• Published 8th Jan 2023
  • 1,227 Views, 33 Comments

The lost Prince - Void Streak

Long ago before Princess Celestia would become ruler of Equestria. Celestia and Luna both had a young pegasus brother. However unlike other pegasi he could perform magic however on one fateful day, the young prince would vanish.

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Princess Celestia was trying not to fall asleep. She kept nodding her head with a fake smile to the noble who WAS supposed to be talking about improving Trotting ham's infrastructure but was too busy talking about great his mane was. Before Celestia could tell him to get a move on a jet of emerald flames whizzed through open doors and popped in front of Celestia's face to reveal a scroll with a yellowtl tinge. Glad of the perfect excuse, she postponed day court and stated that they would have to present their issues to her sister during night court. Celestia as this was the perfect form of revenge for that slime bucket prank. She knew that the scroll was from her former student now Princess Twilight Sparkle.

When she read it however, her eyes bulged. "Impossible it must be an imposter, yes a changeling it can't be him" she said while trying to hold back tears she walked onto the large balcony that was positioned at the back of the throne room. She gazed across the horizon as she remembered the day her baby brother was born.


Celestia and Luna were both waiting anxiously outside of their mother's Chambers. Luna, who at this point was a little filly was jumping up and down. "I can't wait to see him! We'll be able to play Kings and Queens" Luna shouted happily. Celestia merely giggled but then both she and Luna cringed at hearing a burst of screaming mixed in with what sounded like "I'm gonna kill you for this Lunard"

But then at last they heard it the cry of a newborn infant. The doors opened to reveal their father King Lunard II. He had a weird look on his face.

"Come girls. Come meet your new brother." Queen Sunrise said gently beckoning the two young alicorn forward.
They saw a tiny blue pegasus with a blue and white mane.

"But Mother he's a pegasus why is he not an alicorn like us?" Celestia asked worriedly.

Sunrise frowned "I'm not sure dear but nevertheless we will treat him all the same. He is the future King after all" this made Lunard scoff and mumbled something that sounded alot like 'not on my watch'. "What was that dear?" Sunrise asked with a piercing gaze.

"Oh nothing Dear. I was just er admiring his wings" he assured but his wife didn't look convinced.

"What's his name?" Luna asked gleefully

"Void Streak. The unknown streaking out"


Celestia smiled at the memory. Her smile faltered she then took of the giant, golden tiara that adorned her head and gazed guiltily into the amythist gems and sighed to herself "This Kingdom doesn't belong to me it belongs to little Void Streak" she closed her eyes and added forcibly "It's time to make things right"

She then conjured up a piece of parchment and started writing all the while thinking of another memory.


Princess Celestia and Luna both gazed towards the flag covered coffin. Their Father was dead. Celestia scowled at the casket before following her sister out of the tomb sealing it shut forever.

When they arrived back to the throne room they found their fathers old advisor Quick Quill. "Your highnesses" he greeted while bowing "I am very much sorry for your loss. He was a great stallion"

This just made Luna release a hollow laugh "You don't need to pretend in front of us. We just as equally despised him in fact the only thing we are sorry for is that we didn't kill him ourselves" this made Quick Quill smile.

Overtime King Lunard II grew into a tyrant and many ponies weren't sad to see him go. Several times during his long reign the ponies revolted however they had all been put down this lead to their dear ruler launching mass executions against the populace.

"Ahem, Celestia because you are the eldest, you will inherit the crown thus making you our new Queen -"

"NO I do not want to be Queen. I simply want to be known as Princess and I would like to rule side by side with my sister"

"But your highness this is most untraditional" he tried protest but with a feeling of admiration for the self proclaimed Princess ruler.

Luna chuckled nervously and told Quick Quill to leave them. She then turned to Celestia and said uncertainly "Are you sure about this sister?"

"Yes sister, the throne doesn't belong to us it belongs to to him" she replied while trying to hold back tears.

Luna looked uncomfortable "Maybe we should consider the possibility that he isn't coming back"

But Celestia shut it down "No, he has to come back and until he does I am going to look after Equestria."

Luna smiled "You're not going to give up are you no matter what I say then I shall help you sister for if I do not then it would be a great betrayal to our brothers honour"

Celestia nodded "Until Prince Void Streak, the rightful ruler of Equestria returns we shall watch over this land and protect from any threat and help his subjects to the best of our ability. For when he returns we shall pass the crown over" they bot vowed simultaneously...

Author's Note:

Thank you all for the support I greatly appreciate it.

I know this chapter is short but I wanted to show how Celestia and Luna felt about the whole situation