• Published 27th Mar 2023
  • 1,072 Views, 296 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Zipping It - The Blue EM2

  • ...

Heaven, Will you Wait for Me?

Mom's jaw fell open. "Y- you can't mean!"

"Yes," the General smiled, his psychotic face looking even worse than before. "First and second strike capability. Massive retaliation. Fire from Celestial bodies. Faust's wrath. Whatever you call it, the process is the same. Our enemies cannot resist us if they have been wiped off the map and we have obliterated their mechanism of striking back." He leaned closer. "You know full well what I mean. What is the point of our nuclear weapons if we don't use them?"

"They are there to deter our enemies from using them!" I said, suddenly. "If we have them, they know we can obliterate them as well. The entire point is that they don't get used because of the threat they might be used."

"But they know we wouldn't."

"They know we would that we wouldn't."


Mom looked at me in surprise, so I simply made a face that suggested 'I'll tell you later'.

Mom then spoke to him. "If you are implying what I think you are, you're not having them."

Gulfstream laughed, a low, hollow laugh. "Oh, foolish mare. You have no idea how far my power extends. The fact that they are encoded to your hoofprints is simply a minor setback. I already have the first two, so all I need are the last ones. It's simple, you old fool. I want the launch codes."

Mom looked at him, determined. "No."

Gulfstream had the look of a person who had just been told no for the first time in his life. "You may want to reconsider your course of action."

"No, I don't think I do," she said bravely. "If I give them to you, we all die. Including you. We fire the weapons, they fire as well. We all die in the resulting exchange. It's very simple. Did they teach you nothing at military school?"

"If they don't know we fired then they don't retaliate, especially if we've knocked out their first and second strike capability."

"What if they have a weapon we don't know about?"

"What's the point of Mutually Assured Destruction if we don't know about it?"

"They may not have told us yet!"

I glanced over. "Mom has a point there."

Gulfstream slammed his hoof on the floor. "ENOUGH! Prisoners 03272023 and 05082023, you will listen to my words and you will obey my orders. As Supreme Ruler of the New Pegasus Empire, I have total authority, and nothing you do can stop me!"

I stepped back a bit. This guy was seriously unstable. I know mom can get a bit hot under the collar when me and Pipp are being annoying, but this was pure, unhinged rage. How did this guy pass screening?

"You leave me no choice. Guards, bring Prisoner 05082023 with me to the interrogation rooms. We shall get what we need there."

"I won't talk," mom replied, as they disconnected her chains and dragged her off.

Gulfstrem smiled darkly. "That's what they all say, prisoner... right before the screaming starts."

The prison clock on the facing wall revealed that only half an hour had passed, but it honestly felt like days had gone by in my mind. I was so on edge with all that was going on. I tried to shift over to the window but the world was kept so far away by these blasted chains, such that it was an effort to move about in there, that I couldn't really see much. What I could see, though, was shocking.

The screens outside had lost their adverts and consumer advertising displays, and were now playing more or less nonstop propaganda. Footage of military parades, displays of speeches from noted leaders, nonstop praise of the General, and perhaps worst of all constant, nonstop racist rhetoric about the other races.

I knew exactly what was going on. Gulfstream was getting the population pumped up for war. History has shown that when violent rhetoric is used against groups by authority figures, violence against them is more likely to happen. With conscription being unpopular as Opwinden suggested, it seemed he was using other means to get the population onside with his war plans.

I hung my head. This was all my fault. My attempts to make the world better quicker had only made things worse.

Now we were all going to perish in a nuclear exchange.#

And I only had myself to blame.

I remained in that position for who knows how else long, until suddenly the door reopened. I turned and saw the guards roughly shoving mom back in. "Back where you belong!" one of the guards laughed.

"When we return to power, I shall see to it that those perpetrating these abuses are brought to justice!" Mom replied.

"None of what we're doing is illegal under the New Laws," the guard replied. "The Old Laws have been abolished, as they were written by Counter-Revolutionaries and the Running Dogs of the other tribes. A new, better order is in place." They slammed the door after securing mom's chains again, and then walked off.

"Did you tell them anything?" I asked.

"Not a word," mom replied, coughing as she did so. "No matter how many times they hit me. They did seem oddly preoccupied with my hooves, though."

I had no clue why that could be. I shrugged my shoulders. "At least they can't follow their plan."

"What if he tries a conventional invasion?" mom asked, suddenly worried. "It'd be a massacre!"

"Given the amount of firepower we have, it'd end badly for the other races. We'd probably also suffer heavy casualties as well to be honest."

Mom waved her hoof as an indication for me to stop talking. "Listen. Conversation."

I focused my ears to overhear a conversation. "What's this about conscience rounds, eh?" said a guard.

"We're having them issued for tomorrow morning," said another. "Haven't you heard? The General wants the Royal Family shot on national television tomorrow morning. Should be an interesting job."

We looked at each other in a panic. "He wants us dead!" I said, my voice going uncharacteristically high in pitch.

"We're doomed!" mom said, and tried to hug me, but the chains kept us apart. "Curse these chains!"

I charged over to a wall and saw what I thought would be a weak point. I dug and clawed at it with my hooves as best as I could, but struggled to shift any of the the plaster. "Damnit! This is one case where hands would be so useful!"

"Zipp, we need to stay calm!" Mom called. "We need to think our way out of this."

I was too frantic to think straight. Wouldn't you be if you just heard somepony wanted to execute you? I swung round and bucked the wall as hard as I could. All I got for my trouble was pain in my back legs. I collapsed on the ground, then tried to drag myself back to my hooves as best as I could. We were trapped like rats in a cage. Never had I considered the possibility that I'd be a victim of state terror. And yet it seemed this was our fate.

I was collapsed on the floor, a blubbering mess. I was unable to form coherent sentences from the horror of this situation. But all of it was underpinned by a singular emotion.

I didn't want to die.

Suddenly, there were a series of bangs and explosions down the corridor, which caught my attention. Gunfire soon joined it, followed by a lot of shouting. I got up and tried to look down the corridor.

Suddenly more soldiers flooded into the corridor and overpowered more guards, before coming to a stop in front of our cell. The Colonel was leading them. "As promised, Your Majesty, I have returned," he said.

"That was quick," mom replied.

"When we heard of the plans to execute you we had to move the revolution up a bit," he said, as he punched the access keypad. The cells were opened, and at last we were free.

"Staff Sergeant Zoom! The Queen requires her regalia!"

Zoom stepped forward whilst Thunder and several others scanned the corridors for targets. Within a few minutes, mom was back in her familiar regalia, sans the crown.

"Where did you find it?" I asked.

"Gulfstream stole this stuff from its rightful owner," Zoom replied. "The least I could do is steal it back again."

I looked out of a window as my own chains were removed and I slipped the jumpsuit off. The screens outside had changed. The propaganda was gone, and replaced with a singular message.


OK, so they'd somehow pulled a French Resistance and succesfully convinced much of the populace to rise up against Gulfstream. "Where do we need to go?" I asked.

Opwinden glanced to me. "This way, Your Royal Highness, and Your Majesty. We need to get both you as far away from here as possible." He moved his hoof forward. "Move forward, sons of the Revolution! Protect the Queen and Princess Zipp at all costs!"

Finally, somepony got my name right!

Author's Note:

The title of this chapter is taken from the Sabaton song The Hammer has Fallen, about a soldier reflecting on his life during his last moments- a fitting sentiment for a chapter about a pegasus staring death in the face.

First and second strike capability is a theory in nuclear warfare that states a nation should be able to remotely initiate a launch in the event conventional launch control is disabled in a first strike. The theory is that the capability to launch automatically is that a first strike would be deterred. Notable second strike systems include the Trident II system used by the Royal Navy (UK) and the Dead Hand system used by the USSR (retained by the Russian Federation).

And finally, the uprising Opwinden promised has begun. Apart from the aforementioned French Revolution influences, I also drew inspiration from the Warsaw Uprising, where the Polish resistance initiated a large scale revolution to overthrow the city's German occupiers.

How will this uprising go? You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.