• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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128- Mhysa

“Is this all we have, Coxa?”

“You mean in the hour you told me to get this shit together? Yes, it is. I’m a Panar-damned miracle worker, worship the ground I walk on.”

I chuckled as I flipped through the packet.

“Thank you for your dedication Coxa.”

“Yeah, well, thank my team, too. You think I could do a quarter of this without them in such a short time frame?”

I shrugged, “Sorta. I just kinda give you work to do and you magically get it done. I don’t ask questions.”

“Let’s keep it that way,” Coxa said.

“You made the extra copies, right?”

“What did I say about questions?”

“That I’m the King and can do what I want?”

“In that case, Your Majesty, the extra packets are all over there. Pick them up on your way out,” Coxa pointed the papers out to me.

“Thanks, Coxa. I’ll be sure not to fuck up our first public-relations gesture to the ponies.”

Coxa shook his head, “Right. I kinda forgot how important this was. But I mean, you work me like a slave, so it’s no wonder it slipped my mind. No pressure, though. It’s only the future of our species and everything we’ve worked towards.”

“No pressure,” I smiled. “Now, I believe I have some time to see the Hive. You want to accompany me?”

Coxa hummed to himself and looked back at his desk. The unused office, which was taken up before Celestia had granted its use to us, was filled with different folders and loose papers to be filled out and filed away.

“.... Sure.”

The Palace didn’t have a direct entrance to the Crystal Caves– not after the Royal Guards resealed the tunnels we dug into their dungeons, so we had to take a more indirect route. The main entrance that the Fifth Hive was using to go between the Caves and Canterlot was over in the Northeast side of the Middle District. Located just north of the main freight railway entrance to Canterlot, it was in a prime position for the Fifth Hive to bring in and out materials. Daybreaker had it sealed, but it had been cleared out in the days since her death.

At least, it would have been, had Celestia ceded the caves to us.

‘No use crying over spilled milk and lost fortresses located in perfectly strategic locations, as the saying goes.’

Ponies stopped in the streets below us as we flew over their heads. A notable few had cameras, and snapped pictures of Coxa and I as we made our way to the Crystal Caves’ entrance. When we set down, the changeling guards stationed there, four Red Right Hoof legionnaires, saluted us as we entered the formerly-collapsed entrance to the Caves.

We walked over a large metal grated section, which I guessed was to keep rainwater from entering the cave complex, and began to descend into Canterhorn Mountain. Several offshoot tunnels were filled in with rock rubble, as we didn’t bother unblocking the majority of the sealed tunnels. Most of those would end in dead-ends, anyways.

The black and grey rock of Canterhorn gradually became sparklier and sparklier as we descended into its depth, eventually giving way to solid crystal formations. Then, the tunnel opened up into a series of large caverns, each filled with changelings.

The changelings had set up camp wherever they could. We were already used to sleeping without beds in the Fourth Hive, so sleeping on the cold hard stone wasn’t a new discomfort. Still, seeing changelings with quite literally nothing to their name sat unwell with me. We had passed over the Upper District of Canterlot to go from the Palace to get here, and that district was full of mansions and gardens and every single luxury under the sun. It was quite literally the greatest concentration of wealth on Equus.

And our journey ended here, in the Crystal Caves, where changelings had almost nothing. Sure, there were crates filled with goods such as blankets and pillows that we had purchased in bulk, and those crates had been cracked open and were in the process of being distributed, but even then, it was a completely different picture than outside the Crystal Caves. Outside, the ponies were all happy– or more accurately, far from a sour mood. Things were looking like they would be improving for Equestria, so the nobles were all content with the return of Princess Celestia.

Even if they never really understood that she was gone in the first place. Simpler was better.

The changelings were covered in bandages, rags, blankets, and even a few had changeling resin plastered onto them to hold their broken carapaces together. The worst off were put into what healing pods we could make right away, with the rest having to wait their turns.

When we stepped into the main cave, the reaction was immediate. The changelings, about a hundred in this spacious cavern alone, stopped what they were doing and what conversations they had and all of them looked at us.

“King Phasma!”

That broke the floodgates.

Changelings called out my name, reaching out from where they were. Many buzzed over, stopping and landing around us.

“My King!”

“King Phasma!”

“Prince Phasma!”

‘Looks like a few are still getting used to being in the Fifth Hive.’

“Hello– yes, hello– how are you– uh huh, it’s nice to see you too– no thank you– yes, hello,” I tried keeping up with the sudden barrage of greetings and questions.

“Yes, I am Coxa the Great,” Coxa smiled and waved, next to me. “Any praise he refuses, I’ll gladly take. I run the Hive for him, anyways.”

Despite his jokes, Coxa actually did receive some attention. Now that the First Fang was basically the Royal Court for the Fifth Hive, all of them had found themselves considerably more important and recognizable. In a society without celebrities, the closest thing you could get to being famous was being important to the Hive.

As I talked to them, the room gradually filled with more and more changelings as word traveled through the Hive. The large room became more and more cramped as changelings gathered around me, and many had to cling to the walls to make room. I moved to stand on a large flattened crystal stalagmite so that every ling could see me and I could better address the quickly growing crowd.

Soon enough, the entirety of the Fifth Hive had gathered in the cave.

The changelings began asking me questions about what had happened during the invasion, and where I went. When I answered those, they asked about what happened after. I talked about the founding of the Fifth Hive, the expansion into Manehattan, where they would be going, the alliance with the ponies, and of course, Luna.

That got them going. When I mentioned the fact that I was dating Luna, they all exploded into questions.

“My King, will she be our Queen?” One drone called from the back.

“Potentially,” I answered.

“Are you brainwashing her?”

I chuckled, “Ha! No.”

“Is she brainwashing you?”

“I sure hope not.”

“What does this mean for the Hive?”

I paused. “I… suppose it means good things. It’s certainly good for me, at least. I really hope our relationship lasts.”

“Do you love her?”

I started in surprise at the question.

‘What kind of question is that? Do they… think that I would start the relationship purely out of political reasons? Given that Nightmare Moon basically started it for those reasons, I guess that assumption makes sense.’

“More than anything in the world. Except maybe you guys. If I had to choose between you or her… well, thankfully I don’t.”

“Should we bow to her, My King?”

“I guess so. Don’t call her Queen, though. She’s a Princess.”

On and on the questions came. Many changelings just wanted to say hello, or say thank you for saving them.

“I didn’t save you, I merely provided the distraction so that the Red Right Hoof could. Direct your thanks to Captain Katydid and his team,” I answered.

“My King! Is it true that you faced down Discord all by yourself?!”

I shook my head, “No. Though I did free him in order to kill Daybreaker and bring Celestia back. Together with Captain Shining Armor of the Royal Guard, and Princess Cadence, Alicorn of Food, we distracted Discord long enough for the Elements of Harmony to get their sparkly stones back and put him back in stone.”

One changeling pushed his way to the front and prostrated before me.

“My King! I don’t know if you remember me, but I served alongside you in Canterlot! I am glad beyond words to hear of your survival, and would be honored to fight by your side again!”

‘Huh. Kinda expected him to be dead, to be honest. I suppose he wasn’t in the Palace, unlike Captain Cicada.’

“Arise, Captain Tetragnath.”

The Weave order took him by surprise, and snapped up, staring at me in surprise.

“Of course I would remember a Captain of the Legions. You and your lings of Panar’s Hammer did excellent work during the invasion. Even if we have no medals to give out, know that your efforts went a long way to saving our kind. Even if it was a good thing in the end that the invasion failed, serving the Hive and fighting to save our race isn’t something you should ever be ashamed of.”

The former-Captain saluted, “What remains of the Sixth Legion stands at your command, My King!”

“Good. Report to Captain Katydid, Captain Tetra. He will integrate you and your lings into the Red Right Hoof. And that goes to all of you!” I yelled as I turned back to address the crowd. “The war is not over! It has massively shifted in our favor, with an end in sight, but it is not over! We must be prepared for anything! Further, there is yet another war that must be won! I must call upon you all to serve the Hive Eternal once again, for a foe lurks in the dark, hunting us. They have been at war with us so long that we have forgotten that we are at war at all.

“The previous Hives have fallen to their hordes and influence, so we must stand vigilant and be prepared for their arrival. They are the Nightmares, demons from beyond, and they seek our extermination. But the Hive Eternal has stood against them since time immemorial, and it always will. Now that we have Equestria by our side, we can go on the offensive and find these Nightmares, and kill them all. For the Hive Eternal, we will win!”

The changelings cheered.

‘Our strength grows, as I’m sure this Nightmare Lord’s does. Do you hear us, Epitaph? We’re coming for you!’

Celestia sighed and shook her head as she closed the packet.

“This is only a fraction of what you’ve gathered?”

I nodded, “Yep. This is a trimmed-down, family-friendly version. Lots of complicated terms to make it hard for foals to understand the war crimes their uncles and aunts committed.”

“It certainly obfuscates the brutality,” Luna muttered.

“I figured it would be better to be somewhat less quick about releasing information about this, and just start with the big topics first before moving to specifics later on.”

“That might be for the best,” Celestia agreed. “Taking things slow enough for our ponies to become accustomed to the idea that ponies indeed did do horrible things during the war is the right idea. Now, there will be other topics covered during this press conference, Phasma.”

“Such as?”

“Your involvement in the Invasion of Equestria, for starters.”

“.... I think it’s pretty clear what my involvement was. I was ordered to make the plans by Chrysalis, and though I tried looking for alternatives given what time I had, I went ahead and made the plans and executed them. And in the end, I did support the invasion, as no alternative was found.”

“You’re admitting to supporting the invasion?” Celestia asked. “That’s… not a very tactful thing to do.”

“I’m sorry that it happened, but I can’t be sorry for fighting for my species’ survival. To say otherwise would just make me a liar.”

Celestia grimaced, and Luna said, “Be it on your head, then. I am sure ponies will appreciate honesty, but they would appreciate repentance more.”

“Hey, when I was in charge of the war, few ponies got hurt, and no one died. It was only when I got taken out that changelings and ponies began dying.”

“Just make sure you aren’t trying to excuse the invasion,” Celestia advised. “You might see it as necessary, but saying that out loud will just make things worse for you. Skirt around the topic, if you can, and emphasize the consequences of ignoring or refusing orders.”

“I can do that. I can also mention my supposed reward for if the Invasion of Equestria was successful, too.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, “Which would be…?”

“Lobotomization by Queen Chrysalis.”

“That’s one Tartarus of a way to introduce your rebellion,” Cadence said.

“There’s another important topic that needs to be addressed,” Celestia said. “The death of Count Double Dealings.”

“Why does that need to be addressed?” I asked.

“The ponies that were freed have gone on record about that day. There are witnesses, and by Equestrian law, the Crown has had to field some questions concerning the citizen’s status. The press now knows that the ponies you captured are now being held for questioning, and will want to know what happened. It’s only a matter of time before they start guessing the worst, so I believe it’s best that you introduce the topic of Count Double Dealings.”

“But we haven’t even discussed this during the negotiations,” I pointed out.

“Which complicates things,” Celestia said. “Do not say you murdered him. Simply say that you were involved in his death, and that the Equestrian Crown has begun the proceedings of investigating the matter, is it unrelated to the war. You are forbidden from saying anything more by the Crown out of fear of complicating the matter and creating grounds for a mistrial.”

“You’re ordering my silence?”

Celestia shrugged, “I have no power to, but take the excuse offered. You’ll find it more of an airtight alibi than any other way of answering their questions.”

“Fair enough. But will there be a trial?”

“.... Yes. There simply has to be. Whether that trial is a tribunal of us Princesses, or a matter placed before a court, is yet to be decided.”

“I’ll take you three, then. You know the consequences of the bigger picture.”

“That’s a nice way of saying you’ll coerce and influence our judgement,” Cadence frowned.

“It is a nice way of saying it,” I admitted. “What’s your point? You think I’m going to let you deprive my changelings of their leader, in the middle of a war? And right before we get started on preparing for another?”

“Sacrifices must be made,” Luna said.

‘Is she agreeing with me, or siding with Cadence?’

“As Luna said, we must make accommodations for the situation,” Celestia said politically. “This obviously cannot be handled like any other civil matter, and that means both our judgement of the situation and our decided punishment, should there be one, should reflect the needs of our Kingdoms. We can’t put Phasma in prison, nor can we do many other things.”

“So why bother having a trial?” I asked.

“So we can claim we had one,” Celestia said.

“That’s it?”

“Ooooh mare, Shiny’s gonna be mad,” Cadence facehooved.

Celestia nodded, “As you said, Phasma, we’re in the middle of a war, with another looming just beyond the horizon. Now’s not the time to condemn our allies. This is all assuming you are guilty of the crimes, with no mitigating circumstances...”

“Sooo….?” I trailed off.

“So stick to the script, young changeling, and try to balance honesty with not stabbing yourself in the hoof.”

“If it makes any difference, Phasma,” Luna began, “I am sure you are innocent of anything you are accused of. Unless you are guilty, then you are guilty of those things.”

I chuckled, “Thanks Luna. Glad to have your faith in me.”

“Just try not to kill any more nobles. They might make strong cases for their own executions, but I have found that killing them only makes the situation worse.”

Celestia groaned, “I’m going to have to deal with two Lunas now, aren’t I? The things we do for love…”

“I mean, I invaded your kingdom for love, so you’re just preaching to the choir,” I smiled.

Author's Note:

I have a Ko-Fi if you want to support me.

In case you didn't see my latest blog, the latest commission was finished!

Look at em, so cute together. Artist is Teaflower300

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