• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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12- Apostles

Another day, another class covering material I already know. I had been in this class for eight days now. At this point I’m wondering if Chrysalis had intentionally put me in a class where I already knew everything to make myself, and possibly by extension herself, appear far more knowledgeable than we actually are.

Today’s lesson was on schooling our expressions and to be always on guard during a conversation for slips and gaps of knowledge that would give us away.

‘Thorax had better be paying attention. He may be useful as of yet.’

Once the class wrapped up, we had a few minutes for another Q&A session. It seems the changelings of the hive never receive any visits from Chrysalis, so actually meeting her is usually bad news.

I was with five other changelings at the moment: Thorax, Lacewing, Tarsus, a nymph named Coxa, and an adult named Oestridae. These five seemed to stick around me the most, asking questions about me.

We had actually gotten to know each other somewhat by this point. I knew that Thorax totally would be in on my conspiracies. Lacewing wanted to become an avid painter with her disguises. Tarsus was a shoo-in for some position close to me I’ve yet to invent and suggest to Chrysalis. Coxa would have made an excellent assistant to the Chamberlain had he not been rerouted into the Infiltrator pipeline.

And Oestridae… He would probably make an excellent personal guard. Dude’s built like a brick shithouse and has the personality of a kitten. I didn’t know it was possible to be bigger than the normal changeling, but I swear he’s at least two inches taller than normal. That’s practically The Mountain That Rides!

‘Not sure why any changeling thought a transportation specialist as big and clumsy as Oestridae would be needed out in the infiltrator line of duty, but maybe he’s going to ferry materials back to the hive?’

I was zoning out again, answering benign questions for the most part. Really, these changelings have crazy imaginations. How could you even come up with the idea that Panarthropo talks to me personally?

‘Actually, I might already be receiving visits from a deity in my sleep. Need to check up on that at some point, the vault may have information on this Moon Presence.’

“Prince Phasma, who is your dad?” Lacewing asked.

This one got my attention, shaking away thoughts of Bloodborne bosses.

‘Dad? Uhh... Who… I don’t think I was ever told?’

The changelings had noticed my silence.

‘I mean, I don’t think his identity matters, but still that sounds like something important to know. What if it’s a changeling within the hive? Or a pony Chrysalis seduced at some point?’

I shivered at the thought of bug-mom sleeping with anyone. Nasty.

“My Prince?”

‘Did she even sleep with anyone? Don’t ant queens mate with themselves or something? Oh god that’s disgusting and I don’t want to think about it anymore.’

“Prince Phasma?”

‘I remember my human dad. That’s enough for me. Yea, no one can replace him, whoever this mystery donor is is completely irrelevant.’

I snapped to my side, where a hoof landed on my shoulder. Tarsus was looking at me with concern.

“You too? I woulda thought with Queen Chrysalis....”

‘Too? Wait, all nymphs are raised in a communal setting.’

“None of you know your parents, huh?”

The nymphs and adults gathered around me shook their heads.

Thorax spoke up, “Well, I know Pharynx is my brother, but none of us have actually met our..”

Said brother was currently on the other side of the room, talking with a buddy of his.

‘The guard is not present, I may have an opportunity right here and now. They don't have a family, so let's make one.’

“They don’t matter.” The five changelings raised their eyebrows at this. “They don’t. What matters is us. Us hivers have to stick together, right?”

More confused looks. Exactly what I was hoping for.

I continued, “If no one else has our backs, then we need to watch each others’. We look out for our own, and we help each other when we have to.”

Coxa rubbed his chin in thought, “Like some sort’a pony family?”

“No,” I shook my head, “we’re changelings, not ponies. We’ve got to be something else, something better. Families fight and bicker, we need to be watertight!”

Ostridae grinned, “Yea!”

‘Eloquently spoken, Gregor Clegane.’

Lacewing looked down at her hooves, “I’ve never…” She looks up at me, eyes beaming. “I would like that, My Prince.”

‘If I had a camera right now, that’s a picture that I would hold onto forever. On second thought, having pictures of others’ kids being adorable in your wallet is probably creepy.’

Tarsus nodded but didn’t say anything.

“Hmm…. I like the idea, but I dunno if we should tell others about it.”

‘And that’s why I love Coxa. I don’t need to suggest all these near-treasonous ideas when he reaches the conclusions I’m getting to before I can even hint at them.’

Thorax pitched in next, “But Pharynx is my actual family! How could I just abandon him like that?”

I stepped into the conversation again, “You won’t have to. We can consider him an.. Honorary member. We cover his back, just without him knowing. We’d never leave your brother out to dry, Thorax.”

“I don’t like lying to him. Can’t we just include him in on this?”

I frowned. “He’s got enough to worry about when it comes to protecting the hive as a guard. We don’t want him to favor protecting us over the rest of the hive in his royal duties, do we?”

This made Thorax pause in thought, but he continued his line of thinking, “But you’re The Prince. He’s already got to favor protecting you over us.”

‘Stop poking holes in my argument, Thorax.’

“Look, the worst case is that I order him to protect one of you if needed.”

“... If you say so, Phasma.”

‘Already discarding titles, are we?’

I looked to the five changelings gathered in front of me.

“Then it’s settled. We stick together through thick and thin.” I stuck my hoof out in front of them.

“Together,” Coxa put his notched hoof on top of my solid one.

Lacewing added hers, “Together.”

“Together!” Ostridae placed his massive, quarter-of-an-inch bigger hoof onto the pule.

“Till the end,” Tarsus added unnecessarily ominously before piling on.

‘If Thorax stays out, then that’s one less liability. If he joins, then that’s a changeling with a conscience I can use.’

Thorax looked apprehensive. However, he added his hoof. “For our family.”

I had to refrain from fidgeting in place. This was striking a bit too close to home.

I was standing next to Queen Chrysalis’s throne in, you guessed it, the throne room. There were twice as many royal guards present, up to two dozen. There was also the entire retinue of the royal court, from the Head of Infiltration to the Captain of The Royal Guard.

The reason for such a turnout was sitting glued down in front of the throne.

Evanii, an infiltrator, was on trial. He was currently making himself as small as possible, flinching at the Chamberlain’s words.

“... conspiring to subvert the hive, conspiring to threaten the peace, and high treason against Her Majesty,” Chamberlain Eucharis finished reading off the charges.

Officer Katydid stood next to me, trying to be a reassuring presence. However, you don’t inspire confidence when you look about as content as a drowning rat.

Apparently he knew Evanii from class, a few years back.

‘I would not be comfortable if anyone I knew was being sentenced to death…’

Bug-mom spoke up for the first time into this trial which had already been going on for twenty minutes, “You are faced with all these charges, with all this evidence, and yet you dare plead innocent? Have you no shame?! You waste the court’s time. You waste my time.”

“B-but all I did was suggest that maybe the hive could benefit from Your Majesty hearing our plights directly! T-there’s precedence in Equ-”

Chamberlain Eucharis interrupted, “You dare lie to the court?! The Royal Guard has searched your room and we have found more than ‘suggestions,’ you have in your possession a Treatise on Harmony, written by the Pony Princess Celestia herself!”

Evanii started to tremble. “I-I’ve never s-seen that book in my life! I swear!”

“We know you brought it into the hive,” Eucharis pressed, “Sources have confirmed the book as being yours specifically. My Queen, the accused has made his plea, and has provided no evidence to support his radical claim!”

‘Wait, someone had said in Infiltrator class that their roommate possessed a book.’

I scanned the room, looking for a changeling in particular. If there was a changeling I had met before, the Weave would intuitively provide their identity if I saw them.

“Infiltrator Evanii, the evidence cannot be denied. You are guilty of bringing in pony ideals into the hive. Furthermore, you have attempted to poison the court with their false teachings. The sentence for such a crime is death.”

Evanii gasped and started sobbing.

Next to me, Katydid started shaking. I wish I could have reassured him that Chrysalis is going to back down from the death penalty, but I dared not speak outloud. It was expected of me to be reserved and silent, so reserved and silent I was.

Chrysalis wanted me in here witnessing this for a reason.

“However..” The Queen drawled, “I am a merciful queen. Instead of being sentenced to death, you will be enrolled into the guard training program. In addition, you will have recycling vat duty for the next thirteen months.”

“T-Thank you, My Q-Queen!”

Katydid let out a sigh of relief which was drowned out by Evanii’s rambling thanks.

Chrysalis stood up, “Your recreation hours will be sacrificed to fit in your extra duties. I am giving you a second chance. You would do well not to relapse.”

‘Note to self: don’t get caught.’

“This court is adjourned.”

As the changelings started to file out, two breaking the infiltrator’s bindings and dragging him off, Officer Katydid leaned over to whisper to me.

“You did well, My Prince.” However, before he could continue with his unneeded compliments, Chrysalis approached us.

“Queen Chrysalis,” I said aloud, and Officer Katydid looked up and bowed to the monarch.

“Prince Phasma. What would you have sentenced the traitor to?”

‘Fuck, a test already?’

I took a deep breath, giving me a moment to think.

“I do not think I could have done any wiser of a sentencing, Mother. Announce the death penalty to strike fear, then backing down to a less severe penalty to project an aura of mercy and power to our subjects. He will tell those around him how thankful he is that you granted him the honor of a second chance, thus reminding the populous the penalty of treason against the crown.”

Chrysalis nodded, then walked off.

As I smiled to myself, Katydid stared at me.

“Something the matter, Officer Katydid?”

“You…. Nothing, My Prince.”

I sniffed and looked away, towards the glass-less windows of the throne room.

‘So many things I need to do, so few hours in the day. Find a way into the vault, continue to build a closer relationship with the five classmates, and study for tomorrow’s exam on illusion spells.’

I did not find the changeling I was looking for in the throne room.

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