• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 1,182 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Invasion of Invader Zim! - Stalin with Da Spoon

Meet Invader Cim, the irken empires greatest invader, and his robotic assistant GIR, along with the dark and mysterious mini-moose. What are they here to do? Conquer Canterlot!

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Episode 9, Mutant Hunting 101

Mutant Hunting 101

High above Canterlot City...

The city was rather clam at this hour, the sun having already set below the horizon as the moon shined above, the city illuminated by the various street lights and populated with the noise of late commuters and barking dogs. Of course, Zim didn't hear these noises, as he flew over all of it within the safely enclosed cockpit of the Voot Runner, soaring over the city at a rapid speed while he looked at his scanner as it continued to scan for his current target.

"That dreaded moose goose will rue the day it escaped the mighty Zim!"

"Imma feed that goose so much bread it gonna go into a coma!"

"Yes, GIR, we shall induce a coma in the goose so that we may study it's memory and discover how it managed to cross the entire planet to reach this city, as well as examine the knowledge it has gathered on the humans... But first we must ensure it does not fall into the slimy earthling hands of the Dib human and his teenage girlfriends, nor the wretched hands of the insolent Tak!"

"Then we gonna have a tea party with the goose!"

"... Yes, GIR, once we have contained the goose and acquired its knowledge, you may have a tea party with it."


"Sometimes I'm afraid to find out what is going on inside that insane head of yours..." Zim said as he shook his head before focusing on the piloting, before noticing that they were right above the goose's general area according to his ship's scanner. "Alright GIR, we need to ensure that the moose does not wander off, so I shall be on the ground tracking it's every move! You will be responsible for deploying the capture device! And do not, I repeat, DO NOT eat the bread!" GIR's eyes turned red as he saluted.

"Sir yes sir!"

The Voot Runner hovered above the area, before finding a wide enough rooftop to land upon, slowly descending until it touched down and it's engines began to cool as the cockpit opened up, allowing Zim and GIR to exit, with GIR carrying the large metal box, currently shrunken down, on his back. Zim quickly unfolded his mechanical spider legs from his PAK and leaped across to another rooftop before pulling out a scanner and pinpointing the goose moose's location. The nearby honking only confirming it's prescence.

Meanwhile, GIR dropped down into an alleyway before taking the box off his back and unfolding it, as it propped itself up with it's metal rod, and GIR positioned the bread under it before jumping inside a garbage can and waiting. Receiving a notification on his scanner that the trap was set, Zim set to pursuing the moose, leaping from rooftop to rooftop in search of his prey.

The honking and bellowing of the moose made it easy to track even without the scanner, as before long, his target was finally in sight. There, digging into a trash can, was a white feathered goose, with a pair of large antlers on the sides of it's head. Really, the antlers were the only thing that set it apart from the regular goose. Zim was poised to capture it, when his scanner detected something. The foolish humans were coming, detected thanks to the energy the emitted.

"Ugh, why can't these foolish humans be a nuisance and pester someone else? No matter, this goose shall be mine!" Zim then pulled out a brand new invention, a large electric megaphone with a voice modifier attached to it's sides, as he made some quick adjustments, before yelling into it, and the distorted electronic honking of a goose came out. After continuous honking, the moose goose soon turned around and began to follow the honking, as Zim led it down the alleyways from the rooftops.

Meanwhile, Sunset shimmer and her friends were confused about why there were two things honking, before Dib made a deduction thanks to one of the honks being more distorted.

"It's gotta be Zim luring the goose away! After them!" Dib said as he and his friends took off down the alleyway, seeing the goose running down the alleyway's with it's antlers high in the air.

"Yep, that's definitely a moose goose! It has antlers and everything! But why would Zim want it?"

"Probably one of his weird mutant creations he made in some kind of lab, which would explain why he doesn't want us capturing it." As they rounded the corner, they saw the goose standing perfectly still and eating some toast. They thought they had the goose trapped, but in reality...


"I GOT THE GOOSE!" GIR said as he sat atop the metal box now containing a very angry moose goose. To celebrate his victory, GIR proceeded to pull a taco out of his pocket, and devour it, as a certain siren sensed a disturbance in the force. Seeing as he was still wearing his dog costume, Fluttershy decided to step forward and try to speak with it.

"Umm... Mr GIR, would you be kind enough to maybe let the poor moose goose go?" GIR narrowed his eyes, emitting noises of deep thinking, contemplating whether or not he should release the goose, before finally answering.

"Nuh-uh, were gonna have a tea party! And were gonna eat so many waffles and syrup, we gonna eat till we pass out, yipee!" Fluttershy, now thoroughly convinced she does not understand this dog whatsoever, proceeded to back away once she heard maniacal laughter from Zim lept down from the rooftops and landing onto the box with his metal spider-legs, still laughing.

"Foolish humans! This goose is my creation, and as such, it is rightfully mine to capture and read the contents of it's brain! Go find your own moose goose!" After a brief period of intimidation, Sunset stepped forward.

"I don't think so, Zim! We've stood up to bigger villains than you, literally in some cases, and we aren't afraid of you!"

"Ha, Zim is unfazed by your little speech! I do not care if you fear me, I only care for you to watch your own failure! Mwahahahahaha!" Suddenly, a bright purple beam enveloped Zim and the box, as the girls realized GIR had vanished, and looked up in astonishment to see the Voot runner being piloted by none other than GIR, pulling Zim and the captured goose inside, although the ship did sway from side to side, causing Zim to get smacked against the walls of the alley multiple times, groaning before he was fully pulled up into the ship and it jetted away at high speeds.

"Wow, he has his own spaceship!"

"Well dag nabbit, guess he got away."

"How does that dog even fly a spaceship?" Fluttershy asked in confusion, while Dib let out a sound of exasperation, as Twilight comforted him.

"Hey, don't worry, we'll get him again soon!"

"I hope your right..."

Back at Zim's base...

GIR and the goose sat at a small table as GIR held a cup of tea and the goose slowly sipped from it's own cup.

"I like tea parties!"


Zim watched from a window into the containment room for the goose alongside Skoodge.

"So was it worth the effort?"

"Honestly, I have no clue, the data in it's head is so scrambled not even the computer can fully process it without crashing. But regardless, how is the special plan coming along?"

"Pretty good, though the extractor will need testing."

"Of course, of course, in due time. But for now, let us get some rest for tomorrow!" Skoodge saluted and walked off to his quarters, while Zim turned back to see GIR riding the goose around the room. "Maybe I should consider getting an actual pet..."


"You don't count, mini moose!"