one weapon that could effectively kill her, simply because she can?”

“That is exactly what I am saying.”

I sighed, “Okay. I really hope you can pull that off. No pressure or anything, it’s just your sister and my species’ lives on the line there.”

Luna laid a wing across my withers, “Have I failed you before, Phasma?”

“I distinctly recall a certain pony with a moon tramp stamp promising me said moon, only to fail at the literal first opportunity to do so.”

Luna’s smile didn’t even falter, “Have I failed you twice before, Phasma?”

“Uh…. no?”

“Then you should know that you are in good hooves, my colt! I did come to your aid before, have I not?”

“Yeah, the Nightmare. That, uh… thanks for that. I really do owe you.”

“A life debt that you shall repay by keeping me entertained. From now till the death of time.”

“Sounds… lovely.”

“Tell me young Prince, what have you been up to now that this Division-P has scared you out of your hole? Does the Division know that you live?”

“No. They will be aware that something happened, but I made sure not to reveal...”

“... Phasma?”


“What is it?”

“I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“Ah, it is my turn to ask, what did you do?”

“I may have dropped a hint that I lived. I also brain washed them into forgetting that conversation, but I am not an expert at that magic.”

“Oh my. I am certain that it will not come to bite you in the flanks at a later date!”

“Totally. It seems that we’re equally inept at our own duties.”

“At least we are inept together.”

We chuckled. After a moment, we resumed our walk.

“So Phasma, you are in Manehattan?”

“Mhmm. I’ve found some other changelings. Or rather, some other changelings have found me. Currently, I am in Thorax’s care for the next week. I am currently in a healing pod within an unused room in his Manehattan apartment. I need to regenerate my wounds and missing limb.”

“That sounds rather convenient.”

“It is convenient. It only takes a changeling you trust with your life and no small amount of love. And of course to be the best species on Equus: a changeling.”

Luna rolled her eyes, “An unbiased conclusion.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. As I was saying, I found other changelings. One of my closest friends, as well. Things are… progressing.”

“That is an odd thing to say. What is progressing?”

“You called me a prince earlier. That is not really true anymore.”

Luna’s eyebrows raised.

“They crowned me their king. No longer the Prince of the Fourth Hive, but the King of the Fifth. Effectively, they have completely disowned Queen Chrysalis, and have declared me to be the rightful ruler. Normally a dangerous move, but when you’re already in open rebellion, there’s little difference between one potential death penalty and another potential death penalty.”

“King Phasma? Hmmm…. No.”


“No. You should have stayed a prince. Prince Phasma sounds more pleasant.”

“Sorry what was that? I can’t hear you from all the way up here on the proverbial monarchical food chain, little Princess. Perhaps one day when you grow up, you can have a kingdom of your own.”

“Oh, do not fret. Heads fall downwards after being lopped off by a guillotine; you will be speaking down at my level eventually. Kings and queens have quite the reputation for turning evil.”

I placed a hoof over my chest and gave her a sad look.

“You would watch me be executed? I thought we had something special.”

Luna gave me her best 'then perish' look, “The world is cruel. You would do well to learn that lesson sooner rather than later.”

We had to stop as we started laughed too hard to pay attention to where we were walking.

Author's Note:

Green, author of Trust Once Lost, called me a celebrity. Go beat them up and take their lunch money.

Also here's my Ko-Fi again. Thanks to all the generous donations, there will be a big art piece in Arc 8.

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