• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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No Time For This

“I just want to say that I don’t think it’s because I removed the scepter, I think it’s just a case of really bad, really coincidental timing!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew down the volcanic temple tunnel.

“Less talking, more escaping!” Daylight shouted from right behind her.

By the time they had ran out of the chamber where they had acquired the scepter, the stalactites on the ceiling were already cracking and breaking apart and falling upon them. The walls were breaking as well while the lava rose up looking to claim everything in the chamber and spill out further as the volcano entered the beginning stages of an eruption. They needed to retrace their steps and get out of here fast. Even then it might not be enough. Even getting out of the volcano before it erupted didn’t make them safe, they still had to fly back to their ship and get far away from the island.

Rainbow Dash still had the scepter grasped in her hooves, determined to not make this trip a complete waste of time. They were making good progress at least through the curvy tunnel and soon they’d be back at the large chamber with the sculpted buildings and all the other tunnels leading from it. After that, getting out of here would be easy again. Practically a straight path.

Their easy time of escaping soon came to a screeching halt the moment they reached the building-sculpted chamber again however. Rainbow Dash stopped in mid-air while the other four slid up right next to her.

“What’s the hold—oh,” Gilbert said as Rainbow Dash dropped to the floor and frowned.

“Now how about that? I came in here looking for all of you and here you come running right to me,” Godfrey grinned at them from the center of the chamber, burning plank still in talon while his cutlass rested on his hip.

“Godfrey…” Rainbow Dash grit her teeth. “We seriously don’t have time for this right now. Neither of us.”

“Really? You had time to come in here and get the temple’s treasure. Although I see that it isn’t a Necklace or Trident. Shame,” Godfrey shrugged. “No big deal though. I’ll still take it.” His eyes flickered to Senax. “And the merpony for that matter. In fact, Gilbert? You, the captain, and the unicorn? You can all leave. I just want the merpony and to settle things with Rainbow Dash.”

“Absolutely not,” Gilbert refused and walked to stand in front of Senax.

“This is insane, even for you, Godfrey!” Daylight yelled at him. “The volcano is erupting, and if it does while we’re inside then we’re all going to die.”

“Sure, sure,” Godfrey scoffed and stepped forward. “Is that all you have to say?”

Daylight and Breakwater looked over at Rainbow Dash, who narrowed her eyes at the approaching pirate. Gilbert himself stayed parked in front of Senax to protect her while the merpony’s teeth chattered despite the intense heat of the volcano. The unicorn and the captain shared one resigned look with each other before stepping out beside Gilbert.

“Heh. Fine by me,” Godfrey said as he tossed his burning plank to the ground and pulled out his cutlass.

“Come on, Godfrey. It’s five on one and you can barely handle me alone,” Rainbow Dash said to him.

“Oh I can’t wait to prove you wrong about that,” Godfrey’s tongue lashed out across his beak as he grinned sinisterly at her.

Rainbow didn’t want him to get close enough to attack the others, so before he could take another step she shot out towards him, brandishing the recently attained scepter like a staff. “Haaaah!” She swung the golden rod at his head with enough force to shatter stone. The red ruby on top sparkled in the light of his torch flame and the light from Daylight’s horn.

Godfrey brought his cutlass up and blocked it, sparks dancing as the two metals came in contact with each other.

He raised an eyebrow at her. “Since when do you fight like that?”

“Since I got a club for beating your brains in,” Rainbow grinned.

She pulled the scepter away and swung again for his face but Godfrey was able to block it once more. A return slash from him was deflected and the two proceeded to trade blows with each other—a fresh rain of sparks glittering across the stone floor with every crossing of weapons. Rainbow Dash had absolutely no weapons training whatsoever, and basically no real experience fighting like this, but sheer speed and reflexes were very helpful training wheels. It helped that Godfrey was clearly having a blast just fighting with her like this and wasn’t actually trying to kill her just yet. The scepter at least gave her a good way to fight against his sword for once instead of forcing her to simply dodge everything. Now she could actually match his attacks.

A swing of the scepter at his head was parried by his own blade and Godfrey thrusted it towards Rainbow Dash’s chest to stab her. But she retaliated with swinging the scepter down at the sword and sending both its blade and the ruby headpiece of the scepter to the floor. A deep resonating bang came from the clash and shook the both of them. Godfrey stepped back first and pulled his sword from under her scepter, bringing a new swipe at her neck. Rainbow Dash quickly lifted the shaft of the scepter and blocked the blow but Godfrey’s superior strength knocked her away anyways.

She was thrown to the ground and the scepter was torn from her grip—another advantage he had over her with his talons was it was far easier for him to keep control of his weapon. It loudly clattered and rolled into the wall across from her as Godfrey stood victoriously above her with his cutlass raised high. Before he could bring it down at her a shout from Gilbert came and the younger griffon flew towards his older brother. At the same time a powder blue beam of magic was fired at Godfrey’s chest and he had to jump away to avoid it.

The fight had been joined.

As Gilbert attacked his brother all Godfrey had to do was swing his sword at him and Gilbert jumped back to avoid the blade, his headfeathers sticking up in fright. However, while the fighting had been going on, Breakwater had run around behind Godfrey and was coming at him. While at the same time Rainbow Dash had flown over to the scepter so she could recover it. Having to look several different directions at once, Godfrey hesitated for just a moment on who to deal with first.

That allowed Rainbow Dash to grab the scepter and she got ready to fly back and fight him while Breakwater tried jumping on his back. To the large griffon’s surprise, a powder blue aura then appeared around Godfrey’s entire body, courtesy of Daylight Gleam attempting to hold him down. But all Godfrey needed to do to deal with that was flex his muscles and the magic broke—he was too strong and Daylight not strong enough in telekinesis to hold him. He turned around and elbowed Breakwater in the side mid-jump, throwing the captain across the chamber.

Gilbert took action at that moment and grabbed the wrist of Godfrey’s sword arm, trying to keep the large griffon from blocking or attacking Rainbow Dash when she came in this time. He yanked it up above both their heads, hoping his two arms could maybe perhaps overpower Godfrey’s one. When Rainbow Dash was halfway to reaching Godfrey the larger griffon showed just how delusional his little brother was being. Godfrey pulled his arm down and away from Gilbert’s grip and then smacked him across the eyes with his forearm.

Gilbert sputtered in pain and fell back just in time for Godfrey to bring his cutlass around and block another strike from Rainbow’s scepter.

Rainbow Dash knocked his blade away before trying to smash Godfrey in the face with her scepter but he back-stepped and brought the cutlass up to parry it away. Then it was his turn to push forward to her with a series of relentless slashes that kept her on the defensive. Each strike caused her hooves to shake and a scratch mark to appear on the golden scepter. He was really pummeling away at her now, trying to completely overpower her and wear her down. And he had the strength and stamina to do so. The speed and accuracy of his slashes was something else too and it was a testament to Rainbow Dash’s own reflexes that she was still able to block all of them with the scepter.

“Gehahaha! Come on, Rainbow Dash! Why don’t you try doing something?!” He taunted.

She didn’t respond, staying focused on her defense, because she knew she had others who would fill in for her anyways. That belief came true when another beam of magic came right at Godfrey’s skull. His eyes opened wide as he saw the beam but his reflexes were quick enough for him to duck under it. But now Rainbow Dash had an opening.

However—what she wasn’t expecting was for Godfrey to simply block the scepter with his forearm. It was heavy, but it was still just a blunt object and couldn’t cut him or anything, and she didn’t swing it with enough force for her to beat out his tough bones and muscles. Godfrey then slashed at her with his sword and she couldn’t evade fast enough, a shallow cut that spilled blood onto the floor of the chamber opened up at the top of her left front leg. Rainbow Dash grit her teeth in pain, it wasn’t debilitating but it still hurt. Not only that but it annoyed her how even with him having to deal with her friends he was still able to get the better of her like this.

He's still so strong and fast! She thought as she retreated away from him with the scepter dangling in her hooves.

Another beam of magic aimed at his body was jumped over and Godfrey spread his wings to come tackling towards Rainbow Dash. His cutlass came at her in a powerful horizontal slash aimed at bisecting her. She put the scepter in front of her and put her hooves and all her strength behind it to brace it for the blow.

It didn’t help much.

While the scepter stopped her from being cut in half, the power of his slash still knocked the golden treasure out of her hooves and away from her again. It clattered to the ground and Godfrey took the opportunity to bring his other talon up in a fast and punch Rainbow Dash in the stomach. She coughed as the air left her lungs and fell to her hooves.

“See what happens when I’m fighting seriously?” Godfrey grinned as he swung his sword down at her head.

At the last second a blue aura surrounded Rainbow Dash and pulled her away. Godfrey’s sword smashed into the stone floor and cracked it. Gilbert then rammed into his side and knocked his brother down while Breakwater jumped on him and wrapped his hooves around Godfrey’s sword arm, trying to keep Godfrey from retaliating. Godfrey instead rolled over onto his back while snapping his wing open and hitting Gilbert away with it, then punched Breakwater in the side and threw him away. Standing up he-


-ducked under the screaming Rainbow Dash as she came in with a flying kick at his head. Reaching up right as she passed over him he grabbed her by the tail and caught her.

With a mean grin, he swung her around and around and finally let her go—sailing right at Daylight Gleam.

The unicorn’s eyes widened in shock right before Rainbow smashed into her and carried the both of them into the wall behind her. With a hard thump Daylight’s body bounced against the rock wall and she slumped over while Rainbow Dash coughed and rolled onto the ground in front of her. With the unicorn temporarily down, the chamber became much darker. Standing right next to their crumpled forms, Senax shivered, not knowing what to do.

“Well then,” Godfrey said as he walked over to her. “I think you’re coming with me now.”

Senax shook her head, making Godfrey scoff in amusement.

“You don’t exactly get the choice to say no,” his talon lurched forward and grasped her by the neck. “Say goodbye to your friends… oh, wait, guess you can’t talk right now. Geha!”

He started to drag her away, and turned his back on Rainbow Dash.

“H-Hey! I’m still here, Godfrey! Where are you going?!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she rose to her hooves.

“Oh? I got bored beating on you so I figured I’d just leave,” he shrugged without even looking back at her. In his grip, Senax choked and sputtered while she tried to pull his claws off her neck.

“You’re not getting away with this!” Rainbow flapped her wings and flew at him.

He spun around as soon as she was close with his cutlass already going for her head. Rainbow Dash ducked under it and pulled back her hoof to punch him in the face—but he lifted up Senax and held her in front of him like a pony-shield. Rainbow Dash came to a screeching halt in the air and Godfrey brought his sword back at her. Reacting as quickly as she ever had in her life, Rainbow Dash hit the flat of the blade with her hoof before it could reach her body and knocked it down. She then tried to punch his wrist to force him to drop the sword reflexively.

From the position of his arm and the blade, Godfrey couldn’t just bring it up and cut her, but what he could do before her punch connected was flick the sword up at her face and hit her with the flat of the blade. It stung like a whip and hurt like a hammer at the same time and Rainbow Dash found herself again falling to the ground while she clutched her face in pain.

“Done,” Godfrey smirked and once again started walking away with Senax in his grasp.

From the darkness, Gilbert leaped with a feral scream, angrier than Senax or anyone else in the chamber had ever seen him before. He landed on his brother’s back and put him in a headlock, his talons scratching at his brother’s neck and head. The only light in the chamber was now the barely smoldering embers of the torch Godfrey had brought and it created a demonic silhouette of the two struggling brothers. Godfrey dropped his sword and reached behind his back to grab Gilbert, pulling his brother off him and roughly slamming him to the floor.

“Idiot. Now it’s time to go,” Godfrey shook his head and picked his sword back up, walking to the tunnel he had come in from.

That ended when Senax bent her head down and bit him as hard as she could on his finger.

“Augh!” Godfrey screeched and dropped her. “You worthless little-!”

Senax tried to scramble away from him, her hooves slipping along the stone ground, knees scraping as she tried to get on her hooves in her frantic efforts to run away. A heavy talon smashed down on her back and held her in place. Senax screamed in terror, trying to pull herself free even as Godfrey’s sharp talons dug into her back.

“Now that, merpony? That was a terrible mistake. Now stay still,” Godfrey threatened and flipped his retrieved cutlass over in his other talon.

Rainbow Dash fought her way back to her hooves, eyes blinking open and shut as tears gathered around them from the stinging pain of being hit in the face. She rose just in time to see Godfrey lift his sword up and stab it back down at Senax. Rainbow froze.

Senax screamed.

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