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The Stress of Sci-Twi

It all began with Sci-Twilight Sparkle doing some chemistry experiment inside the chemistry room. Just then, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo came by.

"Hey Twilight, can you help us with our math homework for a bit?" RD asked.

"I'm kind of busy here, Rainbow Dash."

Scootaloo groaned. "But Twilight, we don't know what we're doing!"

"Alright," Twilight sighs. "I'll help you two."

Skips to minutes later with Twilight finally finish helping Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo with their homework.

"Thanks Twilight," Rainbow said as she and Scootaloo left the room with their math books. "Catch ya' later!"

Just then, Applejack came by. "Hey, Sugarcube, mind helping me to fix another computer virus at the library unlike what happen last time?"

Twilight sighs while holding her right arm. "Sure, AJ,"

Twilight does as she works her magic to eliminate the virus and fix the computer. Just then, Wallflower came by.

"Twilight, can you help me plant my chrysanthemums?"

She sighs again and silently clutches in pain and notices some black lines on her arm but Wallflower didn't see that.


"Sure, sure, Wallflower…"

Cuts to Twilight water the plants and Applejack runs over to her.

"Twilight, what's going on with that computer virus?"

"I had to help-"

She was interrupted when Flash and Sandalwood shows up.

"Twilight, we need help for some homework." Flash said.


Just then, Both Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer showed up as well.

"What is it?"

"Lunch, lunch, lunch," Rainbow chanted.

"Why don't you girls go ahead without me? I had too much to do today."

"Oh c'mon Twilight it's lunch time." Sunset told her. "You look like you could use some lunch."

Cuts to the girls and the rest of their fellow schoolmates have their lunch inside the cafeteria.

"Ok, ok," Rainbow Dash spoke first. "How much money would it take for you to walk up to a shark and punch it in the face?"

"I'd do it for half a million," Sunset said. "But only if I get to pick the shark. What about you, Twilight?"

"Can we just finish our lunch please? I got a lot to do today!"

"Oh, oh! I got one!" Rainbow says. Twilight groans in pain again.

Everyone was walking through the hallways and stopped when Rainbow Dash spotted a stress machine invented by Micro Chips.

"Hey, everyone stop leaving and look at this!" The girls stopped where Rainbow Dash stopped next to the machine. "A stress machine. Micro Chips done a pretty good job on this one!" She places her hand on the machine. And presses a button to start the test and receives the results.

Stress level: Moderate. Suggestion: Cut back on the late night pies.

"Aw, what?"

The girls except Twilight were astonished by this invention. Not that Twilight is envy of or something.

"You should do it, Twilight." Applejack convinced her.

"I think I'll pass, can we just go?" But her friends were giving her encouragement looks. "Okay. I guess I'll try it."

Twilight presses the button and it made a code red like alarm as it gave the results.

Stress level: Critical.

Micro Chips was alerted and rush towards her.

"Twilight, are these your stress levels?!" He asked.

"Uh, yeah, why?"

"I regret to inform you that your stress level is off the charts!"

The girls gasp by this news. "But how did that happen?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, Twilight, what makes you so worked up all of a sudden?" RD asked.

"Look, I'm fine! Can we just go now?"

"I'm afraid not. Now, uh, may?" He lifts her arm to show them black lines on it. "These are indicators of severe stress."

"I guess I have been a little stressed out…" Twilight says.

"Twilight, if you fail to reduce your stress you will die."

The girls were more horrified by this as but Fluttershy and Rarity nearly fainted.

"We need to tell this to Principal Celestia, now!" Sunset suggested as she escorts Twilight to the office.

Scene cuts to Twilight's house at night, with Twilight on bed with her mother, Twilight Velvet on her side.

"I'm worried about you, Twilight. You should take a week off."

"But I can't," Twilight protested. "I got too much to do this week!"

"Okay, mom."

Twilight Velvet leaves the room but not before turning off the lights as Twilight lie on her back and fell into a deep sleep and started dreaming.

Inside her dream, she found herself at the Starswirl Festival and sees Rainbow Dash calling her name while on a unicycle.

"Twilight! Twilight! Twilight! Twilight!" She called her, and rode hop off and Rarity came by holding an outfit.

"Twilight, darling, you have to help us! Quick, put this on!" Rarity put on a dark purple dress on Twilight.

She sees Trixie in her outfit standing the stage, calling her.

"Twilight, the great and powerful Trixie has to start her show! Where's my wand?! Where's my wand?!"

Twilight hears Pinkie Pie laughing.

She tries to back away but hears Rainbow Dash's voice.

"Twilight! Test your magic, girl!"

Just then, the black lines started to waggle out of her shirt as she begins to scream.

She wakes up from her dream and sees her black lines getting worse and worse. The scene cuts to class time at Mr. Cranky Doodle's classroom.

"Okay, class," He said. "Before we start I just want to make-" He stopped when Twilight entered the room wearing a jacket. "Twilight Sparkle, what are you doing?"

"I'm learning." She replied.

"No, you're not. Your life is at stake and you need to take it easy!"

"But I need to have a perfect education," Twilight insisted. "Please Sir, I'm fine."

Cranky raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Cranky Doodle thought about it for a moment. "Alright, but let me know if it's too much. You may take your seat." Twilight took her seat as Cranky continued his speech. "Now. As I was saying-"

But he was interrupted when Twilight screamed in pain and fell on her left side. Everyone including her friends circled around her. Twilight slowly opened her eyes to see Sunset unzipped her jacket and sees her stress lines worsen.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Sunset asked, feeling worried and scared for her friend.

"Yeah, what's that black gunk?!" Apple Bloom asked. "You like you're gonna die!"

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack scolds her.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity helped her up while she winced in pain. "It's just stress. "I-I'll be okay..."

"Twilight, you're not okay!" Fluttershy told her. "You can't pull it off any longer. You must visit the bell!"

"Bell? What Bell?"

"The birds at the Canterlot mountain told me that an ancient bell lies atop there. When it is rung, it relieves your stress."

"Then why you didn't visit the bell sooner?" Cranky asked.

"It's not that simple, "Twilight explained. "Ringing the bell 5 times is more dangerous than stress itself. Usually I can keep my stress under control, but I guess I let it out of hand..."

"Well, okay." Rainbow said. "You got to ring this bell. Let's go!"

The girls went to their Rainbooms tour bus with Twilight putting a ray gun inside. Rainbow Dash asked what it is and Twilight replied to her by saying it's her ray gun. They hopped in their tour bus with Sunset taking the wheel. Thanks to the engine upgrade by Applejack, they're able to get to the mountain in no time. After a minute, the girls have arrived at Canterlot Mountain.

"There it is," Twilight said. "The ancient stress bell."

The girls hopped off their bus tour and escort Twilight to the bell. They shudder when they see skeletons lying around them.

"Who are these dead guys?"

"They must of lost their battles against their stress." Twilight said, the girls got Twilight onto the bell. "Thanks. Now, what I'm about to tell you is really important. You have to keep your ears covered."

"You got it, Sugarcube."

"Rainbow Dash, what did I just say?"

"Why telling me twice? I get what you just said."

"Darling," Rarity said. "You're a dear friend and all but there are other times that you umm... cause a bit mishaps when someone told you what to do..."

"What? No way!"

"How about those other times when we told you to do something and later made a mess either by accident or on purpose?" AJ asked bluntly.

"Just because I sometimes mess things up, doesn't mean I'm a bad friend! And this time, I'll take my friend's word seriously!"

"For as long as the bell rings. Good. Now go! Go! Get away from here!"

"Good luck, Twilight!"

The girls back away and covered their ears. Twilight rings the bell, producing a long, loud sound. As it rings, Twilight screamed as her stress exits her body and later morph into a giant monster that looks like Twilight.

"First; Midnight Sparkle, second; Deadmageddon virus, and now this?" Rainbow whined, still covering her ears.

"Ah' don't know what you just said but keep yer' ears covered!" AJ told her, still have her ears covered.

The sound still goes on and Rainbow Dash remembers the ray gun Twilight put in their tour bus. "Twilight, you forgot your gun!" She runs back for the gun.

"Rainbow Dash, no!" Sunset uncovers her ears and tries to cover Rainbow's ears. The girls uncovered theirs and grab Rainbow Dash as well.

"Cover your ears!" AJ ordered her.

But it's too late. When their ears are uncovered, they scream in pain as their own stress exits their bodies and goes into Twilight's and forms the heads of the girls.

"What the heck?!" Sunset exclaimed.

"I gotta get the ray gun!" Rainbow Dash quickly went back inside the bus and later came out with the ray gun and run towards Twilight. "Twilight!" She throws the gun and she luckily catches it.

"Let me handle this!"

Twilight fires her gun at her stress but was thrown away by its tentacles. She tries to take over the situation but again gets thrown.

"We gotta help her!" Rainbow declared.

The girls ponied up and grabbed their weapons from the dead skeletons and started charging their own stress. But it's too strong for them to handle, Rainbow Dash tries to poke her stress but it whacks her away.

"It's too powerful!"

"We gotta cut all their heads!" Twilight suggested. As she tries to shoot her stress' head.

Sunset got up and grab her weapon. "Time to de-stress!"

Sunset run towards her stress monster, dodges its tentacles and successfully sliced her stress monster head off and it vanishes. Rainbow Dash flew over her stress monster and threw a blade directly at its neck and vanished. Rarity summon some diamonds and levitate it towards her stress head and its neck thus cutting it off and vanish. Applejack slice off her stress monster's neck with a sword with a help from her super strength. Sunset and Rainbow Dash aid Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to finish off their own stress and later succeed.

The girls have defeated their own stress monsters except for Twilight. She was shooting the tentacles with her ray gun and the monster tries to hit Twilight but she barely dodge it as she land on her back.

"Twilight!" The girls called her name and later get knocked aside by its tentacles.

The monster grips Twilight but Twilight shoots the tentacle that holds her as she safely landed on her feet and uses her magic to levitate herself to her stress head's height and release a powerful shot from her ray gun directly at the head. Thus defeating her stress monster once and for all and safely landed. The girls cheer and comes to her.

"We're sorry we made you stressed out, Twilight." Sunset apologized.

"Don't worry girls, and thanks for helping me back there."

"Oh and I'm also sorry I started this fight," Rainbow apologized.

"Well we wouldn't had to deal with our own stress if ya' could just listen what Twilight had to say!" AJ said bluntly.

"But I wouldn't let my own friend get crushed by her own stress! I'm just trying to help her!"

"It doesn't matter if it's your fault or not, Rainbow Dash," Twilight told her. "What matters is that I'm alive and no longer stressed out."

"Well let's head back to the bus so we can celebrate!" Pinkie Pie said.

Sunset chuckled. "Yeah, let's go back."

The girls went back to their tour bus but sees the weapons jammed into a fire.

"It's a flat tire."

"Let me take care of that." Twilight insisted. She tries to fix but notices the girls staring at her. She backs away as the girls fix the tire.

"Here's the tire iron." AJ said.

"I'll grab the jack."

"I got the spare."

"Oh, let me help you with that."