• Published 8th Jan 2023
  • 1,226 Views, 33 Comments

The lost Prince - Void Streak

Long ago before Princess Celestia would become ruler of Equestria. Celestia and Luna both had a young pegasus brother. However unlike other pegasi he could perform magic however on one fateful day, the young prince would vanish.

  • ...



Prince Void Streak had finished telling Rainbow Dash and Twilight - Daring having to leave to start planning her next book - about how he was turned to stone, they both looked appalled however before they could say anything Spike, who Void hardly trusted as during his time, Dragons were seen as wild animals that would attack anything that moved, let out a massive belch and puked up a scroll.

Dear Twilight,

I am amazed to hear that you have found Prince Void Streak. I must insist however for you and the rest of your friends to bring the Prince to Canterlot however DO NOT tell him where you are taking him as I fear he may not react kindly to going there. For the sake of Equestria I must truly confirm the identity of the Prince.

From your loving mentor Princess Celestia

Twilight wondered to herself why the Princess would not tell her about Void Streak and why he would react badly to going to Canterlot but she decided not to mention it. Instead she turned to Dash and told her to collect the rest of the gang she then told Void Streak "Inanis, amicum meum te videre decrevi. (Void,i have decided to take you to see a friend of mine.)"

Void nodded, he decided not to ask who the scroll from. Instead he decided to transfigure a book that was near by into a turkey. This made Twilight's jaw drop while continuing to look from his wings, whose feathers had changed colour into that of a rainbow, to the hot turkey. Twilight crinkled her nose as Void started to dig in as if it was completely normal.

"Quomodo, inquit, facere, quod? Et quare edis escam? (How did you do that? And why are you eating meat?)" she asked while trying to quench the stench.

Void gave her a bewildered expression "Dissimile pegasi alias magicas facere possum et omnes carnes edunt. (Unlike other pegasi I can do magic and everypony eats meat.)"

Twilight shook her head, feeling both fascinated at the fact that a pegasi could perform magic and also repulsed at the now Turkey skeleton which Void vanishes. Twilight also noticed that like a unicorn aura Void's feathers glowed rainbow when doing magic. "Nostris temporibus omnes non manducat vegetum vel faenum (Not in our times everypony eats veg or hay)"

This made Void stick out his tongue and say "ew". This also made Void think about how the times really have changed. He suddenly felt very lonely in a strange planet.

All of a sudden the rest of the main six burst into the throne room where they instantly saw Void Streak. "Oooooh a new pony what's your name" Pinkie squeked she had suddenly popped into Voids face. He hadn't understood a single word that Pinkie said and for some reason she made him feel very claustrophobic.

"Pinkie leave him" Twilight scolded she then told them the story about Void Streak. After introductions were made they all rushed to the train station. Once again Void Streak was mesmerized by the speed of the train.


When Princess Celestia told Luna about Twilight's discovery, she also narrowed her eyes in suspicion but didn't say anything.

Then the double doors opened to reveal the main six. Both alicorns gaze however were aimed at the small Pegasus colt who appeared to be accompanying them.

They gasped there was no doubt about his true heritage. Just one look into his golden eyes informed them that the colt was indeed the Prince of the skies.

Void gasped when he saw a familiar blue alicorn "Luna, est tibi? (Luna, is that you?)"

Luna smiled "Ita parum Inanis. Nimis longum fuit. (Yes little Void. It has been too long)."

Void then looked towards the white alicorn he the realised it was Celestia with a different mane. "Celestia, iuba stili. (Celestia, nice mane style)

Celestia chuckled "Immo potius convenit mihi ne putes. Inanis parum te desideravi. (Yes it rather suits me dont you think. I missed you little Void.)

Void then sprinted to both alicorns and hugged them. "Tantum te desideravi, putabam te nunquam iterum visurum. (I missed you so much, I thought I would never see you again.)"

The three siblings broke apart while whe main six smiled warmly at each other. Celestia then addressed the group "Thank you so much for bringing him here. You are all probably wondering about how he became a statue"

Before she could continue however Twilight reassured "It's ok. Void told us what happened."

Applejack then asked "Why did yer father hate Void so much? Parents are supposed tah love their kids"

Princess Celestia's face darkened. sighing she explained "You must understand that back in those days it hadn't been long since the three tribes united.There was still resentment running rampant and the tribes were still segregated.The only time you would see earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi was mingling was during national holidays or if they had to visit each other for food. This was why alicorns ruled the land so that not one tribe gained too much power it also avoided unnecessary conflict. However if a pony was too breed the wrong species then that foal usually gets abandoned. It was the very same for us alicorns. Our father regarded Void Streak as a family shame he would have gotten rid of him alot sooner if it hadn't been for the laws of the day. At this time Equestria was a patriarchal society which meant that only stallions could inherit the throne. Mare were seen as illegitimate. The only way to truly legitimate a mare is to either kill the current heir or banish him."

The room fell silent. It was eventually broken by Celestia "Well let's not dwell on such dark history. As you might have noticed Void Streak is a prince, which means it is time for another coronation. If you don't mind I would appreciate any help you could offer. You can have similar roles as you did during the wedding. However Twilight would you be able to teach Void to speak modern equestrian?"

"Of course Princess but what about all of his other basic education?"

"I am not sure. Our old tutors are long gone"

"If I could make a suggestion you could send him to Miss Cheerilee's school,that way he could make some friends his age"

"Yes however before you all leave I must tell you something. As soon as Prince Void Streak comes of age, he will become the next ruler of Equestria"

This made everyone apart from Luna gasp. "WHAT!" They all said in unison.

Before they asked why Celestia said "Me and my sister made an oath to pass the crown onto him"

After relaying the conversation to Void in old ponish he didn't look all that surprised at the news.

"I have arranged accommodation for your stay in the castle until the coronation" Celestia said. After they left Void decided to stay behind to catch up with his siblings.

Author's Note:

This is my most popular story yet. Thanks for the likes and faves

Comments ( 16 )


Well, f****** screw him. He won't last a "war" against us.

Princess Celestia's face darkened. sighing she explained "You must understand that back in those days it hadn't been long since the three tribes united. There was still resentment running rampant and the tribes were still segregated. The only time you would see earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi was mingling was during national holidays or if they had to visit each other for food. This was why alicorns ruled the land so that not one tribe gained too much power it also avoided unnecessary conflict. However if a pony was too breed the wrong species then that foal usually gets abandoned. It was the very same for us alicorns. Our father regarded Void Streak as a family shame he would have gotten rid of him a lot sooner if it hadn't been for the laws of the day. At this time Equestria was a patriarchal society which meant that only stallions could inherit the throne. Mare were seen as illegitimate. The only way to truly legitimate a mare is to either kill the current heir or banish him."

Damn... Ponies of that time were just plain heartless, more heartless then the villains of their modern time.

Thanks for telling me I'll go and correct it now

Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted Jan 14th, 2023

They need to teach Void Streak how to rule a kingdom, or else he’s going to be another Tsar Nicholas II

"I have arranged accommodation for your stay in the castle until the coronation" Celestia said. After they left Void decided to stay behind to catch up with his siblings.

Oh boy the nobles are going to go ballistic. Including blueballs.

*cracks a grin*
But oh it’s going to be good to see how hey react.

*sets up a chair and popcorn*
Hey anyone want to watch the show with me?

Offering popcorn


*distance sound playing America fuck yeah*


But still fuck there father

So far so good on this new chapter, I enjoyed it. I'll be thrilled to see how Void will interact with Ms. Cheerilee along with the CMC. That is as long Diamond Tiara doesn't tease him about his ponish language.

Comment posted by Auta5tic deleted Feb 28th, 2023

What’s the status of the story?

Temporary hiatus until I get a new laptop. This story is NOT dead.

Do you have an estimate for when that might be?
(not trying to sound impatient)

Well with the way the economies going I have no idea. And I don't blame you for getting impatient I'd probably be the same

Comment posted by Auta5tic deleted Mar 21st, 2023
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