• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Forced Compromise

Junk #1 of the Boschese fleet calmly sailed northeast to its newly acquired target. The main Bosche slaving fleet that it led was comprised of 36 Junks that had sailed together from their crescent homeland. For such an occasion, and for such a large flotilla, the fleet was of course under the direct command of Admiral Bin’Tavy, highest among high in the Bosche navy.

He proudly stood on the main deck of the Junk, surrounded by subordinates as they got a swift move on. A full compliment of soldiers was also on deck, standing at attention, and many more waited below. They had an army fit for invasion aboard their fleet and they certainly planned to use it if needed. Of course, it was his command staff and servants that were of more interest to him right now. One servant, bowing down so as not to look directly at the admiral, held a tray with a pot of tea on it.

Admiral Bin’Tavy held the cup from the tray to his lips as he drank the warm, aromatic, liquid. He was not any taller or more muscular than the average stallion, in fact he may have even been a little smaller, but it was difficult to tell with the elaborate silken robes he wore and the black mantle on his shoulder. The robes were of the finest quality available in Bosche, mostly black with red flames crawling up the bottom and golden flowers sewn across the rest. His clothes underneath were a form-fitting uniform of the same material and style. Unlike several other Bosche officers he did not wear a hat, letting his golden, well-groomed, mane on top of his brown head visible for all to see. What he did wear were several necklaces and golden ear piercings with valuable jewels hanging from them. An exercise in wealth, privilege, and importance that even other admirals couldn’t partake in.

“Mmm, brewed to perfection,” the admiral said with a light voice as he placed the teacup back on its tray and had the servant hurry away. He opened his deep blue eyes and gazed north at the open ocean before turning to his first officer—Admiral Tuon. “So the griffon has indeed broken the crystal?”

“Yes, sir. We just got the signal from his Locator Crystal,” Admiral Tuon answered.

Bin’Tavy smiled. “Then that despicable griffon has actually pulled through for us. Marvelous.”

“Yes...” Admiral Tuon was a bit hesitant before he continued with his reservations. “Admiral? We’re not truly going to reward that pirate, are we? Despite allying with us now and leading us—supposedly—to the Lost Isle of the Lizard People, the other crimes he’s committed against Bosche in the past are-”

The amused, high-pitched, laughter of Admiral Bin’Tavy cut him off. “Ahahaha… please Tuon, please. Of course I don’t plan on giving that filthy creature anything other than death. The deal we made was just for his own ego and peace of mind. As soon as things are finished here and we’re safely on our way back to Bosche I’ll have him dealt with. It’s nothing more than what a pirate like him deserves—we’re only using him, remember that.”

Admiral Tuon smiled. “Of course, sir.”

“Now then-” Bin’Tavy cleared his throat. “Full speed to the Lost Isle of the Lizard People! We’ll have our prize.”

“You’re working with Bosche?!” Rainbow shouted, practically leaping towards Godfrey and grabbing him by the scruff of his neck.

He seemed rather amused by her reaction, holding up his talons defensively and grinning at her. “I wouldn’t say working with. More like using. They probably view it the same way as a matter of fact.”

“But why? What do you get out of this?” Rainbow demanded, she shook him back and forth.

“Relax,” Godfrey grabbed her and hooves and pulled her off him. “You know I could’ve broken that crystal while you were asleep and not told you at all. Doesn’t that tell you something?”

Rainbow frowned but thought about it. “That you didn’t really want them here either.”

“Bingo, Rainbow Dash. They were a back up, I was going to maybe just leave them completely out of this but after getting here, getting chained to you and not knowing where the Necklace is at all… I figured I needed some leverage to work with you. Now that fleet will be here soon, and unless you want them to enslave every lizard on this island—and you too for that matter—we should probably get out of here soon and find your friends,” Godfrey said.

Rainbow bit her lip, her brow furrowed in thought as she tried to think of a better solution than just going along with what Godfrey was saying. “No… the fog and whirlpools around the island will make it impossible for them to get here.”

“Impossible? Difficult maybe, but not impossible. Those Bosche losers are pretty persistent when it comes to getting slaves, especially exotic new ones that the rest of the Grand Ocean has never seen. They’ll get here, you can be sure of that,” Godfrey wagged a finger at her.

“Uggghhhh,” Rainbow Dash grabbed her head in frustration. “So what then? Even if we escape from here what’s going to happen next?” She clicked her tongue. “I really wish I was smarter right now…”

“We help each other,” he shrugged, once more almost yanking Rainbow off her hooves. “It’s as simple as that. We go find your friends, we go find the Necklace, and then I help you fend off Bosche and we all leave safe and sound.”

“There’s no way you’re just going to help like that,” Rainbow glared at him.

“What else can I do? We’re chained together, my wings are chained down so I can’t fly away, I don’t know where the Necklace is or how to find it, and when we find your friends I’ll be outnumbered and hardly able to fight half as well. I’m more reliant on you right now than I want to admit. And I think you’ll agree that not working with me is just going to cause even more problems anyways. Even if you don’t trust me,” he winked.

Rainbow Dash’s eye twitched. “I really don’t like you, Godfrey.”

“I know,” he chuckled. “But you’re probably the closest thing to a friend I have on this whole ocean.”

“And that’s just sad,” Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“Never something I’ve been bothered about,” Godfrey laughed.

“And that’s what makes it even sadder.”

“Well enough of that,” Godfrey finished laughing and held out his shackled talon to her. “What do you say? Are we working together or not?”

Rainbow stared at his talon, grinding her teeth back and forth in anger and bewilderment. She couldn’t trust him as far as she could throw him. She really didn’t like him. What he did to Senax and tried to do to all of them… everything else she knew about him. But did she have a choice? The situation on the island had just gotten way worse. Could she afford to sit here and wait for the possibility of her friends to spring her out? Who knows what they were even going through right now either. There were so many factors, so many things she didn’t know, so many dangers.

Well, she had never shied away from danger before.

Rainbow Dash sighed. Her hoof quivered a bit, but she brought it up to his talon in the end.

Godfrey smiled and grasped it, shaking her hoof. “Alright then. Guess we can call ourselves partners for now. I think you’re a lot more respectable to work with than Bosche.”

Rainbow’s lip curled and her whole body shivered in distaste as she withdrew her hoof. “You know I hate to say it but I think I actually agree with you on that…” She groaned once more. “Ughhh, I’m going to regret this so badly!”

“Come on, no reason to be so pessimistic,” Godfrey teased.

“That’s usually what I’m saying to Daylight and Senax,” Rainbow said and then raised an eyebrow at Godfrey. “You’re more similar to your brother than I thought.”

“Gehahahaha! Maybe sometimes,” Godfrey said and cracked his neck. The big griffon stood up and Rainbow followed, the chain between them not leaving her a lot of room to walk around on her own.

It annoyed her to know that she couldn’t exactly force him to go anywhere. He was going to have to willingly follow along, she may have gotten stronger but she couldn’t make him budge if he didn’t want to. Hopefully he’d at least be a little serious about working together and just let her lead the way. Either way for the moment Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to stretch her limbs and wiggle her sore wings as best she could. They were going to be really stiff whenever she got this chain off. That stupid shackle around her hoof too was really irritating, it had already agitated her skin there. She had enough aches and pains from the fight with Godfrey yesterday and now it was all going to get worse thanks to these chains and being forced to sleep on a hard stone floor like this.

“So lame… everything about this is so lame,” Rainbow shook her head.

“Come on, the two of us together can probably do anything,” Godfrey smiled. “There’s nothing lame about the excitement coming. As strong and capable as you are, us two teaming up has to be pretty awesome.”

Rainbow shuddered and glared at him once more. “Please don’t ruin that word for me.”

The ground beneath Senax’s hoof suddenly gave out and she almost slipped and fell down the cliffside before Gilbert’s talon wrapped around her hoof and pulled her to safety.

“Easy does it!” Gilbert said as he hoisted her back on the narrow ledge she had been using. “That was a close one.”

“Are you alright, Senax?” Daylight yelled from behind her.

“Y-Yes, I’m alright,” Senax said, her voice trembling as she looked at the water below.

They were on the far east side of the Lost Isle, carried there by the island’s own currents without anyway to fight back. Thankfully the Heart of Azure hadn’t smashed up against the rocks as the waves weren’t too bad here, but they couldn’t really go anywhere safely with the condition it was in. Breakwater had anchored it below up against the cliff, where it rocked back and forth, safe for now.

Senax could still see it down there, thinking that perhaps it would’ve been better if they stayed there instead of climbing the cliff. “Maybe we should’ve just had you carry us one by one, Gilbert...”

It wasn’t a sheer cliff but the paths leading up it and the mountains that made up this side of the island were pretty treacherous. Narrow, studded with loose gravel, and the wind from the ocean blowing against them, all made it a difficult climb. If they had any idea where a safe landing was they would’ve just had Gilbert fly them there, but they were already here now so they might as well keep going forward. Senax only wished that the map had shrunken down even further to show where they needed to walk on the island too. Unfortunately it didn’t change after they had gotten through the fog so they left it behind on the ship.

“It would’ve been easier if there was a port here, or some kind of settlement,” Breakwater said from the front as he looked up at the mountains. “Maybe where we need to go is actually completely on the other side of the mountain?”

“Who knows? There’s no way to tell until we actually start walking around the island and find things for ourselves,” Daylight shrugged.

“Do you think Rainbow Dash is already looking for us?” Senax asked.

“Probably—or gotten sucked into some adventure of her own,” Daylight said.

“That’s to say if she’s...” Breakwater trailed off.

“I’m sure she’s okay,” Senax frowned. “She was doing fine before we lost track of each other.”

“Yes, despite tangoing with my brother once more I have full faith in Rainbow Dash,” Gilbert nodded. “She’d never stay down if she thought we were in danger either.”

“That’s right,” Senax smiled at him.

“Yeah,” Breakwater smiled too. “Yeah, I think you’re right. Big island though, she probably just hasn’t found us yet.”

“It might be best to explore this side of the island and the mountains instead of just blindly go out looking for her once we get up there,” Daylight said. “Furthermore, this place should be inhabited by the Lizard People shouldn’t it? It honestly might be easier to find them first before Rainbow Dash. And then we can even get the Necklace without anymore trouble too.”

“The Lizard People should be here but we don’t know anything about them or where they live,” Senax said.

“Better find out soon then,” Daylight said.

“And to that we need to hurry up these cliffs, sorry everybody but that’s just how it is,” Breakwater sighed. He looked over to Gilbert. “Be ready to grab any of us if we slip again.”

“Righto!” Gilbert saluted.

Senax also sighed and looked up at the winding path through the cliffs. “And the climbing continues.”

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