• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 1,182 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Invasion of Invader Zim! - Stalin with Da Spoon

Meet Invader Cim, the irken empires greatest invader, and his robotic assistant GIR, along with the dark and mysterious mini-moose. What are they here to do? Conquer Canterlot!

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Episode 2, Slumber Party of Mystery

Slumber Party of Mystery

Dib Membranes House

Within the living room of the modern home was Gaz membrane, sitting on the couch as she watched TV, having gotten bored of playing her game slave 2 and beating it for the fiftieth time this week. Yeah, she had a problem, and she didn't care. Anyways, as she watched TV, she overheard an explosive BOOM! sound effect blast out of the basement, seeing smoke slowly trail out from the now ajar basement door, as her father, Professor membrane, could be seen standing in the door frame, his hair on fire, his lab coat signed and tattered, and his goggles covered in soot.

"Another successful experiment!" He said dusting off his goggles and pinching the little fire in his hair, as he chuckled. Gaz would ask what the explosion was, but the thing was, she stopped asking since explosion number... three hundred and sixteen. Anyways, as the doctor walked past her and into the kitchen, she assumed he was going to make dinner, so she decided to save dad the trouble of asking her to retrieve her brother, as she got up off the couch and shouted to her father.

"Im gonna get Dib for dinner!"

"Yes, yes, thank you dear, it allows me to focus on these atomic beans!" He said as a radiometer slowly began to tick, so she decided to go ahead and get her brother out fast, as she slowly walked up the stairs, and saw Dib's room at the end of the hallway. She should've been in her GAZMAT suit to protect herself from the elements of her brother, but they had been numbed down ever since Zim re-surfaced in canterlot, meaning her brother focused all his attention on the green invader. Anyways, as Gaz slowly approached Dib's room, she could feel the geek energy radiating from the room, and as she reached the door, slowly pushed it open, to see dib nervously pacing back and forth, as usual.

Now, there were a couple new things of note in the room, one begin a giant sticky board, one with what appeared to be the faces of... People from canterlot academy? For a second, Gaz believed that Dib thought there were more aliens, and if there were true, she was going to hit him on the head with a pan, but then she noticed the sticky notes beside each one of them. She could not clearly see them, and she didn't really care, as she spoke to her brother. "Hey Dib, its dinner time, you comin?"

Dib barely even noticed Gaz standing there, before she spoke up, as he turned to her and nodded. "Right, right, dinner, dinner... Sorry, I was busy thinking about today at school... It can't be a coincidence that me and zim are in the same city, there's a reason he came here! Maybe cause of the towns history? Unsure..." He said glancing back at his computer, upon which he had several historical articles related to the various incidents within canterlot city, many of them catching his paranormal interest easily... And as he walked to dinner, on the other side of the neighborhood, his nemesis, was busy in the lab, studying something...

Zims Base, Subterranean Laboratory Number 2

Inside his laboratory several hundred feet underground, all alone, Zim was currently studying some unique energy readings recently captured today during his first infiltration operation at canterlot highschool, as he observed multiple screens, each showing a graph with different readings, each colored differently. One energy graph was pink, another was orange, another was blue, another was purple, you get the idea, these energy readings had come from none other but the rainbooms, as zim analyzed these readings at his computer, running calculations as he typed in sequences to try and get some results, however, no matter how much he tried, he just could not retrieve sufficient results!

"Gah, curse this insufficient data! I require a much more refined and complete reading, like a DNA sample, or a... Hair sample..." It was then he remembered something... When the pink haired human... What was her name again? Pinkie pie, yes, she no doubt left fingerprints on his glove, as he quickly walked over to the analyzer machine, placing his glove on the scanner, as it took a reading, Zim secretly crossing his fingers, hoping the scan gleamed something sufficient... And...


The scanner glowed green as a new much more complete energy reading was displayed, a much brighter pink as he proceeded to quickly analyze this data, sequencing it with ease now that the sample was complete. As he examined this data, he suddenly felt a... Strange feeling come over him... He felt compelled... To laugh. Now, not like an evil laugh, but like an actual legitimate laugh, like at a joke, and try as he might, Zim could no longer resist this urge as he burst out laughing like mad, unable to control himself as he started to cough heavily, his throat becoming sore as he finally came to a stop.

He then quickly made a deduction that these energy waves were causing her to laugh, as he made effort to isolate the energy into a containment field inside a tiny little glass container, as he observed the readings still continue to maintain surprisingly high rate of activity, as Zim decided to test the power of this new energy, as he took the tiny cell and inserted it into a energy exertion measurement device, as the machine slowly began taking reading, with Zim closely observing the power levels rise higher and higher, as his smile grew wider and wider.

"Yes.. Yes! YES! I CAN UTILIZE THIS! IM GENIUS! Now... If these readings alone are from a small sample of energy from a single one of those teenage humans... I could create the ultimate power source with all of their energy combined! COMPUTER!"

"Awaiting command."

"Sequence this energy and identify any potential to use or refine it! And if possible, analyze its true source and properties! Now I must go and track down the sources of this energy!" Once he said this, Zim walked towards the elevator, entering it as he slowly elevated up to his hangar bay. The time had come for a mid-night flight. As he arrived in the launch hangar at the very top of his base, looking upon his trusty voot runner, sitting at the center of the room, as he slowly approached his craft, seeing GIR sitting on top of it, eating tacos and salsa.

"Heya boss!"

"Greetings, GIR, you will be glad to know we are going on a night time reconnaissance mission within the voot runner!" As he said this, GIR squealed with excitement as he fell backwards off the top of the ship and onto the ground, as he quickly got up and ran around to his master, as the cockpit for the voot runner opened up, Zim climbing inside with GIR following behind. As the cockpit closed, the launch hangar doors slowly opened, the voot runner rising into the air, as it launched forward, to scan the city for more of these potential energy signatures, as he slightly tuned the ships scanner using the energy sample to act as the target frequency, as he quickly found a source of energy that almost exactly matched the frequency.

"Bingo." He said as the voot runner rocketed off towards the new target.

Pinkie Pies House

Little did zim know, was that the source, Pinkie Pie, would be having a slumber party with the rest of her friends, as they were currently discussing the new arrivals at their school, starting with Dib membrane, as twilight pointed out his biggest feature. Literally.

"Okay, so first off, the kid has a massive head! Like seriously, have you guys seen that thing?" Everybody else nodded in agreement, as twilight then thought back to something. "What really weirded me out was how he called Zim an alien... I mean, what if... What if hes right?" Cue silence filling the room, before the girls all burst out into laughter, finding such a concept hilarious.

"But you do have to admit, its pretty rare that a skin condition results in the loss of a nose and ears... In fact, how does he even hear? And I'm pretty sure I saw Zim literally scratching his eyes during lunch period. And the fear he showed of the meat... Plus, he just... Ran away like a little girl when he heard that water fountain running..." Applejack then decided to pipe up.

"Plus, I couldn't help but notice, the boy only has three fingers! Somethin truly ain't right here... Maybe that Dib feller is right? Why don't we just ask them?" Everyone nodded at this idea, as it didn't seem that bad. Sunset shimmer decided to call in a vote.

"Alright, all in favor with making contact with Dib membrane and investigating Zim?" Collectively, every girl raised their hand. "Its decided then, tomorrow we will tell Dib that we believe him, and see if we can truly find out if Zim is an alien. If he is, then we might have a big problem on our hands..." Everyone nodded at this, as rarity slowly yawned.

"Well, we oughta get to sleep, can't hunt aliens without beauty rest!" As everyone said goodnight, outside of the house, hovering in the air, listening in on their conversation using a long range mic, Zim heard everything aboard his voot runner.

"HOW CAN THIS BE? THE HUMAN TEENAGERS ARE ONTO ME! If I am not careful, my cover will be blown! But my theory IS true, these girls are the source of that energy! I will have to find some way to extract that energy, even if I have yet to find use for it... But now, I have to be careful... GIR, we are heading back to base!"

"Okee dokee!"

Zim's base

As the voot runner rocketed off across the sky back to zim's base, as it slowly hovered into the open hangar bay doors, closing behind it, zim quickly hopped out of the vehicle and turned to GIR. "I will now retire to my laboratory and run more tests on this data, GIR, you.... Do your thing." As Zim walked to the elevator and descended down into the depths of his base, GIR pulled out a sombrero, and stuffed his mouth full of nachos, covered himself in cheese, and spun around in circles.