• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 1,082 Views, 296 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Zipping It - The Blue EM2

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From the Last to the First

There was deadly silence in that room. I had turned to see Pipp there, looking at me, and I simply stared right back in utter confusion, trying to process what was going on. This place, the workshop, was supposed to be a secret that only I knew about. And yet somehow Pipp was down here, with me, and was asking me what was going on. I had no idea how to react to this, so I simply looked on in confusion and a bit of fear as well. What if she told mom- sorry, that still felt weird even a few days in- about what was down here? That would throw a real spanner in the works.

"Pipp? What are you doing down here? How do you know where my workshop is?" was my initial reaction.

Pipp stepped forward. "I have a secret to tell..."

So she was trailing me. Fantastic. "H- how do you know what's down here?" I stammered in surprise, still trying to process this confrontation. "This place is meant to be a secret!"

"I might have followed you through the corridors whilst you were sneaking about," Pipp replied. "You really don't need to sneak about like you're a spy in a Tom Hooves movie, Zipp. This is literally our house!"

"I suppose it is in the middle of the street," I answered, trying for some light relief. I often did this when things were tense- a small joke can often relieve the tension in a situation.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work. This only seemed to make Pipp even more intent. "Now I know something's truly going on. You're quoting Madness? That's a really obscure reference for most peo- ponies."

I caught onto the slip of the tongue almost immediately. I decided to probe about it later. In the meantime I had to ensure no news of this place got out. "Pipp," I pleaded, "please don't tell mom. This place contains so much stuff vital to bringing the magic back, and if it were to be destroyed we may never be able to fly again. Keep this a secret, please?"

"Err, I kinda know this place is important, Zipp," Pipp replied. "Besides, where else would you have a place to write numbers on a chalkboard? Nowhere, that's where."

"That's true," I replied. "It beats being stuck in a boring princess lesson. Now, do I have your promise or not?"

Pipp nodded. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

That was the last piece of evidence I needed to confirm my theory. Pipp had just quoted Pinkie Pie, knowledge she shouldn't logically have had considering the setting (most ponies don't even know Pinkie even existed- the only one who seemingly did was yet to turn up assuming things around here were happening as they did in the film). "Thanks. Now, can I ask you something?"

"Sure!" Pipp replied, quickly moving her wings about. "Sorry, had some wing cramp there. Helps to keep them moving about a bit."

I then decided to drop the million dollar question. "This is going to sound odd, but this is the million dollar-"


"Excuse me?"

Pipp showed what look like a note. "Zephyr Heights uses pounds and pennies, not dollars and cents. Seems each of the three tribes have their own currency."

Seems there was more to that one throwaway line in Portrait of a Princess than I'd realised. I nodded. "Well, let's rephrase that then. This is going to sound odd, but this is the million pound question is- where are you originally from, and who were you?"

Pipp paused, trying to establish if I was asking a trick question. "If you're asking what I think you're asking then I'm not from around here. I'm originally from another world, and wasn't originally a pegasus. Hopefully that doesn't sound too crazy."

Somepony else in the same predicament as me? That was a source of relief for my mind. I took a closer look and saw that, although it was indeed the body of Pipp, something about the body language was subtly different. "Looks like I need to tell the truth as well. I'm in the same boat myself. I'm from a long way from here in a different body that wasn't originally my own."

"Genderswap?" Pipp asked. "Yeah, I can tell you that's not fun."

I winced, remembering the agony of the original transformation that had gotten me in this mess in the first place. "Well, at least that cleans some stuff up. But I have to ask you something else?"

"You're asking a lot of questions today. This is busier than one of my 'ask me anything' streams!"

"If you're not from here, and originally a human as I suspect, how then were you able to blend in so well? Why didn't you arouse any suspicions from anypony?"

Pipp smiled. "You'd be amazed how easy it is to go undetected as a younger sibling. Not only that, I learned how to do all the mannerisms and actions pretty well. What can I say? It beats my old life, and having a thorough knowledge of G5 helps me along with the more difficult stuff."

So, another person turned pony who's a fan of the show and in the body of a prominent character? Interesting. Whilst one of us would seemingly be a happy accident, for there to be two of us in the same situation and in close proximity suggested something else. Like some sort of plan or grand design? Perhaps we were fated to be here by some unknown cosmic entity, and that we had a greater purpose.

"Brony or pegasister?"

"Brony then, technically pegasister now," Pipp answered. "Same for you?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Can get kinda awkward at times. When exactly did you enter the world?"

"Before you, I think," Pipp replied. "I was at a concert when I found this." She indicated to her coronet. "I then fell into this place, did some stuff in my bedroom, then a whole bunch of stuff you'd find boring happened. But you slipped on a banana peel and hurt your head! That was when I think you and the original Zipp switched places, as when you woke up you were totes freaking out!"

Memories of that hospital flooded back into my mind, and the same terror I had felt that day flooded back in as well. I tried to push it down as this new revelation brought new concerns. Pipp had been acting this entire time? She should try drama if she's this good. She's probably already in a drama group knowing her preferences.

But the swapping bodies bit disturbed me a bit. Did that mean Zipp had ended up in my world, in my former body? I can't imagine how nightmarish that would be. I tried to force the thought down and focus on the task at hand. "So, you said you know G5, right?"

"Yep! I take it you do too!"

"Mostly, though there are some bits of lore that aren't there, probably because the show hasn't talked about them." I paused. "That means we need to be on guard. The Royal Celebration is next week, and the program for the Jubilee is already underway. We need to be ready for Sunny and Izzy's arrival next week, or else things could be thrown into chaos which we really don't need right now."

"Great idea!" Pipp said. "I'll prepare a wel-"

"No!" I said. "Mom mustn't know what we know. If she hears what's going on and that we have information we shouldn't, she'll have us thrown in the loony bin!"

"Were you British or something?" Pipp asked. "And yeah, I can see the problem with that. Act normally, and pretend nothing odd is going on. No different to normal, then."

With all that cleared up, we left the chamber and went back to the surface, before taking a turn down the corridor and heading back towards the throne room. "So, wanna grab a quick bite to eat?"

"Certainly not!" Pipp replied. "I've checked my calorie intake for the day, and I only have enough space for dinner now. I can't afford to overeat. What sort of message would that send to the Pippsqueaks?"

"Exercise?" I ventured.

"As we established previously, I have shorter legs than you. The easiest way to avoid fat is to never put it on in the first place."

As we entered the throne room, an organ began to play. The court organist was practicing for later this week, it seemed, as it seemed organ music signalled the entrances and exits of the Royal Family.

A guard was waiting there, fully kitted up in ceremonial armour. "Good afternoon, Your Royal Highnesses," he said. "I bring an urgent communique from the State. The parade is beginning soon, and Her Majesty the Queen requires your presence on this day. Please proceed outdoors to the courtyard for more information. Good day, and Faust save the Queen!"

Well, this got strange. With the new knowledge we had, we could see how well we could act in front of mom. We headed out through the front door and into the piercing sunlight of another day in Zephyr Heights.

Author's Note:

Another chapter here, and Zipp has her first confirmation that there are other former humans in Equestria? But what could this mean for the future of the land? Who else could be a human too?

Much of the conversation is modelled on, and partially parodies, conversations common in this sort of work. There are also a couple of lore nods; a throwaway line in Portrait of a Princess implies pegasus territory has a separate currency to earth pony lands, which makes sense seeing as each bit of G5 Equestria appears to be a sovreign nation rather than a single country.

Next time: who's ready for a parade?