• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 1,082 Views, 296 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Zipping It - The Blue EM2

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Is this the Lie that I've Been Sold?

The three of us were slowly dropped down into the throne room, the rumbling of the motors of the winding gear imperceptible over the roar of the crowd. The lights moved onto us, and I adjusted my eyes to avoid being temporarily blinded by them.

Mom didn't seem too concerned, though. Nor did Pipp. Despite knowing where this might be going, she was positively lapping up all the attention she was getting. The lights and cameras all blared our way and the room sounded to the pounding noise of speakers and generic pop music. If I didn't think fast this would pretty quickly leave me with sensory overload.

Thankfully, mom's voice brought me back to reality. "Remember to smile!" she said, beaming at the crowd below. I have no clue how she manages to do it all so effectively. Partly a reason why the thought of becoming Queen fills me with such dread, apart from the other reasons you can probably think of.

We finally made contact with our thrones, and I took a sitting position as the cables were remotely detached. They retracted into the roof and we looked onwards as Pipp kicked off her routine. I knew the song- anypony who's seen the film would have known this fact- and I tried to blot it out as best I could and maintain a vaguely agreeable face without it looking forced. Mom would have noticed that and been all over me like a ton of bricks for that.

I looked about me for clues of the others, and then heard a promising sound. Two voices were speaking behind mom's throne, and as I watched I saw Sunny's head briefly pop up over the top of the throne. In her hoof was the fake crown Izzy had made. With a cursory glance anypony would be fooled by it. With a quick movement she pulled the real one off mom's head and placed the fake in its place. She smiled at me and nodded, so I did the same in return before turning my head forward.

I heard mom mumbling something about her scalp being a bit itchy, but I tried to act as normally as I could. I watched Pipp weaving and diving around. Then it occurred to me. When she'd spoken to me earlier she'd mentioned that back in the other world she hadn't had the best of lives, but here she was now, a princess in another kingdom (and a thoroughly pampered one at that), living a life most beings can only dream of.

And here I was, in the same sort of position, only the palace was more like a guilded cage. Hopefully this plan would work and I could sneak away before anypony could notice. Or invoke full name ultimatum. That would suck.

The crowd were enthralled, and the room was filled with brilliant camera flashes as the performance continued. I relaxed. This was going well. Almost too easy. I relaxed a bit. Clearly my new friends had this one in the bag.

A few moments later, I suddenly spotted something that was out of place. Cloudpuff wasn't at mom's side.

I soon saw where he was. He was running towards her with the crown in his mouth!

"Oh, crap," I said, under my breath. I charged forward to block mom's view of the dog and grabbed the crown with my hooves. "Give... it... to... me!"

Cloudpuff simply pulled harder. For a tiny dog he has a lot of strength, which surprised me. There was suddenly a bang, and I was suddenly launched backwards and landed on my haunches. I looked at the crown. Only the metalwork was in my hooves. The crystal had detached, and Cloudpuff was running off with it into the crowd.

I looked even closer at the metal, and noticed something. The metalwork was of a lower grade than mom's crown. It then dawned on me. Mom had been wearing a fake crown the entire time!

"Shit," I said to myself, and quickly deposited the metalwork under my wing before charging into the crowd after Cloudpuff. I switched on my radio to speak to the others. "Guys, we got a problem."

"Care to name which one?" Sunny replied.

"There's more than one?" I asked.

"I'm currently being chased by a sheriff and trying to dodge a crazed dog at the same time. What's the other problem?"

Brilliant. It seemed that Hitch has decided to crash the party. Talk about bad timing. "The crown you swapped for your fake? It's also a fake. Mom anticipated the theft and wore a reproduction tonight. We've swapped a fake for a fake!"

"Well, where's the real one?" Sunny asked, sounding a bit out of breath.

I suddenly saw Izzy and dashed over to her. Izzy was currently in front of Cloudpuff, trying to placate him. "Good doggy..."

I saw something shiny in Izzy's bag. "Izzy, what's that in your bag?"

Izzy turned to me as I positioned myself between Cloudpuff and her. "Oh, that's a crown I found in one of the dressing rooms."

Perfect. This might be the real thing. If Cloudpuff returned my fake to mom, we could take that one and get on our way to Bridlewood. "Izzy, I'm going to pass you at speed. Be ready to catch the object under my wing."

"Gotcha!" Izzy replied, and tilted her horn.

I sprinted past at speed, and at the right moment dropped the crown with my right wing and grabbed Izzy's one with my hooves. I glanced back and saw Izzy pass the fake to Cloudpuff, who seemed to be happy. I then hid at one side and stopped next to Sunny.

"Got the crown Izzy found!" I said, and picked it up. My face fell as I looked at it. "Oh no..."

Sunny looked at me, concerned. "What's the problem?"

I held it up to the light. "Sunny, it's another fake. I'm not sure how this happened, but there are two fakes in circulation on top of the fake we made earlier today!"

"Did somepony anticipate our theft?" Sunny asked.

"Sure looks that way." I had a good idea who it was, but I chose not to raise my concerns until later. "I'll go look for the real one."

Sunny glanced around. "Good idea. I'll try and- oh shit, here he comes! RUN!"

She suddenly sped off as Hitch chased her down, with Izzy soon running in the same direction. Both seemed to he heading for the cable control room, so I snuck round the back. There was an alternate escape route to the higher levels of the palace in case the cable units broke down. The elevator was in the up position, though, and using it would make too much noise and almost certainly blow my cover.

So the backup passage it was. I popped it open and began to crawl my way up, squeezing my way through the tight space until I reached the top, and emerged in one of the corridors.

The corridor was oddly empty. The complete lack of security was a bit surprising. Normally at least a few guards would be up here if only as a safety precaution. I made my way down the corridor, finding a trail of muddy hoofprints to follow. The trail led all the way to mom's stateroom, which again was unguarded (very odd). The doors were also open, so I pushed my way in and looked inside.

To my shock, I saw the intruder. Misty was sitting next to the safe and working her way through the combinations, clearly trying to break in. The door swung open, and I saw the crown inside. Misty was trying to steal the crown!

"The game's up, Misty!" I said. "Back away from the safe and put your hooves where I can see them."

Misty swung round and flopped on the ground. "Take what you want! Just don't hurt me!"

I trotted past her and took a look inside, before spotting something oddly shaped in Misty's bag. I opened the bag and took the object out.

Surprise, surprise, it was yet another crown. How many crowns were there in the palace this evening?

"So, you were planning on swapping this crown for the real one and then sneaking off before anypony noticed, huh?" I asked.

"Opaline made me do it!" Misty protested.

I blinked. Suddenly so much about Misty's behaviour made so much more sense. Purely out of interest, I took a look at the crown in the safe and spotted another pattern on it. I knew where I'd seen that pattern before. The museum had had a replica of the crown in it, that had been donated to the exhibit by Crystal Wonder, Jewellers Royal. Their trademark is a slight discolouration of the metal. And this crown and all the others had the same pattern.

This was yet another fake.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Fake crowns, plots upon plots on top of each other, farce galore. When did this turn into an 'Allo, 'Allo episode?"

Author's Note:

Welcome back to the ongoing adventures of Zipp Storm, who now finds herself in the midst of the heist sequence from the film. This is the moment the story has been building up to, and where the plan goes into effect.

If you've been following the story so far, you'll have been able to follow the trail of evidence from each story. A number of other jokes relating to media have been left in.

As noted in previous A/Ns, I am a fan of the work of comedy writer David Croft, creator of classic sitcoms such as Dad's Army and Are you Being Served? However, for many his comedy masterpiece is 'Allo, 'Allo, a farcical comedy set in Occupied France built around ridiculous layers of scheming, objects changing hands, and absurd situations. In the eyes of many, it defined farce as a genre. Given the farcical nature of the heist sequence in the original film, it only felt fitting to pay tribute to this classic show.

And with the sheer number of fake crowns floating about, where could the real one be?