• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 1,072 Views, 296 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Zipping It - The Blue EM2

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A Shot in the Darkness

I suddenly awoke, quite unexpected, from a rather rough sleep. Clearly I'd gotten very used to the soft beds in the palace- my spine was killing me. I looked about me in surprise, determined to figure out what was going on or where I was.

"Hello?" I called, as I stood up. "Is anypony there?"

The dreamscape was full of clouds and stars burning in the distance, and I seemed to be walking on a cloud (although not lonely as one). A free cookie if you recognise the reference, by the way.

Suddenly, a mysterious shape, that looked like a pony, appeared beside me. I couldn't make out her appearance, but she seemed to be an ally from her body language. And I know it was a she from her voice. "Zipp," they said.

I knew that voice. It was the one that spoke when I was first turned into Zipp! "Who are you?" I asked.

"Who I am does not matter now," said the voice. "But what does matter is what I'm about to tell you. I know things are not ideal right now."

"That's the understatement of the decade," I sighed, rubbing my back as best I could. "A coup, us being trapped in the mountains, and now two potential dictators running around the place- sure sounds like a bad situation to me."

"I am aware of your frustrations, Zipp," the voice continued. "But you are here for a special purpose. You were sent here with a very important mission. For you see, the world is under threat from a foe so terrible no one pony can defeat it."

I perked my ears up immediately, even if these things sometimes seemed to have a life of their own. "Opaline?"

"No, not Opaline," said the voice. "It may seem hard to believe, but Opaline actually wants the same thing as you. She wishes to avert the destruction of the world, not destroy it herself."

"Well that sinks that theory," I said to myself.

"But this threat poses grave consequences to this world- one he despises by virtue of it just existing," the voice continued, showing me moments from my past. "I know you've had scrapes, but you and seven others have been chosen- chosen for a very special purpose."

So I wasn't just randomly turned into a pony for shits and giggles. That sentence still sounds absurd no matter what way you slice it. "So why me? Why some guy from a cold northern town?"

"Because of the contents of your heart," the voice said. "You are like her in so many ways."

"Ah. So you're my personal alicorn who'll also turn me into an alicorn! That's how this works, right?"

"Unfortunately, no. That version of the dreamscape ceased to be when Celestia retired."

I breathed a sigh of relief. I had quite enough appendages to manage right now. Speaking of which my wing was cramping badly.

"But keep your eye out for the other seven," the voice continued. "Only with their help can you stand a chance of defeating the One with the Stripes. But I am always with you. I will always be there for you. I may only be observing from a distance, but I will always be there to stand by your side. Best of luck, Zipp."

Just then, the dreamworld went white, and in an instant I woke up at the moutaintop campsite we'd occupied. Nobody else was awake. Just me.

I looked up at the night sky, and stars and the moon glowing up above. I sighed as I tried to settle back down to my sleep, but something continued to bother my mind. What had any of that dream meant?

I trotted over to the cliff edge and looked out into the open void of blackness before me, lit partly by distant fires and the gloom of the moon's light. I had to puzzle this out.

So, there was this spirit that brought me and seven others to this land? That would suggest seven other people who were turned into ponies! But who?

And then it made sense. First Pipp, then Sunny, Izzy, Misty, and then mom. All of them were former humans!

That adds up to six, though, if you include me in the tally. Who were the other two, then?

Hitch seemed like an obvious candidate as he serves a heroic role in the movie, but who then was the seventh pony who would be helping us?

Was it Opaline? It seemed as though she had the same goal as us, even if she probably ultimately was doing it for selfish reasons- you can't rule over a world that's been destroyed, after all.

I decided I needed to rest more. I went back over to the campsite and settled down for sleep, my eyelids drooping as I did nothing in particular.

I'd do most things to get a proper mattress out here.

The next morning arrived, and with it came sunlight. Sunlight cutting through the clouds of my doubt. I had often wondered if I had a purpose in life, and it seemed I had finally found that purpose. True, I wasn't expecting that purpose to be roaming around Equestria as a fictional character (and a flightless princess at that), but there wasn't a lot I could do about that. I was here for the long term.

And truth be told I was starting to get pretty comfortable in this body. It'd been shocking at first, but I realised then I was growing to enjoy this a bit. That explains why Pipp seemed to be having such a great time- if what she told me was true then this new life was a drastic improvement over her old one, even if it came with a tendancy to use connectives incorrectly.

Once we'd packed up, we were back on our way across Equestria, climbing through soaring peaks so high they scraped the very ceiling of the sky. I soaked it all up as closely as I could, and even took some snaps on my FlyPad. The soldier from yesterday had rigged up a charging box from an old generator as a way of apologising for his outburst yesterday. I appreciated the gesture- we all get a bit hot under the collar in stressful situations, and my behaviour wasn't exactly princess of the month material either.

As we continued on our way, we found another odd sight. Sitting before us was the crash site of another chopper!

"Are you sure we're going the right way, Zoom?" the Colonel asked.

"Positive, sir!" Zoom said. "This chopper has different tail markings to the one we were in."

The Colonel peered at the number painted on the rear boom, and his eyes widened. "I recognise that number," he said. "That helicopter has been missing for the best part of a decade. This is where it must have crashed!"

I stepped over to take a look, and studied it closely. It looked to have some sort of message inscriped next to it. I read it aloud. "HRH down. Have sought shelter. Will try to raise contact. Burial sight nearby."

HRH... Of course. This was the chopper carrying mom's husband! Or... my dad, I guess. This was getting too confusing for words as my pony and human lives got ever more blurred together.

I stepped round to one side and found a grave, with an improvised headstone made from metal from the crash site. It had a singular message- In memory of Private Speedwind. Greater love hath no pony, that a pony give his life for his friends.

We took a moment to pay our respects, and then moved on into the hills. Our equipment was heavy and starting to weigh us down- stuff chafing on your back legs is pretty awkward.

Suddenly, an alarm went off overhead, and it seemed as though somepony had set off a tripwire. We held position.

"Assume defensive formation!" the Colonel barked. "Move the Royal Family to the middle!"

The lines rearranged like clockwork, and I looked forward to see what else was going on. A group of pegasi, dressed in battered uniforms, moved around the corner and stopped.

"Weapons down, they're pegasi," said one of them. "Nice to see a friendly face out here."

The Colonel looked in surprise. "Captain Feldsturm? You're alive?"

"It's takes more than a few bumps to slow this old warhorse down, Lieutenant. Though what I want to know is how you got here?"

"Same way you did, sir."

Zoom glanced over. "Sir, you outrank him."

Opwinden glanced back. "I trained under him when I transferred to the Royal Guard. I was lower in rank than him when he went missing, so I'll break it to him gently. Besides, he has combat experience I do not."

Just then, another figure appeared. He was a grey stallion with a faded golden mane and a wild beard, as would befit a pony stuck out in the wastes for so long.

He looked at me in surprise. "Zephyrina? It's been so long."

In an instant I knew who he was.

Author's Note:

So, it's now Zipp's turn to take a trip to dreamland and find out what her destiny is. Whilst this figure seems to enjoy talking in riddles, it at least shows the enormity of her mission. Some of the dialogue also jokingly alludes to the Twilicorn controversy that split the fandom in half back in 2013 (personally, I sit somewhere in the middle on the issue- I don't mind Twilight being an alicorn, but I can see why others have a problem with it).

Zipp taking some time in her thoughts is a change I've made based on feedback from one of the readers, who felt that the characters taking time to reflect on what was going on and engage in soul searching would help us connect with them better.

The descriptions of the Peaks of Peril are modelled on descriptions of the Black Mountains, a mountain range in the Warhammer fantasy universe. These mountains sit on the edge of the main continent the story takes place on, and to go beyond them is considered dangerous- as beyond them live the Orcs.

And in our final scene, I think you can figure out who this guy is. But just in case there shall be no spoilers.