• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,279 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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Vs. Scorpion & Zor

(A few hours before the fight with Eggman)

Peter, Sonic, and Twilight had just left the apartment to go to Peter's lab, they offered for the others to come with, but Miles said that he would stay to keep an eye on his Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man App incase there was any trouble. When Sonic asked Shadow, he just got a hmph in response.

It's been an hour since then, right now Spike and MJ were talking while working on MJ's laptop, Miles was sitting on the couch next to them, scrolling through his phone, and Shadow was standing in the corner with his eyes closed and his arms crossed, deep in thought.

Spike then glanced towards Miles and saw him on his phone. Curious, he leaned over towards Miles to see what he was doing, "What are you doing, Miles?"

Miles turned and gave him a kind smile, "Oh nothing much, Spike. I'm just scrolling through my Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app."

Spike tilted his head in confusion, "What's that?" asked Spike, curious as to what he was talking about.

Miles then leaned towards Spike to give him a better view of his phone, "Check it out. So, this app lets me see if anyone is in any trouble. If they are, I get an alert and I go over to where they are and help them out in any way I can." Miles explained as he scrolled through the phone, showing Spike what he meant.

"But, how can they alert you that they are in trouble?" asked Spike.

Miles knew that he was gonna have to explain it a little better for the baby dragon, but he couldn't blame Spike for not getting it. After all, this was an entirely new thing for him, "Okay, so people can download this app onto their phones, which is what I'm holding now, and if they have a problem they just post on the app what their problem is, I get an alert on my phone and I swing over and help them."

Thankfully Spike seemed to understand and nodded, "Wow! That's so cool!"

Shadow opened one of his slightly and listened in on their conversation. After what he heard, even he had to admit, this app wasn't a bad idea. It appeared that this boy was smarter than he originally thought. Suddenly, Miles' phone went off and his screen showed an image. Miles tapped on his phone screen and read what the alarm said.

MJ looked over curiously, "What is it, Miles?"

Miles glanced over to MJ, "Someone spotted something strange in Central Park," Miles then put his phone in his pocket and put on his mask, "I'll be back. Hopefully it's nothing."

Shadow then uncrossed his arms and walked over, "You think this alert warrants an investigation?"

Miles shrugged, "Better than just sitting around here."

Shadow sighed, he couldn't help but agree, "Alright. I'm going with you."

Spike was about to speak but Shadow cut him off, "You're staying here. It might be nothing, but if it has anything to do with the matter at hand, it will be too dangerous for you to be there. You could get hurt."

"Sorry, Spike. But he does have a point." Miles added.

Spike then sighed in disappointment but eventually nodded in agreement. Miles and Shadow then nodded to one another before Shadow used Chaos Control to exit the apartment while Miles opened the window and jumped out. Miles then swung towards Central Park while Shadow skated on the road.

Miles let go of the rope of web and flipped through the air, eventually landing in Central Park, where Shadow was leaning next to a tree, waiting for him.

"What took you?" Shadow said with a slight smirk.

"Just a reminder. Super speed, I don't have it." Miles replied.

Shadow chuckled and walked over towards Miles, "Noted." replied Shadow.

"HEY, SPIDER-MAN!" A sudden voice called out.

They both turned around and saw a female rush over towards them.

"Are you the one who sent out the alert?" asked Miles.

The woman nodded, "Yes. Thank goodness you're here."

"What appears to be the problem, ma'am?" Shadow asked.

The woman glanced down towards Shadow and then turned to Miles with a confused look on her face.

"He's a friend." Miles said simply.

The woman then exhaled and said, "Well, everything was normal around here. That is, until a weird 'portal' looking thing opened up above Belvedere Castle, and that Scorpion villain jumped out with a weird looking creature. He looked very depressed."

Shadow and Miles glanced at one another before turning to the woman, "Don't worry. We'll handle it." Miles said to the woman.

With one final nod to the woman, both heroes headed towards Belvedere Castle to handle to situation.

(End song)

Miles landed on the branch of a nearby tree while Shadow stopped next to the tree and assumed a crouched position. They saw several Demon Thugs patrolling the castle. They looked closer and saw Scorpion overseeing some thugs hauling some familiar looking weapons through an open portal.

Shadow looked up at Miles, "It appears they are taking what doesn't belong to them and bringing it to their base of operations."

"That's Sable International's weapons and gear." Miles clarified.

"Sable International?"

Miles glanced down towards Shadow, "They're a private army of mercenaries that'll do anything as long as the price is right. They were stationed here in New York a few years back," Miles explained, "Pete and I have heard rumors that Sable hid some tech underneath the city, just in case they needed to come back."

Shadow nodded and faced the castle, "It appears those rumors were accurate."

"We have to stop them." Miles said as he shot a line of web and swung towards the castle. Shadow then skated after him.

(End song)

Zor looked down at his dying rose as the last petal fell to the ground. He sighed depressingly, "And with that, the rose finally dies, and every dimension will do the same." Zor said sadly.

Scorpion facepalmed as he climbed down from the wall of the castle and flipped down to land next to Zor, "Is everything you say so.....depressing?"

If Zor was going to reply, he didn't have the chance as his mouth was suddenly webbed shut. They both turned around and saw Miles and Shadow land in front of them.

"Yeah, I have to agree with Gargan. You're a real downer, dude." Miles quipped.

Scorpion growled and turned to his henchmen, "Get the weapons in the portal!!!"

Shadow clenched his fist, "Not gonna happen."

Scorpion chuckled and turned around to face his enemies, "And what are you chumps gonna do about it?" He then got down on all fours and aimed his tail.

(End song)

Zor then sighed as he leaped into the air and landed on top of the castle, Miles shot a line of web and pursued after him. Shadow and Scorpion walked around each other in a circular motion, waiting for one of them to make the first move. Scorpion then shot some acid from his tail, Shadow skated forward and flipped through the air to dodge the acidic projectile.

Shadow curled into a ball and tried to hit Scorpion with a Homing Attack, but Scorpion simply swatted him away with his tail. Shadow crashed into a pile of boxes, he shook his head and teleported away. He then reappeared behind Scorpion and tried to roundhouse kick him, but Scorpion saw this coming and back flipped over the black hedgehog.

He landed behind him and tried to stab him with his tail, but Shadow swayed to the left and grabbed the tail. He then tossed Scorpion into a wall. As Scorpion tried to get up, Shadow boosted towards the villain and elbowed him in the chest, slamming Gargan into the wall once again.

Shadow then hit Scorpion with a multitude of punches and kicks, showing no sign of letting up. But unbeknownst to Shadow, Gargan readied his tail and slowly raised it behind the hedgehog. He then caught Shadow's incoming punch and smiled.

He then stabbed Shadow in the back with his tail. Shadow gritted his teeth in pain, but he couldn't do anything more as Scorpion punched Shadow in the face, sending him back.

Shadow regained his posture as Scorpion leaped into the air in an attempt to hit the hedgehog. Shadow smirked, "CHAOS SPEAR!!!"

Shadow then fired his Chaos Spear attack at Scorpion, the attack sent Gargan flying through the air. He would have crashed into the wall, but he flipped through the air and landed on the wall, using his claws to hold him to the wall.

He then aimed his tail and fired shots of acid at Shadow. Shadow skated forward and moved left and right to dodge the attacks. He then leaped into the air and reeled back a punch, but to his shock, Scorpion disappeared. Shadow quickly turned his body around and pushed himself away from the castle with his feet.

Shadow then landed on the ground and took notice of his surroundings. Everything seemed hazy and green. He then turned around and saw four Scorpions clones approaching him. Shadow readied a Chaos Spear, but he was suddenly batted away by a Scorpion clone standing behind him.

Shadow rolled on the ground and struggled to get up, but he suddenly felt really sick.

"You feel that, don't you?" Shadow then heard Gargan's voice in his head, "Right now, my toxin is affecting your mind. You can't think straight. Soon you won't be able to move. And eventually, you won't be able to breathe."

Shadow then fell to the ground as the Scorpion clones walked closer and closer towards him.

(End song)

As Miles landed on top of the castle, Zor lifted himself into the air and hovered above the castle. He then fired purple blasts from his hands to try and hit Miles. Miles web zipped out of the way and flipped to avoid the purple projectiles.

"Just accept your fate, we all have to eventually." Zor said to Miles.

"Okay, seriously! You're such a downer!" Miles replied.

Zor then summoned a flock of black bats and they flew down towards Miles. Miles shot web projectiles at the flock of bats, the bats then disappeared on impact. Miles then shot a line of webbing at Zor, only for Zor to catch the web line and tug it towards him, pulling Miles into the air towards him.

Once close enough, Zor punched Miles to the ground thanks to his enhanced strength. Miles crashed on top of the castle and groaned in pain.

"H....How are you.....so strong?" Miles muttered as he got back up.

Zor then summoned some more bats, except this time, instead of flying towards Miles, they swirled around one another and then amalgamated into shadow clones of Zor. The shadow clones landed on the castle and fired purple blasts from their hands.

Miles ran forward and jumped up into the air to avoid the blasts. He then charged up his Venom abilities and then slammed his fist onto the roof of the building, making the clones disappear. He sighed in relief, only for the clones to reappear.


The clones ran towards Miles. Miles charged up his fists and punched the clones that got close enough, making them dissipate into thin air. As he was fighting, the real Zor landed behind him and ran towards the young spider. Zor then shoulder charged Miles off of the castle roof.

Miles thought quickly and shot a line of web and swung around the building. He landed on the ground and quickly called MJ.

MJ answered the call, "Hey, Miles. What's up?"

"MJ! We need help ASAP! Scorpion and some Zeti thing, I think that's what they're called, are here and I'm hurting really bad. Call Pete! We-" Miles never got to finish as Zor blasted him from behind.

The call ended and Miles struggled to get up.

(End song)

Shadow and Miles were down for the count. Scorpion walked over to Zor with a smirk on his face, "Not bad."

Zor sighed and walked away, leaving Gargan to face palm in annoyance. The villains turned to the portal behind them and saw their goons haul off the last of the weapons.

Scorpion turned to Zor, "Come on. Our job here is done."

The two villains then walked into the portal, their job completed. Shadow tried to get back up, but he eventually fell back down to the ground, defeated. The last thing he saw was the portal closing as the villains entered.

Miles tried to stay awake, but he couldn't muster the strength and fell down, unconscious. The last thing he heard was the sound of a sonic boom and saw a blurry blue figure heading towards him.

Author's Note:

Shadow got cocky and that costed him the battle while Miles is facing a new foe, so he didn't know what to expect.

Btw, Shadow has the ability to teleport at will, kind of like his Sonic Boom counterpart. Just thought I'd clarify that.

Anyway, a breather chapter is up next.

Stay tuned.