• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Sarrarocco Stories II

Rainbow Dash woke up the following morning after being pushed a few times by a very annoyed Daylight Gleam.

“You were snoring,” the unicorn frowned.

Rainbow Dash frowned back at her. “You like waking up early anyways.”

The room they had used came with two beds, Rainbow Dash and Daylight had agreed to give Senax one bed while they would share the other. After a night of kicking each other with their hooves, Rainbow Dash decided midway through to sleep on the floor. As the pegasus got up she yawned and rubbed her eyes to get the last bits of sleep out of her system.

“So what time is it?” Rainbow asked.

“About two hours after dawn.”

Rainbow Dash blinked and looked around the room, noticing that Senax wasn’t there and that Daylight wasn’t tired at all. “Wait—you were already awake. My snoring wasn’t bothering you.”

Daylight smirked. “Just needed to wake you up, sleepyhead. Come on, everyone else is in the other room. We need to decide on what we’re doing today.”

“Right,” Rainbow Dash nodded and stood up. “Breakfast too?”

“Fruit and cereal.”

“Works for me.”

The sitting room was crowded with the five of them using the chairs and sofa, all with their own breakfast now. Breakwater and Gilbert had returned with food last night, the Inn also had its own gourmet restaurant connected to the back that they could try at some point. Rainbow Dash dug into her food now so they could get to talking as fast as possible. Their first real day here and there was definitely a lot to get done.

“Well obviously no one else has contacted us yet,” Breakwater said after finishing his own food while Rainbow was mid-bite. “I even checked our room’s mail slot to see if someone from the Order left a sneaky letter.”

“Being contacted “later” doesn’t give us much of an idea,” Daylight snorted.

Rainbow Dash swallowed down the last bits of her cereal and shrugged. “So what? That’s pretty much how we already figured this would go. Let’s just go downstairs and talk to that mare in the lobby or whoever else is working right now and ask them if they know anything about the Order or what’s special about Blue Coral Island. I’ve got something I want to ask her too that’ll help me figure out what I’m going to be doing here at the Archipelago while we wait.”

“What?” Daylight raised an eyebrow at her.

“Something. I’ll tell you when I know for sure,” Rainbow cryptically said.

The others were a little confused but Rainbow had no intention of speaking more about it just yet.

“Well then I think Rainbow Dash is right. We should just go and ask around, learn as much about the Archipelago and the Order as we can,” Senax said.

Rainbow would’ve given her a thumbs up, but she just nodded and grinned instead.

“I’m ready to go when everyone else is,” Daylight shrugged.

“One last apple slice then,” Gilbert said and popped a wedge of green apple into his mouth.

With Gilbert’s appetite now sated the group left their room and headed back down to the lobby. This morning things were a bit more lively, Rainbow Dash saw and heard a few other guests moving through the Inn. When they got down to the first floor and walked in the direction of the front door, they found the same mare sitting there as before. Maybe she wasn’t an employee so much as one of the owners of the Inn. As soon as she saw them approaching she offered a polite wave and smile.

“Did you enjoy your night in the Cinnamon Suite?” She asked.

“Yeah, the beds are really comfortable,” Breakwater said.

Rainbow Dash and Daylight Gleam immediately frowned at each other.

Sensing that there was something on their minds as they stopped in front of her desk, the mare tilted her head. “Is there something you need?”

“Well uh...” Breakwater scratched the back of his head and looked at the others.

“Is there anything you can tell us about the Sarraroccon Order?” Senax asked. “Do they do anything on Blue Coral Island?”

“Do anything? Not really, there’s a shrine to their Order on the north side of the island. All ponies are welcome to visit it if that’s the kind of thing you’re interested in. I don’t really know anything more about them than the average pony who lives on the Archipelago,” the mare said.

“That’s more than any of us would know,” Daylight said.

The mare shrugged. “I suppose. The Order doesn’t really have a presence on Blue Coral Island in particular besides that shrine though.” She looked around before leaning in and whispering. “Which if I’m being totally honest is really just a fun place for tourists to learn about the Order rather than something really special to the Order.” She coughed and sat back up straight. “But aside from that they really don’t associate with businesses that aren’t directly owned by them to begin with, and ponies in the Order have their own private lodgings.”

“Well that’s still a decent help, isn’t it?” Gilbert said. “Just knowing they have a shrine here is helpful.”

“I guess we should probably go there next and learn from the ponies actually in the Order,” Daylight said.

Senax nodded. “I’d like the opportunity to speak to some… who aren’t just being weird.”

“Is there a road we should look out for that will take us right there?” Breakwater asked the mare.

“Yes, actually from here it’s very simple, just take the road leading north from the Inn—the Honeysuckle Road—it’ll take you on a bit of a long path but it’s still the most direct way to get to the Order’s shrine from here,” she said.

“That’s it then, let’s go,” Daylight said and started to walk away.

“Hold on,” Rainbow Dash said and walked up to the mare at the desk. “I’ve got a question or two.”

Her friends looked at her and the mare blinked.


“I just wanted to ask, what do you guys do to defend yourselves out here? There are pirates, and Bosche, and you’re a bunch of small islands. Do you have your own navy or warships to defend yourselves?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh, no, nothing like that,” the mare fervently shook her head. “When it comes to defense, the Order takes care of all of that.”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that. What do they do?”

“Well there’s an entire warrior caste within the Order. They’re trained from birth to protect the Sarrarocco Archipelago. Many pirates and Bosche slavers have tried to attack us over the years but the Order’s warriors have turned them away every time.”

“And if I wanted to meet these warriors? Where is it that they’re trained from birth? It’s not an island that only ponies from the Order can go to, is it?” Rainbow leaned in.

The mare shook her head. “They live and train on Black Sand Island in the middle of the Archipelago. Anyone can go and see them—in fact they welcome it. It’s to show outsiders their strength and to reassure those who live here that they’re in good hooves.”

“Perfect. This is everything I was hoping for and more. Thanks. What’s the best way to get to the Black Sand Island from here?”

“Just go to the southern beach and get on a Manta Ferry going there. Should be a couple going every day,” the mare shrugged.

“Thanks again,” Rainbow Dash winked at her and swiftly trotted over to the Inn’s front door. She pushed it open and walked outside while the others followed her.

“Rainbow Dash? What’s gotten into you?” Daylight asked.

“I just know what I’m doing for the rest of the time I’m here,” the pegasus shrugged.

“Going to the Black Sand Island?” Gilbert asked.

“Yep,” Rainbow nodded.

“Well when are you going to be back?” Daylight asked.

“Whenever that High Priestess wants to talk.”

What?” Daylight frowned and walked in front of Rainbow Dash, putting a hoof on her shoulder to stop her. “You’re saying you’re just going to be at that warrior island until she contacts us again? It could be weeks! We have no idea when she’ll finally send someone!”

“I know, we’ve been over this,” Rainbow shrugged again.

“So why are you saying you’re going to leave us on our own while you gallivant somewhere else the whole time we’re here?” Daylight angrily asked her.

Rainbow Dash paused, not just giving a flippant response to her angry friend. She looked back at Gilbert, Senax, and Breakwater as well, seeing the confused looks on their faces. “Because this is how I help.”


“I don’t have anything to do with Senax’s journey, I don’t know about archaeology and treasures, I don’t steer the ship, or make food, or do anything else important when it comes to sailing. What I do for Senax and the rest of you on this adventure? It’s fight. It’s to fight and protect you. And if I can’t protect you from Godfrey then what’s the point of me even being here. I told you I wanted to become stronger, become a better fighter. This place looks like my best opportunity to do that. I know it comes off as selfish, but believe me when I say that I’m thinking about all of you. I have to be better.”

Daylight stared at her, her brow furrowed and her teeth grinding back and forth. “Just… just take care of yourself then.”

“Heh, I will, mom.” Rainbow teased.

“Ugh,” Daylight rolled her eyes and walked away in annoyance.

“So the rest of us then…?” Senax questioned.

“We’ll do the same thing we already were going to do,” Breakwater said. “Ask around this island about the Order, check out the shrine, maybe find our own islands to explore-”

Senax opened her mouth to say something-

“-while one of us keeps an eye on the Horn of Listening,” Breakwater finished.

“That works for me,” Gilbert said.

“Okay, well I’m going to get to that beach and catch one of those Manta Ferries or whatever,” Rainbow Dash said and started walking to the road leading south away from the Saffron Inn. She waved to them while keeping her face forward. “Come get me when the High Priestess says she wants to talk to Senax again.”

“Remember not to fly out there!” Daylight called after her.

“I won’t!”

“Is she going to be alright?” Senax asked.

“If any of us would be okay on our own—it’s Rainbow Dash,” Daylight said in response.

“Just let her do her thing,” Gilbert said.

The party of four was now walking north without their pegasus friend, taking a scenic route through the Blue Coral Island on their way to the shrine if the Sarraroccon Order. Though it was quieter without Rainbow Dash around they were able to enjoy the pretty sights around them in this less busy part of the island. The road they were on was flanked by trees with leaves of all colors that dotted both the branches and the ground, and every now and then they walked past a park or a pond where ponies were out having fun. The island wasn’t gigantic or anything either, they figured they’d get to the shrine within a couple of hours.

“Have you seen any ponies so far who look like they might be part of the Order?” Daylight asked as they walked.

“No. Just locals in those silk robes and tourists like us,” Breakwater.

“But does every pony in the Order wear those heavy black robes? Or were they just special as servants to the High Priestess?” Senax wondered.

Daylight sighed. “Who knows? We probably should’ve asked the mare at the Inn if ponies in the Order wear anything special that signifies who they are.”

“It’s not really a big deal,” Gilbert said. “We’ll figure it all out when we get to the shrine.”

“I suppose… I think I’m just still a little worried about the High Priestess,” Senax said.

“Just keep positive. That’s what Rainbow Dash would say if she was here,” Breakwater said.

“I think after visiting the shrine we should probably split up and search the island on our own. Then at the end of the day we can meet back up at the Inn and share what we’ve learned. And maybe tomorrow… start doing more things on our own,” Daylight said.

“Figured you would still be on the “It’s too dangerous to split up” train,” Breakwater said.

“If Rainbow Dash is right we’re going to want to learn and explore the Archipelago at our leisure as much as possible. Even though I don’t trust the High Priestess either I don’t really feel like we’re directly in danger here.”

“Same here. It’s a rather disarming place,” Gilbert said. “If I was as pessimistic as you, Daylight, I might think that was the point to put us off-guard.”

“Well let’s continue to not be pessimistic then,” Daylight glared at him.

“Call it a vacation for real while we’re here,” Breakwater smirked.

After that they continued walking down the road for another hour before the trees opened up and they found themselves looking over a hill towards the north side of Blue Coral Island. There were quite a few buildings here, not as much as the central marketplace but still a decent amount scattered around. And at the northernmost edge, atop a large rock formation and a winding set of stone stairs, was a shrine with a red shingle roof, wooden walls, a golden bell on top, and large trees covering it in shade.

“There we go,” Daylight said.

“So many stairs...” Breakwater sighed.

Senax took the first step down from the hill towards it. “Come on, there’s no time to waste.”

Hours later…

Rainbow Dash stood on a large flat raft being pulled along by two gigantic manta rays. Ferry wasn’t exactly the word she would use for this but she supposed it worked well enough. Her wings twitched at her sides, begging to be used, but Rainbow had to hold back. Especially now. A couple dozen others were on the Manta Ferry with her, from tourists to locals to ponies on business, all going from Blue Coral Island to one of the many others in the Archipelago.

She had gotten the news quickly that she wouldn’t be directly traveling to Black Sand Island, she’d have to stop at a few places along the way. A little annoying but there was nothing else she could do.

Discreetly she looked around at the other ponies with her—wondering if any of them were actually spies for the Sarraroccon Order. They looked normal but she couldn’t be sure. The ones riding the manta rays were completely taciturn, doing their job and nothing else. It was clear they weren’t going to be taking any requests, sticking to their usual route and schedule. The pony at Blue Coral Island in charge of the Manta Ferry had been the one she talked to, not these ones.

Considering how the Order liked to control travel it was very likely they all were part of or at least connected to the Order. But Rainbow Dash had no intention of pushing them on it. She had her own business to get to now. If the Order wanted to do anything to her, or with her, they could come out and say it themselves.

For now she decided to look ahead at the various islands coming up—hoping that Black Sand Island wasn’t far away.

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