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Death Tiger

It's movie night at the Sweet Apples Acres, Applejack, Apple Bloom, and their friends, Rarity and Sweetie Belle were choosing some movies to watch for the night. The rest of their friends are busy with themselves, school doesn't the next 2 days now that it's Saturday.

"MOVIE NIGHT!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Let's see what we got here," Apple Bloom said, searching some movies on the ground.

"Check this one," Applejack grabbed a movie. "Sleepless in Seattle."

"Augh," Apple Bloom groaned. "A romantic comedy? EH NOPE!" She threw the movie away.

"Ooh," Sweetie Belle spots a movie and picks it up. "What about this one? It looks creepy."

Applejack reads the movie Sweetie Belle was holding, Jeepers Creepers.

"Jeepers Creepers?" AJ read. "Nope, no scary stuff, Apple Bloom can't handle it."


"Remember last year when we saw Ello Los'er?" Applejack recalled. "Yah' wouldn't even sleep the whole night!"

"Ah was sleeping the whole film!" Apple Bloom denied.

Then Applejack started to imitate her sister, "Oh no! A Japanese limousine is gonna kill me!"

The other three (except Bloom) laughed.

"No, yer' bluffing!" AB replied.

"Don't you darlings have anything adventure?" Rarity asked them.

"Forget about movies," Apple Bloom declared. "We should go on a REAL adventure!"

"Like what?" Sweetie Belle asked her.

"To the old, abandoned Canterlot park zoo!" Bloom suggested.

"But it's a movie night," Applejack disagree. "We should stay here and veg out on the couch."

"Sounds like Applejack are afraid that we will cross paths with the Death Tiger!" Bloom said.

"Death Tiger?" The Belles sisters asked.

"Yah guys seriously never heard about Death Tiger?"


"Then gather around," The trio gathered around her as Apple Bloom explained of what he's like. "The tale of Death Tiger, is a tale that's as old as 15-30 years ago. He was a troubled Tiger at the zoo, who was evil to its core! One day, out of nowhere, he kills his trainers and security guards! The zoo was forced to shut down, but he ain't having it, so he roams around the zoo for a lot of years and has become more and more evil! He only survives is by breaking people's houses and eats them!"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Ain't none of that real, Bloom. It's just a dumb old legend. We're here for a movie night, not a storytime." She proceeds choosing some movies.

"See?" Apple Bloom pointed out. "Ah told yah, she's scared!"

Applejack furrowed her eyes and looks at her sister. "Bloom, what makes yah think ah' was scared? Ah had super strength, me and mah' friends faced magic monsters multiple times! Ah' was never scared! Even if this Death Tiger is real, I would've pounded him to the ground without hesitation!"

"Then why did you quickly deject this suggestion?" AB asked her.

"Sis, Death Tiger ain't REAL!" AJ pointed out.

"Darling, it's alright," Rarity told her. "If you don't want to go, then I must volunteer. Although it does sound a bit spooky."

"Yah too Rarity?!" Applejack exaggerated. "It's supposed to be a movie night!"

"Well, if you ain't scared of Death Tiger," Bloom added. "Then it wouldn't hurt to go see him ourselves. After all, if he is indeed real, yah' too will be protecting us."

"That sounds like another dangerous situation we'll get ourselves into like these past events the past year," Applejack said dryly.

"Come on!" Rarity added. "It will be exciting adventure!"

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle replied. "...and all descelent, and super spooky."

"And this Death Tiger seems nothing new to us since we faced the past villains," Rarity said.

Applejack thing thoughtfully about this, and after awhile, she answered, "Okay, fine, ah' guess we can go and see."

""Alright!" Sweetie boasted.

"This is going to be so fun!" Rarity added.

"Ah'm going to get mah' phone!" Apple Bloom said, running upstairs to her room for her phone.

"We'll watch a movie another night, I promise," Rarity told Applejack.

"Let's hope so," she replied.

Apple Bloom slides down the stairs with her phone in her hands. "Alright, let's go and see Death Tiger!"

Few moments later, the 4 had arrived at the abandon zoo.

"That's the place!" Bloom pointed out as they walked towards it.

"Neat," Sweetie says as she puts her head into a tiger statue, "Look at me, I am a tiger!"

Rarity walks over to the gate but it won't open because it's locked. "The gate's locked."

"Oh, c'mon," Apple Bloom whined.

"Welp, there goes our adventure," Applejack said. "Let's go back to-"

But she was interrupted when Apple Bloom found another way.

"Hey guys!" Bloom called. "Ah' found a way in!"

They went over to the other where Apple Bloom found it.

"Normally I wouldn't resort to trespassing," Rarity claimed. "But at the same time, I can just feel the sense of adventure in me that I can't help but to explore."

"And that's why we're going in," Sweetie Belle told her.

After the 4 crawl through the hall, they were now inside the zoo. But what's creepy and weird it's that they weren't any animals around.

"It's so weird without any animals here," Sweetie Belle said as they walk around the place.

"Hmm, indeed," Rarity agreed. "It's like the end of the world, or something!"

"Yah are all sure about this?" Applejack asked them.

"Oh, pish posh," Rarity scoffed. "Nothing like an investigation is going to hurt, darling."

Then they come across a Lizard house.

"Oh cool, a lizard house," Apple Bloom exclaimed in surprised. "Do yah think we can go in there?"

"Are you sure that Death Tiger is real?" Sweetie Belle asked her.

"Hell yeah, he's real!" Bloom confirmed. "He's probably waitin' for us on the other side of this building!"

"No, he ain't real, sis," Applejack told her again. "There ain't nobody here."

Just then, as squirrel reveals itself from the shadows and runs off. Though, this doesn't scare anyone, but they all got to admit, it was pretty cute.

"Aww, how cute!" Sweetie Belle expressed.

He certainly is, darling!" Rarity added too.

"Ah have to say," AJ chimed in. "That lil' one is a cute one."

"Yah, got that right," Bloom replied.

The 4 exits the building, while their little sisters went off for a bit, AJ and Rarity were talking.

"Are you honestly certain that Death Tiger is real, darling?"

"Ah'm not sure," Applejack shook her head. "But for the sake of yer' curiosity, Ah'm still coming along, plus ah' don't want any of us to get deeper into this thing."

"Oh, I'm sure you are."

"Yep," Applejack take a look around the zoo for a bit. "When ah was just a lil' youngin'n, we went to the zoo together at Manehattan. Only thing ah don't like are tigers."

"Oh, really?" Rarity asked her.

"Yep, but only a regular tiger, not this one," Applejack continued. Then she sees something up ahead, she runs over to it and easily recognizes it to be the ride along train. "This one's mah' favorite about the zoo!" She checks it out. "Ah' loved riding this train, the conductor would yell out, "All aboard!" and ah' would race to get the first seat ah' could!"

Applejack sits on the front seat of the train car, Rarity followed.

"Sounds, wonderful," she sits besides Applejack. "It's pretty much small for me."

"No worries ah can get out…" AJ insisted.

"No, I don't mind at all. It's cozy…"

They both laughed and then later relaxed for a bit, Rarity rests her head on Applejack's shoulder, and both blushed with this fuzzy feeling. They haven't felt this way ever since Equestrian Land. However, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle came back, thus killing the moment.

"Hey guys, over here," Bloom called them. "We found some more train tracks!"

The scene transitions to the group walking over the train tracks. They actually found a dark tunnel up front.

"Oh, cool," Sweetie Belle admitted and runs through the tunnel, followed by Apple Bloom. "Everybody, scream through the tunnel" They started screaming as they run through.

"After you, mah lady," Applejack offered.

Rarity blushed. "Oh, what a lady," Rarity follows suit, screaming through the tunnel. She managed to catch up with the kids. "Wait, where's Applejack?" She looked back and can't see her. "Hello? Appleja-"

AJ suddenly appears up to her face. "RARITY!"

Rarity screams in fright while Applejack just laughs.

"What are you doing?!" She cried.

"Ah' went around," AJ protested,

"Then don't do that, please!" She angrily shoved Applejack.

"What? It's funny!"

They continued following the train tracks, but in the end, all they find is a dead end.

"Aw, what?" Bloom complained.

"Now which way to go?" Rarity wondered.

And then, Sweetie Belle found something on the ground, which looks like a big footprint.

"Check this out, guys!" Sweetie called them.

They gathered around her to see that big footprint she discovered.

"Is that a footprint?" Her big sister asked her.

"It's huge!" Sweetie replied.

"Nah, it can't be," Applejack denied. "It's just a hole in the dirt."

"No, sis, its Death Tiger," Bloom claimed. "He's real alright! This way!"

They followed Apple Bloom closed behind to find a big tiger cage and have an enormous hole in the bars.

"I think we found it," Sweetie said.

"Yes, that's definitely it!" Apple Bloom added.

"Okay, well, we're here," Applejack said, pulling out her phone. "Let's take the picture and go."

"No, we ain't going anywhere!" Her little sister denied. "This is just the entrance. Anybody can take a picture in here, we are going to the real cage, down through there!"

They turned to where Apple Bloom was pointing at, they see a small door at the back of the cage, and it's open, dark and scary.

"What?!" The Belle sisters cried in shocked.

"No way, Apple Bloom!" Applejack protested sternly, "We're not going down there!"

"Why not?" Bloom asked her. "Ah thought yah said that yah can handle it!"

Apple Bloom runs off to the dark door, Applejack tries to call her out but it's no use.

"APPLE BLOOM!" AJ shouted but to no avail.

"Shall we all go in and have a look?" Rarity suggested.

"I guess so…" Sweetie reluctantly agreed.

"Alright," AJ sighs. "Let's go."

They followed suit and run to look for Apple Bloom.

"This is so awesome!" They heard Bloom's voice from a distance.

Apple Bloom runs down, passing by the variety of tiger cages.

"Apple Bloom, where are yah?!" Applejack shouted through.

Sweetie Belle is having a bad feeling about this. "I feel like I shouldn't be here…"

"Sis, come on!" AJ urged again.

"Ah ain't stopping until I find Death Tiger!" Apple Bloom shouts back from the distance.

"Sugarcube, quit messing around!" Then later, they hear her screaming. "Apple Bloom! Hold on!"

They run down to the end as fast as they can, and they hoped that Apple Bloom was still breathing. But by the time they get there, what they saw is another dead end and Apple Bloom jumps right in front of them, scaring the heck out of them. They both screamed, Sweetie Belle hides behind Rarity while Rarity and AJ quickly hold each other's hands. And Apple Bloom was laughing like crazy.

"Sis?!" AJ cried, she is really angry, "What the heck?!"

"Yah should have seen your faces!" Bloom laughed harder. "Yah really believed it!"

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack scolded her. "That ain't funny!"

"We thought that Death Tiger got you!" Sweetie Belle added.

Apple Bloom just continues laughing. "Death Tiger ain't real! It's just a myth! Yah all fell for it!"

Applejack sighs in frustration, she knew that it's just a myth and this is just a waste of time. "And when we get home, yah better explain you to Granny Smith, young lady!"

"Okay, okay," Apple Bloom calms down and pulls out her phone and her phone stand. "But let's take the picture first," she attaches her phone on the phone stand, places it on the rock and set the timer to 10 seconds, she backs up to the group and faced the camera. After a bit, the picture was taken, Apple Bloom picks it up and stores it back into her pockets. "Yah all gotta admit, Ah got you all real good!"

AJ rolled her eyes, Yeah, we get it. Let's get go home now."

"Well, you got me, GOOD, Bloom," Sweetie Belle admitted. Then she sees something behind her friend, and it's somewhat of a metal door. "Wait, where's this door leads to?"

"Ah' don't know," Bloom shrugged. "Ah'm not a zookeeper. Plus, Death Tiger's really going to be living down here," she walks over the door and knocks on it. "Hellooo? Death Tiger? Yah home?!"

Then they burst into laughter.

Sweetie Belle then knocks on the door too. "The pizzas you ordered are here too!"

"You were holding me pretty tight earlier darling," Rarity reminded her.

"No," AJ protested. "Yah' were holding onto me!" Then they both let out a small laugh.

Apple Bloom was shaking her phone that the picture was still blurry.

"And because that there ain't no signal here these pictures take too long to show up."

"Well, you do need the signal to show the picture," Sweetie advised her.

"So darling, do you still wish you were just watching a movie?" Rarity asked AJ.

"Nope, this was pretty fun after all," Applejack replied. "As much as ah love hanging out with our friends, I also got to hang out with you. So that's all that matters."

So, without thinking, Applejack leans slowly over Rarity while she pulls AJ over her lips, embracing each other with a kiss. Deep down, this is the moment they've both been waiting for, for so long now. After awhile, they broke the kiss and both blushed madly, however this moment didn't last when Rarity loves smile fade when she saw a mysterious figure behind Applejack.

"What is that?" Rarity asked, referring to that figure behind them.

"What's what?" AJ asked.

She turns around only to see that Death Tiger was real. He is real alright! He is large than a normal size of a tiger, he is half bloody, red eyes and has sharp claws. He charges the two soon to be couple, Rarity summons a large diamond shield to protect herself and Applejack, but Death Tiger is so strong that he breaks through with one punch, and punches on the ground, creating an impact that pushes both of them and landed on their backs.

"Oh, that does it!" AJ growled, she activates her super strength and charges at Death Tiger. She managed to punch him on the gut and send him flying 6 inches away from Applejack, Death Tiger lands on the ground as if it was a barely attempt by Applejack, speaking of which, Death Tiger was so strong, that Applejack needed to check her hand as she holds it in pain.

"Darling, are you okay?!" Rarity checks over her, who was holding her right hand tightly.

"Ah'm okay," AJ concede. "That creature is too dang strong."

Death Tiger easily backs up, and he is growling loud.

"Ah, think we should run…" Apple Bloom backed away.

"I'm with Bloom on this," Sweetie Belle agreed.

So then, the 4 made a run for it out of the zoo. The other two already tried their powers, but it's futile, so they have no choice but to run.

"OH MAH GOD!" Apple Bloom screamed. "DEATH TIGER IS REAL!"

"Yer' gonna be in so much trouble when we get back home, Apple Bloom!" AJ scolded her while running.

"I think Death Tiger is going to take care of that!" Sweetie Belle added

"Darling! Don't you dare say such thing!" Rarity yelled.

They escaped the zoo and hurriedly went back inside Rarity's car, they put on their seatbelts, and Rarity turns the engine and steps hard on the gas pedal. As Death Tiger chases them through the streets of Canterlot, Rarity tries her best to outrun it.

"Maybe we should get to Fluttershy?" Sweetie Belle suggests out loud. "Maybe she'll know what to do!"

"Well, ah don't see we got any other options," Applejack said. "But looks like shy is our best bet for this situation!"

"Then hold on tight, darlings!" Rarity warned them. "I may be a fashion lover but I ain't no pushover either!"

So, Rarity drives fast and recklessly enough to outrun him, to get enough time to get to Fluttershy. As Death Tiger was a bit far away from them, eventually, they have arrived at Flutterhsy's place and put the car into the stopped. They quickly hop out and bang on the door.

"Fluttershy!" Applejack called out. "Fluttershy it's us! Let us in, hurry!"

Fluttershy quickly opened the door with a worried face, but before she asked, they quickly went inside. Rarity quickly locks the door, summon some diamonds to block the door, Applejack uses her super strength to carry each heavy furniture to any other doors and windows.

"What is going on?" Fluttershy was so confused right now.

"Well…" Apple Bloom begins to explain. "We were just wondering around the abandon zoo, and we came across Death Tiger! He's real, Fluttershy!"

"Death Tiger?!" Fluttershy widened her eyes in shock. "But I thought he was just a legend!"

"And there ain't no doubt that he is coming for us!" AJ added.

Just then, Death Tiger arrives and tries to bust through, Rarity was struggling to hold it down.

"Darling, whatever you do," Rarity struggled. "Do something!"

But then, Death Tiger successfully breaks through and sends Rarity flying but Applejack catches her in bridal style. Fluttershy was indeed shocked but return to her confidence and activate her powers.

"Stop!" She held out a hand to halt Death Tiger, eyes furrowing as she glares at him. "You have been a bad boy! So, stop this instant!"

But unlike any other animals who would to listen to Fluttershy, Death Tiger was not like them, instead he roars at Fluttershy. Thinking fast, Applejack charges at him and does a flying kick on Death Tiger's jaw, sending flying out of her house. He lands on his feet as he sharpened his claws and teeth. But Applejack was not letting this go, so she ponied up into her Equestrian form and engaged in a fight with Death Tiger.

She and the Tiger block each other's blows and punches, Applejack tightly held his paws and proceeds to knee kick him few times on the stomach and then uppercut punched him. Death Tiger retaliates by attempting to scratch her with his claws, but Applejack easily dodged it and punched him in the eye. Death Tiger tackles her and tries to rapidly kill her with his claws, but Applejack blocked his attacks and grabbed both of his paws, so he won't scratch her to death. Applejack mustered enough equestrian energy in her as she gains more and more strength, she kicks in the guts, and punches him HARD enough that send him flying again. Applejack decides that she must finished him once and for all.

So, with all her strength, she jumps high and lands a powerful kick on his face. And rapidly punch him, again, again and again! She's giving all she got, she pummeled him down, hard enough to end this. Applejack quickly grabs a tree nearby, and repeatedly smashed Death Tiger with it, again and again. And it finally ended with AJ delivering a powerful blow into Death Tiger's face, finally killing him. And that was when the Legend of Death Tiger has been history. Applejack heavily sighs as this situation has finally been resolved.

After a few moments, the word got out to the city, the Animal Patrol arrived, even their friends. They watched as the Animal Patrol took away Death Tiger's body via being carried by a helicopter.

"Poor, Death Tiger," Fluttershy pout.

"Ah'm sorry yah had to see that Fluttershy," Applejack concede. "But Ah' do what ah' had to do."

"I still can't believe that Death Tiger is actually real." Sci-Twi said in surprised. "I'd never thought I'd see him."

"Hmm, neither do I," Rainbow Dash added. "But the way Applejack put him down, was awesome!"

Applejack chuckled. "Thanks, Dash."

"Now that was all over, how's that picture going, dear?" Rarity asked Apple Bloom.

"Ah got it right here," Apple Bloom pulled out her phone, now that they're back in the neighborhood, the signal on her phone was increasing so they can see the picture.

But as she shows them the picture, it only shows the picture of their feet.

"Ah, dang it, Apple Bloom!" Applejack groaned.