• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 1,179 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Invasion of Invader Zim! - Stalin with Da Spoon

Meet Invader Cim, the irken empires greatest invader, and his robotic assistant GIR, along with the dark and mysterious mini-moose. What are they here to do? Conquer Canterlot!

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Episode 8, Legend of the Moose Goose

Legend of the Moose Goose

As the bell rang and filled the air with noise, indicating the start of Canterlot High's lunch period, as everyone made their way to the Cafeteria. Among those making their way to the cafeteria was Zim and Skoodge, as they walked alongside each other, attempting to avoid their enemies. As they entered the cafeteria, they instantly noticed the Rainbooms had already sat down and began eating, including Dib for some reason. Tak was also already seated, although, as Zim and Skoodge expected, she was not eating, as today was the toxic meatloaf day, even more dreaded than the poisonous horror that was the taco's of Taco Tuesday.

As the two aliens carefully retrieved their lunch and sat at their table, where conveniently nobody else sat, Zim's gaze quickly shifted to the Rainbooms, who were surprisingly not staring at him, well, except for Dib and Twilight, who were staring directly into his soul, or would be, if he had one. Did he have one? Truly a philosophical question, but as Zim said, no time for philosophy. As Zim and Skoodge ate everything on their plates, aside from the meatloaf, Zim decided to try and listen in on the girl's conversation, as his backpack opened, and a small listening radar extended out, aiming towards the rainbooms as Zim's hidden antennae tuned to the frequency, thanks to advanced genetic modification of the Irken gene seed, as he listened in on their conversation, with Skoodge tuning in as well.

While the two could not hear exact words, they could laughter, as well as slight whispering.

"Y'know, I just thought about something really cool for the concert this year! What if, it's alien themed? To, y'know, make Zim feel at home?" Following Pinkie's unique suggestion, Rainbow chuckled.

"Your kidding right? if anything, that'd just probably make him even more annoying!" Twilight nodded in agreement, taking her eyes off Zim.

"Indeed, considering we could likely display several aliens stereotypes that Zim could likely consider offensive, inciting further action from him and likely strengthening his resolve." After a few seconds, Sunset translated for them.

"She's saying it'll make things worse." Several collective oohs and aahs followed by understanding nodding.

"Okay, so we scrap that idea... But speaking of aliens, have you guys heard anything... Strange going on? Y'know, besides Zim, cause I swear I heard something in my trash last night, and there ain't no way it was a raccoon!"

"And what makes you so sure, darling?"

"Ah heard some rustling, just assumed it was a raccoon, right? Then it started honking like a dang goose! And then, ah swear it, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye, it sounded like a moose! A flipping moose! But when ah ran outside to check it out, it vanished!" It was then, that Zim's interest peaked, as he listened in closer, hearing Rainbow burst out laughing after Applejack's story.

"Your kidding right? Sounds like some sort of horror story you'd tell kids, ain't nobody gonna believe that!"

"Do you think Ah would lie, Rainbow?" Rainbow was about to object, before shutting herself up, while Dib's eyes lit up.

"I believe you had an encounter with the legendary... MOOSE GOOSE!" Collective gasps filled the air at the table, as even Skoodge gasped.

"Indeed, the moose goose is a terrifying creature! It's said to be half goose, half moose, and all beast, as it not only feasts on garbage, but is also rumored to feast on YOUR FLESH!" Dib added dramatically, as Fluttershy proceeded to faint.

"And worst of all, some say it's an alien, like Zim!" Dib said pointing to Zim, who quickly hid away his listening radar and glared at Dib, while Twilight narrowed her eyes at Zim.

"You think their connected?" Zim felt insulted by that comment, but then, he thought about something... A couple months ago, a few days after he had arrived on this dirt ball of a planet, he had acquired several native organic lifeforms, and began to experiment on said lifeforms, which included a goose, and a moose. One of his experiment included merging the moose and the goose into one creature, which he managed to do successfully, but the subject somehow managed to escape Zim's lab, and he never saw it again. However, when Twilight spoke again, Zim froze.

"Maybe if we could capture it, we can find out how it was created!" If the subject had somehow appeared in Canterlot, he could not allow someone to possibly capture it and discover the Irken genetic tampering in it's DNA. Worse, he turned to see that Tak had her own listening device out, as she glared at Zim. It would be worse if Tak got her hands on it, because who knows what she could do with the genetic gene seed! Zim turned to Skoodge, who was still completely confused.

"Skoodge, we cannot allow neither the human imbeciles nor the foolish Tak to acquire the goose! We must capture it first!" Skoodge promptly nodded, as he turned back to face Twilight and Dib, who were directly glaring at him, as he glared back. The hunt was on...

After school had ended, Zim got to work down in his laboratory, as Skoodge was elsewhere, busy working on the ultimate plan Zim had been cooking up, that was too important to just leave completely idle. Inside the lab, he had been lucky enough to keep a feather taken from the moose goose's wing, as he placed it into a scanner, and analyzed the DNA. Then, using the DNA signature, he began tracking it, until he honed in the creatures exact position. However, finding it was easy, capturing it would be more difficult, but luckily, Zim had designed something just for this occasion, as he made his way to his manufacturing lab, and looked at one of his greatest creations. What was this creation you ask? Well, it looked like a box propped up with a stick with some bread underneath it, but... Yeah, that's what it was, a box propped up with a stick with some bread underneath it, but the box was a bit heavier than most, as it was actually made of metal, the stick being metal as well. Of course, it was designed by GIR, so Zim didn't really expect much. Speaking of that insane robot, he was eyeing the bread underneath the box, and before Zim could even stop him, he leapt and caught the bread in his mouth, before being trapped in the box and screaming.

"AHHHHH- I'M IN A BOX! IT'S THE BOX! AHHHHH-" Zim just facepalmed as he pulled out a small remote and pressed a button, causing the stick holding up the box to re-extend and lift it up, showing GIR chowing on the bread.

"Focus on the mission, GIR! We shall deploy this trap when the goose is near, and when we catch it, we shall bring it back here, and... Well, we'll figure that part out later! Now come, Gir, we have a moose to capture!"

Mini-moose was present, and made a confused hum.

"Not you!"

Mini-moose then let out a content "Nyeh!"

Elsewhere in Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were currently over at Sunset's house, as they were busy going over the plan to capture the Moose Goose.

"Alright everyone, let's go over the plan one more time. Rainbow, you and Sunset will route the Goose into the alleyways, while Fluttershy makes sure it doesn't try to fly away. Pinkie will lure it into the trap, where Rarity and Applejack will be ready with a net, and me and Dib will be tracking its position from here." The girls and Dib all nodded, as Sunset happily declared the mission was a go.

"Let's go catch a goose!"