• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,269 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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Vs. Dark Egg Dragoon

"OH HO HO HO HO!!! TIME FOR A CHANGE OF PACE!" Eggman exclaimed.

Sonic turned to the others with a serious look on his face, "Guys, Eggman isn't gonna stop until I'm dead. That means he'll do anything to get me. Try and save as many people as you can. I'll hold him off." Sonic then dashed down the street, trying to lure Eggman to give chase.

"Don't think you'll get away that easily." said Eggman as the Dark Egg Dragoon flew after the hedgehog.

Spidey and Twilight looked down the street that Sonic ran down before nodding to one another and getting into action.

As Sonic dashed down the street, he glanced back behind him and saw Eggman approaching. Eggman then aimed the mini gun attached to the mech and fired. Sonic boosted forward and quickly moved to the left to dodge the barrage of bullets. Small chunks of debris shot up from the road as the bullets impacted the ground.

Eggman ceased fire and boosted forward, spinning around as he overtook Sonic. The mech then aimed its legs and fired two orbs of dark magic at the hedgehog. Sonic slowed down a little as the orbs impacted the ground, creating a small pit of purple fire where the orbs hit.

Sonic curled into a ball and jumped over the pit of flames. They both then approached the end of the street and had to turn to the next street.

"How about this?!" taunted Eggman.

The Dark Egg Dragoon then swung its legs back and forth, sending waves of dark magic down the street they were battling on. Sonic jumped over the waves of dark magic and continued to chase after Eggman. Eggman growled in annoyance and fired bullets from the mechs mini gun.

Sonic saw the attack and moved to the left. He then ran up the side of one of the many buildings on the street and continued to pursue Eggman. Sonic then jumped off the side of the building and curled into a ball. He then hit the cockpit of the mech with a Homing Attack.

Sonic flipped through the air and landed on the street. He smirked as he continued chasing after Eggman, who wasn't happy in the slightest.

"You little..."

Eggman then pressed some buttons on his console, smiling evilly. Suddenly, two parked cars on the street were engulfed in a purple aura and were levitated into the air. The cars then hovered in front of the mech.


The cars were then launched at the blue blur. Sonic had to think quickly, he slid underneath an approaching car and jumped over another which was rolling down towards him. Eggman levitated two more cars, but this time he tore them in two and hurled them towards Sonic.

Sonic smiled as he jumped into the air and hit one after another with a multitude of Homing Attacks, getting closer to Eggman in the process. Once he was close enough, he hit the cockpit again with a Homing Attack.

Eggman growled as Sonic landed back on the street. They were then approaching the end of the road. Eggman then rose up further in the air. Sonic, not wanting to let Eggman get away, ran up the building at the end of the street, pursuing Eggman, "Where do you think you're going?!" shouted the blue blur.

Eggman then slowed his speed and flew in front of the building as Sonic ran up the building. Eggman then aimed the drill on the mech directly at the building. He then fired the drill directly at the building. Sonic's eyes widened as he increased his speed to avoid the incoming attack.

The drill tore through the side of the building, making a giant hole in the building. The drill burst through the other side of the building and teleported back onto the Dark Egg Dragoon's arm as Eggman flew higher towards the roof. Sonic then made it to the roof and skidded to a stop as Eggman ascended and hovered in front of the roof of the building.

"Such power exceeded even MY expectations! HA! My own genius scares me sometimes," shouted Eggman as he aimed the mini gun at Sonic, "Allow me to give you an exclusive preview, hedgehog."

Eggman then fired the mini gun, causing Sonic to run around the whole roof, avoiding the bullets. Eggman ceased fire and aimed the drill.


Eggman fired the drill, resulting in taking off some of the roof as it flew towards Sonic. Sonic curled into a ball and spin dashed out of the way of the drill. The drill then teleported back to the arm of the mech. Eggman then tore off pieces of the building and hovered them in front of him.

Eggman then hurled the debris towards Sonic, who didn't seemed fazed by the incoming attack. Sonic then sent an incoming piece of debris back towards Eggman with a Homing Attack. The debris hit the Dark Egg Dragoon, damaging it. Sonic then did it again, damaging the mech even more.

"STOP THAT!!!" shouted Eggman.

Eggman was about to attack again, but suddenly, a line of web stuck onto the glass of the cockpit. Eggman turned and looked at the webbing just as Spider-Man pulled himself forward and punched the glass of the cockpit, causing it to crack. Spidey then backflipped through the air and landed next to Sonic.

Eggman growled but the mech was suddenly struck in the back thanks to a magic blast from Twilight. Twilight then teleported next to her allies.

(Pause song)

"Hey, Robotnik. It's been a while," Twilight said with a smirk on her face.

Eggman growled in frustration, "I should have known that you'd interfere with my plans again, you annoying little alicorn!" Eggman then turned to Peter, "Ah, you must be Peter."

Peter's eyes widened, as did everyone else's. Otto told Eggman his identity.

"I must say, from what I've heard, you're a young prodigy. It's a shame we're not on the same side, you're mind could have been useful," Eggman continued as everyone glared at the mad doctor, "You know, it would be such a shame if you perished by my hand. Who would be there to teach young Miles? Or comfort Ms. Watson? Maybe when I'm done with all of you, I'll pay them a visit and," Eggman then smiled evilly, "Express my condolences."

That was the last straw, "YOU STAY AWAY FROM THEM!" shouted Peter.

Sonic then clenched his fists and glared hatefully at his nemesis, "If you go anywhere near them, Robotnik..."

Eggman then put on a mock look of surprise, "Oh? And what are you gonna do about it?"

Twilight then stepped forward, "We're going to stop you, just like we did before. You may have ultimate power on your side, but we have the magic of-"

"Yeah, yeah. Friendship, and flowers, and ponies, and BLEH!" Eggman mocked as he stuck his tongue out in disgust, "You really are a one note pony aren't you? Seriously, for the love of everything, just shut up about friendship, JEEZ!!!"

Twilight then huffed and pouted.

Eggman then rubbed his hands together, "Now then. I'm on a tight schedule, so without further ado," He then aimed the mechs gun at the heroes, "GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!"

(Resume song)

As the gun fires, Twilight quickly casts a shield spell to protect them from the bullets. Eggman ceases fire as Twilight drops the shield. Eggman then flies around the building until he stops at the other side of the building. Eggman then levitates pieces of rubble from the building and hurls it at the heroes.

Spidey quickly shoots a line of web at an incoming piece of rubble and tosses it back towards Eggman, damaging the mech. Sonic hits a piece back with a Homing Attack, hitting the mech. Twilight grabs an incoming piece with her magic and sends it back towards Eggman.

"Not bad."

Eggman then aims the mechs drill and fires it. Thinking quickly, they all move out of the way before it can hit any of them. As it passes, Twilight quickly holds it in place with her magic. She struggles to hold it in place, so Peter quickly catches onto her plan and shoots webbing from both of his Web Shooters and sticks them on the drill.

Twilight releases the drill as Peter swings it around thanks to his super strength. He then releases the drill and it hits the Dark Egg Dragoon in it belly, damaging it severely.

"NYA!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! THIS IS A SENSITIVE MACHINE!!!" Eggman shouts in panic.

Sonic then runs forward and hops onto the drill. He then hops off of it and curls into a ball, he then hits the cockpit with a Homing Attack, damaging it even more.

The mech gets launched away from the building, sparking with electricity as the damage it has taken begins to show. Eggman growls as he teleports the drill back onto the mechs arm. He then slams his fist onto his console, causing the mech to be engulfed in an aura of purple flame.

"MWAHAHA! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" Eggman shouts as the mech flies backwards.

Twilight then takes flight to pursue the mad doctor. Eggman then aims the mechs gun at the alicorn and fires a barrage of bullets. Twilight sways left and right to avoid the bullets, angering Eggman. Eggman ceases fire just as Twilight fires a beam from her horn.

Eggman smirks as the mech teleported out of the way, confusing Twilight.


Before she can react, she is smacked away by the massive gun on the mechs arm. She rolls and turns through the air before she crashes through the window of a nearby building. As Twilight struggles to get up, Eggman hovers in front of the broken window and aims the mechs drill.

"YOU'RE HISTORY!" shouted Eggman.

Peter and Sonic's eyes widen in fear. Sonic then turns to Peter, "Pete. Throw me."

Peter is confused but then realizes what he intends to do. Sonic then jumped into the air and curled into a ball. Peter then grabs Sonic with his webbing and begins to spin him around. Once they've gained enough momentum, Peter hurls Sonic towards the Dark Egg Dragoon.

"HEY EGGMAN!!!" Sonic shouted as he drew closer to Eggman.

Eggman turned around and then widened his eyes, "NO!!!"

Before Eggman could do anything, Sonic plows through the upper half of the mech. Once he tore through the other side, the Dark Egg Dragoon began to explode. As Sonic untucked, he was suddenly held in place by a magenta aura. He looked and saw Twilight smiling at him as she held him with his magic.

Eggman growled as he ejected his Egg Mobile out of the Dark Egg Dragoon. The mech then exploded as it fell to the street below.

(End song)

Twilight then levitated Sonic to the rooftop and then teleported herself there, standing next to Sonic and Spider-Man. They watched as a portal opened up in the sky. They then saw Eggman approaching the portal.

"SONIC! DON'T THINK YOU'VE WON THIS!!!" Eggman shouted as he entered the portal.

The portal closed after Eggman entered it. Everyone sighed in relief and then turned to one another.

"I still don't know how you deal with that all the time." Peter said to Sonic.

Sonic shrugged in response, "Eh, you get used to it."

Suddenly, Peter's phone rings, interrupting the conversation. Peter then answers it, "Hey, MJ."

"Peter! You and the others have to get to Central Park!" MJ said with fear in her voice.

Peter looked confused, "Why?"

"Because Miles and Shadow are fighting Scorpion and one of those Zeti things! Miles is hurt bad and they need back up!" MJ replied.

Author's Note:

Stay tuned for the fight with Scorpion and Zor.