• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,279 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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Vs. Mr. Negative & Master Zik

Sonic dashed through a horde of Badniks with his super speed as he made his way through Metropolis. Sonic leaped off of the edge of the roof he was running on and curled into a ball. He then dashed towards the nearest building and uncurled. He then used his super speed to run up the side of the building, dodging incoming blasts from the Buzz Bombers currently flying after the speedy blue hedgehog.

Sonic ran onto the roof and skidded to a stop. He clenched his fists and was about to launch himself at the enemy Badniks. But suddenly, the Buzz Bombers were incased in a violet aura and were slammed to the roof, destroying them and freeing the Flickies trapped inside the robots.

Sonic looked up and saw Twilight flapping her wings in the air, giving the hedgehog a kind smile, to which Sonic returned.

"Woo, nothing like running through a city that was made to kill you to get the blood pumping!" Sonic exclaimed as he stretched his arms out.

Twilight rolled her eyes at her friends antics. Sonic then got into a crouched position and took off at high speeds, launching himself off the building.

Twilight sighed in annoyance, "That hedgehog is going to get himself killed one of these days."

Meanwhile on the streets of Metropolis, Shadow was skating through the streets, narrowly avoiding the incoming projectiles from the two E - 1008 Falco models that were flying after him.

Shadow boosted forward to try and get some distance between the robots and himself. The Falco's boosted forward, firing blasts at the hedgehog from within their mouths. Suddenly, one of them were hit from behind by a green flame, Spike had been flying after them this entire time.

One of the robots did a U- turn and prepared to fire a blast and the young dragon. Shadow, thinking quickly, teleported to where Spike was and hit the robot in the head with a roundhouse kick, sending the robot into the side of a nearby building, exploding on impact.

As Shadow landed, he looked up to see the other Falco approaching him and Spike at high velocity. Shadow smirked and stood up, his hand crackling with yellow electricity.


Shadow threw a Chaos Spear at the approaching robot. The Falco barely had time to react, resulting in the robot being blasted into pieces on impact. Shadow turned towards Spike, who's jaw practically hit the floor.

"THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!" Spike exclaimed excitedly.

Shadow gave him a slight smirk and lifted his wrist communicator towards his face.

"Parker. This is Shadow. Have you located the Emerald yet?"

Suddenly, an explosion of negative energy made itself known, originating from a building a few blocks away. Shadow turned to Spike, who gave the Ultimate Lifeform a deadpanned look.

"That answer your question?"

Shadow nodded, "And it appears that Parker isn't the only one to have found the Emerald," Shadow then entered a starting position, "LET'S GO!!!"

Shadow then took off at high speeds with Spike trailing behind him.

(End song)

Peter flipped through the air and stuck himself to the side of a nearby wall. He glared at Mr. Negative, who was charging up another negative blast from his hands.

Peter then tapped his ear with his index finger, "Guys, just FYI, Miles and I found the Emerald, but Martin Li and an elderly Smurf Pokémon reject are here too," he was suddenly interrupted by Mr. Negative as the villain fired another blast of negative energy from his hands, causing Peter to leap from the wall and land on the roof to avoid the blast, "So, a little help would be nice guys!"

Peter then web zipped over towards the villain and tried to punch him in the face, but Martin released a burst of negative energy, sending the hero flying back and landing harshly on the ground.

Martin then pointed his sword at Spider-Man, "You don't get it! Osborn is a manipulative parasite that needs to be cleansed! He needs to pay!!!"

Peter got back up to his feet, "But this isn't the way, Martin! I mean, helping those three whack jobs take over the multiverse? You're willing to throw away the freedom of every living being in the multiverse just for revenge?"

Li shook his head, "You wouldn't understand."

Martin then leapt into the air and slashed his sword downwards to try and hit the spider hero. Peter rolled out of the way and quickly shot two lines of web at Martin's feet and pulled him to the floor. Peter then ran forward, shooting webbing from his web shooters as he ran.

Unfortunately, Li wasn't in the mood for games as he yelled a mighty roar and released a burst of negative energy from within himself, destroying the webbing and sending Peter flying off of the roof. Peter, thinking quickly, shot a line of web and swung around the building and jumped back onto the roof.

The villain growled in anger as Peter entered a crouched position and glared at the negative villain. Martin then slashed his sword, sending waves of negative energy hurdling towards Peter. Spidey jumped off of the ground and web zipped towards Mr. Negative, punching the villain in the face once he was close enough.

Martin stumbled back and rubbed his chin, all the while glaring at Parker with an angry look in his eyes. Martin then punched the ground with his fist, creating a dome of negative energy that encased the entire roof. As Peter looked at his surroundings, Martin transformed into a massive Shadow Demon and roared at the friendly neighbor hood hero.

Peter slumped forward in annoyance, "Ugh, seriously? This thing again?"

Li then slammed his massive hand onto the ground in an attempt to hit Peter, but Spidey swung away just in time. Martin turned as Peter swung around him, the demon roared and aimed his right hand at the web slinger.

"Uh oh."

Martin fired a massive negative blast from his hand. Peter let go of his webbing and flipped at just the right angle and avoided the massive blast, barely though. Just as he thought the danger was over, his Spider Sense went off as he flipped through the air.

He was suddenly grabbed by Martin's other hand and slammed to the ground.

"Ugh, grabby much?"

Martin raised his left fist and prepared to squash the hero, but suddenly, he felt something tear through the back of his head. The demon stopped dead in its tracks as its face blasted apart. Shadow had tore through the demon's head and hit the real Martin Li right out of the demon.

Martin landed harshly on the ground as the demon roared in pain. The demon and the dome then disappeared as Shadow landed on the ground. Shadow turned to Peter as he was getting back on his feet. They then both turned to Martin as he got back to his feet and fired a blast of energy directly at the heroes.

(End song)

Miles swung through the giant city chasing after the old Zeti, who was leaping from building to building with an Emerald in his hand. Miles then web zipped over towards Zik and tried to grab the elderly Zeti, but the master was ready for such an attack and quickly turned around and used his psychokinetic ability to push Miles away from him.

Miles quickly recovered and swung after the Zeti.

"Seriously? How can someone that old and small be that fast?"

Miles then ran on the side of a nearby building, continuing to give chase. Zik then landed on a nearby rooftop and turned around to see Miles land on the roof in a crouched position.

Zik closed his eyes and chuckled at the young hero, "You have potential, young one," he then opened his eyes, "But you lack discipline."

Miles then charged at the villain, to which Zik responded by jumping right over the hero and landing behind him. He then used his powers send a shockwave towards Miles, which would have sent the hero flying off of the building had it not been for his Spider Sense which alerted him of the attack. Miles leaped into the air and quickly shot webbing at Zik's eyes, which blinded the old Zeti.

Miles then web zipped towards Master Zik and kicked him in the face, sending him flying across the roof and releasing the Emerald from his grasp. Miles grabbed the Emerald with a line of webbing and caught it in his hand. He turned to see the elderly Zeti get back up onto his feet.

"Mind if we join in on the fun?"

Miles turned to see Sonic and Twilight land on the roof next to the young spider.

Miles shrugged, "A couple of minutes earlier wouldn't have been so bad either."

Twilight noticed the Emerald in his hand, "You got the Emerald! Well done, Miles!"

Miles chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head. The heroes then turned to Master Zik and entered their battle stances. Master Zik chuckled and pointed his staff at the heroes.

"Time for you all to be taught a lesson by your master."

(End song)

Meanwhile in Netherworld, the portal opened up in the gateway room. Metallix and Zavok stepped out of the portal, an Emerald in the robots hand. Eggman, Otto, and Sombra were waiting for them with anticipation.

Metallix walked over to Eggman and kneeled before him, offering the Emerald. Eggman smiled evilly, "Well done, you two," Eggman then grabbed the Emerald from his creations hand, "Now, with this Emerald, this increases our total count to four!"

Sombra honestly looked a little impressed, "Hmm, it seems that the rabble aren't as useless as I initially thought."

Suddenly, there was a ping on the main computer. Otto walked over and accepted the incoming transmission, "Li, report!"

"Parker and his allies are here. And that useless old fool lost the Emerald," Mr. Negative informed.

Otto sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "It doesn't matter. We have the final Chaos Emerald in our possession," Otto then began typing on the keyboard, "I'm activating a portal for you two to return to base. Get ready."

Mr. Negative was sent flying through the air and landed on the ground quite harshly. As he got back up, he noticed Master Zik approaching him with Sonic, Twilight, and Miles Morales following close behind.

Suddenly, a portal opened behind Martin. The negative villain turned to the Zeti, "We have the final Chaos Emerald! We're done here!"

Martin then made a run for it towards the portal with Master Zik following close behind.

Sonic's eyes widened, "Did he just say that they had the final Emerald?!"

Twilight then glared at the villains, "We have to go after them!"

Shadow wasted no time and gave chase. Everyone then followed the hedgehogs example and made a break for the portal before it closed. The two villains entered the portal and just before it closed, the heroes made it through as well.

The portal then closed.

Eggman and the others gawked at what just happened.

Sombra looked a little panicked, "T....This was unforeseen," the unicorn turned to Eggman, "They weren't suppose to make their way here yet, were they?"

Eggman then screamed like a girl and shoved the unicorn and Otto out of the way as he dashed towards the computer. He then began typing away like a madman.


Eggman then locked onto the heroes location and quickly slammed his fist on the big blinking red button. The villains then turned to the gateway and saw Mr. Negative and Master Zik exit the portal. The three villains sighed in relief, Otto then turned to the egg shaped mad man.

"Ivo, where did you send them?"

"Heh heh. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that it gives us enough time to prepare for their arrival. While they're preparing in Equestria, it will already be too late."

(End song)

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update.

I saw Spider-Man: No Way Home on opening night.

and OH MY GOD!!! It is fucking phenomenal!!!

No one put spoilers in the comments, otherwise I'll banish you to the Shadow Realm!!!

Anyways, stay tuned.