• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,280 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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"YOU'RE BEATEN!!!" Otto Shouted.

"YOU'RE BROKEN!!!" Sombra added.

"YOU'RE BESTED!!!" Eggman finished.

"THE SINISTER EGG CORE IS READY TO GO!!! WE'VE WON!!!" They all shouted in unison.

Everyone inside the chambers screamed in pain as the Chaos Energy and the ponies as well as Discord's magic was being drained from their being. The energy being collected was being fueled up in the canisters on The Sinister Egg Core's back, powering it up.

Spider-Man was the only one not being drained as he had no magic or Chaos Energy stored inside him. He glared at the three villains as they laughed.

Eggman smiled as he continued to gloat, "To be fair, you DID get past every single one of our defenses...."

"But what else is new?" Sombra added.

"You still came up short!" Otto finished.

"And there will be no last-minute rescues for you THIS time!" Eggman started.

"All of our forces are keeping your allies QUITE busy," Sombra finished.


Otto crossed his arms and scoffed, "Hmph, granted slightly altering OUR world might have been enough for me, IN THE PAST! But once I've had my vengeance on Osborn and The Sinister Egg Core reshapes reality, I'll be the teacher and guidance that everyone will look up to. I'll save this wretched multiverse.... BY STARTING AGAIN!!!"

As Sonic fell to his knees inside his chamber, he grunted in pain as he glared at Eggman, "T-this is the....*hrk* Second time you've pulled this trick, Eggman! The multiverse wasn't meant to be warped by jerks like you!!! Haven't you learned from the last time you tried this?! Aren't you *Oomph* worried about breaking reality?!"

Eggman smiled, "Oh, our world is so bent out of shape that it is bound to SNAP! Yes I GLEEFULLY abused the fuzzy space-time of this zone to build up my army and slowly prepare our ultimate weapon. All without YOU catching on! But-"

Suddenly, he was grabbed by the chest by one of Otto's tentacles and was pulled towards the mad genius, "WAIT! Wait-wait-wait! You told us that Netherworld would allow us to CHEAT the rules of reality!"

Sombra lit up his horn in anger, "You never said we'd BREAK our worlds!!!"

"BUT---AS I WAS SAYING--- All that damage is moot!" Otto set Eggman down as he explained, "When I only had the Element's magic, I could only bend the rules of reality, cheat them, and so on. Now with the seven Chaos Emeralds, The Sinister Egg Core has NO LIMITS! Any damage that will be done will be erased when we reshape everything else!" He then glared at his associates, "SO DON'T GET YOUR MANES AND TENTACLES IN A KNOT!"

Sombra scoffed, "FINE."

Otto crossed his arms, "But you need to tell us these things."

Twilight glared hatefully at the three villains as she was being drained of her magic, "And you're going to keep all of us trapped here to make us watch! You three are SICK!"

"What is this, a new low for Sombra? Cause I'm not too surprised here." Sonic quipped as he was being drained.

Suddenly, the chambers shut off as the canisters on The Sinister Egg Core's back reached max capacity. The mech was then engulfed in a purple flaming aura of darkness. The three villains then smiled as the platform they were standing on ascended to the top of the mech.

A small hatch opened up and the three villains stepped in. Inside were three thrones. Sombra took his seat on the right, Otto took the left, and Eggman sat in the center.

(End song)

As everyone got back to their feet/hooves, The Sinister Egg Core roared a mighty roar as it became fully operational.

"And now, you all shall bare witness to our triumphant victory!" Sombra gloated.

Eggman smirked, "Gentlemen? Shall we have some fun before we reshape everything to our liking?"

Otto nodded, "We shall. And I know just where to start. New York."

As a giant vortex opened behind the mech, the three villains laughed as The Sinister Egg Core entered the vortex to go and destroy New York City.

(End song)

Suddenly, one of the walls in the room exploded and Shadow, Celestia, and Miles jumped through and entered the room. Celestia and Luna lit up their horns and the chamber were blasted apart, freeing everyone from their imprisonment. As Sonic shook his head, Shadow walked over and offered Sonic a hand to help him up, to which Sonic gladly accepted.

But just as Sonic got up, he was immediately tackled to the ground in a bone crushing hug by Amy. As Amy bawled her eyes out in Sonic's chest, Shadow rolled his eyes and walked away.

"I'm not helping you up again."

As Celestia and Luna giggled at the display of 'affection', Peter walked over to the two alicorns.

"Thanks for the assist. How's the battle outside?"

Miles then walked over to Peter, "It's really weird. For some reason all the robots just vanished and the mind controlled ponies, as well as The Sinister Six and those Zeti things, just fell to the ground unconscious."

Shadow crossed his arms, "It appears the doctor and his allies don't have a need for them anymore."

Meanwhile, The Mane 6 rushed over and tackled Twilight in a tight embrace.

Discord simply rolled his eyes.

"Well, I don't mean to be THAT guy, but shouldn't we be focusing on the giant shadowy robot monster thing that could rewrite ALL of reality?" Discord pointed out.

The group embrace ended as Twilight pulled away, "Girls, he's right. As happy as I am to see you all, we have to focus."

"Pfft. You worry too much, Twi. We'll stop 'em We always do," Rainbow said as she waved her hoof dismissively.

Applejack however, didn't look so sure, "Ah'm not so sure that it's gunna be that easy this time, sugarcube."

"The mare is right. Our foes not only have YOUR magic, but the seven Chaos Emeralds as well. This time, we'll need all the help we can get," Shadow added as he closed his eyes in deep thought.

Luna raised a brow, "What are you implying?"

Shadow smirked, "Well we did assemble an army, let's put it to good use."

It was a peaceful day in New York, well, as peaceful as can be considering the amount of threats that appear on a weekly basis. Civilians were walking around, going to work, going by their day to day lives.

Everything was peaceful.

Suddenly, a giant dark vortex opened up above the Empire State Building. Everyone looked up in fear and confusion.

From within the vortex, The Sinister Egg Core descended down, roaring so loudly that it could be heard all over the city. The citizens screamed and ran away to safety as one of the mechs giant tentacles swiped right through a building, knocking the top of it down to the ground below.

As the building fell, the mad villains piloting the machine laughed evilly at the destruction they were causing.

"That's right, fools! Flee from your destruction! It makes it all the more fun!" Sombra laughed as the mech opened one of its many claws and fired a laser that tore through multiple buildings.

The Sinister Egg Core then opened its mouth and fired a red and purple laser that destroyed more buildings and infrastructures.


The mech roared as three of its eight limbs shot forward and crashed into the building, its claws grabbing it in an unbreakable grip. The tentacles then pulled back, tearing the building apart as it did, causing it to collapse to the ground. Dust filled the streets of New York as the mech roared once again.

"This is better than I ever could have dreamed! Nothing can stop us now! Mwahahahaha!!!" Eggman laughed as multiple missiles launched from the back of the mech. Each missile hit a building, lighting them up in a blazing inferno.

NYPD were already in the streets, helping people evacuate and get to safety. A young woman gazed up at the sky as a piece of rubble was falling towards her. She would have perished if not for the kind senior with shades pulled her out of the way to safety.

The old man turned to the lady, "Are you okay, ma'am?"

The lady nodded and they both fled for safety.

"This, is too good to be true," Otto said to himself.

"And we're just getting started," Eggman stated.

(End song)

"RHARGGGGGGGHHHH!!!" A mighty and thunderous roar interrupted the thoughts of the three villains as the mech turned.

Only to be punched in the eye by a mighty green goliath.

The mech crashed into a building behind it as the green goliath landed on the streets.

The Hulk smashed down on the ground.

Otto glared at the hulking beast before them, "Banner."

"Is this a private party or can anyone join?"

Suddenly a barrage of missiles hit the top of the mech as a man in a metal suit flew around them.

The invincible Iron Man arrived on the scene.

"WHAT MOCKERY IS THIS?!!" Sombra shouted.


Suddenly a large bolt of lightning shot down from the skies above and sent the mech through the building. The three villains looked on as a long haired man in a cape landed on a rooftop near them.

Thor raised Mjolnir into the air as lightning shot out of the hammer and into the sky.

Eggman growled angrily, "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!"

Suddenly, all three villains looked up to see The Chimera hover out of the clouds and over New York.

A Quinjet flies down from The Chimera and onto the streets below. The hangar door opened and three individuals ran out. A man with a bow and arrow, a woman in a black jumpsuit, and a star spangled man all exited the Quinjet.

Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Captain America had all landed on the streets of New York.

The Avengers were here to stop The Sinister Egg Core.

Cap turned to Widow and Hawkeye, "Nat, Clint, I want you both to help with evac, get as many people as far away as you can. Once that's done, join the fight against that thing," they both nodded and went to help NYPD with evac. Cap then touched the earpiece in his helmet, "Stark, get that things attention, Thor, bring down the lightning!"

"Aye, it shall be a worthy battle!"

"You got it, Cap."

"Good. Hulk...." Cap started.

"SMASH!!!" Hulk roared as he leaped up into the air.

(End song)

Hulk then delivered a massive punch to the eye of The Sinister Egg Core, sending the machine through a few buildings.

The three villains then began preparing their ultimate weapon for battle.

"Main fuel line open?" Eggman asked Otto.

"Check! Gyroscopic Modifiers online?" Otto asked Eggman.

"They're in the green!" Eggman replied.

"LAUNCH ALREADY!!!" Sombra shouted

The mech gave out a mighty roar, to which Hulk replied with a roar of his own.

Sombra snarled as Hulk went in for another punch, but instead of punching the mech like he had anticipated, Hulk grabbed onto the mech and started laying into it.


Sombra snarled as he began mashing some buttons with his hooves, "I'LL SMASH YOU!!! Enjoy 50 thousand volts of protective shielding you--" only to find that they were doing nothing, "--WHY ARE MY DEFENSES OFFLINE?!"

Eggman then proceeded to laugh with glee, "Mwahahahaha! He's all yours, 'Hulk'! Now, Metal Man, hold still for a face full of Death Lasers!" Eggman smashed a big red button to fire the laser, only for an error to appear on his monitor, "'Weapons Offline?' Why are my---?"

Otto smirked at the situation, "Hmph. So long, fools. Now, Thor Odinson, prepare to face the destructive power that is my intellect!" Otto pulled a lever to launch some missiles at the Son of Odin, but nothing happened, "What is this?! What has---?"

The three villains then glared at one another before pointing at each other with hate filled expressions on their faces and shouting in unison.


Iron Man then proceed to face palm while Thor groaned as he rolled his eyes.

(End song)

Meanwhile, in Netherworld, Sonic and Peter just got done talking with Celestia and Luna about their attack plan. As they were walking away, they noticed Twilight and the girls with teary expressions on their faces. Before they could intervene, the girls embraced in a hug, each of them saying something along the lines of "We had no idea" or "We're so, so sorry".

It was obvious that Twilight fessed up about her feelings of loneliness towards her friends. Once the embrace ended, they split apart as Rainbow and Twilight headed over towards the two heroes.

Sonic placed a hand on his hip, "I see you fessed up about your feelings?"

Twilight nodded, "Yep. I told them everything, about my feelings and all of that."

"And we swear that we'll never make you feel like that again, Twi," Rainbow said to her friend. She then turned to Peter, "So I hear you're a pretty cool super hero?"

Peter crossed his arms, "I'm only the coolest super hero around."

"Pfft. Yeah right."

Sonic and Twilight rolled their eyes at the scene before them.

Suddenly, a whooshing sound was heard, it appears that Tails and Miles got the Gateway working and set a destination for New York.

"Guys, I've got the Gateway working! We ready to go?" Tails asked everyone present.

As all ponies, mobians, and humans present nodded, Sonic, Twilight, and Peter looked at one another as Rainbow Dash flew over towards the Gateway.

"You two ready for this?" Twilight asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Sonic replied.

"Well, we're practically marching towards our deaths. So it's just a normal week in my life, but first, we have to pick up a few friends. Need all the help we can get, right?" replied the web slinger.

Twilight then nodded as she and the rest of her friends marched towards the Gateway.

"Let's do it."

As Hulk and Thor bashed into The Sinister Egg Core, the three villains were quick at work with repairs.

"....Your faults! Now I've got to undo all my brilliant sabotaging so we'll all survive this!!! Exchange relay B and C. That will stop the confusion in the 'Battle' and 'Chase' programs!" Eggman complained as he fixed the wires in his console.

"OUR FAULT?!" Otto and Sombra shouted in unison.

"If YOU weren't so crazy, I wouldn't need to resort to sabotage OR last second repairs!" Sombra shouted as used his magic to repair his defenses.

"If you fools weren't so arrogant then none of this would have happened!!!" Otto shouted as he used his tentacles to type in some code to fix the issues on his end.

"You need to take the circuit board marked 'M.B.M' and put it in slot 1. The other board is just a dummy!" Sombra explained.

Eggman gritted his teeth, "You devious little...."

"Loan me one of your lackey bots!" Otto ordered.


Sombra looked confused, "I didn't even know they were here."

Orbot and Cubot popped out from behind Eggman's throne and waved.

Iron Man then fired a Unibeam blast from his chest that sent the mech falling to the ground.

Eggman looked panicked, "Reboot. Reboot. REBOOT!!!"

Otto had sweat falling from his forehead, "Keep us steady! I've almost got us back online!"

Sombra squealed as he saw Hulk leap towards them, "ANY DAY NOW, OTTO!!!"

"SHUT UP! Full system restore---NOW!!!"

As Hulk was about to hit the mech, one of its many tentacles grabbed him and swung him into a building. Iron Man and Thor flew towards the mech, but were pushed back as it released a massive shockwave of dark energy.

"Ahh! Ahh-ha-ha! Self repair systems running at 251%" Informed the egg genius.

"Hahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHA! We're going to win!!!" Sombra exclaimed.

"Victory is ours!!!" Otto shout triumphantly.

"Haaaa. I'm going to kill you, you traitors!" Eggman threatened gleefully.

"Hahahahaha! Not if I get you first you psycho!" Sombra replied.

Otto stroked his chin and smiled, "Truce until this is done?"

Sombra shrugged, "I guess I have to. Truce?"

Eggman smiled, "Truce."

The mech roared as it released a massive shockwave of dark energy that took apart several buildings. Natasha and Clint both got behind Cap as he raised his shield to protect them while Hulk grabbed Stark and Thor and took the blast head on, protecting them with his body.

Once the shockwave ceased, Hulk landed next to the other Avengers and looked on as The Chimera went offline and fell into the ocean. They then turned around as the mech roared, readying its claws.

"HAH! CHECKMATE!!!" Sombra shouted.

"We win!" Otto exclaimed.

"Soon it will be time to play around in our brand new multiverse!" Eggman smiled as the mech opened its mouth, ready to fire another blast.

(End song)

(Play until 1:59)

But a spark of light caught their eye, a familiar spark they had seen before. A portal opened up behind The Avengers, but not just any portal, a portal from The Gateway in Netherworld. And from the portal, out stepped Prince T'challa, The Black Panther.

Then next to him in a portal of his own creation, stepped out Dr. Strange.

Strange closed his portal as Spider-Man swung out of The Gateway portal and landed next to Cap. Before Cap could say anything, a speedy blue hedgehog zoomed out of the portal and skidded to a stop next to Spidey. Then, to their amazement, an alicorn pony flew out of the portal and landed next on the other side of Spidey.

Then, everyone else stepped out of the portal. Celestia, Starlight, Shadow, Miles, Luna, Tails, Knuckles, The Mane 6, everyone who was present in Netherworld stepped out of the portal to join in the fight.

"Hey, Egghead! Miss us?" Sonic quipped.

The three villains were speechless as the heroes' army walked out of the portal. All of the mind controlled ponies freed from their torture and ready to help out however they can.

Spidey turned to Cap, "Got you some reinforcements. You're welcome."

Cap and the other Avengers were speechless. They could only gawk at the amount of back up they had received.

Eggman however didn't look happy at all.

"Fire everything."

Sombra and Otto looked at him as if he were a madman.

Sombra chuckled nervously, "Surely you jest-"

Eggman slammed his fist down on the console.


As the mech roared, Tony turned to Cap.

"Do the words, Cap."

Cap turned to face his new army of heroes.


He turned back around to The Sinister Egg Core and raised his shield into the air and shouted...


Author's Note:

Now before anyone says anything, no. These are not the same Avengers as from the Square Enix game.

Notice the absence of Kamala?

I just used their designs and The Chimera.

I also wanted that thing destroyed, go I hate that thing, so I added it in to blow it up.

Also, did you guys catch the Stan Lee cameo?

Anyway, part two of the final battle is up next.

Stay tuned.