• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 1,182 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Invasion of Invader Zim! - Stalin with Da Spoon

Meet Invader Cim, the irken empires greatest invader, and his robotic assistant GIR, along with the dark and mysterious mini-moose. What are they here to do? Conquer Canterlot!

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Episode 4, Unwanted Attention

Unwanted Attention from Beyond...

Deep within the bowels of Zim's base...

The sound of computerized beeping and whirring filled the air, as zim stood in front of a large screen within his data archive room, looking at several files and data logs he had pulled from the human internet, displaying images of all the incidents that had occurred in canterlot city. From the fall formal, to the battle of the bands and the dazzlings, and many other incidents. He slowly began to notice one thing they all had in common, the involvement of the rainbooms, the girls who now likely believed Dib's statement about Zim being an alien, but the thing that fascinated him the most were how these girls used 'Magic' and 'Friendship' to emerge victorious. Zim broke out laughing at such a dumb concept, but then, it hit him like a freight train. Those unknown energy readings that he had been studying for the past couple days were likely the result of this so called magic, and as he witnessed it on full display within these incidents, he realized something. Not only was the energy of this magic unlimited, the magic itself was extremely powerful. If he could somehow harness that magic...

Zim would be unstoppable!

Zim had an evil smile streak across his face, before his robotic computer spoke up.

"Sir, today is your scheduled call with the tallest." Zim had a look of excitement on his face, as he smiled.

"Excellent, establish contact at once!" The computer beeped in agreement, as the screen in front of Zim began loading...

The Irken Armada, Aboard The Massive...

As we look upon the massive Irken armada, still in disarray after getting sucked into the florpus, the tallest, red and purple, are standing before the giant window into the void of space, looking out at their armada. Currently, Red was drinking some soda, and Purple was eating some donuts. Suddenly, one of the Massive's bridge operators spoke up.

"My tallest! We have an incoming transmission!" Red and Purple sighed, praying it wasn't who they thought it was.

"Uh... Yeah, go ahead and patch it through... Please don't be Zim... Please don't be Zim..." Red said to himself, as Purple simply braced himself. As the holo screen emerged, they heard an all too familiar voice.


Even if they expected it, Red still spat out his soda at Purple, who almost choked on a donut. As Red and Purple angrily looked at Zim, they remembered how he had been a pest for them ever since they assigned to him operation Impending Doom One. You see, when Zim commandeered a Frontline Battlemech to be used for the operation, he kind of went mad with power and his ego flared up, resulting in him almost destroying all of planet Irk. Of course, the control brains deemed Zim un-accountable, but he was still sent to planet foodcourtia due to there being a lack of workers on the planet.

When Zim left for foodcourtia, the tallest thought Zim was gone for good. But low and behold, on the day of the great assigning for Operation Impending Doom Two, who else shows up but Zim... So they sent him off into the middle of space, and when they thought he was truly dead, Zim popped up, claiming he had found a new planet to conquer. And then there was the whole trial which didn't do anything besides cause the control brains to go nutso.

Yeah, the tallest didn't like Zim, especially because of how annoying and small he was. Anyways, the tallest responded accordingly.

"Zim, why are you calling us..."

"Yeah, you got a planet to conquer don't you?"

"Yes yes, and I have not forgotten about it, but you see, after my recent re-location of my main base, I have discovered a truly fascinating anomaly!" Suddenly, several images of canterlot city appeared, along with advanced readings, images of the incidents, and a photo of the rainbooms. "This city seems to have some sort of strange energy anomaly that grants this group of teenage humans, called 'The Rainbooms' to possess strange abilities. Apparently they refer to these abilities as... Magic... Which I find simply laughable, as they do not truly understand the power they possess! As such, I, Zim, the empires greatest invader, plan to exploit this magical resource for the good of the empire, so I have much to work to do! Invader Zim, signing off!"

As the transmission cut out, the tallest looked at each other, confused about the situation, but most importantly, curious about this... Magic.

"You gotta admit, Zim has indeed found something interesting...

"Yeah, and dangerous! What happens if he manages to get a hold of that power, he would go nuts! We can't let him have it..." Suddenly, the tallest had a devious idea, an idea so devious it might just work.

"We'll just have to steal it for ourselves!" As the two tallest manically laughed to themselves, we cut to...

The Earths Moon...

On the surface of the lunar giant, a small flag waved. But it was not the american flag, or any other national flag for that matter... It was the flag... Of Invader Tak, as she was currently inside her lunar bunker she had built herself, using her irken technology, as she had hid away inside to prepare for revenge against her great enemy, Zim... Standing next to her was her robot companion MiMi, as Tak had a headset on her head, listening in on the conversation between her nemesis and the almighty tallest, as she viewed the images of Canterlot and its history, narrowing her eyes...

"So... Zim has discovered a source of potentially limitless power... It appears that my time to act is now! MiMi!"

The mute robot appeared next to its master and saluted with its large robot claw.

"Amplify your transmitter! Send a message to my ships onboard AI and attempt to recover it!" The robot nodded, as it quickly exited the bunker to the lunar surface, as a massive radar dish extended out of its head and pointed towards the earth, as a signal slowly began to transmit, going all the way to...

Dib Membranes garage...

The door to the garage slowly opened, as Dib Membrane stood beside his new friend, Twilight Sparkle, looking over all the items he had acquired fighting Zim over the years. From the illiteracy beam, to the DOOM ray, to that one squirrel Zim gave the brain of einstein to, who was currently reading a book in a cage. Twilight simply marveled at all of the trinkets and gadgets.

"Wow... You two have been at it for years now, haven't you?"

Dib nodded. "Indeed, ever since we first met we have been fighting against each other. He would win some, I would win some, in the end nobody really won, which was both frustrating and relieving because I couldn't bring him to justice, but earth was still safe when he failed. Now come, let me show the greatest achievement..." He slowly moved through a bunch of the old junk, making a path as Twilight followed, and soon, before them stood a hulking mechanical ship, bruised, battered, and damaged... On it, was the symbol of Tak.

"Woah... Is that Zim's ship?"

"No, it belonged to Tak, another Irken, and also a rival of Zim. We had to work together before she drained the planet of magma and filled it with snacks, but luckily, I shut off the pump while Zim bested Tak in combat, and she was sent flying off into space."

"Wow... So Zim has other enemies it seems... Even his fellow irkens are against him!"

"Yeah, and sometimes, I get involved in his cross-race escapades, like that time I got abducted by those dang collectors, barely made it out alive... But anyways, I used this ship to help get my dad out of space prison and together we shut a massive inter-dimensional space anomaly."

"Man, you have been through alot..."

"Indeed, we have." Dib said as he banged on the hull of the ship, before its cockpit was suddenly illuminated, as the massive ship roared to life, its mechanical limbs extending out, as Twilight and Dib backed up in fear.

"Re-call signal received, I must return to master Tak!" As the ship slowly rose, it blasted out through the roof of the garage, disappearing into space... Twilight and Dib looked up, before turning to each other and collectively voicing concern.

"Well, thats not good..."

Back at zim's base...

The sound of a plasma-torch filled the air, as Zim was in the deepest part of his base, welding a busted pipeline that he swore he had just fixed yesterday. Zim felt that his equipment had become quite degraded as of lately, especially down here, likely due to the fact this base was not truly designed for long term operation, as it was meant to be a frontline HQ until Zim could fully conquer the planet. As he continued welding, he heard the sound of something dropping to the ground behind, as he turned, to see a wrench on the ground.

As he picked up and inspected, he heard footsteps running down the hall. Fearing it was an intruder, zim quickly took off after the threat.

"HALT! YOU SHALL NOT ESCAPE ZIM!" As he pounced on the unknown intruder, robotic scythes protruding from his PAK, he then saw a familiar face...

"Invader skoodge!?!"