• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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I Lied, Duh

“Admiral Bin’Tavy! Something has changed with the island up ahead!” Admiral Tuon shouted, grabbing the attention of his superior.

Bin’Tavy, who had been lounging on the command deck of his Junk, walked to the railing to look down at Admiral Tuon. “What do you mean? Changed how?”

“J-Just look, sir!” Admiral Tuon pointed ahead.

Despite not appreciating the callousness with which Tuon spoke, Bin’Tavy did so. Where he saw quite the shocking sight. The weather ahead around the island had changed completely—it had all cleared up, the island was even visible for the first time. The fog was gone, the sun was up in the sky, the choppy waters surrounding the island had dispersed and now it was calm, it was almost eerie how much things had changed.

Aside from the fact that this was incredibly fortunate for them.

Bin’Tavy smiled. “Well this is excellent! Truly excellent! Fortune must be smiling down on us right now, the fog and whirlpools are all gone, it’s clear sailing!”

“But sir, what could have caused this?” Tuon asked.

“Who cares? Perhaps it’s divine favor for Bosche and the Emperor? The fact is that our biggest obstacle is taken care of,” Bin’Tavy looked further into the ocean, at the waters just off the coast of the island. It was there that he could still see a number of the rowboats they had sent out earlier to scout through the fog and whirlpools. “Haha! Well I’m sure those ones will be grateful that they don’t have to do something so dangerous anymore.”

“If I may say so, Admiral, but can we exercise caution in going towards the island? I am worried this could be a trap of some sort,” Tuon said. “It’s just too sudden.”

“Oh Tuon...” Bin’Tavy chuckled. “You worry far too much. You don’t look a gift griffon in the mouth. This is the best opportunity we have to get to that island quickly and safely. Full speed ahead!”

“Yes sir,” Tuon gulped.

“Now the question is—now that we can see the island—where to land on it?” Bin’Tavy thought out loud, rubbing his chin. As he looked at it, the island had quite the long coastline from the direction they were coming and quite the varied topography.

“Well sir, according to our Master Crystal, that griffon pirate broke his Locator Crystal on the western side of the island. If that means anything, I would say it’s likely that that’s where the so-called “Lizard People” live. I think we should bring our fleet to the western coast of the island, dock there and blockade the rest of the coast, and send our soldiers out to gather our new slaves,” Admiral Tuon suggested.

Bin’Tavy nodded. “Sounds like an excellent plan—that’s why I chose you for my second in command!”

“Thank you, sir,” Admiral Tuon hesitantly smiled. He still had quite a few reservations about this but in the end he was a loyal Boschese officer.

“Judging by the distance… I’d say we can make landfall in under twenty minutes what with the fog and whirlpools being gone,” Bin’Tavy assumed.

“I believe so too, sir,” Tuon nodded.

Admiral Bin’Tavy smiled as he proudly strode down from the command deck onto the main deck of the Junk, once more walking straight to the bow. The water ahead was a calm blue now, and the island seemed peaceful and full of life. It was almost a shame what they were about to do. What they were about to bring to this long-forgotten island. Not that he felt bad one bit. This was merely their right as Bosche—the greatest civilization on the Grand Ocean.

“I think I’ll have some more tea prepared as celebration. There will be nothing better to enjoy the trip back to Bosche with.”

With that, the great admiral of Bosche stood by the bow of the ship while Admiral Tuon took care of relaying orders to the rest of the fleet and they began their course correction to take them to the far western side of the island. Soon the entire fleet was moving at an even faster pace, every Junk eager to keep up and get a piece of the pie. The captains wanted to be one of the Junks that would dock, the soldiers wanted to be the ones who would actually go out and raid the island. Everyone was just as eager as Admiral Bin’Tavy himself. They all wanted to make this the greatest and most memorable day possible for the Bosche slaving fleet.

“It all came to me in a vision. It was like I was flying out over the ocean and then I sunk beneath the waves—I went down, down further than I’ve ever swam, than any merpony could ever swim, and I saw it. It came out from the darkness, on the ocean floor. It was so… so majestic. So big, it was like nothing I’ve ever seen before in my life, with white towers and domes, huge crystal windows, and fish and other sea creatures swimming around. I saw it. I saw Merlantis,” Senax told them all. “It was so much more than I thought it was, it wasn’t just an underwater castle, it was like an entire city down there!”

“Amazing… I can’t believe the Necklace showed you all that,” Gilbert said.

“We only saw that beam of light shooting out,” Daylight said.

“Oh yeah,” Senax said and looked at the beam that was still shooting from the Necklace. “It’s going directly to the Trident. I-I can feel that. I just know it somehow. But here, look-” she said and waved her hoof across the crystals. Immediately the beam shut off and the light from the Necklace died down. She then did the same thing again and the beam came back—before turning it off again. “See? This can give us a direct path right to the Trident and Merlantis.”

“Awesome,” Rainbow Dash grinned. “We’ve really done it. This is going to be sweet once we get off this island.”

If,” Breakwater interjected.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Oh don’t be like that, we’ve just got some Bosche losers to deal with. We’ve got this!”

Senax smiled, she couldn’t help herself. Even with the pressing danger she was so happy to have seen what she saw. She was so happy to have the Necklace. It was a dream come true. She looked behind her at the now stony face of the great matriarch, a silent thank you coming from her. And a silent promise that they would protect her people.

Meanwhile the elders and Princess Fairscale looked on, the lizards were torn between both the wonder of the Necklace and the death of their matriarch. They knew they had just seen something amazing—the joy of Senax was their own joy as well—but it had come at a cost. Soon Fairscale would have to tell all the lizards of the island about the matriarch’s death. It was strange, the Lizard People would have something amazing to celebrate over and yet also something that would tear their hearts apart. It was going to be a difficult thing to navigate. Hopefully they could see to celebrate the matriarch’s life and what she died for and not her death itself. Maybe their love and loyalty to Ponyseidon and the merponies would pull through and overcome everything else.

Princess Fairscale sighed. “I never thought I would ever have to do something like this...” she looked at the happy smile of Senax, surrounded by her friends, Necklace around her neck. A small smile came to Fairscale’s face. “But perhaps it’s all worth it.”

And of course…

Since the Necklace had flared up like a sun, since Senax received her vision, Rainbow Dash had been focused on her. She couldn’t help it, it was so amazing, it was exactly what they had come here for. She couldn’t help but be enraptured. That was why she had flown over to her friend to make sure she was okay in the first place. That’s why Daylight, Breakwater, and Gilbert had done the exact same thing. They were all caught up in the emotion, caught up in the power of what was going on.

So no one was looking at Godfrey.

It was easy. He quietly walked up while everyone was distracted, while Rainbow and her friends were talking, until he was right behind Princess Fairscale.


The sudden yell from the Princess caused everyone to turn towards her—seeing Godfrey holding her tightly in his grip with one sharp talon pressed against her throat.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes shot open. “Godfrey!” She motioned to fly at him-

“I’d stop right there if I were you, Rainbow Dash!” Godfrey said and pressed his talon further into Fairscale’s throat, causing her to yelp in pain and fright. “I could slit her throat or snap her neck in an instant. So I suggest you calm down.”

Rainbow grit her teeth as her hooves shook, but she stayed where she was. “Why are you doing this? We have to stop Bosche!”

Godfrey grinned. “Come on, Rainbow Dash. Don’t be that dumb. I never intended on fighting with you. Well, that’s not completely true, but I saw a better option and I took it. I just needed you to think that I didn’t have any other options than to join up with you. I know you never liked me or trusted me for real, but you did think I wouldn’t do something like this. So I guess you can just say that I lied to you. Don’t be too surprised by that, geha!”

“So what? You think you seriously have a better chance with Boshe?! They’re still going to kill you!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Wrong. They’re going to try and kill me. And yeah, working with them at the moment and doing this is still the best chance of getting what I want. That Necklace. Because let’s face it, if I stayed on your side I’d never get it. Not with my wings chained up and with the Necklace safely in your hooves. Oh sure, what I’m doing is a big gamble, but it’s still my path to victory. And besides—I love taking a risk. That’s the fun kind of danger,” Godfrey chuckled.

Daylight frowned. “Bosche doesn’t know about the Necklace or anything either… they only care about the Lizard People so they wouldn’t care about some fancy jewelry you’re wearing.”

“And give a point to the only pony here with a brain,” Godfrey winked at her.

The group faced off with him, Senax looking worried, Gilbert and Breakwater angry, and the elders looking terrified.

“Alright then,” Godfrey smiled at the others. “So here’s what’s going to happen now unless you want the Princess here to die. The unicorn is going to come over here and break these chains—just like she did with you, Rainbow Dash. And once my wings are free, the merpony hands over the Necklace. Understood?”

“No!” Senax shouted. “I can’t give it to you! I-It’s my people’s treasure! We finally got it back after so long!”

“Oh? So you’d rather your little Princess friend die?” Godfrey tightened his grip on Fairscale, making her twist in discomfort. “Well I suppose that would be pretty fitting actually. You’d just be acting like your ancestors, right? Putting your own interests ahead of these lizards.”

Senax froze. “I-I...”

She looked into the terrified eyes of Princess Fairscale.

And dropped her head to the ground. “I’ll give it to you.”

“Senax...” Breakwater said.

I have to,” the merpony shook her head.

“Gehahahaha!” Godfrey laughed. “Just what I wanted to hear! This is really turning out to be a great day.”

“You’re not getting away with this, Godfrey! No way!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“I think I am. Cause after I get that Necklace, I’ll be leaving here with the Princess,” he said.

The elders hissed in fear and anger while everyone else was shocked. Princess Fairscale herself was on the verge of tears, whimpering and shivering in Godfrey’s grip. Finally Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at the griffon pirate.

What are you talking about?”

Godfrey mockingly grinned back at her. “What do you think? I can’t just let my hostage go and have you chasing after me once I get the Necklace. I’m bringing her with me to the Bosche fleet. And if you have a problem with that—or I see you coming—she dies. Sorry, but this lizard is my ticket to get myself and the Necklace off this island. I guarantee you, if you even attempt to stop me, or come after the Bosche fleet once it leaves, I’m killing this lizard. So just stay here and stay out of my way. The Boschese probably aren’t even going to come to this side of the island, you won’t have anything to worry about.”

“They won’t come here?” Breakwwater asked.

“Why would they?” Godfrey shrugged. “They hardly know anything about this place at all, and I guarantee that they’re landing on the west coast. They’ll find the city with those savage lizards, enslave them, and leave thinking it’s mission accomplished. If you just sit here you’re in no danger at all, even these lizards up in the mountains will be safe.” He chuckled darkly. “You just have to give up those savages and the Princess. How sad. But it’s not such a bad situation for you.”

“Brother...” Gilbert said as he strode forward a few steps. “Do not do this, please.”

Godfrey rolled his eyes. “Anyone else got something dumb to say? If not, get the unicorn over here.”

Daylight Gleam grimaced, looking over to Senax and Rainbow Dash for what to do next. Rainbow seemed conflicted but Senax only nodded.

“Do it. Please,” Senax said.

Daylight nodded. “I’m sorry. This isn’t… this shouldn’t be happening.”

“It’s not your fault,” Rainbow spat.

At the moment though it really didn’t matter whose fault it was. Nothing would change this. Daylight Gleam exhaled and defeatedly walked towards Godfrey and his hostage.

“That’s right. Now don’t try anything funny, alright?” Godfrey said to Daylight when she approached.

“I won’t. I’m not stupid,” Daylight said, frowning.

“And I know you can break these chains, so you better hurry up and do it as fast as possible. The longer I’m here the worse things get for everyone,” Godfrey said.

I know,” Daylight clenched her jaw in anger but lit up her horn, getting ready to dismantle the chains around Godfrey’s body just like she did with Rainbow Dash’s.

Rainbow Dash for her part was nearly trembling in rage and frustration. How could this happen? How could she let this happen. Things were working out so well, she had only taken her eyes off him for a minute, she didn’t expect him to do something like this.

She blinked. She didn’t expect him to do something like this.

Even though she didn’t trust him, or like him, or think he was on their side for a good reason, she still just couldn’t see this coming. She didn’t want to see something like this coming. She wasn’t cynical enough to. That sobering reality washed over Rainbow Dash. She had met so many awful creatures and monsters out here—and now this was happening because she still just wanted to look at things as positively and optimistically as possible. Rainbow, for as much as she thought she and Godfrey were similar and could’ve gotten along if things were a little different, just couldn’t get inside his head or think the way he did. The rage she was feeling nearly evaporated, replaced with sorrow, and a little bit of anger still directed at herself.


The first chain broke and fell to the ground. Daylight wiped some sweat from her brow and got started on the next. The whole time it was happening, Senax despondently looked at the floor. Breakwater laid a comforting hoof on her back, but that was about all he could do. Gilbert too seemed on the verge of crying as he glared at his brother.


It had taken some time but the last chain was broken by Daylight, she stepped back on wobbly hooves and sat down to catch her breath. Just like before, that took a lot out of her.

“Well done, unicorn,” Godfrey laughed. He tapped his talon against Fairscale’s throat a few times and looked over at Senax and the others. “And now the Necklace, please.”

Senax sighed, a few tears dropping from her eyes onto the ground, and started walking forward. She reached up to take the Necklace of Ponyseidon off—the treasure of her people—and held it out for the pirate. Her hooves were shaking. She took a last glance into the fearful eyes of Princess Fairscale, hoping for… she didn’t even know what. More than anything she wished she didn’t have to do this. To part with the treasure so soon.

“Put it on me.”

“What?” Senax froze.

Godfrey smiled and leaned down. “You heard me, put it around my neck. My talons are occupied right now.”

“How dare you, Godfrey! That Necklace is not yours to wear!” Gilbert shouted at him. Daylight and Breakwater were angrily seething at him as well, the rage plain in their eyes. Rainbow Dash looked on with a nearly vacant expression on her face.

“That’s why what I’m doing is called stealing, Gilbert,” Godfrey scoffed. He then narrowed his eyes at Senax. “Hurry up. We haven’t got all day.”

A deep sense of loathing filled Senax. Almost overwhelming, she felt like she might puke.

It was so, so, wrong.

Senax sniffled as she lifted the Necklace up over his head and placed it on him. The golden chain was taut around his thicker neck and the crystals rested against his feathers.

“Feels like it always should have been there,” Godfrey mocked. He stood up tall, stretched his wings, still holding on tightly to Princess Fairscale, and grinned at the others in the chamber. “Well everyone, it’s been a real fun time hanging out with you all but I think it’s time to say goodbye. And if you’re smart, I won’t be seeing you again.”

He turned around to leave-


The griffon paused and looked over his shoulder at Rainbow Dash.

She wore a sad frown on her face as she walked forward and held up a hoof to him. “You don’t have to do this. It doesn’t have to be this way. Please.”

Godfrey’s face was blank as he stared at her and the hoof she held out to him. “Rainbow Dash… come on.”

Without another word he turned and left the chamber, hostage Princess Fairscale and Necklace of Ponyseidon in his possession.

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