• Published 8th Jan 2023
  • 1,227 Views, 33 Comments

The lost Prince - Void Streak

Long ago before Princess Celestia would become ruler of Equestria. Celestia and Luna both had a young pegasus brother. However unlike other pegasi he could perform magic however on one fateful day, the young prince would vanish.

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A new Equestria

Prince Void Streak stared at the pegasus called Daring Do and asked "Tu me ad urbem Astro? (could you take me to Astro City?)"

Daring gave a perplexed expression and replied "Er Astro quo? Ive numquam audivi ex eo. (Er Astro where? Ive never heard of it)"

This made Void laugh "Quomodo numquam audisti. Est caput. (How have you never heard of it. It is the capital)"

This made a lightbulb go of in Daring's head and asked dramatically "Quod annus est? (What year is it?)

Void gave her a are you stupid look and replied "eius 1000. (it's 1000)"

Daring rubbed the back of her neck. She had no clue what to do in this situation. Usually when she saw statues they never come alive so this was a first. She had like so many pegasi heard of Prince Void Streak but also like everypony else, thought it was a legend. "Nescio quomodo tibi hoc dicam, sed eius 5000. (I don't know how to tell you this but its 5000).

This made his eyes became dinner plates "QUID EST! (WHAT)"

Suddenly Daring remembered the princess that came with her fan Rainbow Dash. Princess Twilight would have a direct connection to Princess Celestia herself, she would know what to do. "
Heus hedum mitescere. Im amet te ad amicum meum, sciet quid agat. (Hey kid calm down. Im gonna take you to a friend of mine, she'll know what to do.)"

Daring gestured to her back which Void Streak jumped on. She then flew to the nearest train station which was in Hollow Shades. When they arrived at the train station Daring slipped into the toilets and changed into her A.K Yearling disguise. While she was doing this however Void looked at the different signs with a confused expression How the hay is anypony supposed to read this he thought. He noticed that there was a lot of thestrals around. He remembered that the thestrals had their own little kingdom; his father was planning enter a union with them. He felt his blood boil when he thought of his father.

He turned around to see a familiar looking mare. Upon further inspection however he realised that it was Daring Do. He raised his eyebrow but didn't question it.

All of a sudden a train arrived at the station. When Void looked over at the train, his jaw dropped "Quid prata? (What the hay is that?)"

"Agmen. Trans Equestriam mannos transportant. (a train. They transport ponies across Equestria)" Daring then walked over to the conductor and asked for a foal and an adult ticket.

Void who noticed the brief exchange glances peculiarly at Daring and asked "Quod lingua loquebatur? (What language was you speaking?)"

"modernus equestris (modern Equestrian) Daring replied as she sat down.

The train then set of. Void looked out of the window at the trees that whizzing by. He thought about his family. what happened to my family? Do they all hate me and why did Star Swirl betray me? void thought to himself with sad expression. He felt like a lost puppy without a home.

When the train arrived at Ponyville Void looked around at all the houses with their thatched rooves and sandy coloured brick work. This reminded Void Streak of the villages before he was banished. He also noticed all the different pony races mixing together. During his time the three races hardly ever mingled the only ever time all pony races were together was during harvest season.

Void also noticed that there were two large castles: a purple crystal castle that was in the shape of a tree and seemed much closer atop a hill on the outskirts of the village they were in; a large golden castle which had huge towers with golden rooves. This castle seemed much further away and sat on the side of a mountain. It reminded him of Canterlot Fort, which was both a military base and a prison.

Daring Do who was leading the way, was heading towards purple, crystal castle. When they arrived Daring knocked on the giant, golden doors making a large boom with each knock. When the doors opened however Void Streak screamed for the doors opened to reveal a mini, purple dragon with green spikes that lined his back from head to tail. "AAAAAAAGH DRACO! (DRAGON!)" Void screamed while pointing he then added hurriedly "'festin' gladium affer, ut hanc foedam bestiam interficiam! (Hurry, fetch me a sword so I can slay this foul beast!)

Spike just gave a bemused expression as he hadn't understood a word that the pegasus colt had said. Daring however told the Prince "Inanis, Spike non est foetida bestia. Non est ut ceteri dracones, amicus est. (Void, Spike is no foul beast. He isn't like other dragons, he is friendly.)" Void however glanced suspiciously at the young drake. She then turned to said drake and asked "Hey Spike sorry about this but do you. Know where Princess Twilight is?"

"Yeah she's in the throne room with Rainbow Dash ironically debating what's going to be in your next book."he said with a little giggle.

Daring smiled "well let's give them a teaser"

Both Daring Do and Void Streak walked past the baby dragon and trotted to the throne room where they saw Twilight and Rainbow Dash who appeared to be in a deep discussion therefore did not notice the visitors. When void saw the table which had the map revealed Void exclaimed "LATRO! Estne tabula tota Equestria? (WOW! Is that a map of all of Equestria)"

This broke the discussion up and Twilight said excitedly "Was that old ponish I could hear" Looking around to find the visitors "Oh Hi Daring Do, what brings you here and who is your little friend?" she asked while gesturing to the colt.

Before Daring Do could reply Rainbow Dash let out a gasp "You're Prince Void Streak. Your a literall legend"

"Quid dicunt? (What are they saying)" void asked uncertainly. He felt left out. "Et quis est iste? (And who is that?)" He added while pointing to Twilight.

Daring was about to answer but Twilight beat her to the punch "Hi ibi celsitudo tua mihi nomen est Crepusculum Sparkle. Potesne dicere modernam equestrem? (Hi there your highness my name is Twilight Sparkle. Can you Speak modern equestrian?)"

"Non puto sed quomodo me principem scis? (I don't think so but how do you know that I am a prince?)"

"Omnes sciunt de te sicut Iris dixit te esse fabulam. (Everyone knows who you are Rainbow said, you are a legend)" Twilight said while gesturing to the Rainbow maned Pegasus next to her, who was floating lazily beside her. Now that Void had a good look at her she thought she looked alot like his friend who had a similar name: Rainbow Bolt or Rainbolt as his friends liked to call him. He also had a Rainbow mane however he had black fur instead of cyan.

Rainbow then asked Daring "How did you find him according to my nanna he vanished. After Daring explained how she found she told spike to write a letter to Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia

It has come to my attention that the long lost Pegasus prince of the skies has returned. A friend of mine who happens to be an adventurer found him as a statue, similar to that of Discord when he was banished. The prince is around the age of ten and can't speak modern equestrian instead he speaks the old ponish tongue. I have no idea what to do with him and I look forward what you think of this predicament.

Your faithful Princess Twilight Sparkle

When spike sent it of to Celestia Void shouted cool in old ponish.