• Published 8th Jan 2023
  • 1,227 Views, 33 Comments

The lost Prince - Void Streak

Long ago before Princess Celestia would become ruler of Equestria. Celestia and Luna both had a young pegasus brother. However unlike other pegasi he could perform magic however on one fateful day, the young prince would vanish.

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Prince Void Streak couldn't believe it as he looked towards the grey, cloud-filled sky as a dark blue and white circle expanded across the sky. "I I can't believe it. I finally did it. I created a sonic rainboom" the Prince shouted to himself with a big grin as he looked at his creation.

"What did you do" a voice boomed from atop the steps that lead back into the castle. The voice came from a towering dark blue alicorn with a deep, purple mane that seemed to float in a light breeze. A cold, grey crown adorned his head. This alicorn was King Lunard II, the ruler of Equestria. His coal, black eyes pierced directly into his son's golden-yellow eyes.

The young colt's ears flattened against his skull. Void Streak knew instantly that he had made his father angry as he was wearing that sadistic, sneer he always when he was doling out punishments.

"I I it was a sonic rainbow" he stuttered while trying not to look into his father's gaze.

Lunard suddenly gave out a cold, mirth less laugh. "You an abomination, performing a Sonic Rainboom." Void merely winced when hearing the insulting nickname that his father gave him. "You may be able to perform magic and you may have those savages that call you their hero but in reality, you are nothing but an insulent failure of a bird."

Suddenly an idea came to the bullying King as he started to conjure up a large storm cloud. He then disguised his cruel face with a look of fear as he started to shout" WHAT ARE YOU DOING, VOID!" as he then caused the storm cloud to strike himself with lightning." AAAAAAAAGH"

Void Streak didn't know what to say or do as he watched his family run out into the garden. His mother, who was a pure white alicorn with flaming-orange mane, Sunrise's face quickly contorted with fury, ran in front of her husband and magicked up a force field.

"Quick guards sieze him" Lunard groaned while trying to stop himself from smirking.

Two unicorns in purple armour stunned the dark blue pegasus colt who then fell to the ground in a heap. Lunard who was now leaning on Sunrise ordered the guards "take the prisoner to Canterlot Fortress"

This made Void Streak's sisters Princess Celestia and Luna gasp "but father" Celestia began but was stopped short by Lunard who held a hoof up.

"No Tia, I have had enough with that colt. If he wants to act like a savage then he shall be treated like a savage. I believe Star swirl's got a new weapon he wants to try out, I believe I found him a suitable test subject" he said almost gleefully

This made Sunrise stop "You don't mean the Elements. They haven't been tested"

"Like I said we now have a test subject" he simply stated as the guards started placing manacles on Voids hooves and wrapping his wings in a chain that was magically enchanted to act as an inhibitor.

They then placed him in the back of a dark carriage that had two small barred windows positioned in the doors. This made Luna run back into the castle. Both Luna and Celestia knew that their brother was being framed as it was no secret that he despised Void ever since he was born.

* * *

Prince Void Streak groaned as he woke up. Groggily, he looked around. His eyes grew to the size of saucers as he realised that he was in a prison cell. The cell was small, cold and had a musky smell to it. The only things that were in the room was a small, wooden bucket - he had an idea what the bucket was used for - and a thin layer of hay that covered the entire floor.

When he tried to run to the thick, wooden door, who had small barred window at the top, he was pulled of his hooves. Looking he saw a short chain that ran from the wall to a cold collar that went around his neck. He then noticed that his wings were chained to his barrel. Still looking at his chained wings, he tried to do magic but when they didn't change colour he realised that the chains were enchanted to stop him from doing magic.

He tugged at his bindings; they didn't come loose, not one inch. He sighed. "Why does he hate me so much?" he asked to nopony in particular.

All of a sudden the cell door unlocked and opened to reveal four surly looking guards. They grinned menacingly
The guard in front sneered in mock admiration "Your royal highness" while going into a deep bow that Void Streak knew all to well was fake.

"Spearpoint" Void growled menacingly. Spearpoint was the captain of the Royal Guard and one of King Lunard's most loyal supporters. He is a white unicorn with a maroon mane, his cutie mark was the sharp end of a spear. Like most Unicorns he hated Void Streak. It may have been a thousand years since the three tribes United but that didn't mean there was no resentment between the three factions.

"Prince, you are to come with us and face judgement for your crimes" Spearpoint explained in a silky manner while locking Void's hooves in a pair of cold, steel manacles. He then unlocked the chain from the wall and tugged on it like a leash. He then started dragging Void to him and forced him to walk like a dog, further humiliating the young Prince but Void merely scowled. Any feeble form of communication that the grounded pegasus colt tried to say was immediately shut down by the guards shouting silence.

They finally arrived at a large hall that the Prince immediately recognised as the judgement chamber. This room acted as a large meeting room for when important decisions that impact all three pony races were made or in this case as a makeshift courtroom.

In the centre of the large room was a pedestal if some kind this made the Prince look in confusion. The last time Void was here there was no pedestal. Looking around he noticed that the only ponies in this room was his father, a bunch of Guards and the royal sorcerer; teacher who taught Void Streak and his siblings, Star Swirl the bearded. He looked at Void Streak gravely.

The Guards placed Void Streak on the large stone pedestal and locked all four of his hooves into shackles. Locking the poor Prince onto the pedestal this gave Void a sense of foreboding.

King Lunard gave a sinister smile. He then announced "Prince Void Streak, the Royal Court finds you guilty of the crime of Treason. As you are aware, anypony guilty of this offence is sentenced to death however because of your heritage, it has been decided that you will face the newly created Elements of Harmony!"

This made Void gasp. The Elements of Harmony were two magical gems called the: element of magic and the element of loyalty. It was rumoured that when used against any creature there could be extreme consequences. Void also knew that Star Swirl, who created the elements in the first place, intended on adding more gems to the elements.

"N No Father please have mercy!" Void started to plead. He then turned to his teacher "He's lying. I never tried to hurt him. Please don't do this"

Void Streak was crying by now; begging anypony to release him but King Lunard merely ignored his sons pleas for help and ordered "Do it"

Star swirl who originally didn't agree with this plan in the first place reluctantly stepped forward in front of the crying 10 year old. Powering up the spell, the element of loyalty started to spin around the element of magic, which was positioned in front of his now lowered horn. He looked up into Void's yellow eyes and shouted "I'm sorry" but the young colt didn't hear it over spell.

Void looked up to see a large rainbow beam blast towards him. As the beam enveloped him he felt a cold, hard feeling slowly weave its way up his legs. Looking down he was horrified to see his body slowly start to turn into stone. He screamed "NOOOOOOOO" as his wings burst out of their bindings but they too were turning into statue. He looked towards the ceiling and started praying to whatever was out there as his vision was cut to black...


A brownish-yellow pegasus with a mane that consists of 6 shades of grey, looked through put the tomb. She noticed a small statue of what appeared to be a pegasus colt. She went over to the base of the statue where a small inscription that was written in Old Ponish: Hic jacet Inanis virga, Princeps caeli. The pegasus read alout in modern equestrian "Here lies Void Streak, the Prince of the skies."

As she read the statue slowly started to crack. This made the pegasus gasp in surprise "Shoot, I'm going have to repair this now"

All of a sudden the statue broke away to reveal a blue pegasus colt with a blue and white mane and tail. The pegasus's eyes snapped open revealing golden-yellow iris.

The blue pegasus spoke in Old Ponish "Quis es? Úbi sum? (who are you? Where am I?)"

The pegasus shook her head in surprise and thought to herself that it was a good job she understood old ponish. "Nomen meum est Audax Fac et es in monumento, in silvis dealbatis. (My name is Daring Do and you are in a tomb, in the whitetail woods.)"

"Im 'inanis series Prince. (I'm Prince Void Streak)"

Author's Note:

AU=After unification

Anything in old ponish is Latin or at least according to Google Translate it is. If any of the Latin is wrong feel free to tell me and I'll try and get the correct translation. Any old ponish spoken will have a translation written in brackets next to it.

The part of the chapter that is set in the past is in old ponish