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Smart Dash

This chapter begins a fresh afternoon at CHS, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle was in the school's kitchen, random ingredients were placed on the ground. It seems like Rainbow Dash was showing her friend something in mind.

"You're likely wondering why I brought you here today," Rainbow Dash said.

"Not really," Twilight answered.

"Alright, let me sum it up to you," Rainbow begins to explain. "All these ingredients have names that were named after famous people. Like Starswirl, Kobe Bryant, Daring Do, and how these ingredients make me rich you asked?" She then mixes all of it to her drink. "You fix yourself a drink, like put some Pepsi in it, Apple Cider, Pinkie Pie's left-over cake, some of Sunset's parmesan cheese, some remnants from those double-glazed donuts we ate last year," she added more random stuff to her drink which makes Twilight disgusted to see. Then her "drink" was finished, and Rainbow carries it to show it properly to Twilight, "Twilight Sparkle, I, present to you, the Rainbow Beverage!"

"Umm… Rainbow Dash, I'm not sure you wanna drink that." Twilight warned her.

Rainbow scoffed. "Relax, what harm can it be?" So, she took a sip then the drink tastes so bad the second she tastes it, but then she swallowed it and caused her stomach to grumble, realizing she needed to use the toilet, she put down her drink and super speed her way to the toilet, few seconds later, she returned. "Okay, that may taste bad than I thought but if I add a little bit of salt, it should be good."

"I already warned you." Twilight reminded her.

"Ugh, seriously, Twilight," Rainbow complained. "Why do you have to put me down all the time?"

"Maybe it's because you got yourself in a little bit of mishaps, and your grades keep dropping lately."

"Says the person who was possessed by the Deadmaggedon virus a year back?" Rainbow asked her.

Flashes back to "Applejack vs. Error 230"

"Technically, I was trying everything in my power to stop it, even it didn't work," Twilight recalled. "But if I recalled correctly, you also made the situation even worse when you're the one who's constantly pressing all the buttons."

"Hey! I was just trying to be 2000 IQ pro that time!" Rainbow defended.

"Well, if you're over 2000 IQ, then you should know on how to deal with a situation like that," Twilight countered.

Before this gets any further, Applejack arrives with her hammer in her hand. "Howdy y'all," she greeted them. "Listen, ah' need both of yer' help, remember that me and mah' family had that huge herd of chickens? Well, it's just too much of em to give room for them to shelter. So, ah' need both of yer' help to find the minimal number of 10 ft planks for the wood."

"Uhh…." Rainbow stuttered.

"It's okay, Applejack," Twilight replied. "But after I'm done dealing with Rainbow Dash's lack of diligence for a while, but I don't think that she's going to help with that."

"It's alright, Sugarcube, Ah'll see ya later Twilight." She turned to leave while at the same time, Sunset and Rarity came by.

"Like what we got going here?" Sunset asked them.

Rarity smell Rainbow's "drink" and covers her nose. "Oh, Rainbow Dash! What is that "drink" you've made?!"

"It's Rainbow Beverage, duh!" Rainbow replied.

"And it's Rainbow Dash's lack of learning and diligence hence why her grades kept on dropping lately," Twilight added.

"Okay, okay, that was just a minor setback!" Rainbow protested. "But nothing too major, my grades may be low lately but hey, I'm still awesome! I'm like over 2000 IQ, more smarter than any genius! Not offense, Twilight."

"Wait, wait, did you say, "more smarter"," Sunset questioned her. "That word didn't exist."

"And I'm pretty sure that it was specifically like, "more smart" darling," Rarity added. "I thought you learned that a long time ago in a school. Which is ironic is that we're all in a school now."

"Ugh, that's also a minor setback!" Rainbow denied again. "But I can prove it to you all that I really am 2000 IQ pro!"

"I don't know," Twilight said. "It is not going to work with two of us being smarter as Stephen Hawking."

"What are you talking about?"

"You see, I am the brains of this group, and you're among the big helping hands around here. And you're also my friend."

"That makes sense," Rainbow sighs. "But that doesn't stop me neither, and I'm going to prove it!"

She storms out of the kitchen and slammed the door shut behind her.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was walking out of the school and into the parking, thinking on how she can prove everyone that she can be smart as her friend, or smart as Stephen Hawking for some reason.

"There's gotta be a way to prove them that I can be super ultra smart," she gazed forward to see the path that leads to the gardening club, and then a light bulb hit her. "That's it! I can help Wallflower with the gardening – thing…."

She walked over to the gardening club to see Wallflower and her friends gardening; they notice Rainbow Dash stopped by.

"Oh, hello Rainbow Dash," Wallflower greeted her as Rainbow knelt down next her. "Want to help garden with us?"

"That's exactly what I've come calling for," Rainbow replied.

"Great," she replied then turns back to the plants that were in a dry condition. "These plants are dry lately, and if we don't pour them with water anytime soon, they'll die."

Rainbow Dash snapped her fingers. "Don't worry I got it covered!" She super speed back to the building and come back with a water hose. "This should do the trick!"

"Wait, Rainbow Dash! I don't think-" But it's too late, because as Rainbow Dash opened up the hose and at the plants, water in the hose was too strong the second she opened it causing it a huge mess on the garden, and also destroying all of the plants in the process as well.

"What have you done?!" Wallflower shrieked as she and her friends quickly check up on the plants, but to their horror, they're all destroyed. She turned back to Rainbow with an icy glare, "These things are also life, Rainbow Dash!"

"I-I'm sorry!" Rainbow stuttered, quickly putting down the hose. "I-I didn't mean it! I'm going to fix it!"

"I think you helped enough." Wallflower retorted.

Rainbow Dash just sighs sadly and walks back to the building. As she returns in the building, she was thinking for another way to prove it. And she got her answer when she walks by the library, she enters it and approach to Mrs. Cheerilee.

"Hey Miss," Rainbow greeted her. "Is there anything I could to help?"

"Hmm, well, there's this problem with the computer, like it has a virus or something. I supposed that this was Twilight or Micro Chips' job to take care of-"

"I will fix it!" Rainbow suddenly said, interrupting her.

Cheerilee blinked her eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely," Rainbow nodded. "I'll make sure that this virus will be gone forever."

Cheerilee was hesitant for a moment, but she said, "Okay, I guess. But I expect that virus to be forever gone. Got it?"

"I will do anything to fix it!" Rainbow said again.

"Good," she walks away from the library and back to her classroom.

Rainbow Dash went over to the computer and sits in the chair and analyzes the problem showing on the monitor. However, she can't seem to understand the problem, so she becomes frustrated with it.

"This is so hard!" She complained and then started banging the computer. "C'mon, c'mon virus go away!" Then ads pop up she moves the mouse to remove the ads on the monitor. "Ads, go away, now!" But then she stopped when she sees an add called, "Big Brain. "Big Brain? Increase your intelligence?" She read, and then she smirks, knowing what she needed.

Few minutes later, she received her Big Brain through the package; she was currently reading its instructions.

"Welcome to Big Brain system," Rainbow read the instructions. "Take one tablespoon a day. Do not take if pregnant, or one hour after heavy thinking. Will see results in thirty to forty days! Augh what?! I'll just drink a month's worth of doses; I mean it doesn't say not to!" She ignores the instructions and drinks it right away. And then her head starts pounding and groan in pain, the pain stopped when she sees a lot of scientific words around her. "Whoa…" she muttered, she looks back at the computer and she seems to know how to fix it. "I know this now. Wait a minute, I know everything."

Scene changes to Rainbow Dash sitting in one of the empty tables in the library, she is doing a 'Smart Person crossword puzzle. Just then, Twilight found her while holding her math book in her hands.

"Alright, Rainbow Dash, since you've been terrible at math lately, let's try to review together," Twilight told her.

"Very Amusing, Twilight," Rainbow replied, still focusing on her crossword puzzle. "Now tell me, what's an eight-letter word for idiot?"

"What? Why are you talking like that?" Then she realized something. "Oh, wait I get it, you're just trying to be 2000 IQ like you claimed to be which you're not."

"Then go ask Mrs. Cheerilee, I was the one who fixed the problem at that computer."

"What? That was my job,"

"Well, not anymore," Rainbow shrugged. "Actually, I already know the answer to my own question; Twilight." She wrote her name on the puzzle.

"Okay," Twilight halt. "I don't know how you manage to ace that since crossword puzzles are much annoying to you."

"Well, not anymore now that I'm smart," Rainbow bragged. "Face it, Twilight," she grabbed her Big Brain drink. "I'm the smart one now!"

Twilight gets sus when she sees Rainbow Dash drinking something strange, and it's clearly not Rainbow Beverage.

"What is that? That's not Rainbow Beverage!" She used her power to take the drink from her and read its name. "Big Brain?"

"Get your hands off that!" Rainbow tries to take it back from her, but Twilight activates her magic to levitate Rainbow in midair.

Twilight quickly takes a drink and feels the pain in her head, and now she's a lot smarter than how smart she normally was.

"First of all," Twilight begin as she puts Rainbow down. "I want to contradict your earlier statement," she writes a math problem on a wall. "This theory proves you're still not that smart than me."

Rainbow takes the Big Brain back from her and drinks it, "As you can see by my encounter theory, it is you, that you are dumber than me!"

Twilight takes it back and drinks it. "Tsk. Tsk. Wait till you see my 20-page research paper backing up my theory!"

Rainbow takes it back from her. "Tsk. Tsk. I'm going to write a 21-page paper backing up my theory AND prove yours wrong!"

"Tsk. Tsk. Is that so?"

"Tsk. Tsk. Yeah!"

They both repeatedly chant "Tsk. Tsk." Again and again, then a montage plays when they are trying to prove that each other's theories are wrong, they're getting smarter and smarter by drinking all of that Big Brain juice as they put so many more theories around the school with writings, math problems, scientific words and so on. The montage ends with Twilight and Rainbow are in a room together, more words were going straight through their heads.

"In closing, your theories had failed to prove that you're smarter. For your brain is no bigger than a walnut,"

The giant word, "walnut" hits Rainbow Dash.

"Very funny Twilight, but your paper is fundamentally flawed because your brain is made of 99% K9 butt cheeks.

That word crashes into Twilight.

"There is still one furlable truth, you're not 2000 IQ pro, and so I am smarter than you. You imbecile."

Then that word hit her real hard. And suddenly, everyone thing in the background goes black.

"I am not an imbecile!" She turned to her left to see a math book floating; she picked it up to read it. "If getting the answers right will prove that I am smarter than you then so be it!" To her surprised, she can't seem to understand the writing on the book. "Augh! I can't read it!"

"See, even though you're pretty much smarter now, you still don't get the context of a problem you're facing," she comes towards her. "Here, huh? What kind of writing is this?"

Meanwhile in the normal world, Celestia and Luna were just on their way back to their offices until they noticed a lot scientific writing and theories marked around the school. So, they followed the trail to see Twilight and Rainbow Dash arguing, it's clear to them that they did it.

"Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, you two picks yourselves up right now and clean up all the mess you made!"

However, to Twilight and Rainbow, they don't seem to understand is due to the Big Brain they've drank.

"Rainbow, what are they saying?" Twilight asked. Both of them were very different from their eyes and can't tell what they're saying.

"Oh no, we've become so smart, they're not smart to us!"

Back in the normal world, both sisters can't seem to understand on what they're two students are arguing about because of this language they're speaking to each other with.

"If you had not put me down all the time then none of this wouldn't have happen!" Rainbow accused her.

"Well, if you hadn't been so stubborn and slack off all the time then maybe we wouldn't be here at all," Twilight countered. "Besides, what's the point if we can't understand people when we're too smart?"

"You're right… there is no point…" Rainbow answered.


"What's the point of being so smart that you can't understand everyone? We have to turn back to normal!"

"Like, how?"

Rainbow smirks. "The Rainbow Beverage."

So, they float their way to the kitchen and sees Pinkie Pie in a different form, speaking to them in a different language. Rainbow Dash opens the fridge and brings out her Rainbow Beverage.

"Quick, pour me some," Twilight told her.

Rainbow pours some glass on Twilight's glass, Rainbow Dash sees how her drink was different than how it looks since the first time she made it.

"It looks…. Different now…" Rainbow muttered.


"Wait, if we both drink this, then there's no turning back, we may not be smarter again."

"I don't care if that happens, I just want to get us out of this mess!"

"But you never stopped criticizing me of my lack of intelligence!"

"Rainbow Dash, the only reason I did is because I was concern for you and your grades that there's a possibility that you might not graduate. I was just calling you out so you can try to get your grades up once more."

Hearing this makes Rainbow realizes that and chuckles sheepishly. "Wow… I never even thought about that. I guess I was too stubborn to admit…."

"it's fine, what matters now is that you learned some from all this, cheers?" She held her drink to Rainbow.

"Cheers," they cling their drinks and drink up the Beverage.

The effect seems working and everything was slowly turning back to normal. After a while, they both slowly opened their eyes in pain to see themselves sitting in the kitchen with the Rainbow Beverage lying on the ground.

"Oh…. What happened?" Rainbow moaned.

"I don't know…" Twilight moaned as well, and then turned to Pinkie Pie who was watching this entire time. "Pinkie, what on earth happened?"

"Oh! I was just making myself a cake until you guys came by speaking Spanish or something!" Pinkie answered.

Then Maud arrived from the shadows, holding a small sack of flour for the cake.

"And then you two drank that drink stuff," Maud added. "And no doubt that stuff tastes horrible, even for my standards."

Minutes later, after they told the principals about everything, they were punished with a few hours in detention, they also have to clean up all the mess they had made around the school. Whiles their cleaning, their friends showed up, wanting a better explanation of what's going on.

"Better mind tell us of what's going between you two?" Applejack asked them.

"Well…" Rainbow explained. "All of this was my fault, me and Twilight were over on who's the smartest and I got carried away by drinking some stuff that made the both of us a whole lot smarter."

"Is that what's bothering you the entire time?" Fluttershy asked her.

Rainbow looked down sadly. "It's just that I'm always like the dumb one around here whose grades keep on dropping. I just want to be smarter so badly…"

"Rainbow Dash," Sunset put a hand on her shoulder. "If there's one thing that you're smart about, is your loyalty. Yes, sure you may be self-centered all the time but when it comes to your friends, you always put them first before your own."

"We may be loyal to each other, but you were the most loyal out of all of us," Applejack added.

"There will be no true friends without a loyal friend like you," Rarity said.

"And you always make others smile with your loyalty!" Pinkie added.

"You see, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight replied. "Whether we're intelligent or not, the only thing we know everything is our own elements, I got magic, Sunset's got empathy, Applejack honesty, Rarity, generosity, Fluttershy kindness, Pinkie Pie laughter, and you, loyalty."

Rainbow Dash smiled at that and she's now feeling better. "I feel so much better now. Thank you, girls."

"Much oblige," Twilight responded. "Now that you learned that, and next time if you need help to improve your grades, talk to me."

"You said it, Sparkle," Rainbow agreed.

"Now that was finally settled, let's get to cleaning!" Sunset declared.

So then, the rest of the day, the Equestria Girls are cleaning the entire school.


Author's Note:

Rainbow Dash's Rainbow Beverage recipe (put here just for fun, not to be taken seriously):


  1. 3 ounces of Pepsi
  2. 2 1/2 cups of apple juice
  3. 1/2 slice of Pinkie Pie's leftover cake
  4. 1 cup of Sunset Shimmer's parmesan cheese
  5. chunks of leftover double-glaze donuts
  6. any random stuff from the kitchen (sugar, chocolate syrup, protein powder, etc.)


  1. Put ALL ingredients in blender.
  2. Press puree on blender and combine all ingredients until smooth and liquified.
  3. Pour into glass and enjoy!

TIP: I suggest that you DON'T leave chunks in the drink after blending. Blend until SMOOTH and LIQUIFIED.